§ O N E §


S P R I N G, 2013.04.04


She walked around the streets of Seoul, reminiscing everything that she did with him.

Jung Daehyun.
She smiled as she remembered the circumstances in which they had met.
Soojin was running away from her brother, who was trying to lock her up in the house.
You see, she had always been a sickly child, and her brother, being overprotective, has always tried to make her stay at home and not go outside in case she caught any virus. Her family was rich and her parents rarely ever came home. So it was up to her brother, Junhyung, to keep her safe and protected in their mansion.
But she got sick and tired of staying at home, although they had an indoor swimming complex, an arcade, a movie theatre and a mini club. Who wouldn't get bored of staying cooped up at home? She was even home-schooled so she didn't have to mix around with those 'snotty, viral kids that pass germs around', says her brother.
She waited till her brother went off to school before winning the guards over with aegyo. She made them keep quiet about her sneaking out, but of course, she had to promise to be home before her brother does. And for the first time in a few years since she has become so physically weak, she enjoyed the freedom of walking around Seoul, enjoying the fresh air and watching as people were rushing about, doing their own stuff.
Passing by a stall that sold ddukbokki, she stopped by to grab a bowl. She hadn't tasted the delicious food for about a year. Her brother wont let her eat anything that wasn't encouraged by the doctor. That meant no ice cream, no snacks, no unhealthy junk food. No coke, no sprite, no drinks other than milk and water.
As she was walking along, she enjoyed the cool autumn breeze blowing in her face. It was chilly, but she loved it.
All of a sudden, someone ran by and pushed her down accidentally. She dropped her food as she fell on her with a thud. Scowling, she tried to get up, only to find a hand extended for her to hold and a worried looking male who was about her age. He smiled apologetically as he watched her dust herself off.
"It's okay, it seemed like you were in a hurry, huh?" she joked. She wasn't one to get angry over trivial matters. Besides, he already apologized, didn't he?
He smiled sheepishly, "Well, not really. You're gonna laugh at me for telling you this, but I saw someone that looked like my ex fiancée, that's why I was trying to catch up with her."
Ex fiancée?
He caught the confused expression that Soojin had on her face and chuckled, "I was gonna get married to her, but at the last minute, she kinda cheated on me. So yeah, the wedding was called off. But after so long, I still miss her."
She tilted her head to the side, speechless at this random stranger's openness about his private life. Is this really what a stranger will reveal on their first meeting? Definitely not. Why was he telling her all of this?
"I guess I just wanted to tell someone, that's all. But it's not that I wanna make her look bad. I guess I'm just not good enough for her, right?" he laughed bitterly.
Soojin offered him a gentle smile, trying to sympathize with him. As she was about to go on exploring the rest of town, he held her arm.
"Hey! Let me buy you a new bowl of ddukbokki! Since I knocked down your first bowl. Take it as a repayment for knocking you down onto the ground, too!"
"Nah, it's okay. I kind of have to be back home before my brother reaches lest he goes all ape style on me for sneaking out!" she pretended to sob.
He laughed along, offering to send her home as a repayment. Much as she tried to decline, he insisted.
"Fine fine. Since you're so stubborn about it," she shook her head in disbelief. He's just so hard headed. Way to make a first impression.
As they were walking, he really opened up to her. It sounds silly, but it's true. He chatted happily about anything and everything and she found his life really intriguing since her life was dull. Soojin liked to listen to his experiences and share the experience that she has never gone through. But of course, she never blamed her brother for locking her at home all the time. He loves her, and he wants to protect her. She completely understands her brother's intentions.
She found out that his name is Jung Daehyun. He lives with his friend, Youngjae in a shared apartment because he is from Busan. Youngjae is rumored to be a gay but he doesn't give a damn since Youngjae is his only best friend since he came to Seoul.
In the short 20 minute walk back to her house, she had come to the conclusion that Daehyun was a really bright and cheerful boy with a lot of happiness to share.
