Dark Paradise




“Are you sure you don’t want me to accompany you?” Naeun said as she talked through her car window, looking at Jongin who’s standing next to her car. He’s still having his left arms wrapped and he’s still limping, and all she thought about was his safety. Naeun felt bad that no one could accompany Jongin currently, as she was also has her own business.

“It’s fine” he reassured her. “Drive safely, ‘kay?” he said, smiling to her. 

“Do you want me to pick you up?”

He shook his head. “Not sure when I’ll leave this place, I’ll just take the bus or taxi, if necessary. Don’t worry”

Naeun finally nodded and waved him a goodbye, leaving Jongin in front of a coffee shop around Myeondong. Once he saw her car gone from his sight, Jongin turned his back and took a deep breath, letting him go in to the café with a strong caffeine smell. He looked around and found a familiar face sitting at the corner of the room. Jongin brought himself there and realized that the man was not noticing his presence. Being polite, he cleared his throat and caught the man attention.

“Oh, you’re here already” he said as he stood up and shook his hand with Jongin.

“Have you been waiting for a long time?” Jongin asked him, sitting across the table. The man shook his head.

“Just had my first cup” he answered, taking his cup of espresso and drank it. “Order?”

A waitress came and took Jongin’s order, a set of assorted biscuits and latte; his favorite. It was kind of awkward when they’re done with the ordering. Jongin was not really sure on what to say and the man in front of him was also kind of confused where to start, so they started to talk about the weather, traffic, and Jongin’s latest condition. And finally, they started to dive in to their main purpose of the meeting.

“I hope my call last night not bothering you” Yunho said as he looked at Jongin. The younger one shook his head slowly. Well, Jongin was surprised to get a call from Yunho, who is actually the owner of the company where he worked. He’s not sure whether Yunho called him for work related or about the accident that involved him and his cousin. But when Yunho stated that their meeting wouldn’t be “work related”, he got the message.

“How is she?” Jongin asked, a bit hesitant. He remembered he saw her around two days ago in the hospital when he’s doing the weekly checkup.

“Her physical condition is getting better, her feet are now fine and the wounds started to recover” Yunho replied, kind of holding something, which Jongin noticed.

“About the guy who was with her in the car… Taemin?”

Yunho glanced at Jongin. He slowly shook his head. “The funeral already held 4 days ago. It’s not easy to hide from Soojung and our family” he paused, cleared his throat. “Soojung and Taemin, they’re a good friend since junior high school. And our family knew each other, because when we’re in LA, we lived pretty close to the Lees. Actually, both planned to move to LA later on when Soojung’s graduated, which is on this upcoming summer. But who knew things would turn like now…”

It’s a dead silence. Jongin only listened to Yunho’s words, not saying any words.

“She kept asking about him. But since she saw you already, it’s impossible for us to explain about Taemin’s death now. And according to her doctor, her emotional condition is not stable yet… Her sister, Sooyeon, almost give up on her. Soojung started to wonder what is wrong with Taemin and called his entire friends. But Minho, one of our cousin, he prevented anyone to inform Soojung about Taemin. I know, we did it wrong… But I couldn’t risk her mental condition to be damaged now. She’s not ready, things were happened too fast…” again Yunho hung his words.

“You managed to make anyone hide this big thing?” Jongin asked in surprise. This girl seemed to be really precious that the whole family sacrificed lot of things, for the sake of her.

“Her parents didn’t agree at first, but seeing how she desperately looked for Taemin, they gave in. Taemin parents couldn’t do anything also. They’re back already in LA this morning…”

Yunho put his elbow on the table, placed his chin on the top of it. This was the first time Jongin saw him like this. He was never seen Yunho before this accident, but he heard that Jung Yunho, the GM of Jung Machinery, was known as the most confident and charming leader person ever. People said that it’s good to have a chance to work with him and Jongin of course felt great to be accepted at Jung Machinery, even though he’s still a trainee there for time being. So he was surprised to meet with him at the hospital, the night after the accident. And to see him all being nervous and worried in front of him, Jongin thought that must have been a very serious problem.

“Kim Jongin” he called his name, staking a deep breath before continued speaking. “I know, you have your own life and it was coincidence that you’re having accident together with my little cousin and to know that you’re working in my company. Both things are not related and I tend to put aside the fact that you’re my worker. But I beg your wisdom, to rethink about my request”

Jongin stopped playing with the latte mug on his hand. He paid attention to the words Yunho about to say. Yunho closed his eyes before he opened his mouth.

