Dark Paradise





“Ok. Tell me when you are going to stop fabricating that thing you said, Kim Jongin?” the deep voice owned by Park Chanyeol sounded unsatisfied with what he heard. He narrowed his eyes and glanced at him with pout on his lips.

Baekhyun, who sat next to Chanyeol, could only sigh as he shook his head slowly. Jongin played with the straw on the latte cup that he ordered earlier. The coffee left forgotten, but he needs something to help him reduced the shaky and nervous feeling that kept appearing in his body. His eyes set on the empty wooden table at the coffee shop; one located near their home, the place they usually hangout when the three need to clear up their mind from their busy daily life; at some time like this.

“Jongin?” Chanyeol called him, but the young man didn’t respond to his call. “There’s no way those things can’t be true right?” his eyes grew bigger than he expected.

“Enough, Chanyeol” Baekhyun meddled, patted Chanyeol’s back.

“Don’t you see what he had done to his life? Is he being a moron here? I-I…! I don’t even know what to say!” Chanyeol let out his frustration by pulling the stray of his short brown hair. He really wished he could flip the table but considering that the coffee shop was a bit full, he stick to his clear mind by holding his anger as much as possible.

“I don’t know what happened earlier” Jongin started to open his mouth. He leaned his back to the chair, looking at Chanyeol who clearly feeling angry towards him. “I didn’t intend to see her, I swear. All I wanted was to see Jung Yunho to tell the family that I couldn’t join their crazy mini project on lying to her. But then when I looked at her…” Jongin hung his words on the air.

He closed his eyes, recalled what happened earlier in the hospital. Right when he managed to calm Soojung, the girl whom he helped after the accident, he found himself still being hugged by her. He didn’t know what to say, so he remained idle. She then proceed to flood him with questions, of where had he been, what happened to him, and why he went silent all the time.

Thank God, the nurse appeared for it was Soojung’s medicine drinking time and daily checkup. At least for 15 minutes, Jongin could free himself and got several answers prepared by Minho outside, so when he got back to see her, he could faking the respond that she wanted to hear. He didn’t stay long, because she need to take a rest and he wasn’t plan that visit though. After promising her that he’ll see her again, Jongin left the ward before telling Minho that he’ll contact Yunho to explain what happened this afternoon. And that means no way back now…

“You’re not ing with your life, Jongin” Chanyeol commented harshly. “What you’ve got into now, huh? What do you plan to do with this situation? This is crazy!”

Hissed towards Chanyeol, Baekhyun looked carefully to Jongin and realized that Jongin already feeling pressured; he didn’t plan to make things worse.

“Have you talked to Jung Yunho?” he asked him, received a nod as answer.

“We’ll meet tomorrow, to discuss further about this matter… I don’t know Hyung… I mean, I just want to help them…” Jongin hung his words again.

“You’re practically lying in front of her face. What do you get from doing this social work?” Chanyeol once again left a harsh comment. He totally didn’t get what Jongin had in his mind, from what he heard those things were totally stupid and didn’t make sense at all.

Jongin shrugged, looking at Chanyeol. “I just want to help. She looked so… lost”

“So what are you gonna do? Splitting you into two? Living two different lives?”

“We’ll settle it later on” Jongin answered shortly. He fully understood that what all Chanyeol did was a form of worry, from a brother, a best friend. 

The three of them went silent, still unable to accept the absurdity of Jongin’s story. Chanyeol knew Jongin more than anyone, they practically growing up together and knowing how soft Jongin’s heart actually, he knew that his childhood best friend was actually lost in his sympathy.

Jongin was always like that, being the kindhearted guy, which in turn made him to be the target of love confession during his school time. He’s calm and not talking that much, but that was enough to make girls swoon over him. He was actually a shy person when he’s not a surrounded by his close friends, but once he’s getting comfortable in his circle of friends, he couldn’t stop acting silly or playing some stupid jokes along with them. And that’s part of his charm which made him popular amongst the girls in their school.

“How long are you going to do this, Jongin?” Baekhyun asked cautiously.

Jongin shook his head slowly. “We don’t even figure out on what to do or not, so it’s still not clear…”

“As I already told you, a lie is still a lie, no matter what motive you have behind. But please just remember not to hurt anyone in this act of yours. By now you should understand the consequences you will face when you decided to help that girl…”

“How are you going to live from now on? Sometimes becoming Kim Jongin, sometimes pretending to be the deceased guy…” Chanyeol muttered a comment. “Are you going to pretend like you don’t know us later on when you’re with this girl?”

