Dark Paradise


Jung Soojung 101



“Taem…” Soojung called her boyfriend who’s currently looking at his phone while walking. “Taem…” she called him again, still his attention went to his cellphone. Soojung sighed and stood in front of him, and when his forehead suddenly hit Soojung’s, he just realized that he’s being blocked by Soojung. She gave him the ‘hello-your-girlfriend-is-here-put-away-your-phone’.

“What?” he said to her.

“Aren’t you done with your phone? You kept looking at it ever since we’re arriving here” Soojung said, crossing her arms at her chest. “Do you even hear when I called you?”

“You did?” he asked blankly.

“I kept calling ‘Taem, Taem, Taem’ like crazy and you didn’t even hear it? Aren’t we having a date today?” Soojung pouted, looking away from him.

Jongin sighed. Of course he didn’t hear her calling him, that’s not his name. Even though he’s getting used to his new name, Jongin still found it hard to respond when he’s being called as ‘Taemin’ or ‘Taem’ by Soojung. Fortunately she didn’t get curious; she’s just annoyed by his late response. And the moody Soojung was one of the things Jongin should tame.

He learned that whenever she’s being moody or angry, she would bit her lower lips, looking away while taking. Her glance would turn into glare and she will speak shortly or not talking at all. At that kind of time, Soojung seemed to build a wall surrounding her. But still, she’s a mysterious person Jongin would like to know about.

“Okay, sorry” he waved his cellphone in front of Soojung and put it to his pocket, showing her his free hands. It’s just a small act, but it’s successfully made her at least moved her lips higher, creating a half smile. He smiled to himself upon seeing his little effort worked on her.

They walked again inside the mall at the city center. It’s her idea to get there for a nice hangout because lately, they rarely meet and she missed him. Jongin realized that his busy schedule lately made him put Soojung aside. He sometimes forgot the fact that Soojung was actually a loner and pretty much being vulnerable lately. So to entertain her a little, he spent a day with her. It’s a working day though, but he only had a meeting that ended before lunch so when he’s done, he picked her at her house and went to the mall.

It was hard living in two identities. Sometimes Jongin acted as himself when he supposed to be Taemin, but in the other time, he “enjoyed” being Taemin that he forgot to act like Jongin around his friends. That’s of course creating a mess in his daily life, but somehow he managed to do that (with some complaints from Chanyeol and Baekhyun of course).

Upon agreeing to become Taemin and acted as a temporary boyfriend for Soojung, there’re a lot of things Jongin needs to learn. Sooyeon taught him every detail about her; started from the things she likes and dislikes and then her characters and personal traits. It’s like he’s going to have an exam, about Soojung. In the other time, he’s busied his schedule with meeting with Minho and his buddies, Jonghyun and Kibum, on which he needs to learn about Taemin and his characters.

It was kind of funny but the three of them thought that Jongin slightly looked a bit like Taemin, it’s just he’s the darker form of Taemin. Soojung noticed about his skin tone, but he’s saying that he’s into beach lately and she bought it just like that, typical Soojung. He also needs to build the bromance intimacy between him and those three. It wasn’t easy, because Jongin was not the kind of man who easily getting close to other. Plus, he also has to act really close with Yunho, who is actually his employer. That’s really hard.    

His life separated into two, at work and after work. When he’s at work, he could be Jongin anytime he wished, but once he’s back from work and meeting with Soojung, he automatically switched into Taemin. There’re several times her family members called him with Jongin and made Soojung wondering about the name, but they quickly revised it and immediately called him with Taemin. Or he didn’t respond when he’s called as Taemin, just like earlier happened.

“Where are we going?” Jongin asked once they reached the department store.

Soojung looked at him with a questioning look. “We’re in the mall, in department store and clothing area, of course we’re going for some shopping!” she said like it’s an obvious thing that Jongin should know.

“Ok, shopping…” he muttered, rolled his eyes. As much as he likes to wear something proper, he dislikes shopping. In fact, he hates shopping.

“I know you’ll be like this, Taem” Soojung shook her head and linked her arms to his. Jongin looked at their connected arms and looked at how sly Soojung’s smile was.  “Come on, shopping is fun!” she excitedly said, smiling widely as she looked at him.

