Chapter 12

About Love Life
I was in the room. I open the wardrobe and choosing the right dress for me.
My clay clock on the wall shows at 3 pm. aish .. I should be able to dress that suits me.
suddenly there was a knock on the door.
Hana: entry!
mother suddenly goes into my room.
Mother: Hana .. what are you doing?
Hana: um ... mom, I need your help
Mother: What assistance, son?
Hana: 7 o'clock tonight, I had to attend school events, and dresscode for women to wear dresses. I was confused to choose which dress ..
mother smiled as she my head
Mother: mother looking for help ..
mother also helps search for the right dress in my wardrobe.
Mom: you're wearing one of these!
mother also gave me the red dress
Hana: umm ... eomma ...
Mother: wae?
Hana: This women's dress ..
Mother: not a girl can not you?
Hana: eum ... I mean, if this is not too y?
Mother smiled at me
Mom: This is not very y, but when you wear it, it would look very comfortable when in use
I nodded.
Hana: jeongmal?
Mother: ne ... now, you're trying to use .. later my mother would help to dress the hair and face
Hana: ne .. gomawo, eomma ..
Mother smiled at me.
Ljoe POV 
The announcement came to my ears. I hope today, Hana could come to my birthday show. 
I can only hope that the engagement between me and Krystal quickly canceled immediately. to be honest, I do not like him. 
I think this is unfair. I could not find a woman that I really love. I was very angry at my parents suddenly my match with Krystal forcibly. absolutely outrageous. 
I sat on the living room couch. suddenly my dad came and sat beside me 
Dad: Ljoe .. 
Ljoe: hmm. 
Dad: I hope, you can change your mind now 
mwo? change your mind? 
Ljoe: do you mean? 
Father: father hoped you with Krystal to immediately carry out the engagement, especially with her you're going to get married soon 
I squinted at the father 
Ljoe: what? engagement? marriage? I can not accept it! 
Dad: What do you mean? you oppose this match? 
Ljoe: yes .. it's all because of my father and mother wanted to control inheritance given parents Krystal, right?! I feel this match annoyed! I could not find someone who I love! moreover, I had to marry someone who does not love me! What was enough to make me happy? no, dad! but it was enough to make me crazy! and I really feel uncomfortable! 
Father: but Ljoe .. 
Ljoe: there is no excuse! I hate it all! 
I also took the car keys and walked out of the house. 
I even drove to the usual café where I gather with other Teen Top members.
This is crazy, dad kept forcing me to get engaged with Krystal, moreover, I had to marry her. I really want to marry a woman who is very affectionate and I really I love. maybe she could have been, Hana ..
aish .. Ljoe ~ .. do not think you're stupid like that! there are other women like Hana, aigoo ..
Hana POV
night time show 06.30. it's time to pick me up 30 minutes Niel again.
I'm in front of the mirror glass. Today, I feel very beautiful. it's all thanks to the mothers who have helped make up myself. I waited Niel my room staring at the window.
but suddenly a white car stopped right in front of my house. I rushed to the gate house. up at the front gate of the house, I opened the door and he Niel! aigoo .. today he's so handsome ..
Hana: ah? Niel?
Niel: n .. ne .. umm .. Hana .. you ..
Hana: wae?
He stared at me from the bottom up. aish .. why him?
Hana: yak! mwoya?
Niel: you're beautiful today ..
I was embarrassed smile. believe me, I was blushing now.
Hana: aish .. you .. we're off!
Niel: ne ..
suddenly she grabbed my hand. I was looking at him, he smiled and got into the car.
before long, I finally got home Ljoe. his house is very luxurious at all. Niel smiled at me and he grabbed my hand and went back into the house Ljoe. I see, a lot of people present here. I smiled happy.
Niel: I was there ..
Hana: hmm ..
I nodded. he smiled and approached another member of Teen Top.
Author POV
Niel Teen Top went up to the other members. he saw Ricky took 4 women at once ..
Ricky: yak! Niel hyung!
Niel: ne?
Ricky: introduce .. I took 4 members of SNSD. on my left side there is Sunny and Hyoyeon
Sunny & Hyoyeon: annyeonghaseyo
Niel: ne .. annyeonghaseyo ..
Ricky: and on my right there Taeyeon and Sooyoung
Taeyeon & Sooyoung: annyeonghaseyo ..
Niel: ne, annyeonghaseyo ..
Changjo suddenly approached them
Changjo: oh .. Ricky ~ yes, you're right to bring 4 members of SNSD? aigoo ..
Ricky: ne .. as promised yesterday, I took them to a birthday party today Ljoe
Changjo just nodded
Ricky: already, I'm there.
Ricky and 4 SNSD members smiled as he went to leave Niel and Changjo.
Changjo: hyung ..
Niel: ne?
Changjo: What you've heard matchmaking between Ljoe hyung with Krystal?
Niel: m .. mwo? jeongmal?
Changjo nodded. Niel was just silent.
Hana POV
all the guests were assembled in place. I saw Ljoe standing in front of his birthday cake.
Mother Ljoe: all attendees, we will witness Ljoe will blow out the candles. there you all ready?
Guest Invitations: already ..
all the guests sang happy birthday song to Ljoe. Ljoe smiled and blew out the candle. all the guests applauded as he smiled.
Ljoe mother: ah yes, there's something you should know ..
Guest Invitation: mwo? what is it?
Mother Ljoe: Ljoe ... will soon hold an engagement with ... Krystal ..
mwo? Ljoe will be engaged to Krystal? women who had collided with me? the time that I've found the necklace? aish .. why is this happening .. to be honest, I'm jealous of it all!
-To Be Continue-


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Kuukuu #1
Cap should have like a crush on Yura or something hahaha