When they reached her house, she had expected him to make a big deal out of her house, but he didn't even bat an eyelid. Not that she wanted him to make a big fuss out of it, but usually most people will be like, 'Wah! I wish I had your life, it's so luxurious!'
Soojin liked this aspect of him. He didn't make a big fuss out of things like these.
She turned to him, thanking him for sending her home.
"Daehyun sshi, thank your for sharing your stories with me! They were really funny!"
Daehyun then realized something and he face palmed himself, "Oh my gosh. Stupid me. I was so busy talking I didn't even ask for your name!"
"I'm Yong Soojin! It was nice meeting you, Daehyun sshi. I hope we can hang out sometime soon." she smiled at him. She took out her phone and gave it to Daehyun, telling him to give her his number so that they can contact each other. He happily gave her the number, pleased that he made a new friend other than Youngjae Pabo.
Daehyun smiled, "Maybe the next time we meet, you can tell me more about yourself!"
She beamed back in excitement, "Yea, that's a great idea. I think we're gonna get along with each other just fine!"
"I think so too, Soojin sshi." he winked, causing her to flush red in embarrassment. He looked really charming when he winked. Oh my god. Hotness overload.
One of the guards came out, looking rather intimidating to Daehyun. 
"Miss Yong, your nanny tells you to get in. You aren't supposed to stay in the cold for long because the doctor-"
Soojin tiptoed and covered the guard's mouth with her hand, preventing him from blabbering even more. She didn't need Daehyun to think of her as a sickly girl. She didn't want another person treating her differently, treating her as if she was made of paper.
She chuckled nervously at Daehyun, "You know, he calls my brother 'doctor' since he is really smart. And yeah..... DOCTOR is gonna kill me if I stay outside for too long hehehehe..."
Daehyun nodded, looking slightly unconvinced, "O....kayyyyy. Anyway, see you soon!"
He waved before turning away and leaving.
Once Daehyun was out of earshot, she turned to the guard and let go of her hand around his mouth.
"Don't tell Junhyung oppa about any of this! You promised, remember?" she wagged a finger at him before she trudged back inside.
Soojin stood in front of the ddukbokki stand where it all began, the first day she had met Daehyun. She bought a bowl of ddukbokki from the ahjumma and started walking down the streets, half expecting someone to bump into her and make her spill her food like how Daehyun did.
But of course, that never happened. And it was never going to happen. She had lied to the person she has come to love in the short spate of 9 months and she knows he will never leave her if he finds out about her condition right now. So the best thing is to lie, to say that she has an arranged marriage in the US where her parents are.
But in actual fact, she might not even live to see the next christmas.
And she decided that IF she did make it, she'll immediately go back to him and tell him the truth, hoping that he can forgive her and that he still loves her. But if not, she will never regret a thing because those nine months spent with him were the best nine months in her entire life and she doesn't regret a thing about it.
She took out a video recorder and filmed herself, smiling happily,
"Annyeong! Jung Daehyun ah! I'll take you on a video journey down the memory lane~ Let's go go gooooo!"
A/N: First chappie up!! Pease leave some comments and subscribeee!!
I kinda remembered spring is around this time in Seoul, but if I'm wrong, just go along with the dates I set because.... Yeah. >_< 
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Vwansha #1
Chapter 4: I love this story! It starts and has a different storyline than other stories I've read. I hope Soojin will be able to have a successful operation and will be able to live and experience life. Take your time updating! Hope to know what is coming up. ^_^
Mistlea #2
Chapter 4: I had to keep myself so hard from crying while reading this chapter... now my family thinks I have mood swings haha ^^ Beautiful story
last-sowon #3
Chapter 4: Tears... are threatening to fall...
Can you update soon pls?? ^^
eyesthatsing #4
Chapter 4: I just found out about this story...
And I'm already in tears :'(
Hope it doesn't end badly...
Chapter 3: I still love this story <3 I can't wait until it gets more in depth!<3
Chapter 2: Komawo for the update! <3
Chapter 1: OMO this already sounds like an amazing story!
Hwaiting! <3