WGM 7 (no idea for the title)

WGM : Suho & Taeyeon ver (DELETING)

Author's POV:


Months of their 2nd Japan Live Tour, SNSD finally returned to Korea and they each gets a 2 week holidays. They each have planned where they are going for their holiday, and one thing for sure, they will spend time with their family members. In the mean time, Taeyeon and Suho in their house, sleeping not even a single noise could wake them up.


"Girls bring the boys out!..." except for the ringtone. Taeyeon was woke up by her phone ringing. "Hello.." her voice was sleepy..since she is still half asleep.


"Taeyeon shi, we'll be postponing your 4th eps. Because we have some technical problems here. Perhaps in 3-4 weeks time, we'll be back for the shooting. So you and Joonmyeon can just spend your normal day...I'll call for more, if there is any changes. Have a great holiday.." Becca hurriedly hangs up.


"Oookay..." she yawns, Taeyeon step out of her bed and slips into her slippers. She went down to the kitchen. Yawning for many times now, she brewed herself a cup of coffee. The aroma of the coffee easily gave her the wake up call.


"You're up early Taeyeon noona." A said voice yawns in between his words. She smile and pour a cup of coffee for him. He thanked her and took a seat beside her.


Taeyeon leaned by the counter of the kitchen, she was examining his sleepy face, his messy morning hair. Even with how he is now, he still look so good. "Noona, do we have a shooting to do today?" She shook her head. "No we don't."


 He try his best to open his eyes to look at her. "Then?" He yawns again. "Go back to dorm. I gotta go somewhere. With my family.." she said placing down her coffee.


Suho look at her, "Vacation?" He guess and she just nods. "Then I'll stay with the guys, since we have schedules. Lots of it." So they each will be seeing each other for perhaps a week or two.


Skipping the days, Suho have been walking in and out of SM Entertainment many times. Not only himself but together with his group members. Kris was currently away in Vancouver, Canada. EXO is preparing for a comeback, so they have lots of recording to do for their upcoming album.


"Hyung, where are we going again?" Sehun asked Suho while they were in the van. "Salon." He replied short. "Before you ask him another question, it a salon where most of our sunbaes have been getting their haircuts." Luhan explained, he knows that Sehun was about to ask another question.




That day,each EXO members, gets a haircut. Some was dyed, others was cut shorts. After hours spending in the salon, they finally exited the place with hiding their new hair from the crowding fans. Sometimes, people just really want to see their favourite artist new style, but they don't.


"Save from the horror of fans. This hair suppose to be a suprise once we get up stage." Xiumin sigh, fanning himself in the car. They made their way back to SM. And again, the hordes of fans standing on the entrance of SM new building. "Again..." Chen whined, how will they enter the place with this crowds standing.


The door slides open and the screaming fans starts to call their names, before they step outside. SM door open, SNSD was ready to leave the building. The fans easily averted their eyes to them.


EXO blinks, their sunbaenims aura was so strong, they easily grasp the fans just like that. They each was holding a passport, which mean they'll off Korea soon. Suho shuts the door since he's the last that exited the car and look at Taeyeon. She glance to him and smile.




That was the last time Suho sees her. Since that was 4 days ago, SM was pretty quiet when their loud 9 sunbaenims weren't around. Becca sometime came by, she do make the shooting with only just Suho. Even with that, they still need to go with it, it seems the company of WGM, wanted the show to move on even though Taeyeon wasn't around.


Suho just finished showing off the building, well not like it is a variety where the main is talking, telling them what this and that. Suho just merely walk casually around the building with the cameraman following, and when they bumped on Suho's sunbaes, they helped him by acting with him.


"Ohh, Joonmyun..How is your wife doing?" Yunho from TVXQ asked his hoobaes. "She's fine hyung. She text me every day." Suho smiles like how he usually did. "Ahh, jinjja.. What did she text ya?" being a good hyung, he and Changmin starts to . For the show.


