Seeing Red

Moonless Nights

A/N: Minor violence.


"You wha-" Minho started, then swallowed as he caught the murderous look in Kibum's eyes. "So uh..." he stammered, finding himself again as he looked back to Taemin. "Does this makes us even, then?" he whispered. Part of him hoped for an affirmative, because he really didn't like the thought of wielding any sort of power over another hu- over another person. And yet another part of him desperately wished for a no because he liked having a link to another person in some way and he was fairly certain that Kibum fully intended to actually murder him.


"No, hyung," Taemin shook his head and leaned down to cover Minho with his body protectively once more. "I still need to make up for some of the stuff. We can call it good on the untying me part and trying to save me, but the parts about the blood are a lot more serious, so no, we're not even yet."


Minho blinked rapidly at another quick peck to his lips and sat up slowly, looking back and forth between the three vampires. He kind of wished that Jinki would decide to show up but simply looked down to the blanket.


"I don't suppose I'd be allowed to talk to you alone again?" the human asked quietly, by some miracle keeping his eyes off Kibum. He heard a giggle from the boy in front of him and looked up to see them already alone. Now how did that happen?


Taemin grinned wider at Minho and sighed in amusement. "I suppose it's not fair to hide it anymore. We can hear thoughts if they're loud enough, or if we haven't gotten used to the person's mind enough to tune them out..." he giggled again, biting his lower lip before lowering his eyes.


"That was my first kiss, and even though I'd been saving it for, well, I'd just been saving it..." the boy flushed and reached up to touch his fingertips to his lips. "Even though I'd been saving it, I'm not angry. I don't mind, because it was um... It was really nice." After finally getting through his words, Taemin looked away and closed his eyes to try to calm down and think about something different.


Minho was about to almost scream an apology, when he was hit with the bombshell that his thoughts could be heard. He gasped as he thought about breakfast that morning, and some of the mildly inappropriate thoughts that had gone through his mind earlier.


"You can... You can read minds..." Minho muttered and slumped down, groaning as he rolled onto his back and threw an arm over his face.


"Oh come on, hyung, it's not that bad," Taemin smiled and flopped beside the older male.


Minho just shook his head and waited a moment before looking over at Taemin. "Weren't you supposed to be helping in the kitchen or something?"


"Are you sure you'll be okay on your own again?"


"I'll be fine, Sweetie. Now run along, you know where to find me."




Kibum knew where to find Minho as well. After appeasing Jonghyun and convincing the older doofus that he wasn't angry anymore, Kibum went to his own room and focused his energy on calming down. He listened to some music, doodled on a random scrap of paper he found. It was, in fact, a rather detailed sketch of exactly wanted to do to Minho but couldn't because he was supposed to be behaving himself.


Finally though, Kibum heard the familiar steps of his eventual adoptive-brother-in-law walk by, and continue walking. The corners of Kibum's lips twitched up, curving his perfectly glossed lips into a malicious smirk as he rose from his chair and silently made his way to Minho's room.


The human had dozed off again, all the excitement from the day already catching up with him. With darkened eyes, Kibum slowly approached the bed and leaned down. While the man's features weren't altogether terrible, the much older man let out a small sigh at the circumstances under which they had come to know of each other's existence. Ignoring his slightly sentimental thoughts, Kibum placed his hand over Minho's mouth and leaned down further, to his ear, and grinned once the other woke up easily.




Minho screamed under Kibum's hand, and the vampire had to grab a pillow to stuff over the man's face to hopefully quiet him enough that he wasn't caught.


"Calm down or I'll give you an actual reason to scream, you moron," Kibum hissed, still leaned down. It wasn't until Minho nodded that he removed the pillow. After the man opened the eyes that had closed in fear, Kibum slowly pulled back his hand and sighed in relief when not even the smallest whimper left Minho's mouth.


"What a good little human," Kibum singsonged tauntingly, perching himself on the edge of the bed and glancing down slowly to Minho. "I don't plan on murdering you over a kiss, but I swear on every single hair on that boy's head that I will end you if I think you've done anything to make him upset," he muttered coldly, eyes full of more malice than Minho had ever seen before.


