Love Issues



"Lee Taemin!" Soomin repeatedly cried. Her cries were useless, Taemin was gone. He had vanished in the horizon. What was going on? Why did he run off?

"Uh... did I do something wrong?" JR worriedly asked.

Soomin was quiet, thousands of questions running in her head. She didn't do anything, did she? Neither did JR nor Ren did anything. What was going on? 

Seeing his twin looking worried and seeminly confused on what to do, Ren patted her shoulder, his eyes looking straight at hers. "Go after him." Ren ordered.

"But... what will I do?" Soomin asked.

"How should I know?" Ren smiled and gave her a push. "Go now! Palli!"

Soomin smiled upon hearing Ren's words. She nodded and obeyed him. "Nae! I will!" she smiled before running after Taemin. JR was kind of confused on the way Ren acted towards to Soomin but that's not to be minded for now, what's more important is that they discover the reason of Taemin's sudden actions.


Meanwhile, Taemin was still running aimlessly. He didn't know where to go or even why he was running.  The night lights led him no where, and only served as his guide under the night sky. 

He heard nothing but his heart racing, his heavy breathing and his footsteps. Nothing else. 

Why am I like this? Where am I going? What's going on? What's this feeling?

Those were the questions that rounded up Taemin. Later, he finds himself no where but in the playground. He was heavily panting and decided to sit in the swings, his head lowered and his blonde hair covering his face.

Minutes later, he hears another set of footsteps getting closer. He didn't bother raising his head up and looking at who it was, and the next thing he knew, the footsteps stopped. Taemin hears a familiar voice, making him raise his head a bit.

"Taemin-ah." Soomin panted as she walked closer to Taemin, who was still trying to catch his breath. She knelt down to him and cleared his face from his blonde hair. She saw him covered in sweat, panting. "Yah, why'd you run off like that?" she worriedly asked. 

"I'm sorry..." Taemin softly said. "Are you mad at me?"

"Me? Mad? I'll never be!" Soomin smiled as she grabbed her handkerchief from her pants' pocket and began wiping Taemin's forehead. "Aish, what happened? You just ran off, is something wrong?"

"I don't know." Taemin sighed. "I just... my legs just made me run. I don't know why..."

"Dude, you're crazy." Soomin giggled and sat on the other swing. "Seriously, the Lee Taemin I know always have reasons on whatever he does. Not knowing why you just ran off isn't like the Taemin I know."

"Sometimes, we just don't have reasons to say when we do things." Taemin answered.

Soomin sighed as her eyes were fixed on Taemin. She was starting to get worried. "Yah, Lee Taemin, can you please tell me?" Soomin asked. "You never keep secrets from me."

"THEN WHY DO YOU KEEP SECRETS FROM ME, CHOI SOOMIN?!" Taemin angrily cried as he stood up, his eyes blazing with fury. His sudden actions shocked Soomin again, her eyes growing wide. Taemin finally knocked himself back to his senses and brought his hand on his face. "I'm sorry... it's just... argh, I don't know."

Soomin finally saw through him. There was a possibility that she had done something wrong, causing Taemin to act like this, but what? She gathered all her courage and glued her eyes onto Taemin, asking again. "What are you saying?" she seriously asked. "What do you mean?"

"You were... keeping secrets from me, weren't you?" Taemin softly said. "You and JR... you're keeping something from me, and maybe from Key-hyung and Sulli too."

"Aish, is that all? Fine, I'll tell you." Soomin sighed. "JR likes me, happy?"

Taemin's eyes grew wide. JR likes Soomin?! "M-mwo?! He likes you? But, doesn't he know that you're a-"

"He doesn't know, yes." Soomin said. 

"Does that mean he's-"

"Yah! Wait a minute! He likes me, yes, but as a brother, arraseo?"

"A brother?" Taemin blinked. "I don't think so."


"He acts like he doesn't like you as a brother... but more than that, Soomin."

"Aish, don't be silly, Taemin!"

"I'm not!"

"Jinjja? What do you know?"

Taemin sighed as he gathered up the courage to begin his explanation. His worried eyes looked directly at Soomin, confusing her more. "FINE! I'll tell you what I know!" Taemin exclaimed. "I know that JR isn't just liking you as a mere brother but more because... because I..."


"I.. I like you, okay?! I like you, Choi Soomin!"

Soomin blinked a few times more as she tried processing the words in her mind. Taemin... likes... her?! Her eyes burst wide open, her jaw fell. "MWO?!" she cried in shock.

"I like you. I like you eversince, Choi Soomin, happy?" Taemin sighed as he sat on the swing beside her. "Look what you made me do, you made me freaking confess!"

"Yah, you're not serious, are you?" Soomin asked.

"Since when was I not serious?" Taemin asked.

"Aigoo... why is everyone falling in love with me these days?!" Soomin exclaimed as she scratched her head. "Don't tell me Key-hyung likes me too..."

