Dark Paradise


 "Sweet Delusion"



Wind blew gently, ringing the bell that’s hanging near the big window. The soft chime whispered around, making the owner of the room slightly frowned upon hearing it. A touch of sunlight in between the curtain fell on her cheeks, asking permission to awake the person under the blanket. Soojung grunted low, refused to be awakened yet. Still with her eyes closed, she turned to the other side where darkness dominated her room.

Last night rain poured heavily, leaving the morning scented with the after rain taste. Morning get colder and Soojung couldn’t help but enjoying the warmth offered by her blanket. She enjoyed the morning serene and decided that some more hours to sleep wasn’t a sin. It’s Saturday, she noted; and hell, no one mess with her on Saturday. And just by that, Soojung fell deeper to sleep.

“Soojung…” a soft male voice heard, followed by a smooth touch at the side of her cheeks. Half awake, Soojung responded with a hum, still not opening her eyes. “Hey Soojung. Wake up” the voice said again.

“Hmm” Soojung replied, turned her body to the side where the caller was. She found it hard to open her eyes, so she could only frown while trying to recognize who was trying to wake her up.

“Don’t you want to see me?” he said, slightly irritated that Soojung wouldn’t open her eyes.

“I couldn’t open my eyes…” Soojung helplessly said. She heard a chuckles, it’s him; she knew it. He caressed her cheek again, placing a soft peck at the tip of her nose. Soojung felt weird upon his action, but she likes it. She slowly opened her eyes and found a blurry image standing in front of her.

“See me?” he asked. Soojung softly rubbed her eyes, opened it wider and recognized the face of her lover. Taemin smiled, he looked fresh on his grey shirt and black cardigan. “Wake up” he said again.

Soojung shook her head slowly, adjusted her sight with the light. “I’m still sleepy” she replied with half hoarse voice. “Why you came so early?” she asked him, placing her head on the pillow while her body stayed on the side, getting comfortable to watch him. He’s already dressed nicely while she’s still on her short and his old t-shirt that she loved to wear. He kneeled down in order to be on the same eye level with her.

“We’re having a date today, remember?” he replied, smoothed the hair that fell on her forehead. Of course, Taemin is the head of their relationship. He’s the one who remember everything and be her reminder every time she forgot anything. Sensed a sign of forget on her face, Taemin chuckled and messed her hair before pinched her nose. “You asked for a date, I give you one. But now you forget?”

Soojung rolled her eyes, tried to remember whether they really made an appointment for a date. She couldn’t remember, her head was full lately. “Are we going to see a movie?”

He shook his head. “No”

“Checking on the pet shop?”

“That’s a cute idea, but no” he smiled.

“Go for hiking and camping?” Soojung guessed again. She knew that it was one of his dream dates that he once said to her on their early year of relationship, and to know that they have a time for it, it seemed like a possible date options for them.

“As much as I want to do that, facing Yunho hyung for permission on that looked way scarier than falling from a cliff. So that’s definitely a no, for now”

She giggled over his reply. Taemin always knew how to make an exaggerate answer over a simple question.

“Tell me then. Where are we going today?” she gave up, she never successfully guessed his surprises.

“My cheek needs a kiss before I could answer”

“My body refused to move if I don’t know where I’m going to”

Both of them looked at each other and laughed, like that conversation was the funniest thing ever. Of course, it’s the love effect. Whatever they said or see seemed much funnier than it is actually, which sometimes annoyed their surroundings.

“We’re going for the amusement park. Sounds pretty?”

Soojung’s eyes grew wild, that’s just the date she longing to. They never had a chance to go there since they started dating, it’s either they couldn’t make the time for a date there or something happened that they have to be anywhere else but the amusement park. She always dreaming a date there while they walked around hand in hand, she held a cotton candy and he brought colorful helium balloons, and maybe they could go crazy trying all types of the games there but end up going home with a happy heart. So now that they both have a free time, Taemin thought that it’d be nice to take his girl out for some stroll there.

“Now get up” he said, offering his hand to her but Soojung slowly shook her head.

“5 more minutes” she said, suddenly feeling sleepy again. “Can I?”

Taemin sighed as he held her fingers, softly it. “Five more minutes, be ready, I’ll wait downstairs, ok?”

Soojung agreed upon the idea. She was just close her eyes right when she felt his lips covered on hers, softly peck it. Right before she could reply his kiss, he stopped. She opened her eyes again, found him smiling snarky as he moved away from her face.

“I’ll give you more if you be ready less than an hour. Deal?”

“Is that a threat? So now I have to do something before getting your kiss?” she replied, pinching the skin of his hand playfully.

