Rules and Responsibilities

Moonless Nights

Dongwoo and Howon backed off for a while, leaving Taemin free to get to know Minho and develop their relationship better. Along with spending time with the family, Minho took Taemin out to eat and to movies. It wasn't long before they both felt like they were great friends, but neither wanted to jinx what they had going and no mention of the friendship was made. It wasn't just Taemin who welcomed the new experiences. Minho discovered a whole new world.


Taemin taught Minho more about the clan, and overall vampire custom. The human caught on surprisingly well, and if it wasn't for his scent, he might have been able to pass for being at least the same level as Taemin. He also found there was more to being a master than the simple explanation he'd been given.


Master and Slave Rules

Rule 1. Masters may be vampire or human, even werewolf, witch, or demon.

Rule 2. A master and slave shall reach an agreement on the length of servitude, a contract signed prior to the start date.

Rule 3. Masters may order a slave to do anything.

Rule 4. A master may have multiple slaves so long as he is capable.

  • A slave can only have one master.
  • In the event something is owed to someone other than his/her master, an arrangement will be made between all three.

Rule 5. Slaves are not to harm their master.

Rule 6. A slave must have proof of clear abuse in order to be set free upon escape.

Rule 7. Masters may punish a slave in any way they feel to fit the offense.

Rule 8. No other vampire may harm a slave unless given explicit permission by the slave's master.

Rule 9. Vampires who harm a slave with no permission are subject to punishment by that slave's master.

Rule 10. A master is responsible for his slaves' well being.


Minho read many ancient pages of a large book as he spent time with Taemin and the rest of the vampires. With growing technology, all rules and law were also in digital form or available in a neater, typed, copy. He just liked it better to sit with Taemin on a sofa in a cozy library and learn about him and his family. He found that not only was the Lee family a close group themselves, but there were more families that together made the coven. Minho wasn't sure what was told to the others about his human presence, but he was mostly treated the same as the three four guys he had come to be friends with. Even Kibum had warmed up to him after a time, and he felt more and more comfortable hanging out with all four of the vampires. Minho learned of culture and customs, along with the rules governing the coven Taemin belong to.


Coven Law

  1. We, as are werewolves, witches, demons, are a race secret to humans. Let them continue to believe we are a simple myth.
  2. Vampires of our coven are not to commonly or freely associate with werewolves, witches, or demons. Doing so will result in the exile of the offender.
  3. We are a noble race, and each member of the coven is to act as such.
  4. Regardless of the creature used to feed, hold all life with reverence.
  5. This coven is a family. Treat each other with respect and courtesy. Sharing the same bloodlines, care for those around you.
  6. Any human who assists one of our coven in a time of need is to be repaid in full. The vampire helped is to repay the human with a term of servitude.
    • See Master and Slave Rules.
  7. In the event something significant is owed between two of our coven or between one member of our coven and one of another, servitude may be used to repay this debt also.
    • See Master and Slave Rules.
  8. A debt may also be owed to a member of a wolf pack, witch coven, or demon clan. Elders from both groups must agree on terms of servitude or debt repayment.
    • See Master and Slave Rules.
  9. Blood is to be taken from a willing human, hunted beast, or human fountain.
  10. Public humans who freely offer their blood to a vampire in need are to be repaid with a term of servitude.
    • See Master and Slave Rules.
  11. Vampires who attack a human and feed by force must see to the immediate care of the human. A term of servitude is to be used to repay the human.
  12. Treat all vampires with respect. Regardless of coven, status, or position.
  13. Do not kill or maim another vampire unless in self defense, combat of war, or approved punishment.
  14. Betrayal of our coven will be rewarded with banishment, or death.
  15. If you are discovered by any human to be vampire, confront the human(s). If you do not trust that secrecy will be kept, bring the human(s) to your closest elder, they will handle all final decisions regarding the human or humans.
  16. Vampires of our coven found to break our laws are subject to punishment, including any amount of: beating, flogging, banishment or exile, or even death.
  17. The elders of this coven are to be treated with the utmost respect. Their word is final to settle disputes or in ruling law.
  18. Children born of a vampire of our coven and a non-vampire will be welcomed into our coven, along with the non-member parent.
  19. The parents of a child born between covens are permitted to be members of both covens, settling where ever they feel best for they and the child.
  20. As a member of this coven, do anything and everything in your power to uphold the sanctity and integrity of our family and ancestors.


