Forbidden Fruit is always Sweetest

Moonless Nights

"Jinki Oppa," the vampire heard from behind him, smiling widely as he turned to settle his eyes on the woman he had fallen so insanely in love with. It was insane. It was insane and reckless and against the rules, the big rules; it was wrong in just so many ways, but it was so right.


Jinki reached out and embraced his girlfriend, hugging her lightly before kissing her soft cheek tenderly. "I missed you, Minji Noona," he murmured against her neck, smiling more at the way she giggled at the title and hugged him a little tighter.


"I missed you more," she whispered as she pulled back slowly. "Can we skip the movie? I don't think I can sit still that long today. I don't know what it is, just an uneasy feeling like something's going to happen..."


Smiling again at the woman, Jinki took her hand and led her inside the restaurant they met outside of. He guided her to a table set for two, set romantically because he had called ahead to arrange everything. The tablecloth covering the solid wood of the table was a silky white, and in the middle there was a thin black vase with three full red roses, a silver ribbon keeping them together.


"Oppa..." the girl breathed, smiling softly once her eyes reduced to their normal size. Minji gazed over at her boyfriend and clicked her tongue. "You spoil me, Jinki," she smiled, letting him pull out her chair for her as she sat down.


"You deserve to be spoiled, Minji," the male smiled back at her. He looked at the three roses he brought earlier in the day, biting his lip so hard his human teeth broke through the skin.


Minji gasped and reached her fingers out, but she stopped just before she reached his blood. "Be careful, Jinki," she whispered, lowering her gaze to her plate.


"I'm sorry," Jinki murmured, the blood away quickly. This is as good a time as any... he told himself, taking one more deep breath as he slipped the ribbon away and pulled one rose from the vase, distracting himself momentarily as he thought about how nice the silver would look in his girlfriend's naturally jet black hair. The vampire's thoughts returned to the table as he placed the rose on Minji's plate and rolled it until a word appeared. Jinki repeated with the other two roses, and closed his eyes briefly once the words read 'I love you' in neatly scripted black and silver letters.


"O-oppa?" Minji breathed, covering as her vision turned blurry from tears. Say it, Jinki. Please baby, you have to sa-


"I love you."


Jinki finally whispered the words and cut off Minji's thought, filling the table with silence. He held his breath as he looked up to her face, gasping at her expression. It looked like she was about to burst into tears and run off. "Minji?" he called softly, worried at the lack of response.


Without another word, Minji got up from the table and rushed to the bathroom. She locked herself in a stall, leaning against the door with her eyes closed until she was certain they were back to normal, wet, but normal in color. Breathing slowly, she let herself out and washed her face, letting the cool water soothe her slightly puffy eyes. As she opened the bathroom door, she gasped at the sight of her boyfriend standing there worriedly.


"Did I do something wrong?" the man asked quickly, biting his lip as his nervousness grew. "Was it too soon? I..." he stopped as his girlfriend placed her fingers on his lips and shushed him with a soft voice.


"You didn't do anything wrong, Jinki, no..." she whispered. Minji smiled and looked down a little. "It was perfect and I just couldn't believe it and... I didn't want you to see me cry..." she mumbled the last part, blushing as Jinki raised her head up and kissed her lips tenderly."


"I love you, Minji," he whispered once more as he pulled back.


A new set of fresh tears filled Minji's eyes, but she blinked them back this time and leaned forward to kiss him back. "I love you too, Jinki," the woman whispered back, hugging him tightly and letting out a slow breath of relief. "I love you so much."


Jinki let Minji relax further in his arms before taking her back to the table. She still seemed a little flustered to him, so he ordered for both of them, adding two glasses of the sweet wine she liked so much for them.


Minji had to show her identification to the waiter before she was given her glass, proof that she was of legal age. It was a fake, of course, and she'd tell anyone on the street that she was only nineteen. And they would believe her, because she looked only that young.


Dinner became quickly full of cheesy compliments and jokes. It was evident to anyone close enough to hear or see that Jinki and Minji were madly -the insane definition of mad- in love with one another.


"Are you ready, baby?" he asked softly once they were both picking slowly at what was left of dessert. He finished the rest of the glass of wine he was currently sipping from, smiling lightly at his girlfriend over the rim.


"Are you planning on taking advantage of me in my drunken state, now?" Minji teased, but nodded and stood up with her boyfriend.


Jinki shook his head and chuckled as he left money for the bill on the table, along with a generous tip. "Even if you were actually drunk, it wouldn't be taking advantage of you, babe," he grinned, lacing their fingers together to lead her out of restaurant. "If anything, I'm the one that should be guarding my virtue."


"Lee Jinki!" she gasped, slapping his arm lightly. "You're absolutely horrible..." Minji glanced down before blinking up at her boyfriend slowly. "If you don't plan on ravaging me tonight, what are we doing with the rest of the evening?" she asked him, curiosity shown clearly in her widened eyes.


"A walk in the park?" Jinki offered with his eyes trailing up to the well lit sky. "It's really nice outside tonight."


"The moon is almost full," the girl commented, squeezing her boyfriend's hand lightly. "It feels naughty to go out so close, especially the park and the woods." She turned with sparkling eyes now and nodded excitedly. "Let's go!"


The man nodded back and walked them to the park. He pointed out all the plants and flowers he remembered the names of, and Minji taught him more as they moved along the weaving paths of the park and into the woods.


