Chapter 1: SJX

Super Junior X: A New Beginning {[Super Long Hiatus]}

       I don’t really remember when we got here or how, but all I remember is finding me and my two best friends-Toggi and Chunhyuk-in the middle of a battle. Chunhyuk was standing protectively over Toggi, while I was using most of my strength to keep the protective FireIce Barrier up. I was too busy concentrating on the Barrier that I didn’t notice someone slipping right through it.

      “Boo.” A voice said from behind, making me jump. “Oops.”

      “Ahh!!” I screamed, practically in his face. He covered his ears. “Who are you?” I asked, holding a knife-shaped ice that was frozen onto my right forearm at his chest, after recovering from the surprise.

      “Let’s save the introductions for later,” another guy popped up behind me, I hadn’t noticed him before. He grabbed my wrist as I let the ice on my forearm shatter into tiny pieces as I watched Toggi and Chunhyuk being picked up and carried to what looked like a black van that hovered about 3 yards above the blood-splattered ground. The two guys threw me into the van and jumped in after me.

      “Where are we-” I started.

      “Shh,” another guy placed his hand over my mouth, though I couldn’t see who since it was dark and all. I felt the van rise into the air and heard Toggi kicking at whoever was holding onto her. The hand dropped and I started to ask:

      “Where are you taking us?” I asked, waiting for someone to answer. When no one did I went on. “Who are you?” I asked again.

      “We are called SJX. Now who are you?” one of the voices from earlier replied.

      “Where are we?” I asked, trying my best to avoid that question. 

      “Your in the bloody world at war, Shangeoul.”


      “Shangeuol. It’s where you are, didn’t you ask that?” a second voice asked.

      “Who are you?” someone in front threw my question right back at me. 

      “My name is ChunHyuk,” The familiar voice of my best friend replied, on  my right. “The one asking all the questions is my best friend, SaeRi and the other girl is Toggi.”

      “Where did you come from?” The first voice asked.

      “A different world.” I heard ChunHyuk mumbled.

      “Eeteuk, they’re from a different world, but how come they have the same abilities? Or at least that girl does.”

      “We’ll figure it out when we get back.”

      We rode in silence until we arrived at a building that looked like it was centuries old and could collapse at any moment, with black vines creeping up the sides looking like it could swallow the building and pull it underground.

      The same guy from earlier who scared me was pushing me through one of the black doors. The inside didn’t look like the outside at all. After going through a dark, damp corridor we came to a room that seemed like what a normal house would look like in our world. There was a fireplace on one side and couches surrounding a table right in front of it. There was a kitchen on the other side. 

      The guy who was pushing me pulled me over to the black couch and ChunHyuk and Toggi were brought over, next to me. I looked around and there were fourteen guys around, not including ChunHyuk of course. 

      "I am the leader Eeteuk," a man with orangish, brown hair walked over in front of us. "I would like to know how you got those powers, SaeRi-sshi."

      "I-I was born with them," I answered. "I'm not the only one. ChunHyuk and Toggi have their own."

      "Oh," Eeteuk sighed. As another guy, also with orangish, brown hair leaned over and whispered something. Eeteuk nodded and turned back to the three of us.

      "As you have seen, this world is at war. It doesn't matter how old you are, you fight and so over these years groups have been formed like our group, SJX. Would you like to join SJX. We have a few extra rooms if you'd stay," Eeteuk went on.

      I looked over at Chunhyuk who seemed to be interested to join this group. Thinking strategically it would be a little safer with this many people in our group, and our little trio would never survive in this world. I nodded with Chunhyuk in agreement.

      "Well, so now they're a part of the family!" A guy with short dirty blond wavy hair smiled. "My name's Sungmin."

      "I'm Henry," another guy answered getting up from his seat. " I'll show you two around while Ryewook and Hankyung make dinner.

      I nodded as he took me by the hand and Chunhyuk and Toggi just followed behind.

      He took us a far ways to two doors across from each other. He opened the door on the right to reveal two beds one on each side of the room with a desk, , a mirror, a bookcase and dresser for each side. There was a window with a view of the meadow that I hadn't noticed earlier and was the only not-bloody thing here.

      "This will be the girls' room," Then he closed the door and opened the other one. The room was set up almost the same but with one single bed a bunk bed and three of each piece of furniture.  "And you will be sharing this room with Zhoumi and me," he told Chunhyuk.

      Next Henry took us a couple steps down the hall back where we came from and knocked on another one of the doors. No one answered so Henry slowly opened the door. A guy with straight, black hair wearing  cross-shaped earrings had white headphones on, lying on his bed with three turtles on one of the two beds.

      "Hyung, hyung." Henry called but the older one wouldn't answer. "Yesung!" He yelled and the guy there jumped up and pushed his headphones off his head.

      "Ok, so this is Yesung and Ryeowook-hyung's room," Henry explained. "This guy here is Yesung."

      "Hey, what's up, do you like my turtles?" He asked holding one up. "This is Ddangkoma, this one is Ddangkoming and this one is Ddankkomaeng." He pointed to each turtle.

      "Ok, now moving on," Henry turned around eager to get his hyung to stop talking.

      We walked a little more and Henry opened another door. One guy was sitting at a desk playing a game on his computer and another, Sungmin, was sitting on his bed reading a book. He looked up when he saw us and greeted us with his ever-so-cheerful smile.

      "So, as you can see here, this is Sungmin and Kyuhyun's room. Kyu is the one playing Starcraft over there," Henry pointed at Kyu who had his eyes focused on his game.

      "See you at dinner," Sungmin smiled as we left the room.

      "Next room," Henry opened the door to reveal the guy from the battle and another guy both sitting on their bed reading something and listening to music. "This is Kibum and Siwon's room."

      The two looked up:

      "Hey, I'm Siwon and this is Kibum," one of them smiled at us. I smiled back as he went back to reading and Henry took us out of the room.

      In the next room you could hear music being played. Henry opened the door to see one guy with blond and black hair(top dyed blond and bottom black) and a one with short black hair wearing a hat dancing. The two turned around.

"This is Eunhyuk and Donghae," Henry pointed at the two and walked out when they continued to dance, Eunhyuk teaching Donghae a few tricks.

      "Next is Heechul and Hankyung's room," Henry smiled. He opened the door to find it all neat. No one was in it probably because one was cooking and the other was probably back there. "Ok and last is Kangin and Eeteuk's"

      He opened the door to find the two sleeping. "On second thought we shouldn't go in."

      After taking us around the rooms he brought us back to the first room with the fireplace and kitchen. Toggi and I helped set the table and then one by one everyone else arrived.



     SJX is really friendly and I can hardly imagine them in a battle, but I'll find out what their powers are tomorrow. I'm curious to see how different our powers are.


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i love it :)....its kind of mysterious and it got my attention...looking forward for the other chapters :D