§ F O U R §




Daehyun clenched his fists. She had left without so much as a goodbye.

He angrily signed the clipboard that the delivery guy handed to him and grabbed the package, closing the door behind him. Soojin had been missing for more than a year. And now, there's this package from the same Soojin who had left him without any explanation. Although he was mad, he carefully tore the wrapping of the package, not wanting to damage the precious gift. He opened the lid and took a closer look at the contents staring back at him - A few seashells, a can of coke, some packaged ddukbokki and a thumbdrive.

There was another note laying neatly on top of the stack and it said, "Cook the ddukbokki before you watch the video in the thumbdrive! Treat this like a movie!kekekeke^^"

Daehyun let out a faint chuckle at this girl's plans. He shook his head before standing up from the couch and opening the pack of ddukbokki from its air tight packaging. 


After he was done cooking, he grabbed the coke from the box and set the items on the table. Taking his laptop from the room, he started it up and put the thumbdrive into the port. When the video started playing, he held his breath. There she was, staring into the camera and walking down the street they used to walk in. The street he had been avoiding for the past year.

In the video she was holding onto a bowl of ddukbokki and she was smiling happily.

"Annyeong! Jung Daehyun ah! I'll take you on a video journey down the memory lane~ Let's go go gooooo!"



By the time he was done watching the videos, his bowl of ddukbokki was finished and the can of coke crushed and empty. There were tears in his eyes as he recalled the last thing that she had said to him in the videos,

"Now that I'm done showing you how happy I was with you, I'm gonna tell you something else.

I didn't tell you about my condition. You could say that I'd been lying to you the whole time I was with you. The reason why my brother never let me out of the house was because I get hurt easily. I have a medical condition in which I fall sick really easily, even more than normal people. And if I ever get a small scratch and bleed, I might just bleed to death.

I'm sorry that I've been hiding the truth from you the whole time because I didn't want you to treat me like how everyone else is treating me. I didn't want to be seen as an invalid.

The time I ate ddukbokki with you was actually the first time in my entire life that I've eaten food that wasn't painstakingly prepared by my cooks at home. The time I went to the beach with you was the first time I've ever really seen the sea in a really long time.

My parents work all day long and they barely have time for me, so my brother has always been the one who's taking care of me and he keeps me at home so that I won't get hurt. 

But I was longing to go out and see the world. So the day I snuck out, I met you." she smiled to the camera and quickly wiped a tear away.

"I know you're mad for me leaving you without saying anything and without telling you where I went to. And I completely understand if you hate me. But I didn't ant you to know about my departure to the States to get myself treated.

Yes, there's a chance that i might actually live a normal life! And I hope by then you aren't too mad to accept me back into your life. Meeting you was the best thing that ever happened and I regretted nothing." her smile faded slightly and she looked away from the camera before whispering, 

"But if the operation fails, you might never see me again."

Choking back a sob, she forced herself to smile, "But Daehyun ah, you know what? I'll be  strong and I'm sure I'll be back by your side. And by then even if you don't want me back into your life, I'll keep trying until you forgive me. I'll pester you for life.

I'm sure that the package has already reached you since you're watching this."

She cleared , "Well Daehyun. I want to celebrate your birthday with you. On the day of your birthday, go to the beach we went to. I can't gurantee you that I'll be fine by then but I hope I'll be fine enough to see you there. Please don't be mad at me?" she pouted.

"I'll see you there okay?"


Then she shifted in her seat before speaking, "I love you Jung Daehyun. Don't you ever forget that. No matter how mad you are at me, I'll still love you. Always remember that. 

I have to go now, wish me luck! Annyeong~"



Daehyun couldn't get her voice out of his head. His birthday... is in two days. Will she be there like she had hoped? Or will he spend the whole day alone at the beach only to find out that she... hadn't made it?

The thought of losing her scared him to no end, and although he was slightly mad at her for lying to him, he couldn't deny that he missed her so much. He missed teasing her and he missed hanging out with her. He missed her playful personality and mostly, he missed her because he had been feeling nothing but heartache ever since she left.

He loves her, so damn much.

Daehyun stared at the numerous seashells littered across his table and he knew that he wasn't going to be absent from the date they are going to have in two days.

Much as he was angry at her,


He still loves her.



A/N: OMG I think you guys are gonna kill me for not updating for so long TT

Mianhae ><

Hopefully this chapter is good enough as an apology?? keke

Do leave some comments alright? ^^

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Vwansha #1
Chapter 4: I love this story! It starts and has a different storyline than other stories I've read. I hope Soojin will be able to have a successful operation and will be able to live and experience life. Take your time updating! Hope to know what is coming up. ^_^
Mistlea #2
Chapter 4: I had to keep myself so hard from crying while reading this chapter... now my family thinks I have mood swings haha ^^ Beautiful story
last-sowon #3
Chapter 4: Tears... are threatening to fall...
Can you update soon pls?? ^^
eyesthatsing #4
Chapter 4: I just found out about this story...
And I'm already in tears :'(
Hope it doesn't end badly...
Chapter 3: I still love this story <3 I can't wait until it gets more in depth!<3
Chapter 2: Komawo for the update! <3
Chapter 1: OMO this already sounds like an amazing story!
Hwaiting! <3