
Accidentally In Love


Tae Hee's POV
A couple of days before
I sigh and sat looking at the magazines, they were all about Ji Eun and her boyfriend.. some of their pictures were there but none of them are together except for the last party when she accidentally kiss him. Sometimes she really knows how to make me stressed out, yeah it's because of her clumsiness.
I don't think that this plan will work, just look at Wooyoung ssi, he doesn't seem to like it no.. he seems to hate it very much, and his attitude towards Ji Eun is not really good. I felt sorry for her but since it was her fault , she needs to take responsibility and it's not Wooyoung's fault actually, I will do the same thing if someone did that to me and I heard that he wanted to tell someone he likes her. it is all ruined.
my phone ring, i stand up and walk to my table. Song Seung Hun ssi? 
"hello Kim Tae Hee ssi.. Sorry to disturb you, are you busy right now?" he said in a formal way
"n.. no really you're not.. I'm not busy, is something wrong Song Seung Hun ssi?" 
"nothing is wrong, by the way can i talk to? face to face" it must be about them
"sure.. where?" i asked
"since it is private, can i meet you in your place at 3 o'clock?" he asked
i look at my watch, it is almost 3
"sure, I'll message you my address" 
not long after that i heard a car sound, maybe it's him.. i hear my door bell ring, I open the door and saw him. he's wearing a black coat, i think he directly go here after work.
"excuse me.." i smile to him and he replied. I asked him to come inside and i asked Hye Jin to make something for him, Hye Jin my trusted maid.. i knew her since the first time i worked as a manager.
"please sit" we are both sit in my living room
"thanks, well maybe you know why I'm here Tae Hee ssi" he started the conversation, he sounds less formal than in the phone but still sound formal.
"is it about them? something wrong Song Seung Hun ssi?" i hope nothing's wrong
"no.. really, nothing is wrong. But i think soon there will be" i know what he's thinking, it was on my thought this morning
"i think so too, so what is your plan Song Seung Hun ssi?" he must have something in mind since he wanted to talk to me.
"yeah, I'm thinking of this" he showed me some files about a variety show, I know this show is kinda famous in korea now but I never had time to watch them, I just heard that usually random one female and male can attend as long as they're known by everyone, in short word 'famous' some of them even are a real couple, and they are asked to do everything together in the show.
now I know what he's thinking
"you are thinking of making them attend this show, Song Seung Hun ssi?" I frowned, I don't think it's a good Idea since they are not in a good terms
"well, yeah.."
" i don't think it's a good idea and i think you know that they're not in that friendly terms, to be honest i don't think they can accept this if they know" he smirk, why is he smirking like that. i really don't think this will work good.
"well... then don't let them know" he give me a smile
"what?" i confused
"I think you know that soon if we are not doing something, people will know their relationship is fake.. so i think we must do something, don't you think so, Tae Hee ssi?" yup he's right, i nodded
"we'll see if it can work, well since you are nodding your head to me i guess your answer is yes to this plan" well yes but i still doubt it
"what if people know that they're fake? well i think it will make the trouble worse" i asked
"we will see how great their acting skill" he smirk, I laugh even though i still doubt it
"you know what Song Seung Hun ssi, forgive my inappropriate but I think you have a crazy idea" I smile to him, he laughed
"i'm impress by your smartness, and don't you think 'Song Seung Hun ssi' is a bit too long and so formal? I don't think our age is different a lot" right after that our juice come, i said thank you to Hye Jin, and she headed back to the kitchen
"then what should I call you?" i asked while take a sip of my orange juice, we are not talking about business anymore so i sound less formal
"let me think.. oppa? since I'm old-" 
"uhukk... uhuk.. ah! I'm so sorry!" i spurt my drink all over his face and clothes! it's really embarrassing and unprofessional! i bet my face now all red.
i took a towel and wipe his clothes and his face. 
"erm Tae Hee ssi?" he sound breathlss, i look at him i don't realize i dabbing his face. he can't breath! 
"oh! sorry! i didn't do that on purpose! really Song Seung Hun ssi I'm so sorry" i give him a bow, i really can't see his face
"actually this is the first time someone did that to me" he sounded angry, of course it was his first time! i was so stupid! i've never did something like that, i was surprised he told me to call him 'oppa' well it's true i think our age is not really that different
"I'm so sor-" 
"hahaha, well new experience is always good.. just show me restroom" i look at him surprised and confused, i thought he was angry! 
"hm here please.." after he clean all his face and his coat
"I'm really sorry Song Seung Hun ssi, please let me clean your coat!" i asked him
"really I don't mind, it's okay.. it's just orange juice anyway. and like i said before just call me oppa, i don't think you will be like that" he raised his brow and smile at me
"i don't think i can do that, it too informal since we are here for work"  i faced the floor, i don't think i can see him. i'm too embarrassed
"well you can call me that when we are not talking about work" 
"but i still can't" 
"hmm should i tell someone, that you did something like this to me while talking about work?" what?! we are not talking about work when i spurted my orange juice to him.  look at him, he's smiling.. and he does look funny with a wet face and messy hair. I can't help but to laugh
"hahaha! ehem, you must look at yourself.. oppa?" i wasn't bad to call him oppa, it is a lot easier than his name. 
"wow.. I must say that i look handsome" he looked at the mirror, my stomach hurt from laughing so hard, i sat back in my living room and he followed me
"well, I don't know you're that over confident type person.. oppa?" i've never saw him like this, when we met last time i thought he's a quiet and serious person.
"and i don't know that you are easily embarrased type person" he said
"well i think we are even right?" we both laugh, it's nice to have something like this once awhile.. he's funny
"well because now you called me oppa, what should i call you?" he asked
"just call me Tae Hee, i'm not going to ask you to call me 'dongsaeng'" i smile and he laughed
" okay then" after that his phone ring, i think he's busy.. well too bad since it was nice to talk to him
"i think i should go back" we headed to his car, he said goodbye and I smile.. I stand in front until i can't see his car.
i went inside and closed the door..
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Chapter 5: lol their managers sure love to put these two together...good job managers! wooyoung is so mean btw