Tsubasa no nai Tenshi - Chapter 3

Tsubasa no nai Tenshi (Angel without wings)
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Thanks to all my readers in this fic. Cause I personally love it so much ^^'

I'm a bit afraid with this chapt since I come with main changes in the plot... well it was planned but you may not like it >.<

I'm making it more complicated hahaha

Can you guys guess what is it? You'll have the answer soon anyway. The main subject is not about keeping it as a secret (for the readers at least kkk).

Enjoy <3

Comments are loved ^^




During few weeks, Yunho came back to the port every day his schedules permitted him to. When a contretemps occurred or when his tasks held him back, he could not stop himself from thinking of Junsu. Their meetings were never really long, rarely more than one hour, sometimes two. But they had become important for Yunho.


Between them, a routine established in a way and Yunho had learnt to know Junsu. He also understood fast what a ray of sunshine he was in his dull life. However, rare were the seconds he managed to picture his face or contemplate his smile without being confronted to the guilt he felt because of the accident.


Always, he did his best to hide it, not wanting to disturb those peaceful moments they shared. He liked to think it was for Junsu's sake, not wanting to remind him the incident or to sadden him... but deep in his soul, he felt perfectly that the reason was more petty and private.


No, he couldn't. How could he have said it? Confess he was the main responsible of the disruption that crashed his life. He was too afraid to see on him the heavy gaze full of accusation which will surely cover his dark orbs—feeling that his joy of life will vanish with the revelation and be replaced by hate. But the thing that frightened him the most, without being totally aware of the fact, was the simplest fear existent: to have him leaving his life forever.


Many times, he wanted to ask Junsu what was exactly his handicap, in a way to judge the sweep of the damage he caused. Not any moment, the thought managed to go over the barrier of his lips. Then, he stayed there, contemplating his feet to refrain himself from looking to the legs of his new friend. He felt stupid, but he did not know how to react. He was far from being familiar with this type of situation.


Day after day, he made sure he would become less reserved. He needed to put a lot of efforts, but the smile he reaped each time did not fail to reward him on a par with his commitment. Then he decided to do even more to bring more bright smiles on the little angel's face.


It had become his daily task but also his hidden pleasure. He was now doing everything he could for Junsu's sake. From the beginning, he felt this loneliness in his heart, probably because he was himself accustomed to it. Then, as much for one than the other, he decided to spend as much time as possible with him. That was why he came back to the port every time he could. Even if the sky was dark or the rain threatening in a way that could have discouraged many people, he was always present.


For nothing in the world he would have swapped those little hours. If he looked for Junsu's happiness, he began to be aware the man was also part of the joy he had seen disappear. Together, he had the impression they could both make a fresh start. He knew nothing would pay for his error, but the hope was rising that maybe, one day, Junsu would forgive him willingly. Meanwhile, he was doing his best for him and never experienced so much delight when trying to satisfy someone.


-You're here kind of late, the singing voice he could easily recognize surprised him.


With time, they learnt how to treat each other friendlier. If Junsu did it naturally, it had been more difficult for Yunho. His way of speaking was usually a manner to take at distance the person he met. And breaking it was like breaking the bubble he kept as a protection. That, he wasn't sure to be prepared.


Though, when he let his mind wonder about it, he was convinced that Junsu broke his bubble the moment he smiled toward him. With sincerity and happiness that could have feed his lonely heart for days.


-I had more work than I thought. I'm sorry. Yunho apologized with a muddle pout.

-It's nothing, I don't think we ever promise anything about this matter. Junsu replied as if he wanted to reassure him.


The smiling face was enough for Yunho to feel better. All his troubles with work, his doubts and his mental tortures disappeared when he contemplated the smiling Junsu by his side.


For a long time, they alternated between unimportant exchanges and more profound discussions. All this sometime cadenced by silence they cherished the sweetness with joy. They never mentioned more private subjects than Yunho's work, but he didn't care more than necessary. He knew, or at least he was convinced, that things would come at time. For now, time was to appreciate those moments with each other.


Just as the clear sky seemed to darken, Junsu interrupted one of those comfortable silence they shared again, just them and the sea.


-I will have to leave you. I still need to go to work, Junsu apologized as he slightly leaned over his wheelchair in a polite bow.


Yunho glanced to the expensive watch he had at his wrist since his twenty years old. Birthday present from his father he never removed. He was surprised to see it was now more than 6PM. It meant he had already spe

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A bit late on this one but I plan more complicated things, so I'm slow XDDD look forward ne~


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Chapter 11: I'm new reader! Junsu can walk! Right?! Why he is lying to yunho?
Author-nim thanks for your beautiful stories
dbsk5Lover #2
Chapter 11: Yunho really love Junsu. I don't know what will happen if he know the truth XO
Waiting for next update!
Chapter 11: Waaaahhhh its hard to express your feelings when there is wall on you junsu....
Yunho will do anything just to prove how he love you...
I love the moment when yunnie carry suie...sweetest moment for both of them...
*bow*thanks for updating and advance HOSU day xp
moenshie #4
Chapter 11: Thank you so much for updating! Curious to see where things will go... <3
moenshie #5
Thanks for the update! things are starting to move :)
Chapter 10: *hug tighter*thank u thank u so much author.min for updating story.....and sorry for not commeting *bow*
now it getting excited coz chun saw hosu...and he starting to fall...dont break u2 friendship.....
And then su also have feeling to yunho right?......
There's also a jaemin couple >///<
waaaaaahhhh my two fave couple in one....*hug and kiss on cheek*
waiting for next upate
lovexiah #7
Chapter 10: please don't stop your story!!
I will wait 4 the next chap it's getting pretty interesting good job :)