A Fateful Encounter?



Saturday, that special day for Soomin to finally take a break from her busy studies and to get away from those damn Nu'est guys. For two days, she can enjoy peace and quiet. The warm rays of sunlight woke her up. She felt really light this day, waking up with a bright smile carved on her face.

Taking a breakfast and finishing her morning routines, Soomin just wanted to spend the day at home relaxing. "I really need to thank that we were given two days of relaxation!" Soomin mumbled as she slouched on the sofa and   the T.V. "I don't think I can handle one more day of craziness! Aigoo.... thinking about that makes my head hurt!"

While Soomin was lazing off at home, the phone began to ring, and she exactly knew who it was...

"Yoboseyo?" she answered.

"Good morning~" the familiar voice greeted.

"Aish, what're you up to this early, Taemin?" Soomin asked, her annoyance obviously heard.

"Yah, for your information, it's 11:46 a.m. already, it's not early, Soomin." Taemin laughed.

"Whatever. Straight to the point please, what do you want?"

"Oh, right, so, can you stop by here for a while? It's really kind of boring being stuck here with Taesun-hyung."

"Yah, you really should take moments like these to bond with your brother. It's getting obvious that you two aren't as close as you were back then."

"Mwo?! Yah, we're still close, alright? And besides, hyung misses you~"

"Aish, it's still a no."


"Go invite Key-hyung, okay? I really wanna stay home and relax, Lee Taemin."

"But, Soomin-ah~"

"No, still a no. And no but's please."


"Nope, good bye~"

"What?! Wait! Soo-"

Before Taemin could even finish his sentence, Soomin had ended his call. She simply smiled and continued to watch T.V. Her day went on just like that and before, it was already dark, and she didn't even noticed it! Probably because she snoozed off.

"Eh? It's six o' clock already?" she gasped as she stretched and jumped out of the sofa. "That was a pretty long nap I must say!"

Soomin quickly went to the kitchen to begin to prepare dinner. To her surprise, she has nothing to prepare! "Okay, I guess I've run out of food, better do some shopping!" she smiled as she quickly dressed up. Once dressed, Soomin quickly rushed out of the apartment.

Soomin walked the nightlife of Seoul and as usual, the lights amazed her every single time. Yes, she always saw this scene every single night, but it still amazed her. The atmosphere was cooler than that at day, so she was able to enjoy more. "Okay, so what's on the list?" she mumbled as she unfolded a little white paper from her pocket. She was too busy reading that she didn't recognize that she had came across that person.

Because of the impact, Soomin lost balance and fell. "Appayo..." she mumbled as she rubbed her back. She quickly looked up to see who she had bumped to and to ask for forgiveness, but that all fell apart when she saw who it was.

"KIM JONGHYUN?!" she cried upon seeing Nu'est's leader, JR, in front of her. 

"Oh, sorry, my bad, I wasn't looking to where I was going." JR said as he offered his hand to her. "A-are you okay?"

"Get you hand away from me!" Soomin cried as she swatted JR's hand away and stood up on her own. 

"A-are you okay?" JR worriedly asked.

"Of course I am, I'm not that fragile!"

"Oh, thank goodness."

Soomin scoffed as she dusted herself and looked at JR, her arms crossed. "For this time, just this time... I'm sorry that I bumped you, I wasn't looking to where I was going to. This is the first and last time I'm going to say sorry to you, arraseo?!"

"Well, if it was one's fault, it's obviously mine." JR smiled. "I was too busy looking around that I bumped over you."

Soomin stayed quiet as she saw JR's smile. For a bully, his smile was really innocent and angel-like. Later did she know that the paper fell and was grabbed by the taller guy. "Here, I assume this is yours, isn't it?" JR smiled as he got the small white paper. He took a moment to glance at it, just for him to know that it was a grocery list. "Shopping? At this time?" 

"Yeah, so?" Soomin scoffed as she snatched the paper away.

"Shouldn't you do it at day?"

"I fell asleep, arraseo?! And, what do you care?"

"Well... I'm just saying."

"Go away, will you? If you don't mind, I've got some buying to do."

Seeing that she seemed helpless, JR quickly grabbed Soomin by the arm, shocking her herself. "Now what?!" Soomin cried as she tried removing JR's grip from her.

"I assume that you are buying those for dinner, am I right?" JR smirked.

"Yeah, so?"

"Will you be my guest and have dinner at my house. I still feel bad about what my group had done. Take it as an apology in behalf of them."

