
Show me your smile

The guys were at the airport wishing AJ good luck on his studies.  There were lots of tears and hugs involved.

“We’ll miss you!” said the guys

“I’ll miss you too! All of you!” said AJ


AJ walked away.  Eli, Soohyun, Hoon, Kevin and Dongho walked away as well.  Only Kiseop stayed to watch how AJ got further away from him.  AJ stopped and looked back one last time just to see that Kiseop was still there watching him leave.  AJ waved his hand, Kiseop waved him back.  AJ looked at Kiseop for about 10 seconds but it felt like minutes.  He turned around and continued his way.  Kiseop kept looking for AJ until he got out of sight.


Kiseop run to catch up with the guys.  He noticed the others were heading towards the airport’s exit.

“Guys, aren’t we going to watch the plane take off?” said Kiseop

“Kiseop, we have an interview today, remember?” said Soohyun

“But…I told AJ I was going to see his plane take off”


“I’ll take a cab, I’ll be there on time”

“Are you crazy?! We’re not going to leave you here alone! What if a crazy fan follows you….”

“I promised him….”

“Don’t worry Soohyun, I’ll make him company to make sure we’ll be back on time” said Kevin

“You better be on time.  See you then”


So there was Kiseop and Kevin waiting for the plane to take off.

Kevin noticed that Kiseop had his eyes on the verge of tears, his lips trembling.

The plane took off, Kiseop watched how the plane gained height and disappeared into the sky.

Tears started to fall down on Kiseop’s cheeks.  Kevin could see that with the corner of his eye. Kiseop wiped the tears and turned around.

“Ready to go?” asked Kevin

“I’ll go to the bathroom first. I’ll be back”

Once inside the bathroom, Kiseop locked himself inside a toilet stall.  He reached his front pocket and took out a letter which he started reading right away.


My dear angel Kiseoppie,

I hope you kept your promise to read this after my plane takes off. I’m writing this letter while watching you sleep.  I just took you a photo cuz I really love to see your sleeping face.  You’re like an angel. I’ll look at this photo every night before going to bed.  Also, I took myself a photo with your phone of me smiling, cuz I know how much you love my smile :3

 My heart aches while writing this letter and I know that my departure will be a lot more painful.  There are no words to describe how much I will miss you, as there are no words to describe how much I love you. 6 months may not be that much, but for me it will be an eternity. 

I’m just going to ask you....please never doubt about my love to you.  Communication will not be as frequent as I would like it to be.  You’ll understand that I’ll be studying a lot and there’s the time difference which is huge.  I know you’ll be very busy as well. We already talked about this, but please, never stop believing in our love. The distance will prove us a challenge, but I know that we’ll overcome any obstacle on the way as long as our hearts beats for the other.

Last night was amazing and I can’t wait to have you between my arms again, kiss your lips and feel your warmth.  I won’t ask you not to cry, cuz I feel that I’m about to cry a river.  I don’t think I’ll be able to sleep tonight,  I don’t want to miss any moment with you.

I’m reminiscing when I first met you.  That time when we got the same fortune cookies.  When we worked together with “Obsession”.  Remember the first time I got to kiss you, when I fell asleep on your shoulder and then pretended that nothing happened? Haha.  And that time when we kissed by accident.  But that moment when we confessed our love for each other and kissed…that was our real first kiss.  I fell in love with you the first time I laid eyes on you, but when we kissed that night, I knew from that moment that I would never let you go.

I already had plans for college even before that, so it was difficult for me to go on.  I want to be a man you’re proud of.  When I come back, I’ll be the man you deserve. I know you sometimes underestimate yourself…please don’t do it.  You’re amazing just the way you are.  You can accomplish whatever you want.  I’ll support you on everything, the same way you have supported me until now.  Looking forward to see you again will be my biggest motivation, so I’ll put the best of me in college.

I better finish this letter or I’ll get all emotional again.  As soon as you wake up I promise I’ll kiss you like I never kissed you before, I’ll take your breath away (see? I promised :3)

You make me so happy.  Saying goodbye to you will be very hard for me. 

I’ll call you as soon as I set foot on New York and I won’t care what time will be on Korea by then xD

I hope these 6 months passes quickly.  Missing you already.

Loves you like crazy,

Your kitty Jaeseoppie :3


Kiseop cried all over the letter, wrinkling the edges with his hands.  He checked on this phone and there was AJ’s photo, with that smile Kiseop loves so much. He had to put himself together.  He wiped his tears, tried to calm down.  He got out of the stall to wash his face.  He saw himself on the mirror.  His eyes were really puffy and his nose all red. He took deep breaths before exiting the bathroom.



