§ T H R E E §



Video Diary 2.


Soojin walked along the beach, feeling the soft sea breeze blowing at her face as she held the video recorder in her hand. It is around late afternoon and early evening when the sun was still up, but it wasn't scorching hot.

She remembered how Daehyun will always pretend to push her into the water, knowing that she hated to get wet sand on her feet. It was times like these that she cherished the most. Times like these that she will forget the fact that she will be going abroad for her medical treatment - even if its just temporary.


She loved how Daehyun was so playful, yet at the same time, ensured that she wouldn't get hurt in the midst of playing.






Daehyun crept silently behind her and pushed her gently, causing her to nearly lose her balance and fall into the water. But Daehyun was quick, he pulled her by her shoulders so she wouln't actually fall into the salty seawater.

"Jung Daehyun! You gave me a heart attack!" she smacked his chest not-too-gently. He scowled, rubbing the area that she had hit and she stuck out her tongue at him playfully.

Smirking, he grabbed her by her waist and threatened to throw her into the water. Of course, she kicked and screamed and this actually caused him to lose his OWN balance. so the both of them stumbled into the sand, laughing heartily. They were about to get up but to their horror, a huge wave was coming towards them at full speed.

Before they could even gather what had happened, the wave crashed over them, leaving them soaking wet and salty.

Soojin turned to glare at Daehyun, who in turn shrunk at her sudden change in attitude. He held up both hands in surrender, "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Please have mercy on me!"

She grabbed him by his collar and pushed him onto the ground before throwing heaps and heaps of sand onto his body, burying him deep. After she was done, she got up with a victorious smirk plastered across her face.

She turned to walk away from him, but he wouldn't let her off. He stood up and ran to hug her from the back, making sure to make full body contact so that her body will be covered in sand, too.


Her eyes widened at the feeling of sand on her skin and she pushed him off, pouting.

"Oppa! Look what you've done! My dress is ruined!" she whined, looking down at her white dress, which was now a coffee brown.

Daehyun just shrugged, "You asked for it! Not my fault~"

She crossed her arms childishly and stomped off, but not before he grabbed her arm and pulled her into an embrace. 

"I'll buy so many more dresses for you in future, don't worry about this dress. You might even score a white wedding dress from me~"


She smiled, putting her hands onto his chest and leaning her ear in to hear the beating of his heart as the waves crashed onto the shore, washing around their feet.

They were covered in sand and were drenched but they didn't care. That evening, they both sat at the corner of the seashore, feeling the seawater wash gently onto their laps before pulling back into the sea.

Occasionally, a huge seashell will get caught in the lace of Soojin's dress when the seawater washed over her knees and she would wash it when the next wave came.

That day, she collected a handful of seashells while they were watching the sunset.




Soojin looked down at her hands. She was holding onto a few seashells that she had just collected while thinking of their memories. She remembered Daehyun telling her that if she held all the seashells with two hands and made a wish before throwing them into the sea, her wishes will come true.

So, that was what she did.

She set the video recorder onto the sand before standing in front, smiling.

"Daehyun ah! Remember this beach? I remember you teaching me how to make a wish. And now, I'm gonna wish for something that's really close to my heart!" she beamed before continuing, "But I cant tell you what I wished for, or it won't come true"

She then walked closer and closer to the water, clasping both hands tightly together and wishing with all her might. Although at the back of her mind, she didn't believe in magic or wishes, it didn't hurt to try, did it?

'I wish that I can get better, and then my plan can work. I hope Daehyun oppa sees my video diary and does what I tell him to do, please.'


And with that, she threw all the seashells into the ocean, watching as they disappear under the water one by one, like little tiny raindrops.




A/N: Another update! sorry for not updating, i have been quite out of ideas.....

Anyway, do leave comments! (:(:

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Vwansha #1
Chapter 4: I love this story! It starts and has a different storyline than other stories I've read. I hope Soojin will be able to have a successful operation and will be able to live and experience life. Take your time updating! Hope to know what is coming up. ^_^
Mistlea #2
Chapter 4: I had to keep myself so hard from crying while reading this chapter... now my family thinks I have mood swings haha ^^ Beautiful story
last-sowon #3
Chapter 4: Tears... are threatening to fall...
Can you update soon pls?? ^^
eyesthatsing #4
Chapter 4: I just found out about this story...
And I'm already in tears :'(
Hope it doesn't end badly...
Chapter 3: I still love this story <3 I can't wait until it gets more in depth!<3
Chapter 2: Komawo for the update! <3
Chapter 1: OMO this already sounds like an amazing story!
Hwaiting! <3