“Hyung wh-“

“Chanyeol got the point though” Baekhyun cut his words. “This guy, your second identity, there’s no way he would know us and that girl must be aware too… I could tell you won’t live your life the same way anymore, not until you cut this tie between both of you” he continued.

Jongin shook his head. “There’s no way I’m going to leave you guys. We won’t be meeting that often, and whenever I’m not with her, of course I’ll be myself…You don’t have to worry, I’ll make the boundary clear”

“How about Naeun? Have you told this matter to her?” Baekhyun asked him, making Jongin looked uncomfortable, especially in front of Chanyeol.

“Not yet” he muttered.

“Are you planning to tell her?” Chanyeol asked in turn. Official or not, he knew that there’s something going on between Jongin and her sister, and he’s aware that this thing might affect their relationship.

“That, I need to sort it out with her later on…”




“What are you doing?” Naeun looked at Jongin who happened to walk behind her, following her step to get inside her family house.

“Sending you home of course” Jongin replied shortly, walked a step ahead from her, leaving her clueless.

“We arrived already and your home is across the street, in case you forget” she said, appointing the house on the opposite side of the road. “No need to send me home, you silly” she added.

Both of them had just back after watching a movie in the cinema. It was unplanned; as Jongin suddenly called Naeun that he’ll take her out after the office hour. Well, things between them was never planned though, it’d be either Jongin or Naeun initiatively asked each other company since they’re pretty much hangout together. So when he called her accompany him to watch a movie, she just accepted it without putting a lot of thought on that. And when he asked her for a dinner after the movie date, she willingly did it. But now that they’re arrived at their home and him sending her in front of her house, Naeun couldn’t help but thinking that there’s something suspicious between his actions.

“Ever since I knew you, which is pretty much 23 years of my life, you never send me home” she commented, eyeing Jongin.  

Jongin nodded. “Yeah, that’s kind of true but no. I did send you home, when we’re back from the school camping in summer and it’s late. I sent you back here”

“You stopped at the gate. You never follow me inside here”

“Am I stranger in the Park household?” he asked her back, rolling his eyes.

Of course not, Naeun answered on her mind.  

“Well, you already sent me here. Aren’t you going to get inside your home? Because... It’s late now and I’m tired and… What are you doing?”

Naeun took a step back near the main door, as soon as she realized Jongin stood in front of her with a dangerous limited space between his body and hers. All she could see now is his lean body, tan skin, and his thick lips, which she should admit had been wandered in her dream every time since she realized that she had a crush on him.

Jongin kept the space between them as he took a deep breath and sighed. Naeun noticed how he looked really handsome yet cute on his black jeans and white shirt that’s folded up to his elbow, paired with the black safety boot. To be honest, she couldn’t focus during the movie as she kept watching his handsome feature next to her. She loved how his brown messy hair paired with his cute eyes and sharp jaw. Naeun could do nothing but stared at him though… Oh yeah, and now what is it that he’s standing so close with her?

“Jongin?” she called him, well she didn’t know what she called him for. It’s just she felt that’s the right thing to do. She noticed that Jongin was hesitated; she couldn’t tell what he’s going to do.

“The thing that I said to you, about Jung Soojung…” he said, slowly arranging his words.

Earlier when they had their dinner, Jongin told her everything about the girl that he met during the accident. Just like he expected, Naeun thought that it was a bad idea but she didn’t say anything, not even opposing him. She basically just listened to him and his thought, she didn’t say anything else. And that, somehow, making Jongin restless. He wanted her to react, but so far, what he got was zero response.


“Can you… I mean, can you wait for me… after those things…you and me…” Jongin started to blabber and cut the words randomly, making Naeun frowned as she tried to digest what he’s about to say.

“Jongin, what are you saying? I don’t get it” she shook her head in confusion.

Jongin stopped talking and looked at the girl in front of him. Park Naeun, his best friend, his neighbor, his bickering friend, his favorite company, now standing with puzzled expression, waiting for him to explain his act. The things that he wanted to do to her, what he wanted tell to her, supposed to be done in a fancy way; but the cinema and the restaurant earlier didn’t help him to build the mood. So now, at the porch in her house, Jongin gathered his courage to tell her things that had been lingered in his mind for the past weeks.

“Can you wait for me? Until I’m done helping the Jung family, can you wait for me?” he asked her, almost with a crack in his voice.

“Waiting you for what?”

