Time Machine

Soshi One-Shots

A tear dropped from my eye, leaving a thin streak on my cheek as I looked up--as I flew up.  A girl beside me smiled as I gripped onto her hand.  No, I did not know her, nor have I ever met her for the fact.  "Are you alright?" she asked me.  I opened my eyes slowly, seeing we were still flying up.  Soon, we both landed on a patch of clouds, shades of white and blue surrounding us as we looked around.  It was then I realized there had been another girl with us--flying right behind us.

The three of us walked together on the white mass.  The form was uncomplete, but it was clear on what path to take to avoid stepping into a stop of nothing.  It was white.  With that sentence, I described ninety-eight percent of what was going through my mind.  Once that thought faded away, the other two percent grew in numbers.  My excitement and longing increasing, along with my happiness.

I shifted uncomfortably with the weight and feeling of the white feathers jutting out from the bottoms of my shoulder blades, and the girl seemed to notice it as we journeyed further.  "Uncomfortable?" she asked.  I nodded, trying to reach them with a playfully frustrated expression, "Who knew wings were so annoying..."

"By the way, I'm Yoona; and that shorty over there is my friend Sunny." the tall girl said.  I smiled and shifted my head over to the blonde pixie-haired girl's direction.  She wore a cute pout on her face as she stared up at the tall girl.  I chuckled, scratching the back of my head nonchalantly.  Sunny grinned at me, holding out her hand for me to shake, "I'm Sunny, as you heard.  Sorry about killing you.  Though for the record, it's Yoona's fault for running off onto the street; and I suppose it's mine for going after her.  Who knew there was a semi-truck headed our way, right?"

"I did," I chuckled, taking her hand in mine as I shook it, "And don't be sorry, it's completely fine."  I smiled widely.  Yoona raised an eyebrow, turning her head to look ahead, "Why so excited?  I don't think I've ever met someone who was eager to die." she said cooly.

I shrugged, shoving my hands into my pockets.  It was then I realized what we were dressed in.  I was wearing a white and light grey sweater with a grey scarf and a white pair of jeans and white sneakers.  Raising my eyebrow, I glanced at Yoona and Sunny's attire.  Yoona was wearing a white oxford, with her sleeves rolled up to the bottoms of her elbows; she also wore a pair of light grey skinny jeans and white sneakers.  Looking to my right, Sunny sported a simple white dress that reached an inch above her knees, it was elegant, conservative, casual, yet somehow firm in a way.  Heaven's favorite color is white...  I laughed silently in my head.

Surprisingly, my hair color was the same also.  I guess I assumed it would go back to it's natural color after dying--since my thought of heaven was completely pure and good, which I also presume applied to the souls there.  It's not like we had bodies either, it was more of...a ghost.  Yet not at the same time.  It was similar to a body though; yet the body wasn't completely physical.  It didn't function like a normal earthling body would.  It's only noticable functions were breathing and thinking--food wasn't necessary, nor was anything else since the body wasn't completely functional like it used to be.

"I want to see my lover."  I stated.  I admit, that sounded a bit more childish than I had intended.  The tone sounded something like a child stating a blunt sentence oh-so innocently.  Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Sunny and Yoona exchange confused looks--though they both seemed lax, like it was completely normal.

Sunny looked at me, "How old are you?"

"Forever twenty-five."  I stated, realizing I wouldn't be aging anymore.  Sunny smiled proudly, "Eighty-niner, too, eh?  Well then we're friends Taeyeon." she said informally, making me snort-laugh.  She then jutted her chin Yoona's way, "The huge kid over there is a year younger than us."

Yoona pouted at Sunny, but looked at me after, "What happened to your lover?" she asked bluntly, making Sunny snake her hand around me and whack Yoona's forehead with it.  The latter groaned in pain, but the pain seemed to snap her back to her senses as I read a sense of panic on her face, "Y-You don't have to answer that!" she laughed both loudly and awkwardly.

I shook my head, saying it was okay.  I then looked up at the younger girl--her hair a medium brown with hot pink tips, "You want to hear my story?" I asked.  Sunny's voice turned me the other way, "Are you willing to tell us?" she said as she walked in her heels.

I chuckled, "Are you willing to listen?"  I mocked, earning a snort from Sunny and an urging smile from Yoona.  Seeing they were willing, I heaved a nostalgic sigh, the memories flowing through me.  It was fresh, and I remembered everything clearly.

"It all started when I met a girl named Tiffany..."