“Let’s called it motivation, Darling” Taemin said, started to walk out from her room. Soojung shifted her body before seeing him out. Biting her lower lips, she smiled at the thought of kissing him.

“I know you want more of it. Go get ready, Soojung” Taemin from the door.

“I hate you” she said, pouted at him.

“I love you too” he replied. “Wouldn’t it be nice if every day I could wake you up like this?” he winked and finally out from her room.

Of course the idea of it was nice. Great, even. Soojung groaned, even though she felt so tired and sleepy, she just couldn’t ditch their date and her boyfriend just like that. She missed him so much that actually she would do anything to make it up to him. So she stood up from her messy bed and headed to the bathroom, getting ready for everything he had planned for them.




The amusement park wasn’t really filled with a lot of people since winter is approaching and most of the people prefer to spend it on the ice skating ring rather than running here and there playing some rides. But Soojung and Taemin had been the lost little kids there, enjoying the rides as many as they can. Both of them never stopped trying any kind of rides there and got lost in their own happiness. It’s just the amusement park was made for them today.

Getting tired with all of the rides, they finally decided to take on the Ferris wheel while enjoying some hot chocolate and cotton candy. There’re lot of couples who ride it also, so it’s normal for both of them to get on there and enjoying the evening view of the city while resting their tired legs. Soojung leaned her back to Taemin’s chest, as he circled his arm to her shoulder, giving her a back hug.

“Happy?” he asked her. Soojung nodded, sipping her drink.

“We should really do this date earlier… This is really fun!” she answered excitedly.

Soojung suddenly felt Taemin hugged her tighter, placing his chin on her shoulder.

“What’s wrong?” she asked him, confused with his action. Well, Taemin usually being a happy puppy and not a sulky cat like now, surely it left curiosity on Soojung.

“I’m sorry if I rarely seeing you lately” he said, kissed her shoulder softly.

“It’s not like you rarely seeing me because you want it. I understand, Taem. You’re working now and one or two times skipping our date is still considered normal. You don’t have to say sorry in that way…” she replied, his hand that’s resting on her shoulder.

“I miss you. A lot” he said again, with more sad voice.

“What’s wrong, Taem?” for the second time she asked him the question. This wasn’t usual; he never looked like this previously. Even when they had a fight, he never acted this way. Soojung couldn’t help but turned herself and looked at him in the eye. Her precious boyfriend somehow looked gloomy and glanced at her with such a longing look.

Taemin shrugged his shoulder. “I don’t know. It’s just… I felt like I really miss you, I’m afraid I couldn’t see you too often from now on…”

Soojung rolled her eyes. “You and your sixth sense feeling…” she commented. Ever since they’re in relationship, Soojung realized that Taemin sometimes having this ‘feeling’. She always failed to lie for him because he could sense her lie and sometimes Soojung felt that Taemin could read her mind. Well, she’s not into those superstitious thingy but sometimes she believed that Taemin has this psychic side on him.

“Let’s just enjoy the ride, ok?” Soojung said, smiling to him. Taemin smiled back to her and after looking at her eyes for quiet long time, his naturally playful side came back alive. He ran his fingers on the side of her face, cupping her left cheek with his right hand. Soojung tilted her head, leaning on his hand and gave him a questioning look.


“Don’t you want to claim your prize?” he asked her, looked at her with a loving gaze.

“My prize?” Soojung asked herself, she looked to another direction, trying to remember what prize she had been asked from him.

“You’ve been getting ready pretty quick this morning, so as I promised you, this is your prize…”

Taemin leaned forward and placed his lips at the center of her lips where he previously pecked. He pressed it softly, making Soojung feeling comfortable over it and reciprocally kissing him back. With his hand still caressing her cheek, Taemin tilted her head so he could kiss her deeper. Just like she didn’t want to be separated from him, Soojung moved closer to him and circled her hands on his neck. She smiled over his lips, moved away a little to see his face and as soon as she found him smiling with one of his eyes peeking at her, they met their lips once again. This time, Taemin stayed longer, claiming her lips and kissed her like there’s no tomorrow.

She felt like she’s in heaven.


After the ride and having their dinner near the amusement park, both of them heading home. Since the amusement park located outside the city, they needed to pass the mountainous area around the rural district. It’s one of the bliss having a date in this amusement park; people wouldn’t be only enjoying the ride but also got to see some breath taking view around the area.

It’s dark now with a potential of snow falling since they’re reaching the end of the year. Soojung rubbed both of her hands, feeling slightly cold. It’s warm already in the car, but somehow she felt a little cold and shivered a bit.

