The Sweeetest Boy

"RIIIIINNNNNG!", the school bell rang. It was time for them to assemble in the morning.

CL suddenly came up to Dara and said, "Jiyong likes you right?! Why did you hide it from me? You stole him away! Don't ever talk to me again."

Dara was dumbfounded. She didn't know what to do. She was lost.

She looked at her watch, five minutes left. She rushed off to the assembly area thinking about how to solve the problem.

"GOOD MORNING!" Jiyong greeted her. "I shouldn't make him worry, that would be selfish of me.", Dara thought to herself. "Good morning Jiyong.", she said faking a smile on her face. She was still worried about that problem actually.

Jiyong knew that Dara was hiding something, so he asked, "Dara-yah, what happen to my cheerful girl?"

Dara smiled and replied, "Just a little tired I guess.".

Even though Jiyong didn't quite believe that she's fine, he stopped asking and pat her head. "Okay then, if that's what you say.".

During lunch, Dara tried to find CL to explain everything.

"Go away! I told you before that I didn't want to see you! Get away from me!", CL screamed. "No, please listen to me just this one time. Please.", Dara pleaded her. "Okay, let's see what you've got to say.", CL finally agreed.

At this time, Jiyong happened to saw Dara, but he didn't knew there was an argument between them. "HI DARA!" he shouted to her.

"SEE? And you still trying to lie to me, you betrayer. You stole him. Goodbye.", CL said angrily and walked off.

"No! It wasn't like that!", Dara said trying to persuade CL to stay.

Jiyong ran to Dara and said worriedly, "What happened?"

"It's really nothing. Really.", Dara said trying to smile. She doesn't want her problems to be a burden to Jiyong.

"Stop lying to me. I know you have some problems. Tell me and I'll help you. Don't you trust me? Am I not that reliable?", Jiyong said.

"It's not that. I just don't want to burden you. You already had so many things to handle.", Dara said, she was breaking down inside, but she didn't want Jiyong to worry, so she put up a strong front in front of him.

Jiyong replied and said, "You know I'm not going to budge until you tell me what is bothering you, you understand? And I've more than enough space for all your problems, so I want you to tell me what happen. This is not you and I know it.".

So Dara has no choice but to tell him what happened. After she finished talking, Jiyong hugged her. "Don't worry. I'll get it settled by tomorrow, trust me. Do you have CL's number?", he asked.

"Wait, what are you going to do? If you're gonna mention me to her again.. she would be frustrated and angry, again." Dara asked Jiyong, worried.

"Don't worry, I won't say that.", then he smiled at her and gave her a wink.

Dara was quite reluctant to give CL's number to Jiyong, actually to say the truth, she was kind of jealous. But, she gave him.

At night, Jiyong called Dara.

"Hello?", Dara answered. "HI DARAPARK!", Jiyong's voice cheered Dara up. She laughed. And then said, "Yes kid kwon?", still laughing at Jiyong.

"Good to hear you laugh, hah. I've settle your problem, Miss Park. Aren't you going to reward me?", Jiyong said proudly.

"How did you settle it?", Dara asked.

HI! Thanks for reading this story! ^^ It's chapter 9 already! Heh, heh, heh. Please continue reading! I'll try to update as soon as possible, by this week I promise. ^^ And not forgetting the subscribers and those who leave their comments! ^^ Please continue to leave down a lot of comments! ^^
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Chapter 12: Please update... DaraGon all the way ☆ミ ☆彡
mrskwonvarshini #2
hey update sooon i wanna noe more and so how often do you update?
Qingwen03 #3
to rudelysweetk: Hi! ^^ So happy to see your comments again! ^^ Yeahhh, it's really bad when best friends and boyfriends don't get along. But Dara hasn't really accept him yet remember? ^^ You're welcome! I would update as fast as I can I promise! Jiyong and Seunghyun are both kind of selfish though, don't you think so? ^^ And hope to see your comments soon! ^^<br />
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to itsINAH: Hi! ^^ Feeling happy to see your comments again! ^^ Jiyong is really sweet here. Good that you're falling for him! ^^ Hope to see your comments soon! ^^
rudelysweetk21 #4
hmm its bad abad when bestfriend and boyfriend don't get along..keke<br />
i think it will lead to dara to choose between one..aigoo..thanks for the update..kekek ji is being cheesy..and seunghyun..why act like that..let someone be happy!! :)
Qingwen03 #5
to raigel9elise: Yeah! ^^ He's sure planning something! Heh,heh. and that's for all of you to guess! And I'll support you too! ^^ Hope to see your comments soon! ^^<br />
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to evoleihsif21: Hi and welcome! ^^ Thanks for loving this story! Heh,heh. Yeah, it somehow happened to me like it was some fairytale, I couldn't believe it myself as well! Haha! I'm sure your dream boy will come as long as you wait! ^^ I've updated so go and read it alright! ^^ I hope to see your comments soon! ^^<br />
<br />
to rudelysweetk: It was cute? Heh,heh. Glad you like it! Welcome girl, and I've updated again! ^^ Hope to see your comments soon! ^^<br />
<br />
to itsINAH: Thanks! You know the story loves you too! ^^ And I'm sure Jiyong loves everyone. ^^ Hope to see your comments soon girl! ^^
rudelysweetk21 #6
haha hmm what is big head planning i mean TOP..kkeke aigoo it was sucha cute confession.. thanks for the update !!
new reader here!<br />
i love your story!<br />
did it really happen<br />
to you huh??? aigoo~<br />
i envy you!!! XDDD<br />