Minho trembled on the bed, closing his eyes and forcing the air in and out of his lungs slowly before he sat up to look at Kibum. Looking at Kibum turned out to be a bad idea and Minho simply sat next to him for a few moments in silence.


"Taemin said you guys could read minds..." he finally whispered, biting his lip and swallowing nervously because he wasn't sure if he was allowed to speak at the moment. "Would it work if I like... If I showed you a short memory or something?" he asked curiously, finally raising his eyes cautiously to Kibum once more so he didn't feel like he seemed like such a wimp.


Kibum blinked down to Minho, surprised that Taemin had told him so much in such a short time. "You want to show me how you defiled my baby?" he hissed, turning to face the human more properly as a low growl rumbled in the back of his throat.


"No! I mean, kind of," Minho said softly, chewing on his bottom lip and finally sighing. "No, I mean I... I didn't defile him for goodness sake. I just wanted to show you that I didn't just kiss him to kiss him, and it didn't have anything to do with me being his master," he explained, looking down as his hand ran through his hair in frustration. "Please, Kibum, for two freaking minutes, trust me."


The blonde tilted his head at Minho, puzzled more and more by the man with every word that came out of his mouth. "Fine, you have one hundred and twenty seconds, go," he nodded, smirking once more as Minho closed his eyes to concentrate.


Minho thought back to several minutes before this one, to when Taemin was talking about what himself. He showed Kibum how Taemin was sad when he was talking, and then the boy's tears. Finally, he worked up enough courage to show Kibum the actual kiss, remembering how he'd felt like he wanted Taemin to stop feeling sad and that's why he'd done it. After a tiny debate, Minho also showed Kibum the way Taemin had blushed and covered his mouth, then left the room without a single tear even waiting in his eye.


"I didn't just force myself upon him or anything like he did when you were about to murder me earlier, I was trying to make him happy," Minho finally sighed when he opened his eyes to see a less angry Kibum looking back at him.


"Fine then," the vampire nodded, standing up slowly and taking a small step back. "I won't kill you, but I'm going to need you to stand up. Now." Kibum told him firmly.


Minho was hesitant to rise from the bed, swallowing nervously and looking up at Kibum. After a moment of hesitating, he nodded and stood up facing the other male. He wasn't going to die, but he had a strong feeling that he wasn't going to enjoy whatever happened to him for kissing Taemin.


Nodding in approval as Minho stood before him, Kibum turned to the side just barely. His crossed arms fell to his sides, balling into fists before coming back up to put him in a fighting stance. He'd never been a fan of raw, physical, unarmed and hand to hand combat, but this was more personal. After pushing his front hand forward a few inches, he swung it down hard and let the momentum pull his cocked back hand forward to land squarely on Minho's nose. Clearing his throat, he stood up properly and gently a bit of blood from his knuckles, glancing down at Minho, who had fallen to the bed once more.


Not speaking as he watched Kibum turn and raise his fists, Minho breathed quicker and quicker. He closed his eyes to wait on the blow, but he underestimated how strong the vampire was going to hit him. His back hit the bed before the pain sunk in, but he groaned loudly the moment that it did. Minho cursed the way his eyes filled with hot tears of pain, and he brought his hand up to touch his nose, wincing and letting out a whimper as the smallest touch made it worse. He gasped when he realized that his upper lip was wet, blinking up at Kibum nervously.


"Ki... Kibum?" the man called softly, eyes widening when he saw the way Kibum's had turned slowly into the same red he'd seen in Taemin's only the day before.


"You smell even more scared than earlier," Kibum whispered, biting his lower lip lightly with his unsheathed fangs. He stepped forward, pulling Minho to sit and leaning down to examine the nose he'd just broken. "That looks like it hurts," he smirked, moving his hand closer and chuckling as Minho cowered back.


"Just go away, ," Minho groaned, closing his eyes and then blinking his wet eyes open again quickly so he could keep an eye on Kibum.


