Regret and the


I stood there, frozen. How was I supposed to react if the man I've been wanting to kiss and hug for three years was right infront of me, pinning me against a wall? "Well, I'm waiting for an explintaion." He gritted through his teeth. I suddenly felt small and I trembled under his tall figure. "Regret." I let out in a whisper. His eyes grew furious and he slammed his fist against the wall. "REGRET? IS THAT ALL?" He had no idea what pain I sufered from my own stupidity and he was making it worse. I pushed him away with all my might and punched his chest. "I'VE REGRETTED THE DAY I LEFT YOU OKAY?" I sobbed out and continued. "YOU THINK IT WAS EASY FOR ME TO LEAVE THE LOVE OF MY LIFE AND LIVE IN ANOTHER COUNTRY?" I cried against his chest. By now I was soaking his shirt and hugging him.

"You have no idea what great pain I felt during those three years. How much I wanted to hug you, to kiss you.. I missed the way you always made me feel warm. Ever since the day I left I felt cold. colder than the north pole. Having to live with the fact that I couldnt see you.. When Daehyun said Yongguk called and wanted us to come to korea.. I couldnt wait but then again I was scared. Scared of facing you for the first time since I cowered away.." I mumbled and he just put his arms around me and rested his head on mine. "I missed you so much.. Woo Jiho.." I felt warmth inside me since I Said his real name. It flowed out of my mouth naturally.

"I love you." He said and lifted my chin. His lips met mine and I felt complete. Like eveything in my life was back in place. Our lips moved in sync with eachothers. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he held onto me by my thighs. We both pulled away for air and he rested his head on my shoulder and sat me down on the edge of the railing. "I've missed this. Your scent.. the way your body reacts to mine is the still the same too.." I got a bit confused at his last statement and looked at him weirdly. "You're tense everytime youre with me. You need to learn how to relax." I felt my cheeks grow red. He still had the power to send butterflys throught me.

I heard the glass balcony door open and I saw Hyuna, again. "O-OPPA?!" She shrieked and covered . I sighed and let go of him. "Deal with her, please." I was going to go inside but she grabbed my arm and turned me to her. Before I said anyting she punched my face. "Oh no, now its on ." I said and wiped some blood on my face. "Bring it, hoe." She replied and I laughed at the irony. I punched her face and before she could react I kicked her stomach and she fell to the ground. I smirked desting off my hands.

I walked a bit close to her and spat out, "Next time you want to challenge me, make sure you can fight." I grabbed her by the arm and dragged her inside, to the front door. Everyone was staring at us, wide eyed, but that didnt phase me. I opened the door and literally kicked her out. "I'm back , that means you go away." And with that, I slammed the door on her. I turned back to the people in the living room. I saw my cousin and I smiled. "OPPA!" I jumped onto him and hugged all of bap that had just gotten here.

After talking for a few hours we all sat down in the living room. I sat next to Zico on the small couch, Nu'Est was sprawled around on the floor, and B.A.P -includin daehyun-  were lying ontop of eachother on the larger couch. I suddenly realized I needed to do something important. I needed to see someone I havent yet seen. "Hey guys, Ima go out of a bit okay? Dont wait up!" I grabbed the mask Daehyun gave me -yes, I still have it- and pulled on a black hoodie and nearly tripped while slipping on my boots. I waled down the familiar street turning at the right times until I spotted a brown house.

I ran upto the doorstep and rang the bell. It was eleven at night but I knew she was home. The door opened and I saw someone I didnt expect to see. "JB oppa?" I asked, confused. "JIYUNG!" He hugged me tightly until I couldnt breathe. "Come in, oh my god I've missed you!" I nodded but looked around. "Is she here? this IS her house right?" He looked at me and rubbed his neck. "JIGAYA!" He yelled and my eyes widened. Coming down the stairs was my best friend. The only difference was the bump on her stomach and the diamond ring on her finger.

"U-unnie?" I breathed out, surprised. She snapped her head up while her hand was still on her bloated stomach. "Youngie!" She ran to me but instead of giving me a hug she slapped the back of my head. "OWWW" I screamed in pain but she slapped me again. "YOU FOOL, IVE MISSED YOU!" She finally hugged me but her stomach got in the way  a little. I pulled away and looked at them both, waiting for an explination. "Well after you left since it was just us we ended up realizing our feelings and began dating and we got married last year and woop meet your future nephew" Zinger said in a huff and pointed at her stomach.

I looked at her blankly before squealling. "You know, not to brag but I somehow knew you two fools would end up with eachother." They both just smiled and we all sat down on the couch. "So, have you seen him?" Zinger asked and I nodded. I explained everything to her and she squealed too. Its like we were in high school again. "Ahhh finally you two idiots are back together! I've gotta say, he missed you so much. He never really went out with Hyuna. She just clinged to him and he acted as if she was you." I nodded a bit and that night I stayed up talking to my two best friends the whole night.
I know they're short but bear with meee~
so my nephew' birthday is tomorrow and I'm getting really emotional because four years ago right at this moment  my step-brother and I were taking my sister to the hospital because she was having cramps c: And four years ago on April 28th at exactly 4:17 in the morning I got to hold my baby nephew and thats when it hit me, I was going to be an aunt. I still remember my exact words. "Holy . Hes my nephew." hehe~

well, thank you all for reading and subscribing~ It means a lot to me(:

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Chapter 6: Take care and rest well~
Chapter 3: yes!!! ZicoXOC

Gosh finally someone understands my Zico feels
judithleexd #4
Chapter 6: Love you!!!
Get better soon sweetie!!!
Judith :) x
judithleexd #5
Chapter 2: Hmmmm... I love Hyuna *pouts* but other than that it's awesome as always!!!! I can't wait for more so keep it coming!!!!
Judith :) x
Chapter 1: Wow I got to say I loved My brother is in Nu'est? And am sure am going to to love this story to :)