Is This Real Life?

By the time friday night came around I felt like I was going crazy.
Hanna was grounded for the week, so I was unable to talk to her when I really wanted to. To make matters worse, she was going away this weekend for a relative's wedding. I was counting on her being at work tomorrow and helping me talk to "HIM" or at least giving me some info on him. So, when the time came... I'd be all alone. 
I laid in bed, playing out ridiculous situations in my head that would never happen. I was just thinking of him constantly. 
"ippeuda... aish..." it was on repeat in my head.
I tried playing some games on my little pink phone to get my mind off of things, but it didn't work very well. I barely slept at all. By morning I was really tired, but I had a mission today and I was determined to get it done. I had to find out his name. 
I got up and started getting ready to go. The only problem was that it was 8:00 and we wouldn't be leaving for another couple hours.... Now I was REALLY going crazy. I changed my outfit 5 times before it was time to go. I finally just decided on the usual graphic tee, jeans and some new sneakers that I had just bought the day before. And then I just waited. I laid down and listened to my iPod until my mom called up.

The car ride took forever because we got stuck in traffic. When we finally got there, I didn't know what to do. I greeted the ahjummas politely, and then I just ended up going to the snack area as usual. I was picking out the things that I wanted (I have a lot of favorite snacks) and it turned out to be a whole armful. I sighed when I realized I had forgotten a basket...
Then I heard Supa Luv start over the loud speaker, and as usual, my heart leapt like it always did when the song started. I looked around carefully, and saw there was no one there. So I started dancing. I had just finished learning the dance that week, so I was eager to do it every chance I got. I wasn't used to dancing in my new shoes though, so it was a bit difficult. 
I was almost to the chorus, when I realized how ridiculous it was to be dancing one handed with all of these snacks in my arm. Oh, I'll just finish the chorus. So I did the jump, and came down, but somehow managed to land the wrong way. 

Before I knew it, I was on the ground, and all of my snacks went flying up in the air. I shut my eyes as they hit the ground. 
"*BABO, BABO." I yelled at myself.  (Fool)
When I opened my eyes, a wave of horror came over me as I saw a figure standing there. I was so preoccupied with my dancing that I didn't even notice... It was him.
He rushed over to me, and I could feel my face turning red. 
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" I blurted out. 
"What? Why are you sorry? Are you okay??"
NO. How could I be okay? I just danced spazztically while holding a bunch of snacks, looking ridiculous, and on top of that I FELL. In front of the guy I've been thinking about all week, who probably thinks I'm a lunatic now! *MICHIGESSEO! (I'm going crazy!)
"Um uh yeah, I think so. I uh... I like that song... " I like that song?? *sigh*... "errr... just... how long were you standing there?" 
"Um.. Long enough, I guess." He said as he gathered up the snacks... that I dropped. I could have sworn I saw him smirk. 
"I was enjoying it, though. You're actually a pretty good dancer." 
Oh, he was just saying that. I knew it. But in the back of my mind, I hoped he really meant it.
"Are you sure you're okay?" he asked. 
"Of course! Perfectly fine." I tried to stand up, but I felt a sharp pain in my ankle, and toppled over again. This time, he caught me, dropping the snacks again in the process. I could have died if I wasn't so busy looking into his beautiful face. 
"Well, apparently you're not fine..." he commented. 
I grimaced. "I guess not. I think something's wrong with my ankle. I can't stand on it..." 
Before I knew it, he had put my arm around his waist and his around mine. 
"Then let me help you to where you need to go. Lead the way. Er... I mean tell me where to go." 
"Ah! Thank you, that's really nice of you~ but you don't have to do that!"
"Well, I can't just let you hobble around the store by yourself, can I?" 
I could picture it perfectly. Hobbling around in search of my mom, making a fool of myself. I shuddered. "Yeah, I guess not. Here, let me call my mom and see were she is." 
I pulled out a little Hello Kitty case, opened it up, and took out my pink phone. Out of the corner of my eye I saw him smirking. 
"I... like cute things..." I explained. 
"So do I." He replied smiling at me, and immediately I heard his voice in my head. "neomu gwiyeoweo..." I blushed. 
I looked at my phone, pressed a button, and frowned seeing it was dead. 
"Ahh! Dang it, I was playing games on it last night and I forgot to charge it." I sighed. 
"Well then, we'll just have to look for her!" He smiled at me. "Oh, the snacks!" he said while almost stepping on one of them. "We can't really carry those all around the store..." 
"Oh, I'll just come back for them with my mom!" 
He nodded, and we started walking. 