The older man simply chuckled again, grinning and shaking his head. "I just broke your nose, idiot," he sighed, lowering his knees to the floor so he wasn't just squatting anymore. "Let me fix it, okay?" he asked, trying to look as genuine as possible even though he knew his eyes were blood red.


Minho glared at Kibum accusingly, though his gaze turned suspicious as Kibum offered to fix his nose. "Why haven't you attacked me? I mean, I'm bleeding pretty bad, and Taemin didn't say exactly how much more control ignited vampires had," he said softly, though he hadn't made any moves to get away from him again.


"I can't say it's easy, I mean you can see how much I want your blood," Kibum sighed as he gestured toward his face, then glanced down at the blood on Minho's lip and nose. "But for Tae's sake, I wouldn't dare bite you or hurt you further. And for your sake, I wouldn't dare bite you and risk it turning you," he explained as he rose to sit on the bed next to the man.


"Fine, you can set my nose back the way it's supposed to be," Minho finally muttered, closing his eyes because he knew it was going to hurt just as bad now as it would later if someone else did it. "The way it's supposed to be," he repeated, stressing the single word pointedly.


Kibum nodded and took a deep breath, instantly regretting the decision because the smell of Minho's blood assaulted him violently. He shook his head to clear it, then reached out and quickly pulled the man's nose back into place. He smirked at the satisfying crunch he heard, the way Minho winced and whimpered again.


The man slowly blinked open his eyes as he felt more of a dull throbbing now, sighing softly and then growing worried once more as he felt more warm blood flow from his nostrils onto his lip. He brought his hand to cover his nose, but it was too tender, so he opened his mouth to not make a mess.


"I could clean that up for you..." Kibum whispered, his lips as he watched the blood trickle down. He brought his hand to his face, looking at the blood on his fingers from Minho's nose before it off gently. It wasn't hard to notice how much he was shaking as he kept himself back once his fingers were thoroughly cleaned.


"You want me to say it's okay to lap up my blood? The blood that you made come out?" Minho blinked rapidly and bit his lip before slowly nodding. "Please don't bite me, though, okay?" he whispered.


Nodding back, the vampire rubbed Minho's thigh to try to calm him, leaning in closer. He moaned softly as the fresh blood hit his tongue, flushing at the noise he made. Kibum didn't let his small embarrassment stop him, though, all of the blood from Minho's nose and lip carefully. Once he was finished, he brought Minho's hand up to put a bit of pressure on the right spots of his nose so the blood would stop pouring out.


"There, no biting and just a little bit of awkwardness," Kibum smiled softly once Minho's eyes opened again. The vampire's eyes were back to normal, his fangs retracted as he gave once last to his lips. "I'll get you an ice pack," he said quietly, jumping and then freezing as he heard someone clear their throat from the doorway.


"Jinki hyung..."

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lucky9606 #1
hi author-nim. i was just wondering if you have abandoned this fic... its been more than 3 years but i still remember this fic and would love to find out how it ends especially since minho should be turning soon after all they've been through. i understand if you no longer are writing but if that's the case it would be nice to have some closure. thank you,
SuDarkWind #2
Chapter 50: eh?what happened?
SuDarkWind #4
Chapter 49: Aaaaaah so cute and fluffy
Chapter 47: Wow 5 years has passed! Why did it take so long? Can't wait for Minho to become a vampire and more 2min couply stuff in Canada :) And yes, it would be interesting to know how Taemin paid off the debt to the wolves. Thanks for the update!
SuDarkWind #6
Chapter 1: It's been a long time since I read the first chapter but the update looks just fine. Good job authornim.
SuDarkWind #7
Chapter 45: ...........What the ? XD I was not expecting this at all.
SuDarkWind #8
Chapter 44: After saying you were back and then not getting an update I started to worry. But fixing things within the story and branching out is better than nothing. Can't wait to see what you come up with. ^w^
Chapter 44: Oh, I remember now! But will still read them all again. I vote to keep the focus on 2min with some side pairings. I'd really love it if this would be a consistent 2min fic. Thank you!
Will read it all over again since it's been so long. Welcome back!