Once again, Jongin took a deep breath. He totally needs to hold on something; the practice that he did earlier for tonight didn’t work the way it supposed to be. Slowly his right hand found its way to Naeun’s left hand, making her looked at their hands and exchanged look with Jongin. He held her palm softly, giving a small squeeze on her soft hand. It was not the first time they held hand though, but Jongin swore that tonight, every skin contact he made with her excited him.

“Don’t you want to hold me? Don’t you want to tell me not to help the Jung family?” he asked her, gazing at her eyes.

Naeun looked at Jongin, trying to read what this guy in front of her wanted from her.

“I know you. No matter how hard we try to oppose you, you will just keep doing it anyway…” she answered. “Just do the things that you want to do, Jongin. I won’t bother”   

“I…like you” he blurted the words, earning a silence between him and Naeun. He didn’t know what she thought about him though, but somehow he believed that the feeling is mutual. There’s no way he could misinterpret their relationship the past few years.

“Pardon me?”

Naeun felt her heart beat faster than ever, more than every time she unintentionally touched Jongin’s hand or when he kissed her cheek or when he laughed at her. She heard what she told her, clearly. He likes her, Kim Jongin likes her. She could feel Jongin held her hand tighter than before.

“This might be not the right time to tell you… But, yeah, I like you”

It’s silent again. Naeun really hope that Jongin couldn’t hear her heart that beat crazily due to his words. She felt like her legs turned into jelly, it’s so hard to stand like this with her first love confessed that he likes her.

Jongin then sighed pretty loud, loud enough for her to hear.

“Why? Why do you telling me this thing?” Naeun managed to find her voice, despite her dry throat.

“The moment I stepped in to the Jung family later on, I believe things will change. I will have to lie more than I should, I guess. But one thing for sure, I don’t want things changed between us” he examined her expression; he couldn’t tell what she had on her mind. As expected from his Naeun, his favorite girl.

“So… can you wait for me until all of this stuff done? Until I can finally go to you…” Jongin said the last word in hesitation, feeling heat coming up to his face. He bet his face looked as red as tomato, he should give credit to the dim light in the porch to save him for further embarrassment in front of Naeun.  

Naeun stared at Jongin, trying to get a picture of the whole situation. Jongin confessed to her, like… finally! She wanted to scream the joy in her heart but she’s too absorbed to process the whole things that happened in a night. Naeun still wondering if this was dream or not.

“I might sound so selfish for telling you this… But if you think that you can’t do that… I mean, you’re one of the goddess out here. There’re a lot of guys who wanted to ask you out, but you’re just plainly refused them because of me…”


“Your brother told me…” Jongin said, grinning to her. Naeun bit her lower lips; she made a mental note that she’ll have to kick her giant brother for telling Jongin her secret crush on him. Just like noticing that Naeun felt so shy and awkward towards him, Jongin squeezed her hand against him, catching her attention.     

“Naeun” he called her again. “What I’m saying here is… We have a mutual feeling but then… I can’t go to you now. But I do understand if you don’t want to wait for me, for I still don’t know how long I am going to do this with the Jungs…”

Jongin stopped his words just to look at Naeun, who apparently looking down to the ground. He could tell that she’s thinking; her low gaze and bitten lips was the sign of it. He felt like hugging her, but of course, he couldn’t do that, yet. Chanyeol could kill him if he ever did that, especially at the porch of their house and more importantly, when they have no label.

“Ok, it’s late now… Go inside and let’s just talk again tomorrow, hmm?” Jongin said to Naeun.

“I can wait” Naeun muttered her speech. She looked at Jongin who’s still standing in front of her. “I mean… This shouldn’t be long, right? I think I can wait…” she said, looking around, avoiding his gaze. With her free hand, Naeun touch the end of her long wavy honey hair; her habit for every time she felt uncertain.

Jongin smiled to himself. Things couldn’t go wrong after this confession, could it? He pulled Naeun closer to his embrace and landed a soft kiss on her cheek, making the girl let out a small gasp due to the surprise action did by Jongin.

“Good night then” he said to her, rubbed her cheek slowly, where he previously landed his lips. She could only smile back to him and finally letting go her hand from Jongin’s. “Go inside” he appointed the door, waiting for Naeun to get in. Once she’s about to close the door, Jongin smiled at her, making her knees weak again.

“Sleep well, ok?” he added, waving his hand to her as he left the Park house to go back to his home. She looked from the window as Jongin walked and finally got inside.

Naeun bit her lower lips once again. It was too much for her to accept. She just had a date with Jongin, turned out he confessed to her and asked her to wait for him. Their feeling was mutual and she didn’t have to feel all anxious and stress anymore as she’s not the only one who feel it.

It seemed like someone would not going to sleep well tonight….