Kiseop barely talked at the interview.  He only limited to answer any questions addressed exclusively to him as briefly as possible.

After the interview Kevin talked to Kiseop.

“Kiseop, I just want to ask you something?”

“What is it?”

“Are we friends right? Do you trust me?”


“Then why I don’t feel it that way? We have grown apart. I miss hanging out with you like in the good old days. We don’t talk as much as we used to.... "

"Can we talk about this another day? I’m tired…I just want to go home.”

 “I’ll drive you.”


The ride was very silent. Kevin didn’t want to keep pressuring on Kiseop, even tho he died to talk to him.  Kiseop had a very sad look on his face since they left the airport.  Kevin was feeling very jealous of AJ, after all, since he joined UKISS, Kiseop seemed to lose interest on spending time with Kevin.

“Thanks Kevin for the ride.”

“You can always count on me. Take care.”

“You too, bye”


Kevin was now driving home.  He stopped at the red light when he noticed that there was a folded sheet of paper on the passenger’s seat.  He opened it.  It was a letter, from AJ to Kiseop. The edges were all wrinkled and  was mostly wet with, maybe, tears.  The words were a bit blurry but still could be read. 

The light went green, so Kevin found a spot where he could park and read the letter.  His heart sunk….his doubts were now clear.  Kiseop and AJ are on a relationship. He kept the letter to himself,  thinking that it could come in handy on the future.



Next morning the phone ringing woke up Kiseop.

“Ahhh….who could it be so early in the morning?....” then he remembered  “Could it be…?”

He ran over the phone.



“Jaeseoppie! Good to hear you! How are you? How was the flight?”

“Great!, I just landed.  Love to hear your voice. “

“I’m glad you’re ok! Could you sleep on the flight?”

“Not at all, I’m dead! I’m going to sleep as soon as I see my new bed.”

“Sure you’ll have lots to do.  We’ll text each other and talk when we have more time.  We have activities today as well.”

“I know.  I just wanted to hear you and let you know that I arrived safely.”

“I’m so glad.  I’m already missing you.”

“Me too.  I love you.”

“I love you too! Take care!”

“You too, bye!”



Kiseop was going to do some laundry.  He was about to put yesterday’s pants inside the washing machine when he remembered…AJ’s letter. He looked inside the pockets and it was gone.  Kiseop’s heart stopped for a second. He started looking literally all over the house.  It was nowhere to be seen.

 “Where is it?! Damnit!”

Kiseop started looking all around the house for a second time without success.  He got really sad for losing that letter.  He wanted to read it again, to treasure it…after all, it was AJ’s first hand written letter to Kiseop, it was something special. 

Kiseop got mad at himself for losing something that precious.  It comforted him the idea that AJ has a photo of him sleeping and that he had a photo of AJ in his phone.  Kiseop spent long minutes looking at AJ’s photo, admiring his smile, his eyes, his nose, everything.  It was just the first day and Kiseop wasn’t sure if he was going to survive 6 months without his dear AJ.

Kiseop was now looking at the present AJ gave him on their last date.  A beautiful ring on his finger.



To be continued...



Wow, I have tons of things to do, sorry if I'm not updating as fast as I would like to n.nU  I still have to review and fix the next few chapters.  I'll be posting next chapter next week. 

Enjoy n_n

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arashixo #1
Chapter 11: ahhhhhhhh, the story was so cool! ♥
babyrey #2
Chapter 3: that cool, so sweet. Can I trans it into Vietnamese? Hope you will agree. Thanks!!!
katyloveukiss #3
Chapter 10: spazzing i need an update now (sorry for the bad english )
katyloveukiss #4
Chapter 7: you just made me cry this is so.sweet i love it
Chapter 6: this is so sweet author-nim!!
I'm in love with this story!
I will wait for the update :)
thank you author-nim <3
Chapter 6: update update yeay!!!!

"I love you damn it" omg my favourite part :3
katyloveukiss #7
Chapter 6: awwwwwww i just can say i love this fic i love thid ship.too thanks so much update soon
Chapter 5: its cute. i like it so far :3

update soon okay^^ i'll wait :)
iamanonymous #9
Chapter 5: Lol, kiseop as a unicorn. I think a peacock fits him best. This is such a cute story!
katyloveukiss #10
Chapter 5: kiseop is a giraffe tall and elegant and unucor an lion it makes burts in laugh ahahahah i think what kind of chimera would be if aj amd kiseop have a son ahhaha okno i love you and your story thanks so much update soon