Author's Note:  Just a tip, any words in italics, shall mean that the phase, sentence, word, or part is a flashback.  So any slanted words will mean that that scene is a part of Taeyeon's memory.



Time Machine

A Lover's Story


"Go to grandfather's room, Taeyeon, we have some matters so discuss."

I nodded obediently as I looked away from my father and mother, who were conversing with the doctor on grandpa's dire and critical condition.  I walked down the halls slowly, my shoes hitting the hospital floor with a soft clank before the next was heard. I was dressed in casual clothing, my yellow headphones hanging around my neck.  I suppose that was important, as it shows that I had no fashion sense at the time.

Finding thee correct room, I turned the large handle, and was about to walk into the dark room until something else caught my attention.  Slowly, I cocked my head to the side, my hand still on the handle.  I stared innocently and curiously over at the ruckus, wondering what was going on.

There, I saw a brunette being held back by a few nurses and doctors alike.  Seeing they needed some help, I rushed over, pulling the girl towards me, away from the white double-doors.  The doctor and nurses gave me a look of gratitude, which I returned with a nod before loosening my grip on the girl.  About to turn her over, I was shocked when she suddenly fell limp in my arms.  I looked up to the nurse that stayed behind whilst the others went into the operating room, whose doors opened, revealing a body laid upon a bed, with a light white sheet over the figure.

The nurse held her hand out to the room beside my grandfathers, silently asking for me to carry the girl--who seemed about my age--into the room.  I nodded, not finding the girl heavy.  Gently, I set her on her bed, making sure I hadn't bumped any of her body parts on the wall or something whilst carrying her in.  I found myself staring at her face; it wasn't at peace, as if something was bothering her in her sleep.

"The poor girl..."

I then realized the nurse had been behind me the whole time.  I turned my head to, to where she could only see my profile--my eyes still gazing upon the girl in front of me as I draped a light blanket over her, "What happened to her?"  I asked slowly and lowly, not wanting her to wake up and throw a tantrum.

The nurse clicked her tongue and cocked her head to the side with an intake of breath, "She was involved in a car accident a while ago.  Her mom was in critical condition, and as was she.  Her mother didn't make it through the surgery that had just happened, and the poor girl who loved and relied on the woman so much threw a fit, not wanting to believe she was gone after about a month of not seeing, nor knowing her mother's condition."

I nodded, my eyes drifting to the board on the wall, which read the information which stated the patient's name, her doctor and personal nurse, and other units of the matter.  Tiffany.  I read.  That was her name.  "What's wrong with Tiffany now?" I asked slowly.  The nurse shifted uncomfortably, "She has a heart disease.  For all I know it's incurable." she said sympathetically.

"What do you mean?"  I looked at her for the first time since I had walked into the room.  She sighed once, "When she was involved in the car accident, she seemed to have broken a few of her rips completely, one in particular being dangerously close to her heart.  Once we fixed that problem in surgery, a foreign chemical began to spread through her body.  The chemical was first diagnosed as harmless and that it was to help the body--but later was discovered that it had been some chemicals from the impact that had leaked into her body through an open wound.  The chemical, after a process of testing, was deemed poisonous and dangerous.  She's living on a wire--once it's cut, it's over."

An awkward silence spread throughout the room as I looked at Tiffany's sleeping face.  The nurse sent an uncomfortable look my way; I noticed it and raised an eyebrow, "Is there something wrong?" I asked.  She shook her head slightly, "No, it's just that I have another patient I need to attend to -- therefore I won't be able to watch over Tiffany."

"Why would she need someone to watch over her?" I asked, looking innocently at the latter.  She shrugged, "Tiffany has some tests she needs to complete directly after she wakes up.  She was on her way to one when she realized it was her mother in the operating room."

I nodded, settling myself down in a chair, "I'll watch over her."


"Did she wake up?"  Yoona asked, peering at me as we sat down in the clouds, taking a break from walking.  The three of us lay down on the clouds, admiring the fantastic and beautiful view being this high up could offer.  I nodded contently, closing my eyes as I remember the memory, "I'm getting there."


"Who are you?"

I looked up from my book and saw Tiffany peering curiously at me.  I don't know if it was because of her mother and being dragged into her room with a stranger, but I sensed some fear in her.  I stood up, setting the book down, looking at her face as she looked at mine, "I'm Taeyeon."  I smiled, holding out my hand.