Saturday morning. And all Jongin wanted was another couple hours of deep sleep.

But now, he’s nowhere but in front of the Jung’s house, complete with his jogging tracks. It’s been a week since Soojung being discharged from the hospital and with Jongin’s presence around her, somehow she exceled her recovery. Her bruises gradually removed from her skin and she could walk normally, even though she sometimes still need to hold on something if she felt too tired of walking.

Just like the past few days, Jongin was here to accompany her to have her morning jog. When he arrived there on his bicycle, Soojung already waited in front of the gate suited on her jogging pants and white loose shirt covered with pink jacket. She had her hair pulled to the back and made into a ponytail. Unlike the first time he saw her, Soojung totally looked healthy and fresh after stuck in the hospital for 3 weeks.

“Hi” he greeted her, still feeling awkward around her. He barely knew her but he should pretend that he knew her for life, because Lee Taemin did and he’s not Kim Jongin currently.

She raised one of her eyebrows and chuckled, pressed a laugh. Jongin noticed that when she did that, her eyes would fall into a crescent moon.

“What’s with you being all mushy? You never did that before” she commented.

Ah. Did this Taemin guy never greet his girlfriend this way? Shoot. I should pay more attention.   

Jongin immediately shrugged his shoulder as he got off from his bicycle. “Just feeling to greet you… Where’s your bike? Do you want me to take it for you?” he looked around the garage which was located behind her.

“Can we have a walk today?” she asked him, more like seeking for permission.

“Is it okay with you? Or should I bring the bike? We can have a bike ride” he suggested. He was being informed by Sooyeon that Soojung still can’t walk too much because previously she was badly injured in her leg during the accident.

“I’m feeling like walking… Can we?”

Jongin nodded, parked the bike and did some warming up before he started to walk beside her. It was silent for a while; they’re just talking a bit about her health and his works. Jongin had to carefully not saying his real identity. Everything he said to her was fabricated; he managed to learn it from the notes given by her family. He learned to be Lee Taemin and tried to turn him back to live, at least according to her liking. Problem is… Lee Taemin is so different from Kim Jongin in many aspects.

It was not easy to be someone else; copying a completely different person, but Jongin tried his best and seemed that his hard work the past week paid off. Soojung totally felt fine to hang out with him and had no problem when he sometimes becoming too stiff or too awkward whenever she’s around. Plus, she regained her health faster than expected and all credits went to Jongin for staying at her side.

“Taem…” she called Jongin, shyly looked at him.

Ah, this too. Jongin was absorbed in his own thought and forgotten that his name –whenever he’s with Soojung- should be automatically changed into Taemin. He almost missed this, but he quickly caught up and mumbled to her call.

“Ye-yes?” he stuttered a bit.

“Am I burdening you?” she asked him, looked at his eyes. Jongin glanced at her and raised one of his eyebrows.

Ok, if this is the case, what would this Taemin guy answered? Why they didn’t put this kind of thing on the notes?

“What do you mean by that?” he replied, still walking slowly with her.

“The accident… It’s almost a month since it happened and I still not fully recovered”


Soojung let out another chuckle upon his cold response. “I kept asking you to look out for me while you’re busy with your internship and work, I mean…” she paused for a while.

“What?” he asked her, waiting for her answer.

“I think I’m burdening you. I don’t know… I felt that I should see you later on… When I strong enough to walk on my own, when I fully recovered”

“Isn’t that my point to be here with you?”

They stopped walking and Jongin took it as a chance to look deeply in her eyes. She has a beautiful pair of eyes, he noticed.

“I’m here to help you pass this… To accompany you gained your health back, helping you when you need my hand…” he blurted out the words. Both of them looked at each other eyes and felt embarrassed. Jongin felt his face reddened.

What the did I say? That’s stupid and weird. , I bet Taemin never say this kind of stuff towards her?!

Before Soojung could say anything else, Jongin quickly continued his words. “Th-that’s just because… My point is, don’t think that you’re being a burden to me…” Jongin quickly muttered. He’s not ing his life to help a girl who didn’t want to help herself to recover.


“Get well soon, eat a lot, and rest well so you will have enough strength…” he slowly said to her.  He gazed at her, feeling bad for this girl. Yeah sure she totally needs to recover and gained strength, the reality that was waiting for her won’t be something favorable to accept later on. And if she didn’t have the strength, a break down would greet her.

