Tsubasa no nai Tenshi - Chapter 7

Tsubasa no nai Tenshi (Angel without wings)
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Sorry guys, I've been forgetting this for a long time right??

I had kind of... author block?

Well, not exactly since I knew what I wanted, but I just couldn't write it down properly.

Anyway, I hope you'll like this chapter!

Don't worry with the mistakes, my English is awful lately... too tired I guess XD

Comments are love (and food XD) <3333



Sat on the sofa's armrest, right in the middle of the perfectly organized office, Yoochun dedicated graciously his lunch break to disturb his best friend. Since the last few days, they had been both occupied with a new major project and gone the negotiations and other financial discussions, they didn't have time for anything else. As he predicted that the whole week will not let him time to breath, Yoochun decided to use those last minutes of time off to spend some time with Yunho.


“And I thought I would end up punching him, you know. I will never go again to those diners between a self-centred businessman and his depressive wife,” Yoochun assured, desperate to the simple thought of the endless night the day before. “It's a reason to turn suicidal, trust me.”


in front of him, well settled in his place, his thought far away from his friend and colleague, Yunho was preoccupied by the radio silence his little angel showed the last few days. It happened to him from time to time, more or less regularly and Yunho couldn't help but worry each time. He noticed it and many of his relatives too, the change had been drastic, brutal, almost too sudden. Within a few months, he became someone else. Another himself, far from the arrogant and excessive man of his past and still different from the lifeless person the accident had created.


Around him, on a day-to-day basis, he could hear the remarks and gossip. Many of them had laid responsibility on his new functions, his new job. But he, he knew. He knew everything was only because of the entrance in his life of the unique man Junsu is. Through contact with him, his joy of life, his bright smiles and his deep look too often tinted by sadness. Compassion and affection helping, Yunho had grown attached more and more everyday, more than he should have.


Quickly, he had been afraid by the force and speed of this fondness, but he couldn't run away. He wanted to lull the young man, reassure him, take care of the wounds he had provoked. He wanted to redeem wholeheartedly and tried to forget the sweetish joy, egoist and shameful he felt by his side.


If Yunho was disturbed daily by those echoes Junsu created inside him, he was even more bothered by the unpleasant feeling the separation created. More than anything else, he was sadden by this distance the time away from each other clearly made between them.


This distance, he didn't understand it. If his wall of protection broke at Junsu's contact, he felt that unlike him, the latter kept his. He was doing his best to get used, but each time he felt the young man draw back, anxiety filled his veins without he could understand.


“As if it wasn't enough, I had to bear his pathetic jokes while his boring daughter was hitting on me. I almost died, trust me!” Yoochun complained without dwelling on his friend's inattention, the last two years had taught him to take no offence about it.


Far from sympathizing, Yunho was focused on his phone. It didn't ring since few days. He had been quite busy and didn't dare to call Junsu, the last one had been redirected to answer-phone. The young man had sent a message, days after their last meeting, to tell him he was too busy with his work and care, and tired, he didn't find the occasion to go again to the port. But Yunho knew something was wrong. However, he refused to try again and again like he wanted to, afraid he would only bother Junsu. As he couldn't find any solution, he resigned himself to wait. With impatience.


“thinking I planned to go to the show the day after tomorrow and I can't because I have the good luck to be invited for the party this dear man organized for his daughter...” Yoochun grumbled, more for himself than anyone else.


But still, Yunho was not listening. In desperation, he had written a new message for Junsu,to comment the first days of freeze that the month of December brought. He hoped he would receive a sign, anything from Junsu to reassure him and suppress the discomfort he felt.


“If only I could change place with someone else...” Yoochun sighed again. “Oh besides, you know this singer?” He asked with enthusiasm. “The one I told you about last time... I went to see him again.”

"Really?" Yunho said as he tried his best to catch the conversation.

"Yup. You know, you really missed something. The show was really good and this guy has golden voice,” Yoochun commented happily.


Yunho smiled and nodded, following with a distracted ear the comments of his best friend about the night he had spent.