“Please help us to pretend to be Taemin for a while, at least until Soojung getting better, until she could accept the truth. Please… Please reconsider this. I will never forget your help if you’re agree on this matter. You’re our final resort for this problem”




The sky of Seoul was so dark without star tonight. Winter was coming to an end, getting prepared to welcome the spring. It was pretty cold; Jongin had to wear his thick jacket just to stand at the rooftop of the bar he was visiting along with Baekhyun and Chanyeol. It was calm, silent; a kind of situation which Jongin found comforting and contrary to the situation at the bar below.

He was never a fan of crowd. Even though he’s quite known as an interesting and sociable person, still, Jongin would prefer a corner of the library as the best place in university to stay when he had no class. Yes, he’s famous for having a great grades and being good looking, but he never came to most party where he’s invited. Jongin just didn’t get the connection between crowded place and being happy. His happiness would be easily got by watching a nice movie or playing games until he got bored, or having a walk with his dog, Monggu. 

But tonight, he felt so restless that even the thought of being tired and exhausted couldn’t lure him to go for home and ran to his bed. It was sometimes in the night after Chanyeol went wild with his drinks and Baekhyun was seen dancing with his coworker in the office, when Jongin decided to go to the rooftop and injected some nicotine to his vein. He’s an occasional smoker, and if he decided to smoke, it’d be related with something serious.

He breathed the smokes deeply, playing the cigarette in his hands. Chanyeol and Baekhyun, his neighbors and close friends, earlier asked him to join them to talk and drink and dance, but considering his hand that’s still under intensive care for having a fracture, he chose to stay at their table, while thinking about his meeting with Yunho the day before.

Now that he thought about it again, it would be so easy for him to just ditch Yunho’s request; but somehow Jongin couldn’t easily say no to him. He was not afraid that his position in the company will be affected by his decision regarding the Jungs. Whether he’s helping Yunho or not, he’s sure that the company will be fair enough and those working thingy didn’t related with their personal problem. He didn’t agree with the idea of telling a lie instead the truth, because a white lie is still a lie. But he fully understood the circumstances within the Jung; the maknae’s condition was everything they’re care about. Nothing else matters.

Jongin himself felt sympathy for Soojung. He wouldn’t forget how she looked at him all day once she woke up after the surgery. Her eyes showed affection towards Jongin, which in her mind appeared as Taemin. She seemed to love Taemin a lot, and he was afraid that he could hurt her with the fake truth that her family gave to her. It’s all on him now, to help or to ignore.

His deep thought was interrupted by the sound of cough coming from his back. Jongin looked back and found Baekhyun walked towards him while bringing a bottle of beer on his hand. His hair was messy and his white shirt was no longer neat; the tie was losing somewhere on the dance floor and the top two buttons were opened, revealing his white milky chest. He stood next to Jongin while sipping the beer and took a deep breath.

“Drink?” he offered Jongin, as he brought the bottle to the air. Jongin shook his head slowly, chuckled.

“I’m okay with this” he waved the cigarette and Baekhyun nodded, leaning his back to the wall, facing Jongin.  “How’s Chanyeol hyung?”

“You know him… That happy virus got lost in the party. The last time I checked, he’s doing . Only God knows what he will do next…” Baekhyun replied.

Jongin let a thin smile formed within his lips. “And where’s your date?”  

“Date? Who? Luna?” he scoffed. “She’s just a friend from the office. She’s off with her boyfriend just now…”

“Is that why you’re here?” Jongin eyed Baekhyun. He noticed that Baekhyun cheeks were blushing red at the name of Luna mentioned. 

“Let’s just say I need fresh air…”

Jongin snorted at his answer. The two gentlemen continued their own business, Baekhyun with his beer and Jongin with his cigarette. No sound heard except for the slow wind and breezy air. Jongin closed his eyes, feeling the cold air slapped his tan skin. He loved the cold feeling that hits him, it’s somehow made him felt numb and it eased his feeling.

“Hello… Earth to Jongin…” Baekhyun called him, making him back to the forgotten conversation. “Called you several times. Didn’t you hear?” Baekhyun asked. Jongin slowly shook his head, it seemed like he’s lost somewhere for seconds.

“Hyung” he called the guy next to him.


“If someone is lying to you, are you going to be angry?” Jongin asked as he looked to the landscape of Seoul. Lights everywhere, yet he felt his world is kind of dark lately.  

Baekhyun raised one of his eyebrows, about to ask Jongin what was this all about, but he held his curiosity. “I don’t like lie, especially being lied. But what is the reason of the lie? Prank?”

“To protect you”

“From what?” he responded while sipping another shot of beer.