How to put this… Jongin preferred his mom to buy the clothes for him or sometimes Naeun, but it’s never him. He just wore anything placed on the cupboard and if he thought that’s decent enough, he’ll just use it. He’s basically a t-shirt and jeans boy or loose shirt-cardigan-pants guy. He didn’t follow the latest fashion and he’s mostly stuck with monochrome in colors. So between Jongin and shopping, there’s no connecting line. And of course, there’s no ‘fun’ in shopping, especially if it’s to accompany a girl to do shopping.

“How about you go inside and me going to the computer store downstairs? Just call me when you’re done with the shopping things. Ok?” he tried to persuade her. There’s no way he will go for a tour of the mall for her shopping time. He’s not doing it whenever his mom asked him to accompany her for shopping, not even with all of his ex-girlfriends.

“But how am I supposed to know that the things I buy are fit?”

“Well, there’s a fitting room and you can try it there” Jongin answered with half worried expression. Was her amnesia getting worse that she even forgot what fitting room is?

“Exactly and that’s what you’re going to do” she chuckled and tightened her arms on his.


“Who do you think I’m shopping for?” she questioned him. Looking how confused he was, Soojung let out a small laugh and squeeze his arm a little. “It’s for you, Taem”

Jongin stopped hesitating to walk with her and again, looked at her. He didn’t know how many times he had been looking to Soojung today. She’s being a surprise for him, not like he’s complaining because her company could be said pretty nice, but it’s more because he realized those things she did were dedicated for Taemin. And compared to the first time he saw her in the hospital after the surgery, she looked much much better now.

“Let’s check the shirt section!” she happily cheered to one of the stalls inside the department store, left her grip on his hand. Jongin followed and stood next to her as Soojung checked on few shirts displayed.

“Stripes would be great and several checkered shirts also…”she mumbled as her fingers ran through the clothes there. “Oh this will looks good with a tie… Taem, do you want to go buy some ties later on?” Soojung turned her head to Jongin and caught him staring at her.    

“Why? You don’t like it anymore when I shop for you?” she frowned, as she realized that Jongin didn’t talk and just looked at her.

Jongin shook his head and smiled. “No, it’s just… You’re so excited over those shirts and ties and whatever displayed here. I mean, it’s good… to see you happily doing something” he added groggily. He somehow felt like he’s praising his girlfriend. Well, technically Soojung is his girlfriend, even though it’s a fake relationship. Soojung grinned, her smile reached up to her cheeks.

“Of course, I’m looking for your clothes… You know, as much as I love all of your t-shirts, you still need new shirts, you’re working now... Oh and some pants and maybe shoes?”

“I’ll buy it later on by myself…” Jongin answered quickly.

She rolled her eyes as she heard his reply. “Oh I’m so going to believe it. You never did that… Your money will be wasted on those gadgets or computer games, Taem. I know you”

He chuckled and smiled to himself. He found out that this Taemin guy seemed to be a bit similar with him in terms of loving the gadgets and games and hating the shopping thing. For once, he’s glad that he didn’t have to pretend in front of her.

“Let’s go” she took his hand and moved to another section. “We’ll be having a lot of things to buy… Prepared your wallet, Taem!” she winked playfully at him.

Seemed like Jongin couldn’t escape Soojung’s spell; he didn’t hate it anyway.




“Whoa… It’s been a while since we last came here…” she said as she took several steps ahead from Jongin who followed her. Soojung stepped carefully on the paving block that leads them to the main building of the university. They were now visiting Soojung’s college building; she need to take several documents needed after her graduation earlier this year. She should be taking it a month after graduation, but who knew that she would be having an accident that forbid her to go outside home for quite a long time.

As she walked with him side by side, Jongin looked around. It’s his fifth visit, when he previously never landed his step here. He came earlier after he read the note made by Sooyeon regarding the memories of Soojung in the university. He spent sometimes walking around the building and tried to remember the places Taemin and Soojung used to visit there. He could say that he memorized it well, because sometimes he led the way and Soojung seemed to be fine with it. She didn’t found anything weird with her boyfriend.

“There’s a new cupcake store in the cafeteria now… Want to grab some?” Soojung asked him suddenly, awakening him from his thought. Jongin nodded lightly, took her shoulder to turn right, heading to the administration room. It was not too crowded though, the staff seemed busy but it’s still manageable.

Soojung walked to one of the locket and gave her ID to the staff to get her documents. Jongin stood next to her, just waiting calmly. He felt thankful to Minho and Jonghyun who previously took him for a tour in the university and also her building. He managed to know some of the staffs and her college friends; prevention step, in case he met one of their friends when he’s with her. It’d be a dead end if he suddenly didn’t recognize their friends.

