Turning Tables

Perfect Star



The clattering of silverware was heard throughout the dining room, the smell of Italian food lingered around me as one of the maids served our dessert. I was at my mom and step-dad's house—or probably mansion having some gourmet lunch and can I say that it's so awkward? I mean, me and the guy isn't that close and he acts like we're really family.

Can you see now why I was so anxious to get my own place? And the guy's really rich and I don't want to mooch money from him and thank the gods because I have my own trust fund from my biological father which provided my for my rent at my own flat. My step-dad though gave me a brand new Midnight Blue Range Rover, I tried to say no but my mom persuaded me to take it and I just had to say yes. 

It's hard eating with your left hand seeing my right hand is wrapped in a bandage and it hurts like ; yeah, you know what happened to it. The very second I stepped into the house; my mom narrowed her eyes to my bloody knuckles and immediately dragged me to the doctor to get it cleaned and wrapped. She was persuading me what happened and I said I just accidentally closed the door and my hand got stuck—I'm not good at lying though but she still took the excuse. It's a dull Friday noon today and I have a coffee meeting with Yoona, the girl I met at Club Espresso last week. I bite my last piece of creme puff and put down the napkin on the table.

"Mom, I gotta go. I have to meet someone." I said and my mom raised her eyebrow at me but then nodded and permitted me to leave the dining table. I bow to my step-dad and mom as I left them at the dining room and into the front door, the maids bowed at me and I awkwardly bowed back at them as I descended on the front steps and clicked open my car.

I start the engine and drove away from the mansion, the guard at the gate bowing at me. I slipped on my RayBan wayfarers and drove off to Hongdae, wearing my pastel blue v-neck shirt over a black vest, khaki straight-cut pants and navy blue top-siders. I stick my ipod to the dock of the car and played some Linkin Park songs, my head bobbing slightly as I drove off at the freeway. 

After a fifteen-minute drive, I arrived at the Club Espresso and parked my car in the front like the other customers. I clicked the car doors shut and entered the cafe; the little chimes made a sound as I walked in. I turned my head to the left and saw Yoona, sitting at my usual seat by the window waving at me with a sweet smile on her face and I can't help but to smile back as I walk to her. 

"Hi." I say as I take my seat opposite of hers. "Hello Yonghwa!" She said a little too cheerful as she rearranged herself at her seat. Her eyes fell on my bandaged hand and her big smile dropped as her eyebrows furrowed at me. "What happened to your hand?" She asked and I just shrugged, trying to push back the events happened yesterday at the back of my head.

"Did you hit a wall or something?" She continued and I just stayed silent. She raised her eyebrow at me and I sighed. "Okay, I might have accidentally hit my hand on the floor." I said and she chuckled softly. "Accidentally? On the floor? Riigght." She said and grinned widely and just left the topic about my hand as we talked about little by little about ourselves. 

I learned that she was an idol; a member of Girl's Generation to be exact and the moment she said that to me, I almost spat my coffee out of my mouth. Great, I guess I can't really avoid my ex-girlfriend because I keep running to people she's connected with. Ex-girlfriend. It tasted like rust in my mouth, it felt surreal saying that but every time I do, it reminded me that I should move on with my life. 
I also learned that Yoona's the same age as she-who-shall-not-be-named and almost has the same hobbies but Yoona has a different aura in her, she was so cheerful and bright like she brings the sun in your life and you just can't help but smile and grin at everything she says. 

"You know Yong, it was really nice talking to you. People always tend to say that I'm a total blabbermouth and everything I say is nonsense and a normal person would just walk out on me on a date and—" She suddenly stopped and blushed as I smile and raised an eyebrow at her. 

She cleared and stammered. "What I'm saying is, you know, if any normal people would hear me blabber and, uh, they'll just walk out." She sighed and blew at her fringes, her cheeks were rosy pink and I chuckled. 

"So you're saying that I'm not normal?" I ask, trying to keep a straight face because her reaction was totally embarrassed and her eyes were wide as saucers. 

"No!" She blurted. "I mean—You. You're different than other guys." She managed to say and I smile again.  "Is that a good thing or a bad thing?" I asked and she laughed and shook her head. "Definitely good." 

I didn't realize that we spent three hours just talking and it was good. I asked her if I could drive her back, you know being a good gentleman that I am, and she agreed so I drove her back to her dorm. I opened the door for her as she got out.

"So, this is it." She says and tucks her hair on her ear. I looked at the parking lot in the front and saw the familiar red sports car and my eyebrows furrowed and cleared my throat. "So, you live with your other fellow members?" I asked nonchalantly and she nodded. "Yeah, we do but the others don’t really stay much at the dorms because of their boyfriends." She blushed and I softly nodded her head. 