In addition to information about what the vampires in Taemin's coven were and weren't supposed to do, Minho found that there were even rules regarding how to do several things. There was an entire set of rules governing the proper ways to drink blood.


Blood Etiquette

  1. Blood is not to be taken by a human by force.
  2. If one feeds from a human, seal the wounds properly, taking care of the human's condition and needs.
  3. Drinking the blood of another vampire is a sacred act and should only be shared between vampires with an already deep bond.
  4. Allowing your blood to be consumed by a human is forbidden. Unless you have fed and taken too much, and you do so to prevent the human's death.
  5. Drinking the blood of a werewolf, witch, or demon, is strictly forbidden, as is providing your own blood to any of these creatures.
  6. Ensure that an animal is true dead before disposing of the body.
  7. Do not drink the blood of children, the elderly, or pregnant women.
  8. Human blood should be taken from the wrist, if feeding live.
  9. Packaged blood should be consumed directly from the package or bottle, or poured into a glass to be drunk with a meal, mixed if desired.
  10. Take care to be sure you are properly fed at all times. If you need any assistance finding blood, contact the elders for help.


The thing that surprised Minho most was the passage he found concerning humans. In fact, the whole thing was about humans. As he read it over for a third time, the man realized that this particular section of the large tome of was practically addressed to humans.


The Rights of Humans

Human fountains are humans who have pledged their service in the form of blood to a vampire coven. Human fountains are to belong to only one vampire coven until death or conversion. He or she is a member of the coven and are to be treated as such.

Along with the rights held by a vampire member, the additional rights of a human fountain follow as such:

  1. Human fountains are free to leave the coven at any time.
  2. Human fountains are free to choose whom they feed.
  3. Human fountains are free to abstain from feeding for a period of time.
  4. Human fountains make the ultimate decision regarding how much blood they can give at a time without complications.
  5. Human fountains may report abuse or mistreatment to the elders of the coven and either receive compensation or issue a punishment to the offender.
  6. Human fountains are permitted to engage in a romantic relationship with a member of the coven.
  7. Human fountains who consequently marry a member of the coven are to be welcomed fully according to Law Eighteen of the coven.
  8. Human fountains will be provided housing and accommodations for a comfortable life, having the choice to reside in the home of one of the coven or in the human world.

Public humans are humans that know of the vampire world and have been trusted to keep the secrets of the coven. A public human could be unattached to any vampire. He or she could also be a vampire's master, mate, or a turned human's acquaintance. The rights of public humans include:

  1. Public humans who are not attached to a vampire of the coven are permitted to socialize with members of our coven in the human world.
  2. Public humans who are not attached to a vampire of the coven are allowed to visit our coven when questions arise or to inquire about membership.
  3. Public humans in the position of master should be treated with the utmost respect to ensure no unpleasant consequences to the slave vampire.
  4. Public humans in the position of master are free to come and go from the coven and the slave's home to meet the terms of servitude.
  5. Public humans mated to a vampire member of the coven are to be given full vampire rights and treated as family, as members of the coven.
  6. Public humans mated to a vampire member of the coven are to be offered the opportunity to be ignited and join our family completely.
  7. Public humans related to an ignited human are welcome to continue the relationship and become members of our coven.
  8. Public humans related to an ignited human are permitted to become vampires as well, if he or she and the member agree.


Learning that there were some conditions under which a human was permitted to be turned into a vampire, Minho's curiosity took over and he searched through the book of laws until he found a section regarding that aspect of the coven. In addition to the rules under which it was acceptable, there was a ceremony for those who had a special place already with one or more members of the coven. Masters, mates, certain family members, humans such as this were allowed to be turned, and so the ceremony was created. There were guidelines for any accidental or emergency conversions as well.


Rules regarding Humans becoming Vampires

A human is turned or converted to a vampire by consuming any amount of fresh ignited vampire blood. As with a born vampire's ignition, an ignited human will require to drink deeply once consciousness is gained.