We had been searching for 15 minutes already, but we didn't have any luck yet. The store was really big, and had many sections to it. 
"You tired yet?" he flashed a concerned glance at me. 
"Ah, a little, but there's nothing to do about it, so I'll be fine!" I replied with a smile.
We headed down a narrow aisle full of packages of dried seaweed. I was in the middle, and he was on the side next to the shelves. 
All of a sudden, a large cart piled high with boxes came speeding through the aisle, and it was headed in my direction. A feeling of alarm went through me, but my body wouldn't move. I felt him quickly pull me in close to his chest as he wrapped his arms around me. 
As the cart passed he yelled to the person behind it "YAH! Be more careful, huh?!" and the person apologized. 
"*Gwaenchana?" he asked me, guessing that I'd understand him. (Are you okay)
I was so dazed I could hardly speak. Omo... he's holding onto me. Is this real? It's not a dream, right? Okay, pull yourself together, Alice! 
"Ah.. yes. I'm fine... Thank you." 
Then he realized he was still holding onto me, and he quickly let go, causing me to almost fall over. 
We started walking again, but he stopped. 
"You know, after that incident, I'd feel better if you..." he hesitated "get on my back..." 
My eyes widened and I felt my rosy complexion returning. 
"Ah, no, really I'm fine! I'm completely good. Great, even!" I stumbled, both on my words and my own feet. 
"You're getting tired, though. I see it... And me- aigoo, my shoulders hurt from leaning over you! Aigoo, really, this is very tiring." He said in a very fake voice. 
I thought a minute, and he bent down. 
"Geuraeyo" I agreed. So in the end, I prepared my heart and mind, and I got on. My heart was pounding, and I was hoping he wouldn't feel it. 
We started walking, and suddenly I remembered what I came here to do. 
"What's your name?" I blurted out. 
He smiled. "Ah, we haven't introduced ourselves yet, have we? My name is Daniel Ahn." 
"Oooh. Daniel Oppa." 
I was ecstatic. His name was amazing, like the rest of him. 
"Well, actually most people call me Niel. And wait, how do you know I'm an oppa?" he asked. 
I thought, and giggled. "I dunno, you just seem like it." 
He chuckled. "What about you? I've introduced myself, now it's your turn!" 
"Of course. My name is Alice. I'm 16 years old." 
"A-li-seu? hmm. Oh, and you were right. I am your oppa. I'm 17." he said with a grin.
"Ah, I knew it! hehe. Niel oppa..." 
I liked "Niel" even more because it was so unique. I repeated Niel Oppa over and over in my head, and I couldn't stop smiling. 

Mission complete.

As soon as we were done with introductions, he immediately asked me "So... You're not normal, are you?" 
I gulped. Great, what is THAT supposed to mean?
"What I mean is, you know Korean, you know Korean songs, and even the dances that go with them." 
I thought, and replied "Well, I don't really know Korean. I've been trying to learn for the past year, but it's hard when I don't have a teacher. Hanna is a great friend, and she's tried to help me, but.. her Korean isn't that good. So i only know some things. And yes, I like Korean songs and learning the dances. I really enjoy dancing." 
"Oh!" he exclaimed. "We have something in common! I like dancing, too!" 
I was grinning at the thought of him dancing. I imagined him doing the Supa Luv dance, and it really seemed to fit. 
When I awoke from my day dreaming, I pointed straight ahead and said "Oh, there's my mom! ..maybe you better put me down before we get any closer..." 
He agreed, and bent down, then was straight back to holding my waist. 
My mom looked horrified at the sight of me hobbling over to her, holding onto a stranger. 
Before she could ask any questions I started with my aegyo.
"Mommy~~~ I fell." I whined with a pout. "I hurt my ankle~~~ I tried calling you, but my phone was dead. Mommy, it huuurrrrtsss~~~" 
Niel chuckled at me, and let me hang on to my mom's cart as he stepped away. 
"What the heck, Alice. How in the world did you manage that? Were you dancing again?? Ugh, what should I do with you..." 
I blushed. My mom knew me oh too well. Her eyes turned to Niel.
"Ah, This is Niel. He helped me when I fell. He's a really nice employee, huh? He's doing his job really well, helping customers in need and stuff, right?"
"Thank you Niel for helping my incompetent daughter. Sorry to inconvenience you." She said with a glare in my direction.
"Oh don't worry, it was no trouble at all. I just hope she's alright."
"Well, I suppose we should be leaving then. We'll go home and check just how bad your ankle is."
I hated the thought of leaving Niel, but I was tired, and he was supposed to be working, so I agreed. I had done what I wanted. I learned his name. So, we said our goodbyes there.
"Thank you so much oppa! I'll be back next saturday, so I'll see you then!" 
He smiled and said "Hopefully your ankle will feel better then. It was nice meeting you... Aliseu~" 
I melted as he said my name. I tried to bow, almost falling over in the process, and we headed toward the checkout. I looked back, and saw him waving adorably. I studied this scene so I could remember it later. 
Hmmmm.... Niel Oppa... Nice to meet you...

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Pandas4love #1
Please please jebal jebal UPDATE!!!!!!! I have been waiting for weeks for an UPDATE!!!!!!
NoraeFerYoo #2
To make up for my lack of writing in the past few months, I've posted 3 chapters today. Enjoy! :D
NoraeFerYoo #3
Haha yeah sorry to everyone who has been waiting. I had to go on a *cough*unannounced*cough* hiatus because I was in dance school for a long time and didn't have time to write. I APOLOGIZE ;A;
I will remind you all though, that I will not give up on this story EVER. Too many plans for it :P
Again, VERY SORRY!!! >< Thank you for all waiting and being faithful! <3 I very much appreciate it!
PeachDella #4
OH MY GOD YOU FINALLY MADE THE NEXT CHAPTER, you can't imagine how happy i am right now ;w; Thank you ♥♥
Happyricecake #5
I can relate too well to this o_o