Together Again + Authors notee


The next morning I woke up with the sun hitting my face. "Ugh." I tried to get up but something heavy was on my waist. I looked down and I smiled remembering the events from the night before. Zico was lying down next to me, with his messy bed hair. "Oppaaa~" I cooed and tapped his nose. His eyes fluttered open and he pretnded to bite my finger. "Good morning, Babe." Oh how I missed him calling me that. I felt my cheeks redden and he pecked my lips. "Awe my baby is bushing!" He hugged me tight and I never wanted to let go of him. It was as if my body remembered his touch and it didnt want to let it go. 

"Babe, Ima go shower. You wanna join me?" He chuckled as I slapped his chest. "Oh shut up, Jiho." He laughed and put on his boxers. He stood up and stretched. "Ahh last night was great, baby. We gotta do it again some time!" I threw a pillow at his face and he laughed while running into his bathroom. I got up and put on one of his oversized shirts. I tied my messy hair into a bun and walked over to the kitchen. All of the sudden I heard the door slam open and a clacking sound of heels. "ZICO OPPA! I'll forgive you if you apologize right now!" I rolled my eyes, it was hyuna. She laid her eyes on me and glared. "What are you doing here, ?" I laughed. "I should be asking you that, you're invading my boyfriends house." Her eyes went wide and nearly touched the floor.

"Hey babe I'm Hun- What is she doing here?" Zico came out in basketball shorts and a tank top. "Oppa-" "Get out" He cut her off. "But-" "Out" I smirked. "I was just-" "OUT!" I shouted and she had tears in her eyes. I grabbed her wrist and twisted it behind her back. "O-ow! Let me go!" I rolled my eyes and pushed her out into the street. "Out~" I sang and skipped back in, slamming the door in her face. I waked in and saw Zico digging in the fridg for food. I jumped onto his back and he caught me with some bread stuffed halfway in his mouth.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on the crook of his neck. "Whats up, babe?" I shrugged and he sat me down on a chair. "I feel.. sad. I dont know." I puffed out some air and sighed. All of the sudden a feeling of depression came over me out of no where. "Hey, get dressed and I'll treat you to breakfast, yeah?" I looked up and smiled widely. While we were in America some of Daehyun's fatness rubbed off on my and I began to love every food like he did. Come to think of it, where was daehyun? I havent spoken to him since yesterday and we barely talked. I got up and nodded. I ran over to my room and shut the door.

I pulled out my phone and dialed Daehyun's number. It rang a few times then he answered. "Yah! Where are you I havent heard from you sinc-" I stopped talking when I heard heavy breathing. I heard someone cough and the sound of footsteps running. "Jiyung, run. Shes coming after you RUN!" My eyes widened and all I hard was a long beep. I pushed my phone into my pocket and put on some Baketball shorts I had lying around. I didnt bother doing anything with my hair or face and I quickly ran out of my room to find zico. "I'm going to the police station!" I said and ran out of the house. Since the station wasnt that far I ran.

I pushed open the doors creating a loud booming sound. "C-can I ask for a favor?" I let out in a tiny voice. One of the main officers came to me and guided me to his desk. "Whats going on hun?" She asked and suddenly I lost it. I began crying and she quickly came to my side. "D-daehyun!" I said and cried even more. She wiped my tears and made me look up at her. "C'mon sweetie, if you cant tell us we cant help you." I nodded and took in a deep breath of air. "I-I was getting worried about my friend s-so I called him a-and he s-said that someone was after me and it sounded like someone was chasing him. C-can you trace my last call?" She pursed her lips and sat back at her desk. "How long have you not heard from him?" I we only landed in korea three days ago and thats the last time. "Three days"

"His full name?" "Jung Daehyun" "Wheres he from? His eye col-" "Hes from busan, he has brown eyes, his bloodtype is A he was born on june 28th hes twenty years old, hes 177 cm tall and 63k in weight, He loves cheesecake and-" "Miss Kwak, please slow down" By now my hands were shaking and I was crying. "We cant trace the call though, only put out a missing sign. Sorry" I rolled my eyes and said thank you. I left and called a taxi. I know just the person that can help me.

I arrived at the place I wanted to go to and paid the taxi driver. I looked at the letters above the building and smirked as i put my hands on my hips. "Jiyung?" I turned around and smiled at the familiar voice. "Dongsaeng!" My cousin smiled at me and hugged me. "Nice to see you again Jinah." I grinned and ruffled her hair. "hey hey stop it unnie!" She giggled. I noticed something odd though, the moment i saw her she seemed mad of annoyed but the moment she saw me she became very happy.