Tiffany stared at my hand with a raised eyebrow, making me feel a tad uncomfortable.  I retracted my hand slowly with a cough to clear my throat, "Are you hungry?"  I asked dumbly, obviously trying to change the subject.  Tiffany didn't move, but her stare seemed to get more intense, "Where's my mom?" she asked sternly and forcefully, making me sigh at her stubbornness.

I looked up at her, yet only seemed to get caught by her beautiful face and high cheekbones.  She was undoubting-ly beautiful, even without a smile.  I blinked and flashed back into reality once I saw a tear fall onto her cheek.  I focused back on her, and remembered her stubborn and initially rude attitude.  "I would do anything to get her back..."  I heard her whine while her tears fell.

I scoffed a little at her pathetic state at the moment, which clashed greatly with her powerful image which showed just a moment ago, "Turn back time..."  I muttered sarcastically.  She sent me an icy glare as tears streamed down her face, making guilt pile onto my conscience with every tear that fell from her cheeks.

It was then I realized how close I was standing from her.  My knees were practically touching her bed, "I'm sorry."  I said genuinely, apologizing for my rude comment.  I then sighed, seeing she continued to grieve, "You're supposed to be going to a testing.  I'll get the nurse."  I said, turning my heel towards the door.

I was stopped with a pair of hands clasping over my left.  I looked back and saw Tiffany looking up at me with puffy eyes, "Don't leave...please..."  She whispered.  It felt as if my barriers were shot down as Tiffany's eyes looked into mine.  Slowly, I nodded as I sighed; slumping down into the chair I was in before.

"I-I'm sorry too..."  Tiffany said.  I looked up to her, a little surprised, this girl sure was bipolar.  It must've shown on my face as Tiffany gave a small bitter chuckle, "Let's start over.  What's your name?"  she asked, already knowing my name, but wanting to start over completely.  I chuckled at her childishness, yet answered her if it made her temporarily forget about her troubles.

I smiled, "I'm Taeyeon.  And what about you?"

The latter beamed, her eyes becoming crescents as she did so, "I'm Tiffany.  Tiffany Hwang."


"Sounds like a great girl, but a rough start...how did you two become lovers?"  Sunny chuckled.  I rolled my eyes, elbowing her a little, "I'm getting to that.  Why is it that our wings don't hurt when we lie down?"  I asked genuinely.

Yoona shrugged, "I guess it's an angel thing."

Sunny rolled her eyes, nudging me to continue.  I grinned with a small laugh as I continued, "Alright, alright, let's get back to the story."



"Eish, Fany, get off me."  I groaned as I saw the familiar face of my best friend grinning down at me.  She obediently got off and climbed back onto her hospital bed.  Same bed, same room, the same Tiffany I had met two years ago.  From that coincidental meeting, I met her once again when I came to visit my grandfather the next day.

Even after my grandfather was discharged, I still visited Tiffany with some kind of excuse to see her.  I suppose my urge to befriend her was strong because she laughed every time she saw me--which was every day.  Soon, we became friends, and after a while, best friends.  To prove it, I had even bought her a lock necklace, and a matching key necklace for myself.

It was our symbol--the lock and key.  But there was one other symbol that represented us.  The phrase "time machine" became our saying after my trivial little comment on the first day we met.

The room was something we couldn't forget either.  It was pink.  Completely pink.  Covered in stuffed animals of Totoro, and pictures of us together.  Each day, we took a picture together and wrote a note on the back of it.  It was a tradition we picked up from a cheesy movie we had watched two years ago.

I grinned as I put my arm around Tiffany hesitantly, settling myself next to her.  "How was your test?"  I asked, knowing her testing was earlier today whilst I was at my classes.  She shrugged nonchalantly, waving it away, "Same old, same old." she said.  I raised an eyebrow, turning my torso to get a better look of her.

"Which means?"  I asked with a sly grin.  Tiffany rolled her eyes, slightly annoyed at the fact I knew she was hiding something, "Just the usual, making sure I took my medicine and some other stuff I failed to catch."  She then averted her gaze to my face, poking my nose with her finger, making me blush at how close her face was.

True enough, I seemed to have acquired some feelings for this girl, although they probably wouldn't be returned.  I knew Tiffany had a boyfriend before meeting me, therefore I conclude she's straight.  But as long as I can stare at this beautiful face with her smiling back, I'm content.  No one understands how much I need to come here--yes, my parents complain and question why I needed to spend every second of my free time over at Tiffany's.

