
Is This a Love?

Inside car,..

Kongju: what a very beautiful morning..you guys should be energetic on this morning..

Cheondung: aish~i would be energetic if i had an enough sleep..everyday..

Jiyeon: i agree with that..

Kongju: hmm..i feel so sorry..you must have been busy all day long for your assignment..

Jiyeon: ofcourse..oh~today is our result day..so..i need a luck wish from you..

Cheondung: me? oh..

Jiyeon: Why? you don't want me to have a good result?

Cheondung: no..i didn't say that..ofcourse i would wishing you a very good luck..

Jiyeon: *smiled* thanks..

Cheondung: don't thanking me yet, maybe i should work harder for you..then you can thank me..

Jiyeon: don't say that..

Cheondung: *smiled*


I walk alone through the cafeteria while Dongwoon was still at the laboratory. I don't know whether Suzy and Jiyeon have receive their result or not yet.

I took my lunch from the counter and took a sit on the table. I guess i shouldn't wait for them. I could enjoy my lunch without them. But something  makes me stop eating when Suzy have come first at the cafeteria before Dongwoon. She really looked so happy.

I stood up and greet her.

Suzy: Cheondung~ah..

Cheondung: why? what's with the happy faces?

Suzy: guess what is my result right now?

Cheondung: what? you fail?

Suzy: aish~do fail people could able smile like me?

Cheondung: no~

Suzy: you're so stupid, i'm asking you an easy question but you couldn't answer it..i ranked number one in my class..

Cheondung: really? that's great then..

Suzy: this is my first time ranked number one in class..oh~i think i'm going to cry..

She then hugged me tightly. She was just too happy.

Dongwoon has arrived unexpectedly and stund when he saw us hugging each other infront of him. I started realized him standing infront of us. I shocked and i can see from his faces, he looked so disappointed against me.

Then i quickly broke the hug. Suzy was puzzled for a moment.

Cheondung: Dongwoon??

She turned around and saw Dongwoon was standing infront of us.

Cheondung: Dongwoon~ah..there's nothing..

He didn't care about what i'm trying to say and just walk away.

Cheondung: Dongwoon~ah! aish..this guys really..

Suzy: what's wrong with him? did you guys fight?

Cheondung: ah~no, nothing,maybe he have no mood..i should after him..you stay here okay?

Suzy: okay~

Then i run after him, leaving Suzy alone.

I chased him from the back till we reached at the park. I was hoping he would listen my explanation.

Cheondung: hey~stop!

Dongwoon: what are you want? isn't that enough for you to lying me?

Cheondung: i'm not lying to you, okay? i think you should listen to me carefully..

Dongwoon: should i do that? it's obvious..okay, i know you chasing me, just because you wanted to tell me that you want me to be jealous of you.

Cheondung: you're such a baby..

Dongwoon: what?

Cheondung: it's true, you never want to listen what i'm trying to say, you just ran away from it..

Dongwoon: don't call me a baby again..

Cheondung: i think you should know that Suzy is just my friend, i mean my longtime bestfriend. This is our habit since childhood. I know i've made a mistake that i lied to you..but i didn't mean to do that to my i own bestfriend..

Dongwoon: well you really did..

Cheondung: Suzy ranked number one in her class..she was too happy and hugged me..she have no one else to hug except me..you should understand that..she was looking for you..if she found you first, she probably will hug you first..Dongwoon~ah, i'm your bestfriend, remember? i've never took anything from you and i wouldn't do that..

He didn't say anything after he heard my explanation.

Cheondung: come back when you getting cold..

Then i walk away just like that. I just hope he will come back to us.

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apitsilva #1
Chapter 36: please update it !!
Chapter 34: Thank u for updating it fast! Please do as u have been! Fighting^^
apitsilva #3
Chapter 33: update soon
Chapter 33: too short? :'(
apitsilva #5
pleaseee update it !!
jiyeonyesung #6
Chapter 19: pleasu update more jiyeon cheoundung part:)
Chapter 13: Where is the stories??
Chapter 11: update please!
Chapter 8: Update soon!