"Well, it was nice meeting you again Ms. Im Yoona." I say and she nodded. I smile at her and with much of her shock reached out to her cheek and lightly pecked it. "And you're right, this was a date." I say as I rode back to my car and waved goodbye as I drove off. I saw her still standing there in a daze from my side mirror and I can't help but smile. 




I fixed my black Givenchy dress that hugged my curves [outfit] on the hem and pulled it down as I readjusted my beige Full-lace Burberry trench coat [outfit]. I tap my heels as the elevator at our dorm building descended and waited for it until I reached the ground floor.

It was already four in the afternoon and I still need to meet the other FT Island members at the club we rented for Hongki oppa's birthday party together with the trainee band they're with. What was Minhwan said their band name was? Ah, yes; C.N.Blue. I swear FNC has a knack for giving vague acronyms as their talents' names. I heard the elevator ding and fixed my Gucci sunglasses and stepped out of the elevator car.

As I walk to the sliding doors of our dorm building, I squinted my eyes to see Yoona with a guy but his back was me so I can't see him but based on his clothes and his car, he's one of those rich kids—or maybe he's an idol. He leans and gives Yoona a light peck and drove away at his silver range rover leaving my friend slash sister stunned at the curb and I can't help but laugh. She turned and saw me, god she has this same foolish smile she had last week and I just shake my head in amusement. 

"So, is that the guy you had coffee with?" I walked to her as I emphasized the word coffee and maid air quotes with my two fingers and she gave me a toothy grin. God, this woman and her smiles. 

"It was a date, just so you know." She said in a dreamy voice. "He said it so himself." I raise my eyebrow at her and just clicked my car doors open. "Oh wipe that stupid grin off your face, for god's sake!" I threw her a look. "Aren't you going to Hongki oppa's party?" I asked and her smile fell.

"I can't. I have an overnight filming in my new drama remember?" She pouted. "Just wish him a Happy Birthday for me okay?" She said and I nodded. I roared the engine of my car and she waved goodbye at me as she came inside the building and I sighed as I drove off. SNSD is on a break after our mini-album was successfully launched and won awards but we were still busy with our personal schedules; some are having their tv dramas like Yoona and Taeyeon unnie, some have their own reality TV show like Sunny and Hyoyeon unnie, some are modeling and hosting talk shows like Sooyoung and Yuri unnie, and then there's Jessica and Tiffany unnie who's having a vacation in some faraway foreign land.

And then there's me; I was assigned to compose songs for some drama's soundtrack and voila! I still haven't written anything. I steered the wheel to turn at the corner then stepped on the gas as I reached the expressway. We rented a private VIP club called Mile High, it was spacious and plays great music and I know the owner so I got a discount. 

As I reached the Central Gangnam District, I recalled my phone conversation with Kyuhyun last night and quickly regretted that I lashed out on him over the phone when he had no idea why I was crying so hard in the first place. 


I got out of the bathroom as I spent a whole hour inside, just soaking on the tub and crying my eyes out. My hands and feet were all wrinkled from the over-exposure on water but I neither care for it because I'm too busy mending my shattered heart. I walked to my bed with a bathrobe wrapped around me when my phone rang and it took me approximately fifteen seconds to reach for it and answer. 

"Hello?" I croaked. Damn, I forgot I was crying for an hour and my voice cracked clearly indicating that I just cried. 

The voice on the line was worried. "Seohyun? Are you crying? Is there something wrong?" It was Kyuhyun and I have no idea why he was calling me now. "Nothing. Nothing's wrong, I just got something in my eyes." Clearly, even I wouldn't believe in that excuse but he just mumbled a soft 'okay' and cleared his throat. "Seohyun, can we talk?" He asked. "Now? I—I can't come out now, the girls are having a movie night tonight and they won't allow me to leave. You know them, strict with the family bonding."

Obviously, that is a lie too because the other girls were either asleep or out of the dorm. He deeply sighed over the other line and I can easily imagine him rubbing his temples. He usually do that when he's frustrated, we've been doing this friends with benefits thing for almost a year now and we actually memorized things with each other that neither of us were aware in the first place. 

"I don't even know if we can discuss this over the phone but... Hyun, I don't want to be just your booty call anymore." He said with a deep breath and I felt like my stomach was in knots. This was the thing I dreaded for the most, I was anxious for us to continue this relationship when we hit the six-month mark but he insisted that we go on but I guess the time has come. 

"What do you mean?" It was almost a whisper when I said it on the phone.