I can't let her go without saying goodbye.  No matter how many times she tells me 'same old, same old' or 'the usual', I know there's something wrong with her.  I know she's slowly dying and her days are limited.  What fi she were to slip away while I was gone?  Where I couldn't say goodbye?  Where I couldn't tell her my love for her?  The thought scares me.  Of loosing Tiffany, of loosing my love.

I've tried all the things I could do to continue her treatment at this hospital--everything from talking to the finest surgeon, pleading for her live to be continued. 

"It's my favorite color."  Tiffany muttered, now poking my cheeks with a smirk.  I couldn't help but freeze at her touch, knowing she was referring to the blush creeping my face.  Tiffany's eye-smile could be seen as she squealed, clapping her hands together as she laughed.  That was a strange habit I had noticed of hers--but soon found myself doing it from time to time.  Boy, was this girl a tease. 

Tiffany cooed as she came closer, not helping my flustered expressions and red face, "Cute."  she muttered in English before planting a peck on my cheeks.  Dorkily, I grinned, my smile becoming wide as I stared ahead, much to the amusement of Tiffany, who began to clap her hands and laugh once more.

Her laugh was music to my ears, and could bring a smile to the most melancholy of people.  Husky, yet angelic, loud, yet soft to my ears; her smile was that of an angel's also.  The way her lips curved quickly, making her cheekbones go upward, creating the eye-smile that could make my heart stop.

"Aish, you tease."  I muttered, giving her a small nudge.  Tiffany seemed to have calmed down as she looked into my eyes, her smile not completely gleeful...more of...mischievous...

She ran the backs of her index and middle finger along my forearm, sending chills all over my body at her touch, "Taetae," she started, saying my nickname lowly as she looked down upon her fingers.  My breath hitched as she came forward, closer.  I stared into her eyes, and slowly...she came closer.  Until-


"Did you kiss?!"  Yoona almost shouted excitedly as we continued our journey, following the slightly elevated surface of the clouds.  I flinched, shocked at her sudden outburst.  Sunny shook her head out of disapproval, then turning to me with an eye roll, "Sorry about her.  She's obsessed over romance."

Out in the far distance, a structure could be seen, even though it was far, the three seemed determined to get to that destination.  The girls were walking on a barely elevated path towards that place.  The ground was white, missing pieces here and there (but what can you expect out of clouds?) yet it seemed sturdy.  Yoona had even clawed through the cloud, seeing the world of reality below them.

Sunny had even comically added a comment about how she felt so tall compared to them, making the three of them share a nice laugh.

I chuckled, "I can see that."

Yoona pouted for a split-second before patting my back, "C'mon, continue!"

I laughed, jumping upwards and attempting to use my wings, "Alright, here we go!"


I harshly shoved my tears away as I gritted my teeth.  The overheard conversation was still ringing in my ears.  It seems I had miscalculated--I promised myself I would try and forget my feelings for Tiffany and live as her best friend.  Selfish, I know.  Suppressing my feelings so I wouldn't be hurt in the end.

Tiffany's days were limited.  I always knew that.  Four years had passed since I had met her.  I should be a mature girl--being twenty-three, but just the thought of her leaving me so soon brought tears to my eyes.

"Taetae?"  I heard my love call from outside the bathroom.  Quickly, I pushed away any traces of my tears as I sniffed, up any signs of crying.  Forcing a smile for her, I opened the door, meeting with her concerned face from her bed, a book in her lap, and her reading glasses on her thin face.

Tiffany's face had become wearily.  I knew she was tired.  I knew she was sick of it.  Drugs continuously pumped into her body, only securing a small amount of time to live.  I knew all too well she hated it.  And I knew all too well she knew she was dying too.  "What took you so long?"  Tiffany asked.

I laughed, hoping she wouldn't see though my lies, "I think I ate some bad sushi for lunch."  I said, sticking my tongue out as I made my way over to her bed, sitting on the edge.  I glanced up and found her still staring at me skeptically.  Her hand reached out and touched my face longingly, yet ever so gently.  Slowly, my hand came over hers, and just as slowly, my eyes met hers.

I saw something in hers eyes this time.  A different feel, a different aura.  Whatever she was feeling, it was indeed passionate.  "What were to happen if I were to leave, Taetae?"  She asked, almost a whisper.  I shook my head frantically, not wanting the thought to cross my mind in front of her--not wanting to become weak in front of her.

