Chapter 13

About Love Life

Previously I apologize for not continuing the story. I hope you enjoy the story continued ^ ^


Hana P.O.V
I was out of the house and ran as fast as possible Ljoe . imperceptibly , tears fell down my cheeks . why the decision of the engagement between Ljoe and Krystal sounded in my ears ? I feel very jealous this time .
Oh my God .. I have to do anything this time ?
I cried alone when suddenly someone tapped me on the shoulder . I turned , and I saw him Niel .
Niel : do not cry like that , I understand how you feel ..
Hana : MWO ? you understand my feelings ? mean ?
Niel also looked into my eyes , and I stared back at her .
Niel : are you feeling towards Ljoe ?
I also was silent . Niel what the intent of the question ?
Hana : me ? Where possible I like it . he right man shameless jerk , and maybe you can see it at the time the incident ? embarrass me in front of many people in the caused him .
then he paused .
Niel : already , do not remember it anymore . You look surprised , I'm between home ?
I will slowly nodded , he smiled . then he pulled my hand and walked away .


Ljoe POV
I went into the room and shut the door very loudly until I heard my mom yell at me.
Ljoe: damn! I do not like the engagement plan. embarrassing!
I felt very forced engagement plan once, so I do not have to feel self-esteem. aish .. Ljoe ~ yes .. why today you're really so frustrating?
Hana? suddenly my mind on Hana. whether she was coming? whether he had heard me information about the engagement? Hana is still disappointed in me? what I should immediately apologize to her again? I really feel a lot wrong with it. I have to find a way to Hana this time really want to forgive.


The next, I was as usual into the classroom only to then put the bag out of the classroom to look for Hana. where is he? 
I was looking into his class, but he does not exist? Where is he? shortly, Yura friend Hannah was out of the classroom and look at me 
Yura: oppa? looking for who? 
I was scratching my head is not itchy 
Ljoe: umm .. I'm looking for ... Ha ... 
wait, what I have to continue my search? 
Yura: Hana? 
Ljoe: ah .. not so, I went. bye 
I immediately left Yura are still confused by my behavior earlier. aish .. frankly should I look for Hana? aish ... 
suddenly occurred to me to call Ricky. I took the phone in my pocket and pressed the speed dial buttons, Ricky numbers in number 2. 
Ljoe: Ricky? This school, gathered at the usual place, there is what I want to discuss. 
Ricky: what else hyung? engagement issues? 
Ljoe: ! do not discuss it anymore, I'm pretty fed up! 
Ricky: ah well then 
Ljoe: I'll see you later 
CLICK! I turned off the phone. I hope Ricky can help me this time.





-To Be Continue-

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Kuukuu #1
Cap should have like a crush on Yura or something hahaha