Love Gone Wrong... or not????!!!

Ring, ring!!!!! You opened your eyes and saw that it was 7. You couldn't wait. You took only 15 mins getting ready. *Yay! Top record* 

When you went down you saw your brother already eating breakfast without you with a magazine in his hand. It was about a guy named Kim Myungsoo. You walk over to the long, huge table and start to eat too.

"can I go to school with you today since it's my first day???" you eagerly asked.

"sure" he said.

When you and your brother finished eating, you went to his car. On the drive to school you asked him if he can show you around. He agreed to show you around the school. As you arrived to school you realized that a whole bunch of girls were around your brothers car.

"kyaa!!! It's GD!!!!" all of them said

When you got out of the car every single girl started to stare at you. They all asked you if you were his girlfriend. 

"NO, I'M NOT HIS GIRLFRIEND!!! I'm his sister." you shouted out loud

Your brother and you started to walk into the school. He showed you around and to you it was pretty easy to memorize. The thing is you are very intellegent. Remembering things is not really a problem for you. GD went to class and you were walking by yourself. 

You suddenly hear ear screeching screams. You walked over to where the girls were and found yourself in the parking lot. You were wondering why you were in the parking lot until you saw a car pull up. You watched as an amazingly hot guy appear out of the car. You felt your heart melt at his sight which never happend to you before. It was weird but you decided to shake the feeling away.

He walked into the school and you saw that he met up with 6 other hot guys. You just walked along the hallways and found yourself standing in front of your first period class door. You decided to walk in. 

When you walked in you sat down in an empty seat and waited for the teacher to come in.

A minute later a the queenka came up to you and said "get out of my seat." You just got up and found another empty seat. The teacher walked into class. Soon the whole class was in their seats except for one person. The seat next to you was open. That's really rare because you're very pretty and all the boys would have sat next to you.  You were sitting in the back of the class so no one really saw you.

After the bell rang, a boy came and sat next to the empty seat. Well, he really didn't have anywhere else to sit so he just sat next to you. The teacher didn't yell at him because his friend's parents own the school. You heard all the girls in your class scream and send you glares. But you did notice the glares because you were mesmerized by how handsome he was. You realized that he looked familiar. You thought about it for a second before realizing that he was the boy in the magazine that your brother was reading this morning.

The teacher soon told me to get up and introduce myself. You went up in front of the class ,shyly, and said " hi. my name is Han Haewon. please be nice to me." All the boys started to look at you and it made you feel uncomfortable. When you went back to your seat you noticed the queenka look at you and give you the middle finger. You didn't even know why. You just ignored her and look at the boy next to you. He was just laying down with his eyes closed. You knew that his eyes were closed because his face was facing your way. You felt your heart beating like crazy. You started to blush and couldn't look away. 

Time passed by and it was the end of class. To your surprise, he opened his eyes and saw you staring at him. He walked out of the classroom without saying a word.

The bell rang and you walked out or your classroom. You went to class after class then realized it was lunch time. As you walked out of your classroom,  you saw gd come toward you. All the girls look at you with eyes filled with envy. (a/n- your brother is popular but not as popular as Infinite.) While you were eating your lunch with your brother, people came up to you and gave gifts to gd. 'Wow he has lots of fans' you thought to yourself. 

What you were thinking got inturrupted when you heard Infinite fan girls screaming their lungs out. You look over and saw L with infinite. You started to blush at the sight of L. Your brother noticed and he smiled.

"looks like you finally found someone you like" he said with a wide smile.

"I think I like him" you said still blushing. You looked back at him and he saw you this time. You just blushed more. He turned to his table and started to walk away. 

When he got to his table, he talked to the Infinite boys and told them to look towards you. All at once, they looked at you and saw how beautiful you were. They all looked at you with their mouths hanging open until L wacked all their heads and said that you were his. They all looked at L like he was crazy. L hasn't liked a girl since who knows when. He didn't like girls who would do anything and everything for him. He wanted a girl that wouldn't give everything to him. (a/n- by the way, even though you like him you wouldn't give him everything. Just to make it clear. ^-^ )

He liked it that you were staring at him. To any other girl, he would have been the mean L and said something mean to her. He was going to say something but no words came out. That's why he just walked out instead of saying something.

School is over and you told your brother that you would meet him at his car. You still had to wait 30 minutes because your brother was doing something. You decided that you were going to go to the library. On your way to the library, you saw Eun Jung (queenka) heading towards your way with her little gang. She took you by your arm and pulled you out to the parking lot. She  threw you against the wall.

"Stay away from L!" she ordered.

You didn't say anything. You didn't really have anything to say since there were no queenkas in America.

"Didn't you hear me? I said stay away from L." she sounded annoyed already.

She didn't wait for you to respond. She just kicked you in your stomach and you were on the verge of crying. Her gang started to kick you all over your body. You eventually started to cry because of the pain. You were bleeding and had scratches all over your body.  They eventually kicked you so much that you were about to go unconscious. 

*Help! Someone, anyone. Please help me!* you thought to yourself.

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Chin555 #1
Chapter 6: update update update
BellaDoanOfficial #2
Chapter 5: UPDATE!!!!!! Seriously I'm driving crazy here. Hopefully the next chapter will be like they go to school acting like a couple or something...
Chin555 #3
Chapter 5: update soon..... plz.....
Chapter 3: Wah !! DAEBAK !!