"Hyung, waeyo...Its private." he defended, but well with Yunho and Changmin, Suho is just a little kid. "Arasso hyung...Here." he took out his phone and gave it to Yunho.


"Let see, this is for the fans out there. Ahh.." he open up the message. Suho starts to getting nervous. "The weather here is awesome Joonie.. Wish you were here though. Can't wait to comeback home. WGM jjang!!" the text wrote, from Taeyeon. Yunho read it out loud to the camera. "Aigoo, she is so dorky and cute. As always from my little dongsaeng."




The filming for today ends. Yunho pats Suho's shoulder. "You make a great partner for Taeyeon. The last she partner with was Hyundong hyung. He was funny and fun to be with, but kind of old for her. Well, I didn't say he wasn't a good partner for her, he is good, but since she got another chance to be with someone in her age or younger, it fits her. You did great, Joonmyun." he was proud for his dongsaengs.


When Seohyun was paired with Yonghwa, Yunho and the rest of the SM sunbaenims was proud and happy for her. Then Taemin. Even when Taeyeon with Hyundong, they were proud and now she got another chance and she was Suho, from the same company. LSM is happy.


Before going back to dorm, the boys hangs out by a cafe. Drinking coffees and let theirself exposed for the fans. He received a text from Taeyeon. 


"Ohh, Taeyeon noona!" Baekhyun was the first to sit beside Suho. "You are a crazy fanboy." Luhan shook his head. Still they all went to his side. Trying to read her text for their hyung. "Joonmyun ah, its night time there right. Wishing a happy goodnight. Have a sweet sweet dream. Oh, and really hope to see your new haircut. That day, you covered it so I didn't get to see it. Say my goodnight to the boys too...EXO hwaiting!"


They all smiles with her words. "You are so lucky, hyung. Noona is just too perfect for you. I envy you.." Chanyeol pouts, sipping his coffee. Suho smiles happily, "It is only for the show. We both are just a hoobae and sunbae in reality. No more than that."


"Don't say that, maybe you both will actually love each other and be a couple someday. And let Baekhyun shed blood everyday! Hahahaha" Chanyeol teased Baekhyun, since he is a huge fanboy of Taeyeon noona. "Shut up, Chanyeol! I'll kill ya!!"


They all laugh on the bickering or funny fights of Chanyeol and Baekhyun, he replied the text.


"Yeah its night time. Goodnight to you too, even though it is still early there. The boys were happy with your message, noona..You will see my photos someday in the internet, my hair will be expose there soon...I" he paused, he almost text I miss you so much at the end of his message. Pressing the back, he deleted the 'I' and press send.


Looking forward, the two boys still arguing. "Now guys..." he starts.




I'm a bad author :(

And I'm too lazy to type the end for this chap...

Just think by yourself on how it goes on. Suho stops them and the night goes on...

I'm a bad author, punish me /that was a joke..don't punish me, I'm innocent/

I don't know about this chap though..Its kind of running away from the story line?? I think so...

But it will be adjusted soon...

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update is pending.......loading xDD


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ametista #1
kyaaaaa!!!taetae kissed suho....
omg!!!please update ^^
Chapter 9: Taeng kissed Suho!!! Oh!so sweet... update, author-nim!
Chapter 9: . I hihihihehe > W < that is fate babe > WWWW <
. awchhhhh ❤❤❤❤ Taeng kissed him ❤❤❤
Chapter 9: OMG OMG she kissed him. even on the cheek.. but still it's sweet :3
erahmaliati21 #5
Chapter 9: woaaaaaaaaaa she kiss him :** hehe
update soon, author-nim^^
Chapter 8: update sooon!! so sweeetttt!!!
Chapter 8: fangirling over sutae OMG KYAAAA
Chapter 8: sutae moment is so sweet !!!!! Please update soon author-nim!!!!
Chapter 8: . /punch you in the face/ lol hah. kidding. XDDDD
. Taeyeon ah come back soon :'( your hubby is missing you like crazy :'(
ametista #10
yaaay! update please