Selfish Thoughts

Jiyong smirked, he could feel that his heart fluttered when she said that. "That's my good girl!", he smiled to her and ruffled her hair. He couldn't bear to leave her but he know he must.

Dara's cheek flushed. Break ended for them soon after and Jiyong needs to report back to class. "I will leave you a message as soon as I reached Korea again okay, I promise." ,he said.

Dara nod her head. "Aren't you gonna go back to your class? You're gonna be late!" ,Seunghyun who was beside her suddenly shouted which made both of them jumped.

Dara who was surprised by his actions, looked at Seunghyun, "Wow. How fierce.", she chuckled. She never thought that the reason Seunghyun was getting angry was because of her. Seunghyun who heard her laughed at him made him calm down, but he doesn't know why.

Maybe he doesn't want Dara to give all her attention to Jiyong. Is that it?

"What you laughing at huh?" ,Seunghyun said, then he pushed Dara's head playfully. Dara then glared at him with the HOW-DARE-YOU look on her face. Seunghyun who saw her then, laughed at her face, "How can a person be that cute?!", he thought to himself.

Jiyong who was at the side looking at both of them, was thinking that how they can be so close and such. He didn't like what he see. They are just friends! He had to admit that he WAS jealous. He wanted himself to be the only one that she does that to, the only one she laughed with, the only one she gets playful with. He rather let her than Seunghyun.

He was getting selfish. He doesn't want to share her with anyone. He tried to suppressed his feelings but he couldn't. He wanted her all to himself.

The bell rang again. "You're going to be late Jiyong!", Dara exclaimed waving her hands in front of him. Jiyong snapped back from his thoughts and held her hands which was waving in front of him and whispered to her, "I'm jealous you know.". With that he went out of the classroom, back to his class.

Dara took awhile to digest what he just said. Her heart fluttered and she could feel her cheeks burning again, Seunghyun saw her reaction. He was jealous too. He was curious of what Jiyong said to her which made her blushed that way. Then Dara sat back down on her seat, smiling to herself.

Seunghyun didn't like it. He knew that her smile was because of Jiyong. And he hate to admit that. "Don't you think Jiyong is disgusting?", he said, his face filled with disgust.

"Huh? What do you mean?" Dara asked confusingly.

"I mean like, he do all those things.. just trying to get you.", he stuttered after realizing what he just said.

Dara didn't know what to say. She knew that Seunghyun doesn't like Jiyong from the beginning but why is he telling her all this? She thought that Jiyong was always caring and nice, but knowing that he doesn't like Jiyong, she was quite disappointed. She wanted her best friend to like him as well.

"oh... okay..", she said.

Seunghyun noticed her sudden change and tried to change the topic, he didn't want to ruin her mood even though he didn't like the guy who was chasing her.

"Soo, want to eat dinner together tonight? Since you are all alone at home." he grinned, hoping to lighten up the mood. He doesn't want her to eat alone but he didn't say it.

A smile slowly lit up on her face, then she said, "Okay! Let's ask Bom along too!". It's been so long since she and Bom ate dinner together, she thought. Seunghyun was quite disappointed, he was hoping to have dinner with only the both of them.

"Suree.", he said reluctantly.

After dinner, Seunghyun actually wanted to sent Dara home but Bom insisted that he should sent her home instead since her house is further and it would be more dangerous for a beautiful lady like her. Dara laughed at her funny best friend and told Seunghyun that she would be okay on her own.

Seunghyun then sighed, "Can't you go back on your own Bom?", he glared at her. "Noooooo. What if I get kidnapped.....", her stories which ended began again. Dara laughed again and said, "It's okay. My house is nearby anyway, and I think Bom really needs someone to send her home.", she smiled at Seunghyun.

"YEAH! THANKS DARA! And you know I love you!", Bom winked at her which made her chuckle a bit.

"Let's go then. Can you walk faster!?", Seunghyun shouted to Bom. She was relieved after seeing that her two best friends going back home together. She waved goodbye and made her way back home too.

"DING LING LING", Dara's phone vibrated and open the text on her phone.

From: Seunghyun
Be careful on your way back.

Dara smiled at his message and replied,

To: Seunghyun
I will! ^^

"DING LING LING", her phone rang again.

From: Seunghyun
Text me when you reach home.

