Pain, Tears and Punches

Perfect Star




I wake up and I was on a soft bed, the sheet was crumpled on my side and I was definitely underneath the blanket. I take in my surroundings and I realized that i was in Kyuhyun’s flat which where we ended up due to last night’s circumstances. I turned to my side and I saw that no one was there so I stood up from the bed and grabbed a discarded black button down on the floor which is probably I was the one who threw it there. I put it around me and buttoned it up, it was comfortable enough because it went past my legs and I smile; no work today because It was our day off. Now where is Kyu?

I run my fingers through my hair because I totally had an after- hair. I heard the clattering of dishes so I peeked at the kitchen and saw Kyu there fixing some breakfast in all his glory. I smirked as I walked up to him and went to his side. “So, too lazy to dress up?” I chimed.

He chuckled as put down a plate of eggs and bacon at the small table for two in his kitchen. “It’s not like you’ll mind. I have nothing to hide.” He said and I laughed so hard. “Whatever Cho Kyuhyun! I’m hungry so shove it!” I grinned but he trapped me with his arms on the kitchen counter and pushed his body closer to me. He crashed his lips on me and I tasted the mint of toothpaste inside his mouth as my tongue glides inside him. He nibbled with my lower lip and gazed at my eyes “Hey y, breakfast or me?” He asked.

I swat his arm and stuck my tongue out at him. “Definitely breakfast! I’m hungry!” I leaped off from his arms and sat down on the chair, I started digging on the eggs and bacon that he made. Kyuhyun just shook his head and went to get dresses; well at least he’s wearing some track pants now. He sat on the opposite side of the table and started buttering up some toast. “What’s your schedule today?” He asked.

I smiled. “It’s my day-off today so I have nothing to do.” I said, grabbing another bacon and popping it into my mouth. “Well, it’s 8:00 am now and I have a photoshoot at 10AM so I’ll just drop you off at your dorm. Would that be okay?” He asked while chomping down his toast and I nod.

See, this is the thing with Kyuhyun. Even though we’re not really in a relationship and clearly we’re just buddies, at least he’s gentleman enough to care for my welfare. Our relationship was a no strings attached kind; we weren’t even exclusive so we both could date anyone we want while pursuing our friends with benefits relationship so it’s all cool between us.

After our delicious breakfast, he and I took a shower. Believe it or not, but I have a drawer with extra clothes in his closet so I just chose a simple shorts and a hoodie. I bid him a goodbye kiss after he dropped me off in front of the dorm with his black Maserati. I went inside the building and pressed the up button, waiting for the elevator to descend at the ground floor.

“Seo Joo Hyun!” I turned around and saw Taeyeon unnie wearing an all pink sweats with a starbucks on her hand. “Unnie!” I smiled at her. “You went jogging?” I asked and she nodded. “The others went outside so I decided to run. We’re definitely alone at the dorm right now.” She shifted her eyes to my clothes and smirked. ‘Well, someone definitely got laid last night.” I rolled my eyes at her as the elevator car opens and we enter, pressing the 17th floor.

“Whatever” I said to her.

We arrived at our dorms and I went straight to my room; we have separate bedroom just so you know. I throw the paper bag Kyu gave me to stuff my dress and shoes that I wore last night on my bed. I pulled the hoodie off my body, revealing me on my black lacy push up bra and I open my closet to get a more comfortable tee when something glittered at the corner of my eye; it was a small purple jewelry box.

My breathe hitched when my eyes laid on the box and with shaking hands, I reached out for it and clasped it with both of my hands. I felt like my whole body went numb and I stumble back on the bed, sitting on the edge. Why? Why am I feeling like this? I worked so hard to bury my feelings yet just one glance at this box and all of the burying just punched me back right on the face.

Yonghwa. His name still brought a sharp stab in my heart. It tasted like blood in my mouth and yet, I proceeded to open the box. The necklace inside it shimmered in my eyes; it was the beautiful half-wing necklace that Yonghwa gave to me before. Together with the promise that we’ll both fly together. God, I’m such a . I’m the one who left yet I’m the one who cries what the heck Seo Joo Hyun? Get your together!

My attention was shifted to the knock on my door. “Seohyun! I’m ordering some Chinese! Do you want some?” It was Taeyeon unnie. “Yeah! Just get me some stir-fry and kuchay dumplings!” I answered back.  I shut the jewelry box close and carefully stuffed it at the bottom drawer of my bedside table as a roar of thunder soared at the darkening sky. I can’t let my own emotions cloud my judgement. It became my mantra; I repeated it over again and again until I’m sick of those words.