Once they ventured off the path, Minji smiled as the man pointed out one more small plant. "You've been practicing," she grinned, still unable to believe sometimes that she had fallen in love with such a wonderful man.


"Once you showed me how intricate everything is and started teaching me all the hundreds of different plants... I really fell in love with it all," Jinki told her, then bit his lip and pushed her back gently against a tree, leaning in to kiss her softly for a few minutes.


"You don't need any practice doing that."


"Well maybe I like to practice with you anyway..."


Minji giggled and ducked her head down to hide her face. "Stop making me all blushy," she whined, though she loved the way her face heated as much as he did.


Chuckling at the whine, Jinki kissed the top of his girlfriend's head. "Sorry, Noona," he murmured as he pulled her closer, his body still shaking with a few silent laughs. He kept them like that for a while until he heard someone coming into the park.


"We should probably go ho-" the male stopped. "Oh no..." he breathed, eyes wide as he turned to see Taemin being led to the park by Dongwoo and Howon. "Taemin." He bit his lip as he unconsciously held Minji tighter.


"Taemin? Isn't he your..." she trailed off once she saw the darkened expression brought over Jinki's entire face. She turned back to the boys, gasping as two of them started hitting and kicking the other. "Aren't you going to do something?" she asked when the victim fell and started trying to convince them to stop.


"I can't go out there. Taemin told us all not to," he said angrily through clenched teeth. He spat out a curse and his eyes flashed red, staying that way until he realized they were also filling with hot tears.


Minji looked over and closed her eyes. "I can go. He never told me I couldn't intervene. Then again, he doesn't know me..." she sighed, not sure what she could do to actually help anything.


Jinki shook his head and sighed deeply. "No, he doesn't want anyone to step in, and he'll be upset if I send you in. It would be the same as me going in there myself," he explained and balled his hands into fists, trembling as rage built up more and more inside him.


Nodding slowly, Minji held tighter to her boyfriend, knowing that even though he wasn't allowed to help Taemin, neither could he abandon his family and just leave. It wasn't the worst that either of them had seen happen to someone, but things took a different perspective when the person who was being injured was someone they cared about.


Jinki was grateful the woman was there with him, even though he didn't like that she was watching Dongwoo and Howon hurt Taemin. He held her even tighter when Howon pulled out a rather large looking knife and tossed it around playfully before holding it in front of the pre-ignition vampire. A low growl rumbled in Jinki's throat as Dongwoo yanked Taemin up from the ground by his hair and he saw Taemin's tear stained face for the first time. As the older two boys spoke to each other, Taemin started frantically shaking his head and tried to get away. Something Dongwoo said made him stop, though, and look down as he sat still.


The woman beside him could tell that Jinki was really about to lose it completely when the boy holding the knife trailed the blade along Taemin's face. He brought the knife to the youngest boy's hair and Minji held her boyfriend tighter.


The tension in Jinki's body vanished when he caught a new scent in the air. "Let's go, baby," he said softly, finally tearing his eyes away from the painful scene they'd been watching.


"But what about Taemin?" Minji asked. She blinked at the smile on the man's face and opened again to ask what was going on.


"He'll be just fine, now," Jinki told her, letting the red in his eyes fade out the rest of the way slowly. "The one person in the world that can save him from himself is here," he murmured, but that was all he was able to explain to her right then.


Knowing that there were things he couldn't tell her, Minji simply nodded slowly. She let Jinki lead her through the trees until they reached a new area of the park and sighed when she realized this was the end of their night.


"I love you, my vampire," she murmured and pulled him closer to kiss him goodnight, deeply. Jinki smiled and pressed their lips together one more time before pulling away for the last time that night.


"I love you too, my witch."


A/N: Yes I know. Drama drama drama. Dun dun duuuuuunnnnnn.

The next chapter will be rated for violence and bullying and stuff. Version two of what Onzy saw in the park, you could say. Onzy... Onew/Minzy... I felt so smart when I thought of that...

I hope you enjoyed~

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lucky9606 #1
hi author-nim. i was just wondering if you have abandoned this fic... its been more than 3 years but i still remember this fic and would love to find out how it ends especially since minho should be turning soon after all they've been through. i understand if you no longer are writing but if that's the case it would be nice to have some closure. thank you,
SuDarkWind #2
Chapter 50: eh?what happened?
SuDarkWind #4
Chapter 49: Aaaaaah so cute and fluffy
Chapter 47: Wow 5 years has passed! Why did it take so long? Can't wait for Minho to become a vampire and more 2min couply stuff in Canada :) And yes, it would be interesting to know how Taemin paid off the debt to the wolves. Thanks for the update!
SuDarkWind #6
Chapter 1: It's been a long time since I read the first chapter but the update looks just fine. Good job authornim.
SuDarkWind #7
Chapter 45: ...........What the ? XD I was not expecting this at all.
SuDarkWind #8
Chapter 44: After saying you were back and then not getting an update I started to worry. But fixing things within the story and branching out is better than nothing. Can't wait to see what you come up with. ^w^
Chapter 44: Oh, I remember now! But will still read them all again. I vote to keep the focus on 2min with some side pairings. I'd really love it if this would be a consistent 2min fic. Thank you!
Will read it all over again since it's been so long. Welcome back!