Dara knew that Seunghyun was concern about her. When she reached home, it's already 11:27PM, then she remembered about Seunghyun. She message him and then went to shower soon after to refresh herself.

When she came back from her shower there was one miss call and 3 messages. She opened up the first message,

From: Seunghyun
Good to know that. Sleep early. See you tomorrow girl,

She smiled at his message but the next two messages make her heart thump faster, it's from Jiyong!

From: Jiyong, Dara's favorite boy
Hi my babygirl! I'm back! ^^ Miss me?

The second message says,

From: Jiyong, Dara's favorite boy
Are you asleep now you little pig? Call me back after you wake up okay, I'll be waiting.

Okay, something's not right, she thought to herself. She noticed that Jiyong has changed his own name on her phone. She laughed at his child-like attitude. "Dara's favorite boy?", she chuckled to herself.

Soon after, she called him. It only took a few rings before he answered his phone.

"Hello?", she said.

"Did I woke you up?", he asked worriedly. He doesn't want her to miss her sleep just because of him.

"Not really. So is it fun there?", she asked smiling, she was finally able to hear his voice again after a long day without him.

"What do you think? I miss you like crazy you know.", Dara can hear her heart thumping after hearing what he said. She was smiling to herself by the time she knew it,

"Yeah, I miss you too. But you're back right!", she said, trying to hide that she was actually waiting for him to come back. She was so lonely without his company.

"Yes baby. And please don't get so close to Seunghyun you understand? I really don't like it. And when I mean I don't. I mean very.", a little bit of anger and jealousy can be heard in his voice.

"Alright.", she said, first time that she felt so protected. Maybe because of Jiyong, she thought to herself.

Hearing her response, he smiled and said, "You owe me lunch and, a kiss.".

Sorry for not updating for so long! ***BOWS*** I have a course on TV STUDIO. Heh,heh. It was quite fun trust me! Hopefully all my readers are still reading this story! ^^ And thanks for all the comments and subscribers! ^^ The author here appreciates it and have replied to all the comments! ^^
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Chapter 12: Please update... DaraGon all the way ☆ミ ☆彡
mrskwonvarshini #2
hey update sooon i wanna noe more and so how often do you update?
Qingwen03 #3
to rudelysweetk: Hi! ^^ So happy to see your comments again! ^^ Yeahhh, it's really bad when best friends and boyfriends don't get along. But Dara hasn't really accept him yet remember? ^^ You're welcome! I would update as fast as I can I promise! Jiyong and Seunghyun are both kind of selfish though, don't you think so? ^^ And hope to see your comments soon! ^^<br />
<br />
to itsINAH: Hi! ^^ Feeling happy to see your comments again! ^^ Jiyong is really sweet here. Good that you're falling for him! ^^ Hope to see your comments soon! ^^
rudelysweetk21 #4
hmm its bad abad when bestfriend and boyfriend don't get along..keke<br />
i think it will lead to dara to choose between one..aigoo..thanks for the update..kekek ji is being cheesy..and seunghyun..why act like that..let someone be happy!! :)
Qingwen03 #5
to raigel9elise: Yeah! ^^ He's sure planning something! Heh,heh. and that's for all of you to guess! And I'll support you too! ^^ Hope to see your comments soon! ^^<br />
<br />
to evoleihsif21: Hi and welcome! ^^ Thanks for loving this story! Heh,heh. Yeah, it somehow happened to me like it was some fairytale, I couldn't believe it myself as well! Haha! I'm sure your dream boy will come as long as you wait! ^^ I've updated so go and read it alright! ^^ I hope to see your comments soon! ^^<br />
<br />
to rudelysweetk: It was cute? Heh,heh. Glad you like it! Welcome girl, and I've updated again! ^^ Hope to see your comments soon! ^^<br />
<br />
to itsINAH: Thanks! You know the story loves you too! ^^ And I'm sure Jiyong loves everyone. ^^ Hope to see your comments soon girl! ^^
rudelysweetk21 #6
haha hmm what is big head planning i mean TOP..kkeke aigoo it was sucha cute confession.. thanks for the update !!
new reader here!<br />
i love your story!<br />
did it really happen<br />
to you huh??? aigoo~<br />
i envy you!!! XDDD<br />