“Are you okay?” Taemin asked her, looking at her while he drove down to pass the hill.

“It’s slightly cold here…” she said, blew some air to warm her hands.

“It will be warmer once we passed the hill” he replied, increasing the speed of the car. Soojung held his arm and shook her head. Somehow, she’s feeling not really good.

“Just drive slowly, Taem…” she told him. Soojung kept feeling worry and panic a little inside her heart. He kept his speed in normal state, continued their trip.

She didn’t know how to tell it, but suddenly she felt dry and her heart pouncing faster. Soojung constantly feeling nervous but she didn’t know why. She has no motion sickness, so it must have not been a symptom of feeling unwell. Somehow she felt a cold sweat running through her back, but Soojung couldn’t tell what’s happening. She secretly glanced to Taemin who’s still driving calmly, sometimes throwing jokes or smiling at her. But still, Soojung couldn’t feel at ease.

Soojung looked outside and found the snow started to fall. But unlike usual, she didn’t feel happy about it. Her worried state made everything looked bad at this time. She told herself to feel calm, but somehow it didn’t work.

“Oh… first snow…” Taemin said, looking outside and excitedly grinning at her. “You know, people said that when you see the first snow with your loved one, you’ll eventually be together”

At his cheesy words, Soojung somehow felt a bit calmer. She let out a nervous laughed. “That’s stupid…” she commented, rolled her eyes.

“See, you and me, the first time we met it was on the winter right? And then when I started dating you, it’s sometimes around the winter also…”

“But we never saw the first snow together. Stop with those stupid superstitious thingy, you silly” she replied, slightly squeezed his arm.

“But we’re seeing it now… Plus we’re eventually being together” he replied, winked at her.

Soojung smiled at his cute happy face. She felt so happy to have this kind of guy to be her boyfriend. No one could tame her heart but him. With his playful character, his stupid jokes, but comforting at the same time, it’s impossible for Soojung to not be in love with him. He saw her good and bad side and even struggling to face her bad mood every time her period comes.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” Taemin awakened her train of thought. She shook her head softly.

“Anyway, what do you want to do tomorrow?” he asked her. They still have Sunday, so probably they might be able to go out before Monday approaching again and separated both of them.  

Soojung shrugged. “I don’t know mayb-“


Soojung closed her eyes as Taemin had his palm covered her face. She didn’t really know what’s happening, but she knew that the car had been crushing down. She could hear the voice of glass breaking and everything felt like moving in a slow motion which later on reduced her hearing ability. She couldn’t feel her body but for sure; it’s silent for a while. She didn’t hear Taemin’s voice anymore.

Everything went dark.


Soojung gasped and opened her eyes. It was blurry. She felt suffocated and somehow couldn’t breathe. She recognized she’s in the living room, sitting on the couch.


She turned to the left and found Taemin sitting next to her, with his phone on his hand, looking at her with a worried look. “Soojung, are you ok?” he asked her again.

Soojung slowly gulped. It’s just a dream, she said to herself. She remembered earlier she’s watching a movie and probably falling asleep there. She noticed that she actually had her left hand clutched into Taemin’s shirt.

He looked at her eyes and wiped her tears that she didn’t know existed. “Are you having a bad dream?”

Soojung slowly nodded. She leaned to the couch again, sitting side by side with him. She still needs to calm her heart. She knew it wasn’t just a dream. It’s the night they had accident. Even though it’s already happened months ago and both of them were saved, Soojung didn’t understand why it still creeping on her mind.

“Should I take water for you?” he said to her, looking really worried.

 “No, no. I’m fine” she replied.

“You sure?” he asked her again.

“Hmm” she replied. Soojung suddenly felt her body really worn out and tired and all she wanted to do was sleeping again. “Taem” she called him.


“Can I sleep again?” she asked him. Soojung wanted to spend some time with him, but somehow her sleepiness couldn’t wait.

“Sure. Go sleep again” he said. “Get yourself comfortable”

Soojung linked her arm on his right hand as she leaned her head on his shoulder. Crossing his stomach, she placed her right hands on his left waist, practically side hugging him.

“Feeling better?” he whispered to her, placing his cheek on the top of her head. Soojung nodded slowly, too tired to speak. “Sleep well” he whispered again.

Soojung could listen to his heartbeat that somehow calming her. She’s not feeling tensed anymore like earlier, her heart beating normally and she could breathe well. Slowly she closed her eyes and fell again in the deep sleep.

Under his soft lullaby, she found herself sleep nicely. No bad dreams.