They chatted a bit, about the university and some memories. How Soojung loves the park near Taemin’s building. She , saying that near his building she could watch some guys from the other faculties playing basketball topless. They laughed several times, dubbing on some college student that’s dating around the building. Sometimes Soojung plotted some stupid dialogues on them and laughed at her own silly jokes. Jongin just noticed that this girl, aside from her cold appearance, actually have a nice personality.

“Soojung?” a voice broke their chats and both of them quickly looked at the owner of the voice. It’s a 40’s woman in working attire. She wore a light pink one piece that stopped around her knee, covered with mint colored blazer and paired with a wedges.

“Oh, Mrs. Son!” Soojung half yelled ran to her and welcomed by a hug by the elder woman. Jongin walked closer, examined the person who stood in front of him.

This was the first time he saw her and he tried to remember the name mentioned by Soojung earlier. If he’s correct, the name has something to do with Soojung and Taemin. It seemed like the woman was quite friendly with Soojung.

“How are you, Dear? Oh God, I’m so happy to see you again!” she claimed Soojung with another hug.

“Well, I’m great” Soojung answered, smiling happily. “How’s San Francisco?”

At the mention of San Francisco, Jongin remembered something. The woman, Son Taeyeong, was the art counselor in Soojung’s faculty and he quickly recognized her. According to Minho, Soojung pretty closed with her.

“It’s nice of course. I got to visit so many art museums. We should visit there together later on…” Mrs. Son said as she smiled to her. She suddenly noticed that Jongin was standing behind Soojung and just awkwardly let out a smile. Jongin knew that the woman looked at him also, with surprised eyes. But like she knew something, she just smiled back to Jongin.

Soojung noticed the empty air between all of them and she suddenly chuckled. “What’s wrong with the two of you? Taem, you usually go for Mrs. Son right? Why suddenly freezing here?” Soojung slapped his shoulder playfully.

Taemin had a huge crush over Mrs. Son and he would go everywhere bragging about the pretty lecturer in their university. Soojung bear it long time ago, she never felt jealous over Mrs. Son. Sometimes she even encouraged Taemin to ask Mrs. Son to go out when Soojung couldn’t accompany him due to her busy art classes. But Jongin hadn’t met Mrs. Son before and it’d be awkward if he suddenly acted like he knew her, so he just let out a dry laugh which was caught by Mrs. Son

“He forgot me already, I guess… You looked really pretty on your graduation day back then and I could tell he really fell for you, Soojung” Mrs. Son said playfully winked to her, tried to clear up the situation. Soojung glanced at Jongin and smiled to herself, blushed.

“Jung Soojung” the staff called her name and Soojung immediately went to him. After talking for seconds, she went back to both of them. “I need to go inside for some signing and photograph. Is it okay if I leave you here?” Soojung looked at Jongin.

“While you’re away, is it okay for me to ask Taemin to accompany me for a cup of coffee?” Mrs. Son said, making Jongin looked at her with a puzzled look, but her reassuring smile signaled something to him.

“It’s fine. I think I need to do some rendezvous with Mrs. Son anyway” he said, smiling to the older woman.

“Why am I feeling like I’m interrupting your date?” Soojung replied playfully. She nodded and waved to them, going inside with the staff. Once she went in, Mrs. Son and Jongin being awkward again and exchanged an awkward smile.

“So are you going to lead me to the coffee shop, Taemin?”




“Taemin usually bought me a vanilla latte, I love it the most” Mrs. Son said as she sipped the hot vanilla latte on her wide cup, slowly looked at the park outside.

Jongin listened while he has the iced hazelnut latte. The coffee shop located at the center of the university, 5 minutes-walk from the building. It’s not crowded that time, so Jongin and Mrs. Son got the privacy as they wished. He glanced at the beautiful lady who sat across him; no wonder Taemin had a crush on her. She’s totally the definition of beauty and grace mixed as one, Aphrodite.

“So you’re the infamous Kim Jongin” she suddenly turned her head back to him, smiling. “I couldn’t believe the story Yunho told me earlier about Soojung’s condition. But as I witnessed it earlier, this is really happening. Soojung really thought that you’re Taemin…” she paused, looking at Jongin who stared back at her. “How could you do that?”

“Pardon me?” Jongin asked, half surprised by the question.