"He doesn't." Taemin quickly answered.

"I didn't literally asked it, babo!"

Taemin looked at her, seemingly exhausted from all the running and stress. He couldn't do anything but avert his eyes soon and sigh. "Okay, this is getting weirder. Is that the reason you ran off?" Soomin asked. "Jealous of JR?"

"Seems like it..." Taemin softly answered.

"Yah! Why on earth will you be jealous of JR?! There are three reasons. First, we are not dating. Second, I never fell in love with him. Third, you don't own me, I'm not yours."

"I know that... but it's just... Eversince we were little, you told me that I was your one and only prince and you were the princess eversince your twin vanished."

Soomin got quiet upon haearing Taemin's words. She did say once that Taemin was her prince after she and Ren got separated, but that was a totally different issue! "Aish, get back into your senses, arasseo?" Soomin sighed as she hit Taemin's head lightly. "I'm heading back home."

"You are?"

"Nae. I'm exhausted. See you tomorrow."


The next day came. Soomin was quiet for some reason, only talking a bit and in a rather soft voice. Key also noticed that she avoided any contact from Taemin, and so did Taemin towards Soomin. It seems like the two were acting different. The two would often be seen teasing each other. Ren noticed his twin's movements too, and was slowly getting worried. The whole day passed with Taemin and Soomin not even talking to each other.

Back at Soomin's apartment, Ren decided to drop by to finally ask what was going on. "Okay, now tell me, what's going on?" Ren asked, his arms crossed.

"What do you mean?" Soomin asked as she served Ren with tea and snacks before sitting beside him. 

"Drop the act, you and Taemin didn't even talked to each other for one whole day! What's going on?"

"You don't need to know."

"Yah! I'm your freaking twin brother and we don't keep secrets, remember?"

"Even though..." Soomin softly said as she averted her eyes. Ren quickly brought her attention back at him as he squished her cheeks. 

"Tell. Me. Now." Ren commanded.


"Tell. Me."









"Arraseo! Aish!"

After sipping some tea, Soomin began her explanation. "Do you remember when I told you that JR likes me?" Soomin asked as she beamed at Ren.


"Well, he's not the only one."

"Jinjja? There's more?"

"One more. And... it's Lee Taemin."

"MWO?! Jinjja?!" Ren cried as he nearly spitted his tea. "How? When? What? Wha...?"

"Yah, calm down!" Soomin glared. "He told me yesterday night..."

"Well, aren't you attracting guys all of the sudden?"

"And he said that he was... well, he really didn't tell but I saw through him, he was jealous of JR and I. I know that we were getting close, but Taemin being jealous? Why so? I mean, I'm not his girlfriend, I don't like him, and I don't belong to Taemin, so what's the reason?"

"We boys are just like that, Soomin." Ren explained. "In Taemin's case, you two were together since childhood, right?"


"Then, you and him are the closest, correct?"


"Well, maybe, he liked you eversince and you just didn't saw it, nor did he wanted to show it. Though you two aren't lovers or couples or such, men will tend to get jealous once their 'girl' hangs out with other men."

"But I'm not Taemin's 'girl'."

"I know that, and so does he. It's just... unavoidable. We tend to get jealous, and so do girls, right?"


"I hope you understand. You and Taemin need to get along again, arraseo?"


Ren smiled as he sipped his tea again and patted Soomin's head. "I'll talk to JR about this, is that okay?" Ren asked.

"Nae. Gomawo." Soomin smiled.

"And you talk to Taemin, palli!"


Ren smiled upon seeing his twin smile. He pulled her for a hug, glad to help Soomin with her love issues. He promised that he will help Soomin solve anything, and vice versa. The twins wouldn't leave each other anymore...


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DoKyungsoo365 #1
Chapter 32: aww... this is a very sad yet happy ending...

author-nim, you're always making me cry.. first in 'Beauty and The Wolf' and now here in 'Opposites'. but never mind, because I've read a very beautiful stories that are made by you.
bine84 #2
Chapter 31: aww..this is so sad

but i like your story
Chapter 32: Good...nice...daebakkkk. ..story....,.
cheekylittlechubba #4
Chapter 32: It so good!!!

I cried the last few chapters :(

thumbs up authornim ^^
Chapter 32: Aww i really cried at the two last chapters..>_< love this story even the ending is sad yet somehow happy..greatwork author nim!! How to upvote this??? Teach me..
Chapter 32: Gosh... Kept on crying....
Chapter 32: Your such a great author. This is soo sad but yet has a nice ending. I can't stop crying. I enjoyed reading this story. Hope you continue writing stories.
Chapter 32: great job author-nim
Chapter 32: Gosh I'm crying~~ Good job author-nim *thumbs up*
yumiisashawol #10
Chapter 32: This is one of the best stories that I had ever read!! And the ending is just beautiful really! Your story deserves the upvoting :D and I can't wait for your next story, also your writting style is awesome ^ω^