Let's Dream

We Both Dreamed Of The UnExpected (Discontinued)
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Chapter Six: Let's Dream 


Jessica's Dream


I was walking through a field of flowers, so many beautiful and colourful flowers.

From daisies, and sunflowers, to some rose bushes near by, with the cherry blossoms trees

here and there. It was breath taking.


I wish I could just stay here all day and dance around. I'm the kind of girl who would want

to just lay and sleep, and wouldn't it be nice to be surrounded my flowers of all kinds? Even 

ones you don't even know?


I bent down to pick up a overly grown daisy and I noticed, small forget-me-nots around it. I

sat down. I picked some of the other daisies and started to make a necklace out of them.

But first I had to make a long daisy chain out of them.


Just as I was about to pick up another flower, I noticed a four leaf clover. Must be my lucky

day. I picked it up and put it on my bag, I need to finish this necklace first.


I looked around as I was tying it together, I noticed something in the distance. It was like,

brown. A whole bunch of different kinds of brown.


I put the flower chain on my hat and picked up the four leaf clover, and put it around my

hat as well. I picked up my bag and walked over to the very brown land.


As I got closer and closer, I noticed something. The air...it smelt like...chocolate?? I ran.

Ran towords this place. Then I noticed, at the gate it read 'Chocolate Land'. Woah. I opened

the gate and walked inside, the place had chocolateeverything!


I walked down the chocolate path and noticed chocolate bunnies eating..well chocolate

carrots. I saw a basket of carrots and picked one up.


I took a bite of the carrot and noticed, that...even though it tasted sweet, like very sweet. It 

was bitter, dark choco. Of course, so there for it was healthy. I looked up at the sun. When

did it turn brown? is it made of choco too? That's...wow.


I skipped down the path finishing the last of my carrot, and saw trees that grew choco

gummy bears, but the trees were gaurded by...CHOCOLATE MONSTERS? Dude, I'm going

to have fun here in chocolate land.


I grew closer to the monster and it glared at me. "What are you doing here? You are not

like us."


"And I'm not like you how...?" I said and glared back at it. "We are made of chocolate and

can be eaten. You however are like the prince. A non-edible person." There is a prince?!

Damn...and no princess? 


"Cool. Can I have some of the gummy bears?" I asked 'nicely'. It shook its head, "why not?"


"If you can find of our motto, and main goal. Then you can have some." Main goal? It's not

eating chocolate?


"Find. and how do I find this?" 


"Look for a unicorn." You have got to be kidding me. Well, anything can exist in a dream. I

walked away and went to go search for this 'unicorn'. Gee, this should be fun. I sauntered

down the path and saw a river, I am thristy.


Could go for some milk. I quickly ran to the river then went on and on and on for miles. I

remembered that I had a water bottle and filled it up to the top. This was getting good.


I picked up some chocolate and eat it, time to start this journey. Hey, just my luck, I found

a horse barn.


Wait. Would unicorns live in a horse barn with a bunch horses? I shrugged, no time for that.


As I made my way to the barn, I noticed a whole bunch of signs, saying. "The prince is



What no king? No queen? Just a prince? Oh that's so fair. I got to the door and opened it up

with all my might. and instead of being greeted by a foul smell, it smelt like chocolate.

White chocolate. and instead of horse...UNICORNS!


I walked to one of them and noticed that there was a tag. The tag said, "Cuz that's how

friendship works."


"Okay, slang and it doesn't say 'how friendship works' is it being nice?" I then thought about

what that monster said, "If that's the motto, then what is the main goal?"


Then it hit her. "Wait. That monster said they were edible...everything here was edible..."


Talking to herself, anybody walking by would definitly notice a girl spazzing about a



"The only thing not edible is the prince. Then what about the boys parents?! This doesn't

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Thank you to everyone who subscribed, I'm sorry for not updating in forever, but school has really put it's toll on me. Hope you understand, thank you!


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it’s been so long since i last read this story
Chapter 18: Continue this ><
Please update xD
I've been reading this fanfic twice already ^_^
Cant wait to find out on what happen next!

Go! LuSica! Go!
jungxii #4
Chapter 18: Maybe sehun????
ParkRika #5
Chapter 18: Hhmmmm, Sehun??
patriciawynne #6
Chapter 18: please upload reallllyyy soooonn!! kkk~ this story is cute and really like a real life story ._. but baekhyun >.< what are you doing?!! wks XD
Nalovely #7
Love it amazing
Chapter 18: Suho !!!! Haha.
lusica_snsd_sica #9
Chapter 18: The Hun !!!!!
SoYou__Angel #10
Chapter 18: Chen? Kai? Lay? Sehun? or one of SHINee member?? Aish..., lots of suspense!! aaaah, lusica spam.
Love them so much