
Perfect Star



Gangnam District, Seoul City, South Korea

7-08-12, Thursday, 3:48 PM


A girl that looked like in her early twenties was running around the hospital corridors, huffing and gasping for air. The cold white floor tiles of the hospital scratched and made a sound when her rubber-soled shoes screeched when she turned left at a corner; her brunette hair that was carefully secured on a tight bun at the back of her head is little by little getting out of the bun-knot. She already passed the Nurse Station and when she reached the Hospital Garden, a wide smile spreading on her face as she ran over the pebble stones of the lawn and shouted.

“Mrs. Jung!" She called out at the woman sitting at the bench knitting a scarf. She looked like she was in her late forties, the sides of her hair are greying and her hands are slightly getting wrinkled. She stopped her hands from knitting and turned her head to the side, seeing the nurse approaching her with a wide smile on her face and she can’t help but smile on her own, her face wrinkling slightly from the smile.

She stood up and carefully placed the half-knitted scarf on the bench. “Why on a rush, Ms. Lee?” She asked in her soft, melodious and motherly voice.

The nurse, Ms. Lee, took a big swig of air and looked at Mrs. Jung with a big, wide grin on her face. “He’s awake.”

With those two words, Mrs. Jung’s life just fell back into place. Her son was wake. He’s awake.





Light. What is that? There's a ray of white light at the end of this dark tunnel and I slowly reached out for it, my shaking hand were stretched as I fight my way through the end of this dark tunnel. Just a little more. I slowly touched the ray of white light and euphoria surged throughout my body.

My eyes jerked open as I gasped for air. Where am I? I was in a white room, with white window draping, white fluorescent lamps, and white bed linens. The room stenched of antiseptic and— flowers?  I felt a prickling sensation in my left arm and saw an IV was connected in me as well as an oxygen tank attached to my nose; I was in a hospital. Why? The door slid open and a woman suddenly squealed and I turned my head to see a petite woman wearing a white scrub; definitely a nurse. She scrambled on her feet and ran out of the room  after sliding the door shut again and I furrow my eyebrows. Isn’t she supposed to check on me because there’s no denying I’m a patient here, but why am I here again?

I tried to sit up and a sharp tingling sensation surged through my temples. I ignored it and arranged myself to sit up on the bed, carefully placing my back on the headboard. I rack my brains of reasons why would I be here and— Seohyun! I remember it now! The dark warehouse, she was tied up and then I ran to her and blankness. What happened to me? Where is she? Is she safe?

The door slid open again and I saw my mom. Is that my mom? Why did she have gray hair already? How?

My mom walked up to me and engulfed me in her arms. She was crying and I just sat there looking awkward in front of my own mom. She placed her hands on my cheeks and kissed my forehead, “I’m so happy that you’re awake now.” She smiled and smothered my face with kisses. “Mom” I croaked. She looked at me with those motherly eyes. “Water” I managed to get it out of my mouth. The petite nurse from earlier gasped and went to the bedside table to retrieve a glass and poured water in it. She happily handed it over to me and I thank her and gulped down the water. Damn, I felt like I was thirst for years.

I set down the glass on the bedside table and looked at my Mom. “Mom” I started “Why am I in the hospital? What happened at the warehouse? Where is Seohyun? Is she okay?” My mom’s expression changed and her eyes shifted a little like she looked worried and her lips were pressed into a hard line. “Son” My mom sighed. “You should eat first and I’ll tell you everything later, okay?” I smiled at my mom because she knows me too well but I shook my head. “Mom, I know you’re worried at me but I’m okay. Well—my back aches a little like I haven’t moved it for years and my hands feel a little numb but all in all, I’m okay. I can manage it.” I looked into her eyes. “So mom, tell me now because I need to know. There are some things that I can’t remember like how I ended up in a hospital, what happened after the warehouse incident, and I had hazy dreams while I was sleeping and it felt all real mom.” Mom truly did looked concerned now as quirked downwards. “What dream?”

