Healing The Wounded

Super Junior X: A New Beginning {[Super Long Hiatus]}

      "HEECHUL! HANKYUNG! KIBUM!" Zhou Mi and Henry screamed outside. Everyone ran outside. We pushed Heechul to the back while he glared at us.

      "YAH! KIM HEECHUL!!! GET OUT HERE RIGHT NOW OR ELSE I WILL KILL YOU!!" Saeri yelled. She yelled at him like she knew him for years and could order him around by now. "AISH, DO YOU WANT TO DIE?!?!"
      "I'm coming, I'm coming, geez!!!" Heechul yelled back, pushing his way to the front.

      "Wow, Saeri has some nerve to-"

      "WHAT THE HECK HAPPENED HERE!!!" Heechul yelled, interrupting Eunhyuk in mid-sentence. 

      "Calm down," Daesung coughed.

      "Oh. He woke up. I mean who wouldn't wake up from all this yelling? 

      "Donghae, give him some water," Siwon said, turning towards me from talking to Toggi. Oh, so right when you get back, you just had to make me do something, didn't you?

      Toggi held out a glass she had just made with another one of her powers: The ability to tranate. Her other power was blocking out sounds at will. 

      I love my power, it fits me all too well. I pulled out water out form thin-air and dropped it in the glass. See why I love it? Fishy=Water. Water=Fishy. Still don't get it? I can control water.

      After Daesung had about three glasses of water we carried him and Seungri to one room and a girl-who was with them- to another room.

      They put Chunhyuk, Toggi, Saeri and I, in charge of the girl. It almost took us two hours to get all the tiny, broken pieces of green diamond out of the girl, because two certain people were to concentrated on how the other pulls out broken pieces of diamonds.

      By the time Saeri pulled the last piece of diamond out, you could tell that she was angry with the two. And I was dying for a good conversation......no one talked! At all! 

      "Ugh, this is so tiring!" Saeri yellled with a frustrated look. "Chunhyuk, Toggi hlep more will you? She must be in pain with the two of you pulling out the diamond so slowly and "accidentally" dropping them on her! Just get out! Help Ryeowook with lunch, go train or something!"

      The two hung their heads, as they walked out.

      "So waht's her name?" I asked Saeri after she'd calmed down a litle. I grabbed a piece of cotton and dipped it in alcohol to and started to clean one of the girl's wounds on her  right arm.

      "Kihwa, I think. The other two said she dropped down form the sky three weeks ago in the middle of one of their battles," She answered, wrapping up the wound I just cleaned. "Just like me and my two friends, huh?"

      "Oh, no, you guys were very helpful. I mean you made helped save the last two members of 2B, the strongest fighting-teens group there is," I smiled at her, only to see her back turned to me. "You've already proven yourself, so don't go doing something stupid that'll get you killed." I laughed.

      "I guess, what're their names again? Seungri and......Daeri?" She asked, with a questioning look, as she wrapped up the second wound I cleaned.

      "Daesung," I corrected her. 

      "Anyone thirsty?" Hankyung asked, opening the door, holding four water bottles. I jumped up from my seat next to Saeri and hopped around the mess on the floor of what I call my room. I nodded and took two of the bottles. 

      "You want one?" I asked Saeri as Hankyung closed the door. She turned around from wrapping the last wound and nodded. I threw it to her, while she used her other hand to clean up the pieces of broken diamond on the ground. I knelt down to help her clean up. I was about to pick up the last piece when our hands brushed aagainst each other, and we paused there for what seemed like a minute or two before Eunhyuk, Kibum and Henry opened the door. I quickly got up from the ground, and walked over to the three.

      "Hey Hae, do you wanna go swimming with us?" Eunhyuk asked, walking in and siting on the chair I had next to my desk and spinning around on it. 

      "Saeri, you can come too if you want," Henry added, making sure she wouldn't feel left out. He was always the friendly one, but it seemed like this was his first time being overly friendly with a girl. 

      "You guys even have a swimming pool?!" Saeri asked, with a shocked expression, I'm still wondering how that surprised her......

      "It's usually used for training, but we swim in it from time to time just for the fun of it," Kibum answered. "Anyway, it's a good chance to relax with all this new addition stuff and enemy/ally-sorting list that Eeteuk and Heechul are making us do."


      "Ok, meet us at the elevator in 10 minutes," Eunhyuk turned around waving his hand at her. Geez Hyuk, at least give her a chance to answer next time. 

      "You don't have to go if you want, Eunhyuk is always like that," I laughed.

      "I'll go," she laughed. "But I should probably give these diamonds to someone. I mean you know, to analyze."

      "You don't need to, we know all there is to know about these diamonds, they're from a common enemy," I said, thinking about how we frequently battle Bloody S and that it wouldn't be long before Saeri and her friends get caught in this mess. She's too young and innocent, she doesn't need her hands tainted by blood. she just doesn't. I want to see her smile, I want to see her happy. She's a good leader who's never killed anyone before. Not even once.

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i love it :)....its kind of mysterious and it got my attention...looking forward for the other chapters :D