The truth

Saranghae, My enemy

you's POV


I followed what Yunho told me to do. I searched for Jaejoong since this afternoon, but now it's getting dark, I haven't found any trace from him. He's not even in his house. Where he could have been? I could never forgive myself if something happen to him. I know it's my fault. What am I thinking back then?  Letting Yunho stay at my house, it's clearly my fault. I tried to call his handphone for the 37th time, still, no answer from him. 


Oh geez. Why can't I think of places that he could go to? There should be one special place...where he could stay and feel safe...could it be....




I ran towards the place, I found out that the gates were opened, means somenoe has been in here. I checked each room, event the library, gym, and cafeteria. but there's no Jaejoong. He couldn't have been in our room, right? What will he do in there? But to clear things out, I checked our owm room. 


"Jaejoong~ah.." I found him. And I couldn't be more happier than seeing his face. I found him sitting on his own desk. Is he really in much pain all this time? What could I do to make him alive again? 


"you..." Finally, I could hear his voice once again. i could feel like he's whispering through my ears with cool breeze. I went closer to his desk and sat down on the desk beside him, which is my own. "Can you still remember this room?" How could I, Jaejoong? It all started in this room, our room in first grade. I started to remember the things in the past. 



Jaejoong and I were both transferees during our first grade. Who could have ever imagined that we've been together for so many years? During that first day that we've met, I can already feel his sincerity, maybe this is why I'm jealous of him in the first place, it's not just all about grades. I was jealous of his family. After my father was caught in a car accident and died when I was 8, my mom and I thought about moving, and that's the time when Yunho and I got separated. 


My mother got sick. I don't have a choice but to work part time, but despite of these painful things I've been through, I never gave up on my studies. I never quit this elite school because of the scholarship in New York, and this was my father's wish for me. 



"you..." Jaejoong started to speak once again. "I already knew about your scholarship in New York." I was speechless. I didn't know what to say. H-How come he knew all about it? It's not like I want to keep it forever from him, it's just's not the right time for him to know. Does it mean, he got disappointed not because of what happened earlier, but because of this?


"Jaejoong...about Yunho, I'm sorry. I-I am not thinking---" I tried to change the topic but he won't  let me. 


"This is not about what happened earlier. Are you sure you'll accept the scholarship?" His  voice is shaking. What should I reply? He's question is so direct to the point. He gave me a yes or no question, that I couldn't answer for the meantime.


"Jaejoong...this scholarship has been my father's wishes for me before he died. I could not fail his wishes..." Suddenly, I can feel that my eyes are getting hotter, and after a few seconds, tears started to run through my cheecks. "I-I am sorry for not telling you this... I-I don't want to leave you this way." 


Jaejoong stood up. Suddenly, I feel a little warm. It;s because of his hug. I do not know why, but even just a little touch of his hand lets me feel so comfortable  and safe. I raised my head.


"Don't cry. If you cry, this heart will boil all over again." He kneeled down and wiped the tears on my cheeck. "Keke, you're just like a little child...but that's why you caught my heart." He then again stood up, raised my head, and planted a kiss on my lips. I blushed. "I'll support you, whatever decisions you make, and your father's wishes." He smiled. How could I have a perfect boyfriend?


How are you my lovely readers? ^O^ So sad that I have to end this story soon :(

But here you go, chap 40 :) Happy reading ^_^

Comments are loved :D as always :)

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teddiebears #1
popping in to some older fics to say hi .u.
Chapter 40: So sweet...

Too bad it wasn't updated for years...
Chapter 40: Awwww.. ;A; i cried... :( You have to update soooonnn!!!!! T_T
Chapter 32: I'm seriously loving these facebook chapters... ^^ <3
Chapter 16: Awww.. Junsu, he's too kind.. TT_TT
Chapter 14: OH SHOOTT!! XDD JaeMin!!! <3333
Chapter 2: Ohhh... I'm already loving this story so much.. ^^
New reader here!! Heeeyyy~ that's my username in thereee.. Hahahaha!! XD
I was a silent reader but not anymore..i just love ur stories...please update soon... And wheres Yoochun and her bestfriend..? Are they gone for good or just planning something bad..??
Heiyuun #10
Can't wait for the next update kyaaaaaa~