“I even talked to him...” the youngest smiled with an appreciative expression on his face. “A bit moody, but exactly my type.”

“Yeah, but sometimes I wonder who's not your time,” Yunho joked with a slight mischievous chuckle.


Far from taking offence with the gentle teasing, Yoochun was glad to see this side again of Yunho. He was always happy to find back, even for a few seconds, the traces of the nice and keen man Yunho had always been since two years ago.


“Oh no my dear Yunho, you can say such thing,” Yoochun replied, impish. “I have demanding criteria. But this singer fit them perfectly without any problem,” he added with a knowing look.

“Tell me about it, “Yunho commented doubtfully.

“Oii, believe me! His voice is worth seeing as much as his physique," he pointed out, getting disapproving shake of the head from. "And to say this is the date he's the main singer... why?!" Yoochun lamented with a pout he only had the secret.


Yunho didn't answer, busy contemplating again his phone's screen with hope to see a new message appear.


“Aha~ Yunho save me!”


While Yoochun whined like there's no tomorrow, Yunho simply turned toward him and lazily nodded his head. Noticing fully his lack of attention, Yoochun stopped his groans and stood up straight, arms crossed in front of his chest and with a half-vexed pout.



“You don't listen to me,” he stated.

“Pardon?” Yunho asked politely as he batted his eyelash as if it would clear his blurry mind.

“You don't listen to me,” Yoochun repeated.

“Of course I do,” Yunho grouched.

“And what did I say?”

“You hate Mr Kwang,” Yunho said when he quickly gathered the crumbs of memory he disposed.

“Humpf... well, whatever.


Yoochun shrugged, thinking it was better to forget the subject and sat back on the armrest beside Yunho.


“In any case, I don't want to got to this diner and I just wish this week ends already. Oh and tomorrow, we're already December 15th, I need to prepare all the invoices for the end of the semester... I'll hang myself before the end of the month,” he concluded as if he could already see the end of his life.


He sighed at the mere idea of the work he had, like every time at the same period, and almost slapped his forehead with desperation. Yunho nodded distractedly toward him before he suddenly stood up, mouth opened under the surprise.


“What?!” he exclaimed, surprised.

“What, what?” Yoochun frowned slightly.

“What did you say?'”

“I'll hang myself before the end of the month, and it will be your fault,” Yoochun joked to tease his best friend.

“Chun~ “ Yunho scolded him, noticing immediately that he friend was mocking.

“Ah, okay... well... I wish this week ends already?” he conceded, saying again the words he used previously.

“No, after that...”

“I need to prepare all the invoices for the end of the semester?” he tried again.

“Noooo,” Yunho grumbled. “About the date. You talked about December 15th.”

“Yeah,” Yoochun nodded, looking at his friend as if he hurt his head badly. "Because tomorrow we're December 15th," he explained perplex.

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A bit late on this one but I plan more complicated things, so I'm slow XDDD look forward ne~


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Chapter 11: I'm new reader! Junsu can walk! Right?! Why he is lying to yunho?
Author-nim thanks for your beautiful stories
dbsk5Lover #2
Chapter 11: Yunho really love Junsu. I don't know what will happen if he know the truth XO
Waiting for next update!
Chapter 11: Waaaahhhh its hard to express your feelings when there is wall on you junsu....
Yunho will do anything just to prove how he love you...
I love the moment when yunnie carry suie...sweetest moment for both of them...
*bow*thanks for updating and advance HOSU day xp
moenshie #4
Chapter 11: Thank you so much for updating! Curious to see where things will go... <3
moenshie #5
Thanks for the update! things are starting to move :)
Chapter 10: *hug tighter*thank u thank u so much author.min for updating story.....and sorry for not commeting *bow*
now it getting excited coz chun saw hosu...and he starting to fall...dont break u2 friendship.....
And then su also have feeling to yunho right?......
There's also a jaemin couple >///<
waaaaaahhhh my two fave couple in one....*hug and kiss on cheek*
waiting for next upate
lovexiah #7
Chapter 10: please don't stop your story!!
I will wait 4 the next chap it's getting pretty interesting good job :)