"Dinner? At your place? What are you, insane?" Soomin chuckled as she rolled her eyes. "You know how much I hate you five, right?"

"I am well aware of that information, Choi Soomin. But, please, having dinner at my place will be my apology, will you accept?"

"Dinner at one of those people I hate's house?"


Soomin paused. She shouldn't be thinking of denying it, but for some reason, she has this urge to accept it. She was having a hard time deciding, when in fact she could just simply say no! "Are you serious?" she chuckled.

"Since when was I not?" JR smiled.

Soomin wanted to go but it was because she wanted to make things clear. The reason why JR was the only guy in Nu'est that treated her differently. She was really full of curiousness that time so she accepted his offer. "Fine, but, that doesn't make my hatred for your damn group Nu'est go, arraseo?"

"Arraseo." JR smiled. The two walked to the Kim's residence, which was quite far from where they currently were.

As they arrived at JR's residence, Soomin's eyes widened. She knew that almost everyone was really wealthy, but seeing JR's residence made her realize that her level was so different from his! JR's house is a mansion for goodness' sake! "Woah... this is where you live?!" Soomin cried in shock.

"Well, yes." JR nodded as he opened the front door. "Please, come in."

If its outer design amazed her, the interior made her eyes grow wider, if they can still. Her jaws dropped upon seeing the luxurious design! It was really beyond one's imagination! "Welcome to the Kim's residence." JR said, a smile crossing his face.

"Wow, your place's fancy!" Soomin gasped as she looked around. 

"Well, that's a fact I guess, the other guys' house are nothing compared to mine!" JR snickered.

"Mwo? What do you mean, the others live in mansions like this too?!"

"Well, yes. Theirs are a bit smaller than mine. You really can't tell the difference, our houses are almost the same, and the difference is really small. If you compare it, Aron has the smallest and mine's the biggest. First is mine, then Ren's, then Baekho's, then Minhyun's and then Aron's."

"You guys are like, millionares!"

"Well, maybe?"

"So, do you have any siblings?"

"Nae. I'm the youngest, having two elder sisters. Apparently, they are out of the country."

Soomin had to admit, she was greatly dumbfounded! Her jaws fell and her eyes widened. JR's house was like heaven compared to hers, a filthy old apartment! She gulped at the thought and decided to hide it with one nervous laugh. Soon, dinner was served and JR led her to the dining room. The dining room was shockingly enormous and spacy! Maids served their food, which turned out to be gourmet-like. She really wasn't used to these, and she felt that the said room was too big for two persons. 

After eating, JR and Soomin decided to have a little chat at the balcony where they can enjoy the night breeze. "So, Choi Soomin, where are you from?" JR asked, an innocent smile still carved in his face. For some unknown reason, his smile made his bully-image fade. He was so different from what Soomin imagined and saw!

"I-I'm from Daegu." she answered.

"Daegu? Jinjja? Woah, that's far from here, isn't it?" JR said. "Good thing you and your family managed to find a place here."

"Uh, no, you're mistaken, I'm living alone." Soomin corrected as she waved her hand.

"Alone? Jinjja? So, you're living in an apartment or such?"

"Yeah, something like that."

"Wow, you can manage that?"

"Well, yes, it's for the sake of my education now, isn't it?"

"I'm impressed by your dedication, Choi Soomin."

Soomin herself couldn't believe that she didn't felt anger fill her up while holding this conversation. She really thought that talking to him would just make her boil with anger and get annoyed, but no, she really felt nothing. She felt okay around him. JR was really a nice person, an innocent type of person, far from what Soomin had imagined. "So, Choi Soomin, tell me about yourself." JR smiled. "I really want to know more about you."

"That's just creepy." Soomin glared. "And besides, I don't share much with those I am not close to. Add the fact that you're the leader of my most hated group."

"Yeah, about that, why do you hate Nu'est so much, huh?"

"Isn't it obvious?" Soomin asked as she sat up straight. "You guys are a bunch of bullies and heart breaker. The first time I came in our school, my first impression of you guys were just some normal handsome looking guys, but I was wrong. But when I saw you guys bullying some random student, it really broke that impression. Add the fact that time you dumped a girl and made fun of her."

With the thought, she gritted her teeth. "I still remember that time, you heartlessly tore the envelope she gave and threw away her gift. You mocked and laughed. I saw everything, including that time she ran away, crying..."

