Shooting Range: Siwon's Talent

Super Junior X: A New Beginning {[Super Long Hiatus]}

       *knock knock*

      “Zhou Mi, Henry, Chunhyuk: get up, we’re going down to the Training Area,” I heard a voice behind the door.

      “What about breakfast?” Henry asked, half-asleep, sitting up on his bunk. He slept on the top with Zhou Mi on the bottom and I slept on the single bed on the other side of the room. Their room was way bigger than all the others, with enough room for three desks, bookcases and drawers and a TV hanging above on the opposite side of the door.

      “Ryeowook, Saeri and Toggi are working on it,” another voice answered. 

      “Ok, tell them we’ll be there in a bit,” Henry answered, jumping down from his bed to wake Zhou Mi up. “Mimi, wake up,” Henry shook him.

      “Huh? Why?” He asked. Apparently someone wasn’t listening earlier.

      “Breakfast and Training,” Henry answered, then turned to me. “You better get ready, too.”

      I nodded before getting up, as if I had lived here with them all along and knew what to do-which I kinda did. 


      “Morning, Chunhyuk,” Toggi smiled with her light, cheerful voice. She had her dark red hair in a pony tail, wearing shorts and a tank-top. She was setting the table, while Saeri was cooking in the kitchen with a guy with short black hair, that I’m guessing was Ryeowook. 

      “Morning, Toggi,” I answered walking over to help her set the table.

      “Wookie!” Someone yelled, from down the hall.

      “What?!?!” Ryeowook screamed back. 

      “Come and get your Kyu out of bed!!” the same person yelled again. Ryeowook let out a big sigh, before washing his hand and running through the door, leading to the hall with all the rooms.

      “his?” I asked, as Henry walked in, confused.

      “The two are sorta dating.......” Henry said casually as he went over to the stove, where Saeri was standing. “You need help?”

      “Sure,” she replied, not looking up at him. “Go wash your hands.” 

      I turned back to Toggi, who had been quiet the whole time humming a song, quietly. She was probably blocking out all the sounds, since it is one of her abilities. It was as if this was our normal routine, which it wasn’t. Strange......

      Then the guy with the blond and black hair, walked in with Ryeowook literally dragging a guy with short brown wavy-ish brown hair, who I’m guessing is Kyu, over to the table. 

      “Morning, Chunhyuk, Toggi,” the guy with the blond and black hair smiled at us. 

      “Morning,” I said quietly, Toggi kept quiet and he must’ve thought that she was ignoring him because the guy’s smile turned into a frown. 

      “Did I do something wrong?” He asked me, confused on why he was being ignored. This has happened so many times: Toggi would be cutting off all sounds to her ears and someone would talk to her, she wouldn’t answer-because she couldn’t hear- and then they’d think they did something to get the “silent treatment” from Toggi(which she has never done to anyone, officially), then I’d have to explain her whole power to the person, before getting her attention.

      “No, you didn’t do anything. Toggi’s just using her power to cut off all sounds from her ears,” I answered. It was a relief that they knew about the powers and so I didn’t have to go through extra explanation. Then I tapped on her shoulder. She turned to me, and said:

      “What?” she asked. I nodded over to the guy and she turned her head to look at him. “Oh, Donghae. Sorry, what were you saying again?”

      Donghae. So that’s his name, why is she so good at remembering names, we’ve only heard his name once, and yet she’s already remembered his name. She just that good, glad to have such a skilled best friend.

      “Nothing, I just said ‘Good Morning’,” Donghae replied, before sitting down on one of the couches. All the other guys started coming into the room and sitting on the couch, it seemed kinda normal, until another guy with black hair walked in and started yelling one in particular.......

      “What do you mean no?! You should just apologize and agree with them about accepting Euthoria. Don’t you dare bother me about this during training!” He yelled, angrily, seemed like he wanted to punch someone/something.

      “Ignore him, he’s probably arguing with Zaku or Ceres,” Zhou Mi laughed, patting me on the shoulder. I must’ve seemed confused......well I am, but still.......

      “Zaku? Ceres?” I asked-like I said-confused.

      “Oh, yeah, we haven’t explained it yet. Zaku and Ceres are two of our gods in our religion called Xen. Siwon has the ability to talk with the gods, and he’s good friends with most of them. He doesn’t get along with Zaku well though......” Eeteuk explained, pointing at Siwon. Eeteuk. The only one I can remember out of all 13 members of this group.

      “It’s a rare sight to see Siwon yelling at them though. I mean, he’d get angry, but he never yells at them......” The guy who looked kinda similar to Eeteuk added. What’s his name? Hanchul? CheeChul? I don’t remember, I’ll figure it out.......

      “I wonder what they did this time,” the guy holding a turtle sighed.  “Hey, has anyone seen Kibum?”

      “Kibum? Nope.”

      “Not since last night.”

      “I saw him this morning.”

      “I ran into him in the hall.”

      “He’s usually the first one here.”

      “I thought he came out already.”

      “Kibum? Oh, he’s coming, he’s still in the room, looking for something,” Siwon sat down, stopping everyone’s answers. Then he turned around and yelled, again, at no one in particular. “Zaku, Shut up!” 

      “Seriously, what did they do this time?” Zhou Mi whispered. The others just shrugged it off when Saeri and Henry called us to eat. 

      The guys were talking and laughing so much that it’s hard to imagine that these fourteen teenagers could be the same fourteen teenagers we met on that blood-covered battlefield, just yesterday. 

      After breakfast, Saeri, Toggi and I followed four of the guys, including Kyu and Siwon to an underground shooting range. The place was spacious! And I thought that living room/kitchen was huge or maybe that’s just because we lived in an alley back in our old world. 

      “You know how to handle a gun?” one of the guys with really dark brown hair(almost black) asked me, picking one up, on a shelf next to the wall on the opposite side of the targets.

      “Yeah, of course,” I replied, remembering how my brothers used to teach me before they found out about my “powers” and threw me out on the street. He threw me a gun. “I’m Hankyung, whenever you need something, just tell me.”

       I nodded as I put on earplugs and the overhead earmuffs on the second shelf. Most of the others did the same as the two of us, and each of us chose a different target. I took down a few targets, with my rusty aiming. I hadn’t picked up a gun in years. I looked to my right where most of the others were shooting. Kyu was helping Saeri with her aiming, I was glad to find my best friend making friends on her second day.

      Next to the two of them another guy with short black hair(Kiwon?), who Toggi told me reminded her of my little brother JaeHyuk and Toggi were practicing. I have to agree that they looked pretty similar. I liked the guy, but when I saw that guy, wrapping his arms around Toggi, I felt a little...... Annoyed? Angry? I couldn’t even tell what this feeling was, but it was strange. I didn’t even remember having this feeling when I saw Kyu hold Saeri’s hand though. 

      Trying to get my mind off of Toggi, and what’s-his-name I looked over to my left to find the last guy, Siwon, holding his gun looking at his target before shooting it right on the tiny red dot. He was concentrated. He was skilled, and wasn’t he the one with the chattering Zaku, arguing with him this morning. Hankyung must’ve saw me staring because he came over to my side and took his earmuffs and earplugs out.

      “Siwon’s really concentrated whenever it comes to shooting, he doesn’t even let pesky Zaku and Ceres bug him during target practice, apparently he’s learned to block the two out whenever he comes into this room,” Hankyung smiled, nodding over at Siwon.

      Smart. I wish I could find something that got me so concentrated that I wouldn’t be hearing the screams of my family that always come back to haunt me.

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i love it :)....its kind of mysterious and it got my attention...looking forward for the other chapters :D