I'm her rock, someone whom would protect her with my life.  And when I say that, it's the truth.  I would lay down my life for this eye-smiling girl in front of me.  I wavered.  I told myself I would stay strong.  To stay calm for this girl in front of me, so she could live in peace, knowing I was here.

But I wavered.

"D-Don't say that."  I almost choked.  Tiffany showed me a small gentle smile, her hand still grazing my cheek as her own eyes became watery.  I knew it.  My sight became blurry as the tears began to form.  She knew.  She knew she was dying at a faster rate.  That she was going to leave me.  "You knew..."

If I knew she was leaving me so fast I would've done something.  I wouldn't have just sat here and cried, I would've spent all my money trying to cure her, so we could be together--she couldn't leave just yet.  Our gazes became emotional and fierce as we continued to look into each other’s' eyes.  "Taeyeon-ah..."  She murmured.

A tear fell onto both of our cheeks as I engulfed her in a hug, sobbing into her shoulder as she did mine.  'Until death do us apart' wasn't a saying they both cherished.  Yet the only thing I could think of was the phrase 'time machine'.  I could use one right now.  "I'm here..."  I said, trying hard to stop my crying.  I needed to be strong.

"I'm here..."

I stayed with her throughout the night.  I didn't want her slipping away, I even checked her breathing every hour of the night to make sure she hadn't left me.  Was a desperate?  Was this wrong?  Was this love?  Is this what love was?  I can't seem to get back up.  I seem to keep falling, harder each time.  I think I accepted the fact that I can't let her go.

Without her, how can I live?

I live for her.

Then what's the point of living any longer without any source of happiness?

I fell asleep finally.  My heart rate slowing down as I took her hand in mine.  With one last look of Tiffany's face, I gave into the growing black screen which engulfed me.


"You didn't die, did you?!"  Yoona asked, tears b her eyes.  Taeyeon shook her head with an 'are-you-serious' look, "No.  I got killed when I tried to save you two from getting hit by that semi-truck."

Sunny knocked Yoona's head for being such a dramatic flail even though she was on the verge of letting some kind of emotion out at Taeyeon's story.  The oldest heaved a sigh, "Let's go on."



I was awoken at the sound of her angelic voice.  Though this time it sounded different.  Strained.  Forced even.  Opening my eyes, I found her smiling brightly at me.  It was a grey day outside.  And it was raining too.  I could tell Tiffany had been counting the drops of water falling onto the pane.  It was a habit she picked up during her time in the hospital.  Rainy days were her favorite.

I smiled back, thinking it was a normal morning when I noticed the monitor beside her.  The line slowly decreased.

She's flat-lining.

"Tiffany."  I gasped, bolting up from my seat, tears beginning to collect in my eyes as the thought of the shadow of death coming and taking away my love's life.  I stood at the door, shouting for a nurse, for anyone who would listen.  My hands pouted on the sides of the doors as I stood there lonely.  "Taeyeon!"  Tiffany shouted at me.

I turned my head, the tears already falling, "I have to get a nurse!  Doctor!  Someone help!"  I glanced at the monitor, lower the line got.  "Taeyeon, stop!"  She yelled.  I shook my head, wanting to shout some more, but my voice just wouldn't work.  Instead, my eyes trailed to Tiffany.

She had been crying; I could tell. Her eyes were red, and there were tear stains on her cheeks.  Continuously they fell.  I choked, "W-Why...?"  I wanted to know.  Why didn't she want to live?  Why was she doing this?  Was she going to throw away her life like this?  Did she not know how much I loved her?

"I don't want to live another day after being operated on and staying awake in fear of dying any second!" She said.  I shook my head, unable to understand her, "At least your living!"  I shouted back, tears unable to stop.  Tiffany shook her head calmly with an aspirated sigh, "That's not living, Taeyeon.  Every day, I get sympathetic glances, I don't need that.  I don't want to live, being drugged repeatedly and operated on repeatedly; I don't want to live my life in this damned hospital, I don't want to live in pain..." she said, with a gulp and an intense stare.

I paused, walking closer to her, my steps broken and slow.  "I don't want to live in pain anymore, Taeyeon..." she said, her monitor getting dangerously close to going flat.  I kneeled down, holding her hands tightly.  I felt something slip into my hands, but I didn't care at the moment.  "I love you..."  I said.  This was something she needed to know before she left.

I needed her to know.

She used her fingers to guide my head upwards, leading it closer to her face.  Closer...

And closer we went.

Until the gap between our lips vanished.

