

"Soomin? What is it that you are going to tell me?" Taemin asked.

Soomin directly looked at Taemin and held his hand tightly, worrying Taemin. "Soomin?"

"I'm so sorry, Taemin..." she softly said as tears rolled down her eyes, surprising Taemin.

"Yah! What' wrong?" Taemin asked as he wiped Soomin's eyes. "Don't worry, we'll save them, I promise. We'll find a way, arraseo? Stop crying now, shh..."

"Aniyo, that's not the reason..." Soomin mumbled.

Taemin tilted his head as he caressed Soomin's cheeks. He was in total confusion, what was the reason of her tears then? He knew that when Soomin cries, it's really important...

"Taemin... I'm really sorry, but I came to realize something." Soomin began. "Taemin... I'm... in love with JR, not you."

Upon hearing her words, Taemin's world stopped. Hearing that his girlfriend likes JR instead of him made his heart break into a million pieces. Did he hear that clearly? No, it can't be. Soomin said it herself, she loves him! "Soomin, what are you saying?" Taemin asked as he tried confirming what Soomin said. "Look, if this is a joke, hajima. It's not funny."

"It's not." Soomin answered. "I really am in love with him. I'm in love with JR."

"Soomin, please, tell me this is a joke! You told it yourself, right? You love me, not him."


"Soomin, please. I... I can't! You told me that you love me a million times. Why now, you're saying that you don't love me and love JR instead? What's going on?"

"Taemin, listen to me-"

"No... this is not true."

"Taemin. Listen to me." Soomin said as she held onto Taemin's hands. "I'm sorry if I made you expect lots of things. I'm really sorry, it's my fault, you did nothing wrong, it's my fault, okay?"

Taemin finally calmed down and listened to what the young girl has to say. He prepared for the worst and listened to Soomin's explanation.

"Look... do you remember when I told you that I'm a total idiot when it comes to love?" Soomin asked as she reassured a smile. "I guess it is true. I'm so stupid that I mistook my brotherly love towards you as my true love. I told you once that I don't feel that 'special feeling' around you too, right? I guess that was the reason. I came to notice that now. The reason why I feel anxious and awkward with JR, that was the reason. The reason why my heart beats faster when I'm around JR... it was because... I was in love with him the whole time."

There was an awkward silence in the whole house. Taemin lowered his head as he continued to listen to Soomin.

"I'm so sorry if I hurt you. I don't want to, but this, this is the truth, Taemin. I hope you'd accept that. I'm sorry if I became blind about my true feelings, even making you expect things. I'm so sorry. It's okay if you can't forgive me now, I only wish you to hear the reason."

Soomin felt a tight grip on her hand. Taemin was tightly gripping on her hand, as if he didn't want to let go of Soomin. "Soomin, does... does that mean... you never loved me?" Taemin asked with teary eyes.

Soomin felt tears roll down her eyes as she hugged Taemin, who managed to hug back. "Taemin, I loved you eversince we were little. In fact, I can't thank you enough for standing and staying by my side all these years. The way you became my prince in behalf of Minki... that was just... I can't get the right words to thank you. I love you, Taemin, and that's the truth."

"But it's not the same the way you feel for JR, right?"

"It's hard to accept, but yes. I love JR more than you, and I know that hurts. I really am sorry."

Taemin finally bursts into tears. He can't accept the fact that his "princess" likes someone else. And that someone is his rival in love, JR. He didn't want to let go of Soomin, but he is also aware that if he doesn't, it will hurt her. He didn't want to hurt Soomin. He has to accept that painful fact. 

Soomin likes JR, JR likes Soomin. He's no one in Soomin's life but a brother.

"Soomin..." Taemin sobbed as he held tighter on Soomin. "It... It huts."

"I know." Soomin nodded as she wiped Taemin's eyes. His face when he cries, it pained her very much. He looked like a baby, yes, but it hurts her. He was cute, but it was painful at the same time. "I know it hurts... I know."

"Are you really sure that you love him?"

"Nae. I'm sorry."

Taemin wiped his tears and gathered his courage to smile, wanting to comfort Soomin. "Arraseo. I accept defeat." he smiled. "But promise me one thing, okay?"

"Nae. What is it?"

"Promise me, that if JR hurts you, tell me quickly, okay? If he lets you go, I promise that I'll be there to catch you. I, Soomin's prince, is now announcing JR as Soomin's new prince."

Soomin smiled as she hugged Taemin. "Gomawo, Taemin-ah."

"Cheomaneyo." Taemin smiled as he hugged the young girl back. "Just remember one thing, be true to your feelings. The way you loved me these past three months, love JR the same way, arraseo?"


Taemin finally accepted the truth. Yes, it stings, it hurts... it was painful. But, seeing where Soomin is happy makes him happy. A smile of hers makes the pain vanish quickly. He had to accept that he was no more Soomin's prince, but JR. Still, his promise of staying beside her will last forever. Promises might be meant to be broken, but not this one.

The bracelet he gave her is a sign of that promise. The promise he made that he'd continue staying beside Soomin despite the fact that he was no longer her prince, but a brother. 

He loves her.

She loves him.

He loves her back.

That's the sad truth.

And nothing can change that...

"I'm glad you accepted the truth." Soomin smiled.

"Kajja, let's go save our friends, arraseo?" Taemin smiled as he offered his hand to Soomin. "And your prince too."

"Nae!" Soomin nodded and grabbed Taemin's hand. Together, the two ran to their meeting place, with the mission of saving three important people.

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DoKyungsoo365 #1
Chapter 32: aww... this is a very sad yet happy ending...

author-nim, you're always making me cry.. first in 'Beauty and The Wolf' and now here in 'Opposites'. but never mind, because I've read a very beautiful stories that are made by you.
bine84 #2
Chapter 31: aww..this is so sad

but i like your story
Chapter 32: Good...nice...daebakkkk. ..story....,.
cheekylittlechubba #4
Chapter 32: It so good!!!

I cried the last few chapters :(

thumbs up authornim ^^
Chapter 32: Aww i really cried at the two last chapters..>_< love this story even the ending is sad yet somehow happy..greatwork author nim!! How to upvote this??? Teach me..
Chapter 32: Gosh... Kept on crying....
Chapter 32: Your such a great author. This is soo sad but yet has a nice ending. I can't stop crying. I enjoyed reading this story. Hope you continue writing stories.
Chapter 32: great job author-nim
Chapter 32: Gosh I'm crying~~ Good job author-nim *thumbs up*
yumiisashawol #10
Chapter 32: This is one of the best stories that I had ever read!! And the ending is just beautiful really! Your story deserves the upvoting :D and I can't wait for your next story, also your writting style is awesome ^ω^