They’re planning to have a movie day.

Soojung texted her asking him if he has something to do, but since he’s free, he agreed to come to her place. He met Sooyeon and Taecyeon, her husband, when he just arrived there. They had a wedding to attend so in the end, he will be left along with Soojung. He thought that they will watch a movie right away, but what he saw was a sleeping Soojung on the couch in the living room. He took a seat beside her.

Jongin looked at the girl next to her with a sincere look as she calmly breathing on her sleep. It’s been a hard six months for him. Six months ago, they did not knowing each other and that’s the first time he saw her. They met by random fate and now, he should accept that this particular girl filled his days and nights.

He checked on the TV, Eternal Sunshine of Spotless Mind was showing. She must have been fallen asleep as she watched the movie, so Jongin turned off the DVD player along with the TV, leaving them in silence. Well, he loves silence. And in the meantime while she slept, he played some games on his phone. Jongin was drowning into the game until at some point he felt a grip on his shirt.

He looked at his right and he clearly saw her frowning and grunting, seemed like she’s having a bad dream. He tried to call her several times but she didn’t budge in. He kept looking at her, tears started to flow and he knew at this point he should awaken her, but no matter how he tried to call her, she wouldn’t open her eyes. Just when he stopped calling her name, she suddenly gasped and sat straight. Her body trembled and her grip on his shirt tightened.

As he talked to her and calmed her, she’s slowly getting better. To be honest, he didn’t know what to do with her. Lately he felt like he’s becoming her personal counselor rather than a fake boyfriend. But somehow, Soojung never protested his act towards her. Jongin admitted that sometimes he acted too cold towards her and recently becoming more distant than the real Taemin should be, but what to do; he couldn’t help to act as Jongin rather than Taemin at some points. He started to use his feeling.

Jongin felt that Soojung fell asleep again as she hugging him from the side. He didn’t say he felt uncomfortable, he felt fine. That’s why he naturally placed his cheek over her head, leaning in. Breathing her scent, he felt like there’s something wrong here. She’s too nice, too easy to make him enjoying her company. And that’s wrong.

He sighed. He suddenly remembered Naeun, who’s currently staying in LA until summer for training from her company. He needs to see her and not Soojung. He needed to feel her, and not feeling Soojung. He missed her, a lot, that no matter how many times he spent with Soojung he still felt guilty towards Naeun. Jongin wants Naeun and only Naeun.  

Because he’s in love with Naeun, but felt sympathy over Soojung.   




Hello there!

Back back with Chapter 7. Ok, it’s time for some notes:

1.      The first part of this chapter was happened, it’s telling how the accident happened from Soojung’s pov since Chapter 2 portrayed the accident from Jongin’s pov. Yes, it’s on a form of dream.

2.      This chapter is the continuity of Chapter 2. Remember I said that all of things happened here is basically a flashback? Flashback ended here. You might come back to there and checked on it. I give the continuity point, it’s started at this sentence “Jongin looked at the girl next to her with a sincere look as she calmly breathing on her sleep”

Next chapter wouldn’t be a flashback anymore. Really sorry if you felt a bit confused about the timing, I tried my best to make it clear. Another reminder. The accident happened in winter while the story now started around summer, around 6 months after the accident.

Happy reading! Please do enjoy the update and thank you for all of you who read and subscribe to this story. Mind to share me some comment?

Thanks a lot! 


Anyway... they're cute here , huh?



and this also...


In short, I'm working on a story based on this. It just fit with the story that I started several days ago and suddenly, the teaser appeared! 

I'm so happy as a kaistal shipper ;p 

So, see ou around with the update of Dark Paradise and also the new story :) 


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Chapter 4 is on progress. Unlike my other fic, I think I want to make this one with a slow progress. Hope you don't mind :)


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Chapter 8: I'm really curious to read the rest of yhe story pls can you continue updating
Chapter 7: Is that mean that kai won't fall for krys and they won't end up together
Chapter 6: wow i see that they are becoming close i love kaistal
Chapter 2: how can she mistook him as taemin..XD
Chapter 5: Yeah i got it from the begining but author nim is the mutual feelings btwn kai and Naeun mean that kaistal has no chance ?
Chapter 1: this is so nice..
Chapter 4: Omg really gappy for soojung to be helped by jongin
Chapter 3: Omg i really feel pitful for soojung but i need more moments btwn kaistal cause i really love kaistal
Chapter 2: Wow the way they let each other is a kind of special one and that mean that you are a good creative author nim
Chapter 1: What isn't supposed to be kaistal fanfic so when will kai appear ?