It felt like time had stopped when her lips crashed against mine, my heart stopped.  When we parted, she gave me a weary smile, "I love you too, my Taetae..." she said, her eyes beginning to close.

My Tiffany...

My lover...

The line went dead.

I love you...


(One Year Later)

I reread the letter in my hand.  The letter Tiffany had slipped into my head before we had kissed.  I know I shouldn't be like this--I know I should move on, but I can't.  There really isn't anyone like her. 

Every day, I never failed to miss the hour I spent at her grave, bringing a picture from our past, reminiscing the time that picture was taken as I take a bunch of flowers there every day.  The keeper had become used to my presence and let me in whenever, knowing I was committed to my late lover.

I remember when I had come here during the first week after her passing.  '"I would do anything to bring her back..."'

'"Get a time machine."' he had said.

I chuckled bitterly at my thought as the rain hit my body.  But still, I reread the letter.  You're probably wondering why I'm reading this now.  At this time, one year after her death.  The latter had stated specifically on the cover to read in a year's time.  Wanting to obey my lover's request, I opened it in a year's time.

Now that I think about it, I shouldn't have tried to stop her.  She had wanted to leave the world.  But she loved me.  She loved me back.  This letter said so.  I held the bunch of flowers in my hand as he walked towards the cemetery, ready to visit my lover.

Smiling, I stared at the last words of the letter.  "I'll always love you, and be watching you.  With much love, Tiffany."  It had said.  That sentence was enough for bring a tear to my eye.

Tiffany loved me too...


I now was alone.  I walked through the golden gates and forward, looking for someone.  The sound of a flute caught my ear.  I ran towards it, a feeling in my that shouldn't even be possible.  I ran.

"How was it, Umma?"  I overheard.

A softer voice replied this time, "You seem distracted.  And a bit out of breath..."

"Umma..."  the first voice whined. 

Knowing that voice, I turned the corner, seeing a familiar red-orange haired girl staring back at me with expecting eyes.  I dropped to my knees as I saw her.  The one whom I had been longing for all this time.  She got up from her seat, walking towards me healthily and flawlessly--no pain.  I almost cried out of my suppressed emotions.

The latter knelt down in front of me, pushing my head up with her finger, ever so gently.  The touch I had missed.  The soft touch I had wanted.  I met with her smiling eyes.  She seemed happy, excited, but she managed to keep it in as she smiled.


"Tiffany..."  I said.

"Welcome to heaven," she said softly, "Where a time machine isn't needed...and I can spend eternity with you..."



Holy shoot.  I just fixed all my grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes.  HOW DID YOU GUYS READ THIS BEFORE.  IT WAS PURE TORTURE.

I wonder if I did this with my other stories.  OTL.


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Monstar99 #1
Chapter 1: Omfg this is beautiful my feels.... Omg. XD
drag0nr1der #2
Chapter 4: Even if we don't want them to ever break apart it will happen sometime :,(
and when this happens I hope their thoughts will be something like this
but SONEs will never end:
- Right now, it’s Girls’ Generation
- From now on, it’s Girls’ Generation
- Forever, it’s Girls’ Generation
drag0nr1der #3
Chapter 7: I'm speechless :O
This story is pretty amazing and I don't know how to describe my feelings now.
It sounds so real and you had some deep thoughts here.

I hope your stories will gain more attention.
drag0nr1der #4
Chapter 2: ooh :(
sad ending I'm not amused ... just kidding. I like sad stories
drag0nr1der #5
Chapter 1: wow ... wow Amazing Story
it's sad but it has an happy end
I like it :)
Dstriker7358 #6
Chapter 3: OK this was even more sad and great XD I can't stop crying :'( WOW u write so well... How the hell... Ur like a freaking angel u know that? XD LOL I have to read the rest now ;D
Dstriker7358 #7
Chapter 1: WOW... Just.... Wow.... *sobs* this was really good *sniff* SO FREAKING SAD :'( BUT AWESOME XD u should write more ;)
Chapter 4: I hate you author-nim!! You made me cry!!! This chapter was so bad yet so good!!! I cried so bad that the tears were dripping down my chin!! I have a huge puddle of tears on my pillow now!!! YOu are so bad!!! TT^TT
kokosrs17 #9
Chapter 3: Omg!! This one-shot...there r no words to describe how great it was!!! I serious almost cried!! T-T So sad but happy at the end!! Taeny is LOVE!!! ❤❤ Omo what a great one-shot!!
Thnx author..now going to read the others!!