Raindrops were falling down on the big sliding window as Yonghwa stared at the garden outside from his hospital room. He was sitting on his hospital bed with his back leaning on the headboard and a volume of Shonen Jump manga on his lap remained stuck on a certain unread page. It has been a week since he woke up from his coma and the sudden realization that his girlfriend left him to pursue her career was devastating.

He was having mixed emotions—he was happy because she followed her dreams yet he was mad that she left him. What difference would that even make? After a week of being holed up in his boring hospital room, his doctor agreed that he can have visitors coming so he persuaded his mom to contact Jonghyun; his bestfriend from when before he moved to the countryside.

He was pulled from his trance when the door slid open and Jonghyun entered with a box of donuts and flowers on his both hands that looked like he just stole it from some ahjumma’s garden. I smile at him and he put down the donuts and flowers to hug me tightly.

“Flowers? Really? Dude, that’s so gay” I said as I hugged him back. “Shut up! I almost got bitten by the dog for picking the flowers.” Jonghyun said with a chuckled and sat down at the edge of the bed. “So, how are you feeling?” You can hear the worry with a mix of excitement in his voice. “I’m okay—I think.” Personally, I don’t know if I’m okay. I mean, I just woke up from my coma for three years and I find my girlfriend on TV who’s a superstar now and yeah, did I mention that I feel like an alien to this new gadgets?

Jonghyun sighed. “Dude, you missed my 21st birthday you know.” He said grinning at me and I playfully punch his arm. “Can you even blame me?” I said as I lean back on my bed’s headboard. “I can’t wait to get out of this hospital.” Jonghyun crossed his arms to his chest and leaned back on his the edge of the bed. “What will you do after getting out of here?” There was uncertainty in his voice.

I just dropped my head, my fringe falling on my eyes. God, I need a haircut now. “I don’t know, play my guitar, go to lotte world, and eat some cakes?” Jonghyun took a deep breath and looked away from me. “You know” He started. “You can’t move on with your life if you’re still so hung up on her.”

My eyes snapped on him and now he’s looking at me too. “Her?” Jonghyun shrugged. “I don’t know her name because Auntie just told me that your girl left you and you’re all depressed and but what I do know is that you can’t be so hung up on her forever. Get a life, move on. Dude, she’s not worth it.”

I sneered at him. “What do you even know about love?!” Jonghyun’s eyes narrowed at me. “I could ask you the same thing. There are so many things that happened while you’re here, you know.”

I sighed. “It hurts.” My eyes started to sting and I felt the tears welling up in my eyes. gays, real men cry too. “Even though that my mind knew that I should just be happy for her, my heart says no. Why do I feel so betrayed?” I asked, tears streaming down my face.

“Because you loved her and yet she left you at the moment you needed her the most. That’s the reality, Yong. People come and people go in your life, but you need to go on because you can’t keep your world just on them. You deserve to be happy too.” Jonghyun said.

I clenched my fists and stared at him, the silence were deafening between us. “You’re really angry? You’re mad? Then come on.” Jonghyun rearrange himself in front of me. “Punch me. Punch me!”

I narrowed my eyes at him as I clenched my fist and brought I up to his face, hitting his left cheek and stumbled backwards. He had a cut on his lips but he grinned at me. “Punch me again.” He said and I punched him again on the other side. I heard him wince and swore as he wiped his bloody mouth with the bottom of his shirt.

“Are you still hurting? Does it still hurt in here?” Jonghyun asked and his arm went to his heart. I gulped and I nod, my cheeks were stained with tears.

“That’s the thing about pain Yong; it demands to be felt.” He sighed and squeezed my arm.

“I’m not asking you to let go of your feelings now, but eventually you have to. I’m currently a trainee at a music company together with two other guys and they’re awesome. You should audition and get your talents onstage. Don’t waste it.” He patted my head and slid open the door but before he got out, he turned to me again. “I hope you think about what I said.” And with that, he slid the door closed and I was left alone again in my own hospital room, a hint of blood splattered on the white tiled floor. I clenched my fists and sat down on the bed again as I looked up at the window, the sun was shining again and I could see a hint of a rainbow after the rain.

Am I ready let go?




Screaming. I was in a dark alley running and gasping for air and I heard again an ear-splitting scream like the gates of hell just opened right before me. I run and turn to another dark alley and I realized—the scream came from me. I was running, but why am I running like someone was chasing me and I’m running for my life.