She led me inside and we went through the metal-scanner thingy. I got checked and once they realized i was clean l followed my cousin into her work. "Its been a while" Jinah said and I nodded. "Dongsaeng, I need a favor" We entered the elevator and she cocked her head to the side. She lead me to her dsk and we began to talk "I need you to trace a call for me" She perked up and looked at me weirdly. "Who are you tracing to?" "A friend, Jung Daehyun." She looked up and giggled. "No no, hes overthere" I looked past my shoulder and saw no one." "JUNG STOP SLEEPING AT WORK!" Immediatly a man shot up rubbing his eyes. "I GOT YOUR SIX BOSS" He shouted and I laughed. "Ani, I have a friend named Jung Daehyun and he went missing about three days ago, he called me and he told me to run. I dont know why though. I think hes in danger and I think i know whos threatening us." She nodded and smiled. "Dont worry unnie, I got you"

I nodded and sat on a chair next to her. "Bom, I need you to search up recent credit card uses and call logs from the cell phone of Jung Daehyun." Jinah said as a girl with red hair came in. She nodded and stopped. "Hey right there, Boss" She poined to Daehyun who was washing his teeth and changing his shirt. "Different one, his number is.." She turned to me to finish. I told her his phone number and she nodded. "Now, who do you think is doing this?" Jinah asked me. I stoped to think about it and I let out a shaky answer. "Her name is Kim Hyuna, she will do anything to stop me from being Zico's girlfriend, even hurting my loved ones." She nodded and pointed to a man walking in. "Bang, I need you to do a background check on Kim Hyunah. Find out where shes been in the past three days and check if she has and offenses." The man nodded and began typing up on his computer. "Dont worry unnie, we'll find him."

"WHAT? YOU CALL HER UNNIE AND NOT ME?!" The Bom girl spoke up. Jinah glared at her. "SHES MY COUSIN, And do you have anything on Daehyun yet?!" Bom rolled her eyes and kept typin on her computer. "BOSS, Kim Hyuna has not been seen in two days and her recent calls have been from South Central Busan. She has a warrant for public drunkness and she started a bar fight. Should I bring her in?" Jinah nodded. "Boss, Jung's recent calls have been from south central busan too." Jinah looked at me and smiled. "Can you call him unnie?" I nodded and got out my phone. I dialed his number and after a few rings someone answered. "Kwak Jiyung, nice to hear from you." I froze. It was Hyunah. "W-where is Daehyun?!" I demanded and Jinah snapped her fingers to get Bom's attention. "Trace this call Park!" Bom nodded.

I put the phone on speaker. "Look , its either Zico or Daehyun. You cant have both." I rolled my eyes. "Hyuna, please dont do this." She laughed and suddenly I heard Daehyun in the background. "YOU LEAVE JIYUNG ALONE" She laughed and ignored him. "Beware, because you hell is just begginning" She spat out and hung up. I looked over at Bom and she smiled at me. "We got a hit" Jinah looked at me and smirked. "Do you still remember your training unnie?" I grinned. "Like it was yesterday" In my first year of being in america, I was studying how to be an agent. Jinah handed me a gun and I smiled. "Only use it for defence purposes ok?" I nodded.

We arrived at the abandoned building where Daehyun supposibly was. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Hyuna. "Dongsaeng, three o-clock" I said and she turned. She pointed her gun at Hyuna and she froze. Hyuna began to run and Jinah chased her. "JUNG HELP JIYUNG FIND DAEHYUN AND PARK GO SEE IF SHE HAS BACK UP" She sreamed as she ran. I quickly made my way inside the warehouse and held onto the gun in my waistband. Out of nowhere Gayoon, one of Hyuna's friends came out and smirked at me. "Oh no little girl, you're not going anywhere." I rolled my eyes and punched her. As soon as she hit the floor I kicked her stomach and smirked. "No one messes with my oppa" I said and took her gun and the knife she had in her pocket. "Hey, you're pretty good with this" Daehyun said. I shrugged and keept searching for Daehyun.

ok so, i have come to bear (bare?) bad news :c

I'm leaving for two weeks!!!

Im going to Mexico again and right now im in california!!

(for thoe of you who live around here, I'm in Fullerton!! If you see me say hi!!!)

So, this is my schedule for the next three/two days

Tuesday: Hang out with my friend, buy some last minute stuff, aND WAIT FOR THE BAP MV BECAUSE ITS COMING OUT A DAY EARLIER FOR ME AAAHH!!!

Tuesday: wake up at four am, go to Tijuana (thats like a three our drive ) and then get on a plane, and fly to the deep mexico (like, idk where it is but its more than halfway across mexico) the plane ride is two hours wtf

i think i'll be back by august 2nd or something so dont expect an update soon, ill try to update before I leave!!ok so, i have come to bear (bare?) bad news :c

I'm leaving for two weeks!!!

Im going to Mexico again and right now im in california!!

(for thoe of you who live around here, I'm in Fullerton!! If you see me say hi!!!)

So, this is my schedule for the next three/two days

Tuesday: Hang out with my friend, buy some last minute stuff, aND WAIT FOR THE BAP MV BECAUSE ITS COMING OUT A DAY EARLIER FOR ME AAAHH!!!

Tuesday: wake up at four am, go to Tijuana (thats like a three our drive ) and then get on a plane, and fly to the deep mexico (like, idk where it is but its more than halfway across mexico) the plane ride is two hours wtf

i think i'll be back by august 2nd or something so dont expect an update soon, ill try to update before I leave!!

I updated right now though so yaaaay!!!

okokbye im gonna go do my other stories~!

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Chapter 6: Take care and rest well~
Chapter 3: yes!!! ZicoXOC

Gosh finally someone understands my Zico feels
judithleexd #4
Chapter 6: Love you!!!
Get better soon sweetie!!!
Judith :) x
judithleexd #5
Chapter 2: Hmmmm... I love Hyuna *pouts* but other than that it's awesome as always!!!! I can't wait for more so keep it coming!!!!
Judith :) x
Chapter 1: Wow I got to say I loved My brother is in Nu'est? And am sure am going to to love this story to :)