"I want us to be more, to be exclusive. I want to take you out on dates, make candle-lit dinners, have bubble baths together, hold your hand in the public and kiss you goodnight. I'm tired of the feeling and the dreading of tomorrow when we each other's brains out and sleep together at night and wonder in anxiousness if I'll wake up in the morning and see if you're still sleeping beside me." He took another deep breath.

"I want you to be my girlfriend, Seo Joo Hyun." 

There was a moment of silence between the two of us, my breathe hitched and was stuck on mu windpipe preventing me from speaking. "I—I will think about it." I managed to choke out and I heard him letting go of his breath like he was holding it in. 

"Thank you. Thank you for giving me a chance." He said on the phone, his voice was full of hope and my chest hurt a little as Yonghwa's face as I left him in the rain. It was time to let him go now; because whatever I say, whatever I do, the ones I love will be the ones who’ll pay. We bid each other goodnight and I lay in my bed, still on a bathrobe with my phone on my right hand and the other was clutching a pillow as I pressed my eyes together and another tear escaped my eye. 

I just shake my head as Mile High came into view, a black van and a dark blue Range Rover  was already parked there. The van was clearly F.T Island's van but the other, I have no idea. Who is it? I park my car on the van's other side and grabbed my bag as I clicked my car doors shut. 

It's time to get a party rolling. 






Hello chicas! Please leave a comment at the comment box below and tell me what you think about this chapter. ;) 

Also, good news for you guys because I'll be updating two more chapters (hopefully) by tonight because there were some slight misunderstandings about my camp schedule but it is really confirmed that I get shipped off camp tomorrow. I'll be back on Friday night and hopefully I can update the story on Saturday night. 

For more fast information about updates and last minute announcements, click the link below and Like my facebook page :)

Screamingaegyo Creations

Also, if you want to fangirl with me, follow me on my twitter account but don't worry, I follow back just introduce yourself as my read okay?


Bye chicas xx




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Troyal #1
Chapter 8: Love u noona <3 will patiently wait for this story to unfold too~ hwaiting!
tthnguyen #2
Chapter 7: I feel sad...I don't like Hyunnie's personality in this...I hope that Yoona doesn't get hurt in this in truth I'd rather have her paired with Jonghyun and have a totally different person Yong met that isn't part os SNSD so it doesn't get complicated...sighs...but whatever the outcome is I just hope it's happy in the end
Welcome back Unnie!!! It's nice that you're back and writing again!! :D
Update Soon!!
ravepirates #3
Chapter 7: hello gogumachingu
the last chapter was quite sweet between yong and yoona,
i've read perfect wing long ago but no matter how i tried to pair yong and hyun in this chapter . it is difficult.
i dont like hyun in this story but not hate. well if i had feeling like that , it just mean that you had succesfully bring out my emotion with your writing. congrate on that.
about yong and yoona pairing they are quite cute in my opinion, but i just wish that yoona wont be a scapegoat in yong and hyun relationship.
heartbreaking scene will be inevitable for yoona because afterall this will be yongseo fanfiction right.
however, continue writing. i am willing to accept any ending for the story because it the author choice to wrote whatever she or he wanted .
soo Fighting!!!
Troyal #4
Chapter 7: upload perfect star old version too~~~ <3
hi chingoo a new reader here! By the way I love your story so far hope you will update I am really itchy to find out what will happen next! Please update we miss you. And I found out about your old version of this story hope to read that :) Because by the looks of it lots of other chingoos want your old version back. And why put Yoona?? I like her but why for Yoooong. Sorry I am greedy right now hehe but its your story wish for the best and hopefully Yoona will just go to Jonghyun hehe~ Fighting!
luvshata #6
Chapter 6: joy you make another story line but still has the same basic..
i'll wait for your next story
Troyal #7
Chapter 6: Hi noona, after reading all the chapters, I felt there's a blurly line between them. Yong and hyun. I still love the old version where where hyun totally broke yong's heart and hide everything inside rather than telling people that she love him but cannot be together with him =/ I like how u included yoona into this story but what abt jessica? Anyway, I personally prefered the old ver hyun.
Troyal #8
Chapter 1: Noona I see u changed the timeline of this story... So does that means the songs release will be changed too (Since yong and seo both composed songs)? How abt wgm?? Hahaa sorry I didn't have time to read this story until now~ hwaiting!
Chapter 6: I feel like i'm cheating on Yongseo for wanting Yoona and Yong to be together to make Hyun jealous. Hahaha
Chapter 6: Ooo so yonghwa will meet seohyun at the party?