I ran and ran until I reached a dead end and I hear footsteps nearing on me and I turned around and my eyes went wide, my jaws stayed slack.

It was me.

The person chasing me was my old self, my old conservative self but she had a slight smirk on her lips as she walked nearer to me until our faces are just inches away from each other and I felt two hands wrapped around my neck; it’s getting tighter and tighter.

“You ruined me.” She spat on me, her words dripping of venom.

My hands flew on my neck and I let out another shrilling scream as my eyes opened and I was being shaken. I looked around and I was in my bedroom at the door, sweat beading on my forehead and the other members were huddled around me. It was Hyoyeon unnie who first came to me and hugged me and like a lost puppy, I hugged her back.

“It’s okay. You’re safe, you’re here.” Hyoyeon unnie said as she my hair. Yuri unnie looked at me and handed me a bottle of water. “We came home and then we heard you screaming so we rushed to your bedroom but then, it was locked so Taeyeon bust down your door.”

Taeyeon unnie waved her hand slightly. “Hi. Sorry about your door.”

I shook my head and smiled at them. “Thank you unnies. I’m okay now.” I say to them.

Jessica looked concerned. “Are you sure?” She asked and I nod. “Okay girls! Out! Out! Baby Seo needs to rest so shoo!” Taeyeon unnie announced and one by one they slip out of my room and once again, I was enveloped by the darkness inside my room, the only source of light was the moon outside.

I hugged my blanket tighter and pressed my eyes closed again, slipping on a dreamless sleep once again.



Revised the whole chapter 3 ohohohoho :D I hope you like this chapter. There wasn't much but I just focused on each other's coping of their own losses but I really promise that the next chapter will be more of substance. :) 

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Troyal #1
Chapter 8: Love u noona <3 will patiently wait for this story to unfold too~ hwaiting!
tthnguyen #2
Chapter 7: I feel sad...I don't like Hyunnie's personality in this...I hope that Yoona doesn't get hurt in this in truth I'd rather have her paired with Jonghyun and have a totally different person Yong met that isn't part os SNSD so it doesn't get complicated...sighs...but whatever the outcome is I just hope it's happy in the end
Welcome back Unnie!!! It's nice that you're back and writing again!! :D
Update Soon!!
ravepirates #3
Chapter 7: hello gogumachingu
the last chapter was quite sweet between yong and yoona,
i've read perfect wing long ago but no matter how i tried to pair yong and hyun in this chapter . it is difficult.
i dont like hyun in this story but not hate. well if i had feeling like that , it just mean that you had succesfully bring out my emotion with your writing. congrate on that.
about yong and yoona pairing they are quite cute in my opinion, but i just wish that yoona wont be a scapegoat in yong and hyun relationship.
heartbreaking scene will be inevitable for yoona because afterall this will be yongseo fanfiction right.
however, continue writing. i am willing to accept any ending for the story because it the author choice to wrote whatever she or he wanted .
soo Fighting!!!
Troyal #4
Chapter 7: upload perfect star old version too~~~ <3
hi chingoo a new reader here! By the way I love your story so far hope you will update I am really itchy to find out what will happen next! Please update we miss you. And I found out about your old version of this story hope to read that :) Because by the looks of it lots of other chingoos want your old version back. And why put Yoona?? I like her but why for Yoooong. Sorry I am greedy right now hehe but its your story wish for the best and hopefully Yoona will just go to Jonghyun hehe~ Fighting!
luvshata #6
Chapter 6: joy you make another story line but still has the same basic..
i'll wait for your next story
Troyal #7
Chapter 6: Hi noona, after reading all the chapters, I felt there's a blurly line between them. Yong and hyun. I still love the old version where where hyun totally broke yong's heart and hide everything inside rather than telling people that she love him but cannot be together with him =/ I like how u included yoona into this story but what abt jessica? Anyway, I personally prefered the old ver hyun.
Troyal #8
Chapter 1: Noona I see u changed the timeline of this story... So does that means the songs release will be changed too (Since yong and seo both composed songs)? How abt wgm?? Hahaa sorry I didn't have time to read this story until now~ hwaiting!
Chapter 6: I feel like i'm cheating on Yongseo for wanting Yoona and Yong to be together to make Hyun jealous. Hahaha
Chapter 6: Ooo so yonghwa will meet seohyun at the party?