“From the hurting truth that may let you down, or even worse, killing your sanity. How about that?” he asked him.

Baekhyun slowly moved the beer bottle from his mouth, thinking.

“A lie is a lie. Even though it’s for a good purpose, a lie is still not the truth. Sooner or later, you’ll know the truth and no matter how bad it is, it’d be always better than the fabricated lie”

Silent. Jongin looked down, biting his lips. He ran fingers to his dark brown lock, hoping the dizziness in his head instantly lost. And that was not left unnoticed by Baekhyun.

“Anything wrong?”  

“Hmm? Nothing. Just thinking…” he replied, partially lied. Yes Jongin was thinking, but surely, it’s not ‘nothing’.

“Playing secret with me?” Baekhyun responded. “Come on, tell me”

Jongin took a deep breath while stretching his neck. He had never told anyone about this matter, not even to Naeun whom he closed to. Maybe, it’s time to share it.

“Remember when I had accident last week?” Jongin started. Baekhyun replied with a nod. “I helped a victim from the accident. She happened to be in the car in front of me, her boyfriend, the driver… he passed out in the accident. It was pretty bad, their car flipped several times and both of them were bleed badly” he paused to clear his throat.

“I remembered. The accident was covered in the news earlier… Go on…”

“Once we arrived in the hospital and got the treatment, I accompanied her because her family was not coming yet. But when her family came and I was about to leave, she called me… She thought I was her boyfriend”

Baekhyun looked surprised, he grew his eyes wider. “But… how come? That’s ridiculous”   

Jongin nodded. “I know. At first, none of them noticed it and I also thought that she’s just accidentally called me with her boyfriend’s name but it seemed like she thought that I was him”

“And then?”

“I left the hospital on the next day and happened to see her again when I was doing check up there. I saw her from far… And yesterday, her cousin called me. You know, Jung Yunho…”

“From Jung Machinery?” Baekhyun responded. Jongin nodded, confirming. Again, Baekhyun gave a surprise look. His company, the creative agency handling for advertisement and digital promotion, once worked together with the Jung Machinery and he also interacted with Jung Yunho, so Baekhyun knew him. “The girl is his cousin?”

Jongin nodded. “Yeah, we met yesterday. Not to talk about work, but about her…”

Baekhyun tapped his finger on his sharp chin. “What did he want from you?”

“He wanted me to lie for her cousin sake. Pretending to be his boyfriend for a time being, until she recovered”


“She kept asking about her boyfriend who seemed to be lost after she’s awakening after the surgery. And that’s referred to me… “Jongin hung his words. “Hyung, I don’t know… I mean… It means that we’re all lying to her, right? It’d be the biggest and worst lie she could get…”

“Why they decided to do that? That’s just…crazy!” Baekhyun said as he shook his head.

“She’s not emotionally stable yet. And her mind was kind of damaged, that’s why she thought that I was her boyfriend. Her doctor said that probably she’s having a trauma after the accident…”

The two of them looked blankly to the view in front of them. No one speaking and once again, it’s only their breathing that’s heard.

“You know” Baekhyun cleared his throat. “It’s up to you. I’m not telling you to lie, but if you really must have to, remember that you’re going to have a double life, as yourself and as her boyfriend. And you’ll also have to fabricate everything… One lie lead to another lie, Jongin”

Baekhyun said as he patted his shoulder. He had no idea that the problem Jongin had was kind of complicated. But looking from his point of view, Jongin actually could just let go things easily and forget about the girl. But knowing Jongin, Baekhyun realized he’s now having a battle in his mind.

Jongin was still mindlessly looked at the road from the rooftop when Baekhyun once again tapped his shoulder.

“Let’s go home and rest. Let the thinking be done tomorrow, ‘kay?”

Jongin nodded weakly. It seemed like he need a hot bath and bed, to help him feeling at ease; to help him to decide, whether to leave the Jung or help them and involved in a stranger’s life.




“Soojung. Eat” Sooyeon said as she appointed to the tray filled with the hospital food at Soojung’s bed. The younger shook her head as she hugged her Stitch plushy. Sooyeon took a deep breath and glared at her.

“You haven’t eaten anything since yesterday. Are you planning to kill yourself?” Sooyeon said with a venomous tone.

“I’m not hungry” Soojung replied, almost heard like a whisper.

“Oh, come on! Why aren’t you eat?!” once again, Sooyeon spoke using a high note, showing her anger.  She knew, Soojung was anxious about Taemin’s presence and she used that to behave like this but at one point, Sooyeon couldn’t stand it.

“Unnie, I’ve told you, I’m not hungry!” Soojung glared back at her sister.

