
Super Junior X: A New Beginning {[Super Long Hiatus]}



 It's been a couple months since B2 had been destroyed, and the last two members were added to SJX, as well as Kihwa. 

      She's quiet and mysterious, but that's what makes her interesting. No one, not even B2 Daesung and Seungri, knows what her powers are, but we still trust her all the same. She's also a good doctor as well as an artist and weapon maker. She had a sweet, quiet personality. I guess you could say, she's like Kibum in a way. 

      Life these past months had been nice and calm, none of us had run into any enemies either, which was surprising, because none of it seemed real. For once, just once since this bloody war started, there was a month of peace!! Or so we thought, that was until we found our group split in two and living in the wild. It was obvious, and we all knew. We all knew that Bloody Snake was behind it. Even in this mess I managed to fall in love.


      For all I can say, it was a normal day. Siwon, Saeri and I were doing our normal thing we did almost everyday, swimming. That day we had Heechul, Kihwa and Seungri join us, since Donghae and Eunhyuk were busy with guarding.

      "Kihwa, catch!" someone yelled at the door and threw her a water bottle. She had her feet in the pool, and she almost fell in trying to catch the water bottle. I looked to see Kibum, with Zhou Mi behind, him standing at the door. Kyuhyun, who was sitting next to the door playing with one of his gaming devices, looked up and smiled. I hadn't noticed him earlier, but I guess he just came in and started to play games. 

     "Come on, Kihwa, why don't you get in?" Heechul teased, tugging at her foot. She shook her head and kicked his hand away. Kibum snuck up behind her, and just when she was about to get up, he pushed her in. 

     "KIBUM!!!" Kihwa yelled, jumping out of the pool and running him around the pool. He was laughing and was running around the pool until Kihwa caught up and tackled him, both of them landing into the water with a big splash, next to Kyuhyun, who became soaking wet. I laughed at their childish behavior. It was like we were normal kids playing around at a pool. I mean we were only 14-20, we still need to play around.

     Saeri and I would always race each other across the pool and it almost always ended in a tie. I hate to admit it but she's sometimes even beat me. We spent our time sitting in the pool talking, doing nothing really. Though today it was especially loud with all the people in the room. 

      "Hey guys, we're gonna go visit 4M and Eeteuk wants us to go pack right now," Hankyung said, opening the door. 

      "4M?" Saeri and Kihwa asked. I opened my mouth to explain but Seungri beat me to it

      "It's one of the fighting girl groups,"  He explained. The two nodded in response.

      Everyone started to get out of the pool and I helped Saeri up and put a towel over her shoulders. We walked down the hall towards all our rooms after taking showers and changing into jeans and t-shirts. 

      "So we're leaving tonight?" I asked Hankyung as he opened the door to his and Heechul's room. He nodded and closed the door.

      "Well, okay......" I sighed, then turned to Saeri, who was standing there so innocently, it was hard to believe that she was thrown into this world of all places. 

      "I guess, I should start packing then," she said. 

      "Don't forget to pack weapons and extra change of clothes, we'll be gone for a little and there's always the chance of being attacked on the way," I reminded her, as she opened the door to Toggi and her room.

       "Okay, I'll remember that," She replied, with a smile before closing the door to her room. I shook my head before turning to the door right across from her's which was Zhou Mi, Chunhyuk and My room. 

       It was strange how it took so long for all of us to pack, but that's that.  


      We all met up in the front of the building. Hankyung, Heechul, Saeri, Kihwa and I got in one car; Kibum, Zhou Mi, Siwon, Kyuhyun and Seungri in another. Eeteuk drove with Yesung, Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Donghae in the third car. In the last-Daesung drove with Kangin, Ryeowook, Toggi and Chunhyuk in the back. We drove in a line, Hankyung lead with Kibum behind him, behind Kibum was Daesung and last was Eeteuk's car. 