“Are you making a research about Taemin? Because the way I see it, you sometimes, even though not 100 percent, acted a bit like Taemin in front of Soojung… Of course not to me, because Taemin would always have this groggy acts around me and he would just tease me playfully…” she smiled, remembered the young boy whom she missed. “You acted kind of similar with him…”

“Are you close with Taemin?” Jongin asked her. He’s really curious to know more about Taemin, note left by Sooyeon was not enough for him to learn about Taemin.

Mrs. Son nodded. “You can say so… I knew him since he’s still in high school. He’s one of my friend’s cousins, my college friend. When he got accepted here, we grew closer and here came the thing about him having a crush with me. As for Soojung, I trained her for her drawing class. So we’re pretty much hanging out together…”

They went quiet, silently sipping their drinks with their thought running through.

“Taemin and Soojung was a cute couple. There’s a lot of people envied them…” Mrs. Son started talking again. “Even though they sometimes did some PDA, like kissing each other cheek or Taemin hugged her from behind to surprise her, they’re not cheesy… I could tell how much they love each other. When he finally asked her to be his girlfriend, I wouldn’t forget how excited he’s to tell me that Soojung said yes…”

Jongin agreed with Mrs. Son. Soojung didn’t seem like a public person. She’s private, she disliked to be too opened to everyone but surely she felt comfortable with Taemin, judging from how easily she linked her arms to Jongin’s when they walked together or sometimes placed her head to his shoulder when she talked to him as they sat side by side. But he didn’t feel she made it up, she’s naturally leaning on him, on Taemin.

“Taemin adored Soojung very much. They’re each other’s first love. Sometimes they fought, but most of the times they’re bickering to each other like little kids. I never really understand their relationship, but I didn’t mind… it’s their relationship, their privacy. It’s so cute how Taemin brought several kids to wear shirt with alphabet on it, so when they marched and stood next to each other it formed the words “happy graduation”. That day, they went for a very long and sweet date, according to Soojung… She’s happy with him”

Jongin grew curiosity over Taemin. He learned that Taemin was a very easy going person with a loveable girlfriend and lots of great friends. His life seemed to be blessed; he got a lot of people who cared for him. Too bad he’s gone too soon…

“I never expected that things will turn this way… And to know that she didn’t even realize that he’s gone forever is just…” Mrs. Son stopped talking, taking a deep breath. He gave her an understanding smile. Jongin used to this kind of reaction.

As he learned more about Taemin and met the people who knew him, Jongin felt bad sometimes. People often cried or at least showed some deep condolence whenever they talked about Taemin and the tragic accident that took his life. They always tell how bad it would be for Soojung if she realized later on that Taemin’s gone. And actually Jongin’s scared too. He’s afraid that the girl that he found as his new company went out of her mind once she learned the fact. Somehow he didn’t want her to get hurt later on…

“Soojung is a good girl, Jongin. You might find sometimes she’s over demanding, but she’s naturally like that. Maybe because she’s the youngest in her family and her sister has 5 years , of course she’ll be treated very special because she’s like the only baby in the family. Soojung has a good heart… And looking from the way she treated you, seemed like you did a good job recently…”

“Thanks to her family also, Ma’am” Jongin replied politely. “I got help a lot as I learned more about Taemin. I just hope I could help her before later on she knew about the real things”

“Are they planning to tell her about his death?” she asked eyes wide.

“So far, no. Doctor Lee said that they will just let things the way it is now… If she still couldn’t remember, then I guess they’ll make her accepted it sooner or later. I mean… I don’t think I could keep pretending as Lee Taemin forever…”

Mrs. Son looked at Jongin once again. She softly touched his palm and made him looked at her eyes.

“Can I ask you a favor to take care of Soojung?” she asked him, giving him a pure and reassuring smile.

Jongin nodded lightly. “She’s kind of a good friend for me lately; of course I will take care of her”

“But I hope she won’t forget you later on when she remembered everything that’s happened…”

“Why?” Jongin asked; he didn’t get what she meant.

“Has anyone told you that you slightly looked like Taemin?” she said, tilted her head a bit looking at the handsome boy in front of her. From every angle, somehow she saw Taemin sitting in front of her instead of Jongin.

“Believe it, I got that a lot” Jongin replied, smiled to her. His phone suddenly ringing and when he picked it up, it’s Soojung asking his presence along with Mrs. Son. He informed her that he’ll be back to the building, telling her to wait for him.

