Love Can Happen To Anyone 2: The Forbidden Love


We last left our story with Dayon telling Ryeowook he was pregnant....wait, we're not gonna be telling their story anymore. No, this is is 10 years later with Sunmi and Tao Lun in high school. They have the weirdest friends but love them anyway. In their second year, the cousins get a new teacher that Tao Lun starts to have some feelings for but doesn't realize that his teacher (who is only 5 years older than him). What will happen to these two? Will they have a forbidden love? Find out in Love Can Happen To Anyone: The Forbidden love.


Hey guys, Kariwoo here. This is the sqeaul to Love Can Happen To Anyone (if you haven't read it, go here and read it first: I hope you guys like this as much as you did the prequeal~. Annyeong~


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KariWoo-Kwangsun #1
@MelonaSarah- I told you he would be safe. nightlife6081- I am glad you like it~
nightlife6081 #2
Chapter 5: Ooh, this chapter is really cute! Looking forward to more of this story~
KariWoo-Kwangsun #3
@MelodySarah- don't worry.....everything will be alright....or will it?
nightlife6081 #4
Chapter 4: Why did you leave it at a semi-cliffhanger T_T Awesome chapter! Looking forward to the next one~
KariWoo-Kwangsun #5
@nightlife6081- thank you. The next chapter will be very interesting~
nightlife6081 #6
Chapter 3: I really liked this chapter! Looking forward to the next one~
KariWoo-Kwangsun #7
@MelodySarah- yay for drama?