      4M's Building is actually pretty far from ours. It was about half-way there when our cars were shot down:

       "Jump out!" Hankyung yelled at us, opening his door, at the sudden jump. We followed, him jumping out one after another. I crushed the earth beneath us into sand, so we had a soft landing. When I got to the ground, I saw that everyone else had jumped but in different places. I was about to run towards the others when something green and sharp flew right past my face. I stopped to look to the side where it came from and there stood the Troublesome Minho of Bloody Snake with a mocking smile. I looked around to see the others making their way towards the trees, on the bottom of the mountain. Following the others I ran into the forest. I hid in one of the trees waiting for that Minho to come in, so I could finish him once and for all, but I almost fell out of the tree when I ran into something, or should I say, someone. They caught me before I fell out of the tree into the awaiting hands that were about to choke me to death of Taemin, their Maknae, who was even younger than I was and he’s about as strong as Kangin.

      “Ow!” I whispered, when one of the sharp branches dug into my skin. 

      “Shh,” Saeri replied. She waited for Taemin to move to another section of the forest before she pulled me up and wrapped up my wound with something from her backpack. “Shut up, Ceres.” She muttered, as she looked down from the tree. We started to climb down, when I was on the ground, Saeri still climbing down, we heard footsteps coming closer. I froze as she jumped down and barely missed a fallen branch she could’ve snapped. 

      Whoever it was about a few trees away, they didn’t seem to be trying to be quiet. Saeri prepared herself by pointing a gun in the direction of the sound. I saw shadows in the trees, and if I hadn’t recognized them right away and screamed at Saeri she could’ve shot Hankyung in the head!

      “SAERI!!!” I yelled, just as Hankyung appeared into view with Heechul's arm around his shoulder. She lowered her gun.

       “Hyung, where are the others?” I asked, looking up from sitting on the huge tree root. 

       “We could only find a few of us, from what I’m guessing the others probably grouped up together and headed for 4M’s building,” Siwon replied stepping out from the shadows. Zhou Mi, Kyuhyun, Seungri, Kibum and Kihwa stepped out, behind Hankyung, Heechul and Siwon. Kihwa was on Kibum's back and Seungri was limping.

        "Let's find a shelter," I said, looking towards the blood-red, orange setting sun. "We need to take care of our wounds, before we move on."

        "Not only that, but we also need a place to stay away from the wild animals here," Hankyung added, nodding at me, to take the lead. 

        I used to play in this forest when I was little. I knew a little shelter not to far from here. It would also be safe and give us shelter from the rain or any kind of storm. It didn't take too long to get there either. We took a couple of turns before arriving at a level area with a solid wall of rock in front of us.

        "Um, where are we?" Kyuhyun asked, carrying Sleeping Kihwa in his arms, as Kibum climbed up.

        "My old hideout," I replied, as I made a section of the rock sink into the ground revealing a cave, well not really just a hole in the mountain that was about as three times bigger than our living room/kitchen(ok, it wasn't really "little"). I had chairs and three beds in the big room. I even had lanterns there. I couldn't believe that all of this wouldn't been in ruins by now, since I hadn't used them in about 5 years.

        Kyuhyun dropped Kihwa on one of the beds, a little too hard causing her to wake up, and both Heechul and Seungri sat on a chair, as  Saeri started to look at them. Heechul had a huge gash in his back and on his right foot, while Seungri had a fractured ankle. Saeri took care of Heechul as Kihwa was looking at Seungri's ankle. Hankyung and I helped Saeri clean Heechul's wound. We had to hold him down so that he wouldn't turn around and hit Saeri, because he couldn't stand the pain. When we were done with Heechul, he'd already fallen asleep, probably exhausted from all the struggling.

           We turned to Kihwa, my eyes widened at the sight of Kihwa's hands hovering above Seungri's ankle with a red glow between her hands and his ankle. I wasn't sure what was happening but, I was pretty sure she was healing his ankle. She had a very concentrated look. I turned to Saeri who had about just the same amount of shock on her face as I probably did. I opened my mouth to talk, but no sound came out of my mouth, the only sound you could hear was the calm drip-drip-dripping of the water on the cave floor and the humming sound of Kihwa working on Seungri's wound.

             Well...... we finally found out Kihwa's powers: Muting the room and Healing.

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i love it :)....its kind of mysterious and it got my attention...looking forward for the other chapters :D