I tried to recall that strange and hazy dream I had. “I can’t remember it all but I was laying down on a bed and I felt that someone held my hand. The hand was soft and thin and I knew it was a girl, she was weeping and she smelled like vanilla, like Seohyun. I felt her leaned over my ears and whispered something inaudible in my ears and—“she kissed my lips. Yeah, like I would tell that to my mom out loud. “And I can’t remember the rest.” I said to my mom. In that dream, I felt like a knife was plunged into my heard then twisted it. The hurt and anger that I felt was so real—like it really happened. Did it really happen? No, that can’t be. But it felt so concrete and like I still feel the knife on my heart plunged deeply right now.


Suddenly there was a grumble of stomach. “Oops.” I said and grinned. My mom clasped her hands and ordered something on the nurse, the nurse nodded happily and dashed out of the room. My mom turned to me and smiled at me. “Eat first Yonghwa and I promise that I will tell you everything.”

A few minutes later, the food came and Yonghwa immegrabbed a pair of chopsticks and chomped down the bulgogi that the nurse served. Wow, it’s like I haven’t eaten in years. My mom patted me on the back while choke slightly then chugged a bottle of water. “Slow down, Yonghwa. Chew it first!” My mom scolded. I gave her a toothy grin and she just shook her head while mouth quirked upwards. I have to finish this food first and ask her if Seohyun could visit me here in the hospital. I miss her so much, her hair, her eyes, her smile, her scent, her lips.

“Nurse, can you open the TV? It’s pretty boring eating silently.” Yonghwa said and the nurse happily obliged, she reached for the bedside table and took the remote. Nurse Lee turned the TV on and what seemed like a music show aired.  Mrs. Jung’s face became hard and cold, Yonghwa felt her tense on his side as she sat up straighter and took a deep breathe.  He ignored his mom’s change of aura and focused his eyes on the TV while chewing his bulgogi. A bunch of girls were receiving an award and the crowd was wild, waving pink light sticks. Must be a new idol group. The two hosts congratulated the group and I picked up that their name was So Nyu Shi Dae. Well, that’s a pretty obvious name.

I reached for the water bottle at the bedside table and turned my head away from the TV for a moment. The nurse spoke in an awed voice. “Ah, she’s really pretty! I so envy her!” I opened the cap and took a swig of water and chugged down the remains of the food in my mouth. “Who?” I asked as I placed the water bottle back on the table. “Ms. Seohyun” The nurse replied and I stopped in mid-movement. My mom threw me a panicked look and I slowly turned my head on the TV and saw the breath-taking girl with long brunette hair thanking the fans in her sweet voice. I was frozen for a moment; my arms went limp on my side. The nurse looked confused by my action and my mom suddenly stood up from her chair, grabbed the remote and shut the TV off.

She cleared her voice and turned her head to the nurse. “Nurse Lee, could you give me and my son a minute please?” She asked. Nurse Lee just nodded her head and went out of the room, carefully sliding the door closed. Still in a state of shock, I turned my head to see my mom. Her eyes were dark and her fist clenched. “Mom” I started. “Tell me please because I could be wrong. It must be the hospital side effects but, is that really her? Seohyun? My Seohyun?”.

My mom looked at me with those cold and dark eyes. When did she have such cold eyes? “Forget about her, son. She’s no one to you now.” Anger surged through me and I snapped at her. “Why are you saying this? What the hell happened while I was in here? Can someone please tell me, because I definitely have no ing idea!” My mom took a step back and winced at my words.

My mom gulped and clasped her hands. “You’re not in the countryside anymore. We are here at Seoul and this is the Seoul General Hospital and the date is July 8th, 2012.”

I looked at her with wide eyes. 2012? But the last time I was awake was February 10th, 2009. Three years. I’ve been in a coma for three years! And like a brick hitting me down on my head, I remembered the very words that she whispered in my ear. So it was true then, the dream. Tears prickled my eyes and I clutched the sheets on my sides.


I’m sorry, and I love you.






Hello! This is Joy or better known as screamingaegyo to those who are goguma shippers! It feels great to be back and yes I just crawled back up from my grave and I'm feeling a little spudgy but fear not! Because I am here to bring you back my Yongseo goodies with newer and better plots! I actually edited 70% of the dialogues here and I'm hoping it turnes out well. I'll be changing some plotlines so this will be good as new.

I also realized that my writings before and I spent my time keyboard slamming because my writings and grammar was so embarassing. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this newly revised story of Perfect Star. 