  1. In accordance with Rule Three of Blood Etiquette, it is permitted to provide a human with your blood in order to save his or her life, if you are responsible for their injury. The human is to be brought to the elders as soon as possible. The human will have the choice of remaining a vampire or being peacefully put to death.
  2. In the event a human in some way consumes your vampire blood by accident, stay with them during the full turn. Feed this new vampire your blood once ignition is complete. Once he or she is able to move, bring them to the elders to decide their future.
  3. A human wishing to ignite to join a loved one as a vampire may do so by first speaking with the elders. Once the human has been approved by the elders, the human is to be turned by the loved one he or she desires to join.


The Ceremony for Igniting Humans

  • The ceremony is to be conducted in a setting comfortable for both the vampire party and the human to be ignited.
  • The vampire related to the human is to slit his or her wrist, either with a knife or their own fangs, and let their blood flow into a small chalice.
  • With the human sitting, reclined, or lying down, the vampire will bite the human's neck and slowly drain the human of blood until the human is almost to the point of unconsciousness.
  • The vampire will then assist the human in drinking the blood from the chalice.
  • The human will be let to sleep, and the blood let to take over the human's body. The human will sleep for approximately 24 hours.
  • Upon the human waking, the vampire will feed the igniting human from his or her neck, until the human is sated enough to pull away on their own.
  • Once the ignited human feels well enough, he or she will be introduced to the coven as a new member, as a vampire.


Minho enjoyed learning more and more about his new friends and their family. The thought of becoming one of them crossed his mind, especially after he saw that it was both possible and permitted, but he tried to keep such thoughts away when he was with any of them. Taemin was surprised overall at Minho's enthusiasm for learning about him, but he found after time that Minho simply loved learning about anything new. It still made Taemin feel special, though, knowing that Minho enjoyed learning with him and not just about him, like some sort of experiment.


After not quite four months of servitude, Taemin began growing accustomed to spending so much time with Minho. He had an idea about breaking a small rule or 'accidentally' falling on Minho, and then 'accidentally' sinking his fangs into his wrist and earning himself more time belonging to Minho. He shook his head at himself every time he thought of such a thing, embarrassed that even his imagination would stoop to such a low method of spending more time with the man.


So, as time went on, both Minho and Taemin longed for more time together, though neither would permit themselves to speak of it. The same way, neither man would voice his desires for more of Taemin's firsts to be taken by, and given to, Minho. Some days it was all Minho could to do keep from stealing Taemin away to a secret place and defiling him in all the right ways. And, some days it was all Taemin could do not to beg Minho to do just that and maybe even more.


Hey hey ^^

I know this is wordy, but I thought that everything in here was necessary, or it will be necessary at some point. Instead of throwing in random rules and regulations, rights and responsibilities, I put everything together here in one chapter. Feel free to come back for reference, and I hope that this will help you a little in the future. And hopefully it doesn't provide too many spoilers for you. If you have a question, just ask in a comment.

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lucky9606 #1
hi author-nim. i was just wondering if you have abandoned this fic... its been more than 3 years but i still remember this fic and would love to find out how it ends especially since minho should be turning soon after all they've been through. i understand if you no longer are writing but if that's the case it would be nice to have some closure. thank you,
SuDarkWind #2
Chapter 50: eh?what happened?
SuDarkWind #4
Chapter 49: Aaaaaah so cute and fluffy
Chapter 47: Wow 5 years has passed! Why did it take so long? Can't wait for Minho to become a vampire and more 2min couply stuff in Canada :) And yes, it would be interesting to know how Taemin paid off the debt to the wolves. Thanks for the update!
SuDarkWind #6
Chapter 1: It's been a long time since I read the first chapter but the update looks just fine. Good job authornim.
SuDarkWind #7
Chapter 45: ...........What the ? XD I was not expecting this at all.
SuDarkWind #8
Chapter 44: After saying you were back and then not getting an update I started to worry. But fixing things within the story and branching out is better than nothing. Can't wait to see what you come up with. ^w^
Chapter 44: Oh, I remember now! But will still read them all again. I vote to keep the focus on 2min with some side pairings. I'd really love it if this would be a consistent 2min fic. Thank you!
Will read it all over again since it's been so long. Welcome back!