Love Gone Wrong... or not????!!!

*HELP!!!!* you thought to yourself.

You thought you were going to faint but Eun Jung and her gang suddenly stopped. You looked to see what was going on. You thought it was your brother but when you looked, to your surprise it was L. The cold and rude L came to your rescue? You couldn't believe it at first but, hey if someone is willing to help you, you had no complains.

L just glared at them coldly. It was a very scary glare. If his glare can kill someone, they would have been already dead. It was THAT scary!

"yah!!!! what are you doing!!!" he shouted at Eun Jung.

"o-oppa.." she could bearly speak. She was too scared to.

"I ASKED YOU WHAT ARE YOU DOING!!" he shouted louder this time.

" I-I was just  t-t-teaching her a lesson to s-stay away from you" she almost peed in her pants.

He grabbed her hand and put her against the wall. He grabbed her wrist so tight that it was hurting her. She yelped in pain. Her wrist was now red. Once he let her wrist go, she ran away with the rest of her gang. 

Once they were out of his sight he picked you up and carried you bridal style to his car. You were now unconscious from all the pain. He put you in his car gently and drove off to his house. 

At his house you were being treated personally by him. Your phone started to ring so Myungsoo picked up the phone. 

"hello? where are you Haewon?" gd asks.

"hello?" myungsoo replied coldly.

"WHO THE H*LL ARE YOU???!!!" gd screamed into his phone.

"I'm Kim Myungsoo. Who are you?" myungsoo replied coldly again.


Gd finally calmed down and L explained everything to him. Gd thanked him and told L that he was going to pick you up. 

L couldn't stop looking at you. He noticed that you are very beautiful. He felt sad that you were in this painful state. He felt his heart ache. It was surprising to him because he never felt that way before. He got up and walked out of the room. 

You were just laying on his bed. You slowly opened your eyes. You didn't know where you were. L came into the room and smiled. 

*His smile is the most hottest thing on Earth. he should really smile more often.* you thought as you tried to get up.

You stumbled a little bit while getting up and L immediately ran to you with a worried look. You looked into his eyes and saw that they were filled with worry. He slowly helped you get back on the bed. You slowly remembered what happend and you thanked him.

He just smiled at you and you could see the relief in his amazing eyes. Gd rang the door bell and L left the room to get the door. L told gd that you were upstairs and gd followed him up. Once gd saw you, his eyes filled tears. He ran towards you and he hugged you tight. You felt pain and gd noticed so he let go of you. L grew jealous even though he knew gd was your brother. L secretly glared at gd.

When you and gd went to his car you noticed L smiling at you. He was so grateful that you were okay. You saw the kindness and warmth in his eyes. You thought to yourself *Is that the real Kim Myungsoo?*.

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Chin555 #1
Chapter 6: update update update
BellaDoanOfficial #2
Chapter 5: UPDATE!!!!!! Seriously I'm driving crazy here. Hopefully the next chapter will be like they go to school acting like a couple or something...
Chin555 #3
Chapter 5: update soon..... plz.....
Chapter 3: Wah !! DAEBAK !!