Thank you for the people and friends that believed in me despite of the knowlegde that I abandoned you guys and I sincerely apologize for that. 

Thank you for still believing in me and I hope that this chapter of my life and being an author would be better than the last.

I love you gorgeous readers. 





And as for the story clarifications, I just want to clear something. The story setting was set in an alternate universe but the idol groups are still the same. The only thing that would be changing are their ages, some personalities and debut dates. I asked my twitter followers if I should still upload Perfect Wings, the prequel story of Perfect Star and they said that it would be fine if I didn't and besides my grammar there was crap so I'm just giving you the overview of Perfect Wings. 

Yonghwa got hospitalized after he was shot in the year 2009 while He, Jessica and Ji Ho were saving Seohyun from her abductors. A month after the incident, Seohyun got offered to auditioned at SM Entertainment by Jung Mo. The thing about the separation is that she left because of Yonghwa's words that she should follow her dreams and never let someone stand in her way because opportunities doesn't just pop up anywhere you go and she left with a tearful goodbye.

She moved to Seoul with Jessica who became her bestfriend after the incident and together, they auditioned and got in. Since Jessica and Seohyun are very skilled with singing and dancing, after just a year they debuted as SNSD with 7 other girls who trained with them. They climbed the way to the top and at the start of 2012, they became the top hallyu stars in all of South Korea. 

At 2012, Yonghwa is 22 and Seohyun is 21. 

(Don't worry, there is still CNBLUE but not the kind of what they are now. Just you wait and see)

Enjoy and xoxo



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Troyal #1
Chapter 8: Love u noona <3 will patiently wait for this story to unfold too~ hwaiting!
tthnguyen #2
Chapter 7: I feel sad...I don't like Hyunnie's personality in this...I hope that Yoona doesn't get hurt in this in truth I'd rather have her paired with Jonghyun and have a totally different person Yong met that isn't part os SNSD so it doesn't get complicated...sighs...but whatever the outcome is I just hope it's happy in the end
Welcome back Unnie!!! It's nice that you're back and writing again!! :D
Update Soon!!
ravepirates #3
Chapter 7: hello gogumachingu
the last chapter was quite sweet between yong and yoona,
i've read perfect wing long ago but no matter how i tried to pair yong and hyun in this chapter . it is difficult.
i dont like hyun in this story but not hate. well if i had feeling like that , it just mean that you had succesfully bring out my emotion with your writing. congrate on that.
about yong and yoona pairing they are quite cute in my opinion, but i just wish that yoona wont be a scapegoat in yong and hyun relationship.
heartbreaking scene will be inevitable for yoona because afterall this will be yongseo fanfiction right.
however, continue writing. i am willing to accept any ending for the story because it the author choice to wrote whatever she or he wanted .
soo Fighting!!!
Troyal #4
Chapter 7: upload perfect star old version too~~~ <3
hi chingoo a new reader here! By the way I love your story so far hope you will update I am really itchy to find out what will happen next! Please update we miss you. And I found out about your old version of this story hope to read that :) Because by the looks of it lots of other chingoos want your old version back. And why put Yoona?? I like her but why for Yoooong. Sorry I am greedy right now hehe but its your story wish for the best and hopefully Yoona will just go to Jonghyun hehe~ Fighting!
luvshata #6
Chapter 6: joy you make another story line but still has the same basic..
i'll wait for your next story
Troyal #7
Chapter 6: Hi noona, after reading all the chapters, I felt there's a blurly line between them. Yong and hyun. I still love the old version where where hyun totally broke yong's heart and hide everything inside rather than telling people that she love him but cannot be together with him =/ I like how u included yoona into this story but what abt jessica? Anyway, I personally prefered the old ver hyun.
Troyal #8
Chapter 1: Noona I see u changed the timeline of this story... So does that means the songs release will be changed too (Since yong and seo both composed songs)? How abt wgm?? Hahaa sorry I didn't have time to read this story until now~ hwaiting!
Chapter 6: I feel like i'm cheating on Yongseo for wanting Yoona and Yong to be together to make Hyun jealous. Hahaha
Chapter 6: Ooo so yonghwa will meet seohyun at the party?