“Behave well, Soojung. Mom and Dad aren’t going to like it if you’re acting up like this…” Sooyeon warned her. Upon hearing about the accident and Taemin’s death, their parents hurriedly came to Seoul along with the Lees. It was already shocking that Soojung taking another person as Taemin that her parents could do nothing but helped covering the truth about his death.

“I’m not acting up!” Soojung yelled as she threw her plushy to the corner of the room.

Sooyeon grabbed the bed side tighter; she’s holding her anger as long as possible. She couldn’t let her emotion ruined everything that her family already set for Soojung. And at most, she couldn’t let Soojung hurt just because she couldn’t hold her anger towards her act.

“I’ll leave you. When I back, I want this food to be eaten. All of it” Sooyeon said, emphasizing that she wanted her to eat.

Sooyeon walked out and closed the door behind her. She grabbed the door held, before slowly releasing it. Tears formed at the corner of her eyes, she couldn’t hold it anymore. A soft pat at her shoulder made her looked up and quickly wiped her tears. It’s Minho.  

“Let’s sit, Noona” he said softly, taking her hand and leading her to the chair at the alley.

Once he helped her to sit, Minho went and brought her canned coffee. They’re sitting in silent. Sooyeon sipped the coffee several times, but still refused to talk. Her face showed a fatigue expression with red faces, showing she’s had her tears.

“What is it today?” Minho started to speak, opening the talk.

“Refusing to eat” she replied shortly.

Sooyeon could hear Minho sighed upon hearing her answer. “How long are we going to do this actually? I couldn’t stand it anymore!” she ranted. “I’m tired having to lie to her every day, especially with her nonstop question about Taemin. It was good that his phone was lost somewhere when the accident happened. Had someone got his phone and answered it, we all are in hell!”

“Noona…” Minho her hand softly, trying to soothe her anger.

“Minho, where’s Yunho oppa? Let’s just tell her the truth… I can’t do this anymore…” Sooyeon said, half crying. It’s hurting her heart seeing Soojung every day asking about Taemin and still thinking that he’s alive. “Or Donghae oppa… Where’s he? Let’s just tell her the truth…” she said desperately.

“Noona… Yunho hyung said for us to wait. He’s talking to Kim Jongin already and all we can do now is waiting for his presence…”

“If you were him, is it possible for you lying and acting to be someone else, huh? No one will do that for our Soojung… It’s too ridiculous!!!” she half screamed. Things that happened to Soojung was just too hard to be accepted by her logic.

“Let’s just wait until tomorrow…” Minho said as he pulled Sooyeon for a hug. She started crying and sobbing again, creating a mess on Minho’s shirt.

Minho sighed again. He could do nothing now. He previously asked Yunho to meet Kim Jongin along with him, but Yunho did not allow him and asked him to wait. Now that he waited, that Kim Jongin guy was nowhere to be seen. He also had no idea on what to do to face this problem…

A sound of cough was heard at the alley, making Minho and Sooyeon broke the hug and looked at the source of the sound. It was a quite tall guy, tanned skin with dark brown tousled hair. He’s wearing a jeans and checkered shirt along with black safety boat, slipping his right hand inside his jeans pocket. His left hand was wrapped up to his elbow. One glance and Minho knew who this guy, his eyes grew bigger upon his presence.

“Err. Is Mr. Jung Yunho here?” he opened his mouth.

“Hyung is not coming here yet…” Minho responded. “Are you perhaps… Kim Jongin?” he asked him. The later guy nodded politely.

Sooyeon looked at him. The first time she saw him in the hospital, she didn’t really pay attention to him. But to see it again, Sooyeon found a slight of similarity between Taemin and the guy in front of her. Maybe that’s why Soojung thought he was Taemin? Sooyeon shook her head. They are two different persons.

“Have you made up your mind?” she suddenly asked him.

“Noona…” Minho warned her. He used to act all protective about Soojung towards Jongin, but he wanted to know if this person worth to be trusted, judging on his important role here.

“What?” Sooyeon glared at Minho. “He must have been coming here to tell us about his decision right?”

“Noona, please...” Minho pleaded Sooyeon to stop talking. “I’m sorry, Kim Jongin” he apologized on behalf of his cousin. Jongin cleared his throat again.

“Erm. Well, actually I come here to tell you that−”

Before Jongin could finish his words, a sound of bowl falling was heard. Minho and Sooyeon immediately stand up and rushed to the room where Soojung stayed. Jongin peeked from the outside, the tray was falling on the floor and he saw the girl, trembled as she held her own fingers.