"So you hated us for that reason? Bullying and dumping girls?"

"More likely..."

"I see. I'm sorry."

"Mwo? Why are you asking sorry?"

"Well... the way we acted made you hate us, but it's nothing new. Everyone does. In fact, it's just the five of us. We stick together 'cause we know that nobody else likes us, not even the school staff! Everyone hates us."

"If you try and stop acting like some jerks, maybe they'll stop hating you guys." Soomin sighed. "To be honest, I've been wondering, why are you the only one not bullying me, Key-hyung, Taemin and Sulli? I see that you bully other students, but why don't you when it comes to us?"

"Why?" JR asked as he blinked a few times. "I don't know either. I feel that I shouldn't bully you guys. To tell the truth, I feel light when you're around. It makes me not want to bully you. You just seem so... innocent?"

"Innocent? Dude, you've got the wrong ideas on your head." Soomin laughed.

"I guess I do." JR smiled. "Say, do you have siblings, Choi Soomin?"

Soomin paused for a bit, her smile fading. JR quickly noticed this, making him raise a brow. He wondered why Soomin had such reaction. "Well, I do. I've got a twin brother." Soomin answered.

"Really? Wow, so, where is he now?" JR asked.

"I don't know. We two got separated when we were kids, so I have no idea."

"That's... too bad. Twins getting separated... if that happened to me, I might have felt the same way. Sorry for bringing that topic up."

"No, it's okay. I can barely remember things about him anyway."

"Wait, you mean you're slowly forgetting him?"

"Nae. I can't even remember how he looks like nor his name for some reason. Funny isn't it?"

JR frowned at what she said. Then, he changed the topic again. "So, why's your name that of a girl's? You know, that was the first reason we bullied you, Choi Soomin."

Soomin blinked a few times before turning around to see JR. Well, she was named that of a girl's because she is one. Well, what could she expect, she looked like a guy and nobody knew that she is a girl after all, excluding Key, Taemin and Sulli of course. "W-well, that's what my umma wants." she nervously laughed as she rubbed the back of her neck.

"I guess I'm not in the position to judge other's decisions, sorry."

"Aish, quit the 'sorry' thing already, arraaseo?!"


Seeing the time, Soomin quickly jumped. "Aigoo, it's getting late, I should head home." she smiled as she stood up.

"Sure, let me walk you out." JR smiled as he led the way.

Outside, JR and Soomin bid farewell. "It's nice that you let me have dinner here, it was so kind of you." Soomin smiled. "But that doesn't mean I don't hate Nu'est already, arraseo?"

"Arraseo, arraseo." JR nodded. "Be careful on your way home, Choi Soomin."

"Nae, I will." she nodded as she walked away. JR was about to turn around too before hearing Soomin call him by his name. "Yah! Kim Jonghyun!" she cried, grabbing the other's attention.

"You can call me Soomin from now on." she smiled before running off. JR simply smiled upon hearing what she had said before closing the door. Behind the door, JR snickered. He really felt great with Soomin around for some reason. Hearing that she had told him to call her by name made him smile from ear to ear.

"Soomin, eh?" he mumbled while smiling. "Too bad I wasn't able to tell her that she's allowed to call me JR. Oh well."



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DoKyungsoo365 #1
Chapter 32: aww... this is a very sad yet happy ending...

author-nim, you're always making me cry.. first in 'Beauty and The Wolf' and now here in 'Opposites'. but never mind, because I've read a very beautiful stories that are made by you.
bine84 #2
Chapter 31: aww..this is so sad

but i like your story
Chapter 32: Good...nice...daebakkkk. ..story....,.
cheekylittlechubba #4
Chapter 32: It so good!!!

I cried the last few chapters :(

thumbs up authornim ^^
Chapter 32: Aww i really cried at the two last chapters..>_< love this story even the ending is sad yet somehow happy..greatwork author nim!! How to upvote this??? Teach me..
Chapter 32: Gosh... Kept on crying....
Chapter 32: Your such a great author. This is soo sad but yet has a nice ending. I can't stop crying. I enjoyed reading this story. Hope you continue writing stories.
Chapter 32: great job author-nim
Chapter 32: Gosh I'm crying~~ Good job author-nim *thumbs up*
yumiisashawol #10
Chapter 32: This is one of the best stories that I had ever read!! And the ending is just beautiful really! Your story deserves the upvoting :D and I can't wait for your next story, also your writting style is awesome ^ω^