Soojung, again, looked at him in surprise. Her boyfriend somehow being gentleman this morning, it made her feeling giddy, but to be frank, she likes it. She smiled to herself and looked for his hand. Soojung touched his right hand and intertwined their fingers as they continued to walk again. She felt that his hand being stiff, so she rubbed her thumb around his hand, comforting it. It’s been a while since they walking hand in hand, she’s missing the feeling of it.

On the other hand, Jongin felt weird and nervous as soon as Soojung touched his hand. It was their first skinship since the hug they shared in the hospital. The way she touched his fingers gave him a different feeling. It was different from the way Naeun’s hand felt, but it didn’t feel bad. But maybe, maybe it felt like that because for the first time, they touch each other in their conscious state.

He felt her rub against his hand and somehow feeling better and relax.

“Taem” she called him again.

“Hmm” he replied as they walked in the neighborhood before turning left to enter the public park.

“I miss you” she whispered before she squeezed his hand and smiled prettily, continued their walk. “Thank you for staying…” she added.

Jongin left speechless upon her words, but it would be weird if he didn’t say anything so he quickly replied her with a short ‘I miss you too’ and wonder if he should do something with their hands, but since it’s getting comfortable he just lightly pressed her hands as he tightened their grip on each other. He really hopes that later on when she remembered the whole memories that went missing she wouldn’t remember him so there will be no hard feeling between them. Because what he did earlier with her was not coming from Lee Taemin that he’s acting for, but Kim Jongin.

When the couple walked further to the park, a pair of eyes followed them and waiting until their back couldn’t be seen in the view. Naeun sighed, biting her lower lips. No matter how hard Jongin convinced her that all he did was helping this girl she saw, Naeun couldn’t help but feeling scared. She knew she was wrong for not believing him, but she had this strong feeling that things wouldn’t go as easy as Jongin said.

She felt a pang in her heart just by seeing them walking hand in hand and talked and laughed. It should be her with Jongin, not that girl. But Naeun knew, ever since Jongin confessed to her that night before asking for her permission to help this girl by pretending to be her boyfriend, she knew that Jongin likes her more than she could think of. Naeun turned her back and greeted by a tall guy standing with his arms crossed in front of his chest, watching her carefully. She let out a weak smile as she walked closer to the guy.  

“He likes you” Chanyeol said as he wrapped her shoulder with his long arm, pulling her closer to him.

“I know” she muttered.

“You believe in him, right?”

Naeun nodded. “Of course”

“Then stopped watching him whenever he’s with her, ok? It wasn’t like he likes her or what… I knew how Jongin felt for you longer than you expected. He’s not fall for you in a night, you know” Chanyeol smirked at her sister, noticing the pink blush in her cheeks.

“I believe in him, Oppa. And I will only believe everything he said, only what Jongin said to me”

Chanyeol nodded several times and let out a relief sighed. “It’s a good start… Just wait for him, Sist” he added.

Closing her eyes, she breathed the fresh air in the morning. She should not feel worried anymore and just wait for him to go back to her. Yes she agreed with what her brother told her.

Naeun will believe everything Jongin said; only if Jongin said so.




Chapter 5 finally. 

Ok, so to give you a short explanation, please note that Chapter 1 was currently happened and the rest of the chapter up until now was the flashback. Several people messaged me because they didn't understand the flow of it, really sorry if you're feeling confused :) 

So this is it.. Somehow the storyline itself won't be anything simple though... I need to put attention on the matter related between all of them and hopefully can write better update for you all.  

Anyway, really sorry if I couldn't update regularly as now my work is being really hectic and there's rare time for me to write and edit and recheck on the stories that I made. I hope you all understand :) Appreciate new readers and subscribers. Thanks, Guys! 

Have any thought on this? Please let me know! And have a nice weekend :) 


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Chapter 4 is on progress. Unlike my other fic, I think I want to make this one with a slow progress. Hope you don't mind :)


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Chapter 8: I'm really curious to read the rest of yhe story pls can you continue updating
Chapter 7: Is that mean that kai won't fall for krys and they won't end up together
Chapter 6: wow i see that they are becoming close i love kaistal
Chapter 2: how can she mistook him as taemin..XD
Chapter 5: Yeah i got it from the begining but author nim is the mutual feelings btwn kai and Naeun mean that kaistal has no chance ?
Chapter 1: this is so nice..
Chapter 4: Omg really gappy for soojung to be helped by jongin
Chapter 3: Omg i really feel pitful for soojung but i need more moments btwn kaistal cause i really love kaistal
Chapter 2: Wow the way they let each other is a kind of special one and that mean that you are a good creative author nim
Chapter 1: What isn't supposed to be kaistal fanfic so when will kai appear ?