“Soojung, what happened?” Minho asked as he looked at her, softly the top of her head while Sooyeon going out to the nurse ward. She gave a look as she passed Jongin, but Jongin could only look back at her, doing nothing.

“I’m sorry, Oppa… It’s ju-just… I was about to take the food but I couldn’t concentrate… I’m sorry… Is-Is Sooyeon unnie angry towards me?” Soojung said, in the verge of crying.

“No, no. It’s fine. She’s not angry. She must have been asking someone to clean up this mess…”he hushed her and touched her trembled fingers. “See, you have no energy because you haven’t eaten anything. Eat, will you?” Minho soothed her and Jongin could see how the family treated their precious maknae. He leaned to the frame and watched her. She wiped the tears in the corner of her eyes, slowly nodded.

If he appeared there, would she still think that he’s her dead boyfriend? Jongin shook his head; he should not dare imagining things like that.

After making sure that Soojung was fine, Minho walked out from the room and Jongin quickly moved to the alley. When he’s out her room, Minho glanced at Jongin.

“You don’t have to get in, but… could you watch her from the outside? I need to take warm milk for her… It’d be only for a minute. Can… I request that?” Minho asked him politely.

No. “Okay”

And Jongin stood in front of the door, hiding himself to be acknowledged by Soojung. He leaned to the wall and he could hear her sobbing. His curiosity building up and without him realized, his legs moved on its own, letting him inside. He walked to her slowly and at one point, Soojung looked at him, flat; no emotion.

Jongin arrived at the side of her bed and he cleared his throat, being awkward. Now that he’s seeing her face to face, after a week not seeing her, he realized that she’s showing a tired and exhausted face.

“Hi” he said softly. “How are you?” he asked her. It’s fine if she did not respond anything or better, asking who is he, but all she did was sobbing.

“Hey, did I do anything wrong?” he asked her, panicked because she kept sobbing.

Jongin sat on her bed and looked at her, trying to read her eyes. But all he got was an angry glare. Soojung hit his chest one time, two times, and after the third time, Jongin held her hand, stopping her.

“Stop it” he said firmly.

“Where have you been? Don’t you know I was worried thinking about you? Are you okay? Have you ever wondered about me? Do you know how tiring it was to call you hundred times a day just to hear the operator voice telling me that your phone is off? You don’t know that, right? I hate you!” she spoke uncontrollably while kept hitting him and Jongin automatically wrapped her shoulder, pulled her closer to his embrace.

It was just like when he found her after the accident. She’s crying and sobbing and all he did was wrapping her with his body. And he did it again. Soojung hugged his waist and drown her head to his chest, still crying out her feeling of longing him. He used his right hand to the back of her hair softly. This method was always working with Naeun; it should be worked well with the girl in his arm also, right?

Minutes passed and Soojung was still on his arm. She refused to let him go, tightening her hand on his waist. It felt awkward of course, hugging strangers, but Jongin also had no idea where he lost his logic and self-control. Sooyeon and Minho saw the view and slowly closed the door, hoping that Jongin could really be their savior in helping Soojung.

Jongin supposed to be coming to the hospital and meet Yunho, telling him that he couldn’t help him and his family. He supposed to step out from the hospital once he talked to Yunho. Jongin supposed to cut any ties that formed after the accident happened. But here he was, sitting at the hospital and hugging her, already pretending like he was the long lost boyfriend.

And it was a little too late now for Jongin to take himself out from the complete mess he had just created.




The fourth part is coming.

Any thought on this? :)

Thanks to those who already read and subscribed :* 

Have a nice weekend!


# apology, I change Jiyeon to Naeun because in my plot later on there's some character that will fit Naeun better so yeah... :)

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Chapter 4 is on progress. Unlike my other fic, I think I want to make this one with a slow progress. Hope you don't mind :)


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Chapter 8: I'm really curious to read the rest of yhe story pls can you continue updating
Chapter 7: Is that mean that kai won't fall for krys and they won't end up together
Chapter 6: wow i see that they are becoming close i love kaistal
Chapter 2: how can she mistook him as taemin..XD
Chapter 5: Yeah i got it from the begining but author nim is the mutual feelings btwn kai and Naeun mean that kaistal has no chance ?
Chapter 1: this is so nice..
Chapter 4: Omg really gappy for soojung to be helped by jongin
Chapter 3: Omg i really feel pitful for soojung but i need more moments btwn kaistal cause i really love kaistal
Chapter 2: Wow the way they let each other is a kind of special one and that mean that you are a good creative author nim
Chapter 1: What isn't supposed to be kaistal fanfic so when will kai appear ?