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A/N: This is gonna be very short. And every chapter will be short, since it's a flashback most of the time.

The words in italics are the flashbacks that she is talking about to the camera, and those that are not in italics refers to the present.
Leave comments alright? And please do subscribe and support my story~~




Video Diary 1.

"Oh come on Daehyun! Don't be such a scaredy cat!" Soojin dragged him to the roller coaster ride. He was afraid of heights, and he can't believe this wacky girl actually LOVED it.


His face paled upon seeing the line in front of them shortening, and soon, it was their turn to get onto the ride. Daehyun gulped and prayed silently, 'Please give me strength to survive this ride..' making Soojin laugh heartily at the boy's silliness.
The ride started to go up up up up, and Daehyun slid lower and lower into the seat, not wanting to look down at all. Soojin, on the other hand, was beaming with excitement. She has never been on a roller coaster ride before, and she loved the feeling of being at the top of the world.
The ride stopped at the very peak for a few moments before plummeting straight down without any warning.
Daehyun screamed, Soojin screamed. In fact, Soojin was laughing hysterically while screaming. The camera clicked with Daehyun looking constipated and Soojin smiling brightly.
The moment the ride was over, Daehyun stumbled off the ride with his face pale and looking as though he was about to throw up. Soojin skipped happily beside him and hugged tightly onto his arm.
"Let's go get some food!" she sang, dragging the still-traumatized Daehyun to a fast food stand.
Soojin has never eaten fast food in her entire life. Her brother has always forbidden her to eat out, even in restaurants, let alone from a street stall.
She ordered a beef burger for both of them, and two bottles of Coke as they settled in front of the stall waiting for their food to arrive.
It was still early spring, when the wind was chilly but still sunny and Soojin loved it.
Daehyun recovered from his horror of the roller coaster ride just in time for him to admire Soojin's contented smile forming on her face.
This girl smiles so much and she's just so positive, Daehyun kept wondering, 'What makes her so happy? Just a roller coaster ride at a theme park and she's so happy?'
Yes, it is, indeed, rather weird for her to be THIS happy just because of a roller coaster ride. But Daehyun didn't know her story, he didn't know her life.
He didn't know how she has always been protected in the safety bubble she calls her home because of her illness.
And of course, Soojin wanted him to continue treating her normally so she didn't tell him.
Yes, she lied. She told him that she is from a normal family, with normal parents and a normal school life. This picture she painted was an illusion of what she thought a normal girl's life will be like. And of course, unsuspecting Daehyun believed her, thinking that she was normal.

Soojin sighed, sitting in front of the same burger stall, in that same amusement park and the same table where Daehyun and her sat at.
She ordered the exact same food - A beef burger and a coke.
While waiting, she took out her video camera and filmed herself.
"Annyeong, Daehyun! Do you remember this place?" she faced the camera away from her face to video the entire amusement park. She stopped at a particular roller coaster ride and laughed.
"Remember how you looked like you were about to faint right after that ride?" she asked, turning the camera back to film herself.
"Oh my gosh, your expression was priceless!" she laughed again.
Her food came and she set the video camera on the table just at the right angle so it could capture her eating.
She held the burger to and chuckled, "I feel like I'm doing a food show or something.." 
Taking a huge bite of the burger, she showed a thumbs up, smiling.
"Ah, I just love this food, although its unhealthy. Remember you always told me that I'll grow fat if I keep eating junk food?" she took a sip of the coke and sighed in contentment.
After she finished her meal, she paid the vendor before grabbing her stuff and holding the camera as she walked to the next location.
"Daehyun, are you sleeping? Don't you dare sleep! You have to continue watching alright?!" she playfully wagged her finger at the camera before sticking out her tongue.
"Let's go go go~ To the next location!" she sang, tightening her scarf around her neck and walking through the throngs of people at the amusement park.
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Vwansha #1
Chapter 4: I love this story! It starts and has a different storyline than other stories I've read. I hope Soojin will be able to have a successful operation and will be able to live and experience life. Take your time updating! Hope to know what is coming up. ^_^
Mistlea #2
Chapter 4: I had to keep myself so hard from crying while reading this chapter... now my family thinks I have mood swings haha ^^ Beautiful story
last-sowon #3
Chapter 4: Tears... are threatening to fall...
Can you update soon pls?? ^^
eyesthatsing #4
Chapter 4: I just found out about this story...
And I'm already in tears :'(
Hope it doesn't end badly...
Chapter 3: I still love this story <3 I can't wait until it gets more in depth!<3
Chapter 2: Komawo for the update! <3
Chapter 1: OMO this already sounds like an amazing story!
Hwaiting! <3