“Taemin did that too, Jongin” Mrs. Son commented as they walked out from the coffee shop.

“Did what?”

“Telling Soojung to stay where she is and asking her to wait for him…” she answered, walked faster as she left him with the questioning look.

Well he has a girlfriend that’s waiting for him. Jongin somehow couldn’t wait to see Soojung again.




“Anything left?” Jongin asked as he eyed the back of his car once Soojung out from the passenger seat, walking to the gate of her house.

“No, I got everything here” she replied, showed him her full hand. Jongin walked inside as he brought several of her stuff and placed it at the porch. The maid will be taking it inside while he sat down, feeling tired.


“No, I’m just feeling so tired. Especially after the shopping part” he made a dead tired expression, making Soojung laughed at him. 

“Oh, you guys here?” Minho suddenly opened the front door, surprised with the presence of his cousin and Jongin. He nodded at Jongin as he walked outside.

“Are you two in a fight?” Soojung asked, tilted her head. “There are no way you two just nodded to each other. Especially you, Oppa” she appointed Minho.

“Wh-what? I’m just… I’m just thinking a way to play with him but then you said that, I failed now” Minho quickly turned the situation. “Where’ve you been?” he awkwardly walked closer to Jongin and suddenly threw his shoulder over Jongin’s who in turned, awkwardly looking back at him.

“Stop that stupid act oh God!” Soojung laughed as she covered her face with her hands. Minho was totally being awkward and Jongin also uncomfortable with the close distance between their bodies. “You two looked like a gay couple! Hahaha” she laughed again, slowly shook her head.

“Ya,ya, ya!” Minho protested as he walked to Soojung’s side and pinched her nose until she admitted defeat.

“Cruel” she muttered, stepping her shoes to Minho.

“Your manner!” Minho playfully complained.

Soojung paid no attention. She moved to Jongin who already stood up from the seat, fixing his crumpled shirt.

“Thanks for today, Taem” she said, smiling widely.


“Don’t forget to use the shirts we bought earlier, ok?”

Jongin nodded, adding a smile to her. Soojung glanced at him and suddenly she felt warm. His smile managed to make her feeling so happy and fluttering inside. Soojung wondered how come she still felt like this even though she already fell in love with Taemin for years and he’s already becoming her boyfriend. But maybe that’s the essence of great relationship, to fall in love with the same person every day.

“Ok, guess I’ll be going home. See you, Hyung!” Jongin waved his hands to Minho, trying to be as domestic as ever to Minho. In turned the older one excitedly gave him a hug and pat on his shoulder.

“Good night, see you tomorrow” Jongin said, smiling to her.

“Good night” she said back and went to his cheek for a kiss. Jongin froze at the kiss as it’s the first time she kissed him on his cheek. He didn’t mind any side hug or hand holding, but kiss….

When she left his cheek, she smiled to him and moved to take her purse to walk inside. Soojung caught the surprise expression made by Minho. He got his jaw dropped and eyes grew wide upon the thing he saw earlier.

“What is wrong with you?” Soojung asked, frowned to him. “Haven’t you seen me doing anything more than that with Taemin?” she shrugged and walked inside coolly.

Jongin and Minho still stood in their own position and thought; Jongin with the kiss he got and Minho with the thing he witnessed. Slowly Minho turned around and faced Jongin. That was the most awkward thing ever.

None of them talk after that.



PS. This is Son Taeyeong, the lecturer



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Chapter 4 is on progress. Unlike my other fic, I think I want to make this one with a slow progress. Hope you don't mind :)


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Chapter 8: I'm really curious to read the rest of yhe story pls can you continue updating
Chapter 7: Is that mean that kai won't fall for krys and they won't end up together
Chapter 6: wow i see that they are becoming close i love kaistal
Chapter 2: how can she mistook him as taemin..XD
Chapter 5: Yeah i got it from the begining but author nim is the mutual feelings btwn kai and Naeun mean that kaistal has no chance ?
Chapter 1: this is so nice..
Chapter 4: Omg really gappy for soojung to be helped by jongin
Chapter 3: Omg i really feel pitful for soojung but i need more moments btwn kaistal cause i really love kaistal
Chapter 2: Wow the way they let each other is a kind of special one and that mean that you are a good creative author nim
Chapter 1: What isn't supposed to be kaistal fanfic so when will kai appear ?