
Dream for tomorrow

My eyes cracked open as Sunny was shaking me yelling for me to get up.  I rolled the other way before lifting myself up and yawning.


  "we're running late the cab is on it's way and the mover have already taken all our things to the dorm you need to get ready" Sunny said.


My eyes flashed open and i ran to the bathroom rushing in a shower and putting on my make up Sunny knocked on the door to let me know the cab was here.  I packed up my make up bag and grabbed my over night pack before running out the door.  I was behind the other girls so I was in an elevator by myself I pulled out my hand held mirror and examined myself, I fixed my lip gloss a bit.  Ding went the elevator we had stopped on the fifth floor a very cute boy got on with bags in his hand and nice blonde hair.  It took me a minute to focus in and realize who was standing right in front of me, it was Jb he was a senior at Love High and also a very well known Internet star with his bestfriend JR they had been recently going around doing small performances and opening for bigger groups.  I blushed a little and smiled as I moved out of his way. He winked at me but before I could say anything we were at the lobby and he was exiting off of the elevator.- I walked off and thought to myself for a minute I had just missed my chance to talk to a very important classmate and could've mad a new friend around here what was I thinking not saying anything.  I kept thinking about it until sunny wrapped her arms around me and pulled me in the direction of the cab.


"Why are you day dreaming when you need to be running?" She asked me.


"I'm sorry but I just ran into Jb"


She turned to me her face went pale for a minute "And what did you say?"


"Nothing I completely blanked and got nervous" I admitted shamefully.


"Well there's always a next time we will be attending school with him so that's good"


"Yes that's true but I still should've been polite he is and upperclassman"


After completely ignoring what I just said Sunny asked about JR her bias in the group but with no luck I didn't see JR or speak to him so she was a bit sad.  The cab ride to the school took about ten minutes.  We arrived at the school smiling I walked in first and bumped into someone I bowed and said I was sorry.  He just smiled and nodded I looked around him to see the longest line I had ever been in, my smile turned to a frown before I knew it.  The wait to get our rooms took 40 minutes.  When I received my room number from the women at the font desk after waiting in line for what seemed like forever I realized I was room with Sunny.  I was lucky because many of the girls were rooming with complete strangers, but it was three to a room so I wondered to myself who our third roommate was hopefully a cool upper clansman.  I walked next to Sunny was searched for our room it was room 301 we took the elevator to the third floor and walked to our room.  I slide my ID card in front of the lock and the door unlocked.


"So cool" Sunny said with a bright smile.


I walked into the room and dropped my stuff onto the bed and plopped down I'm glad to have a room the bed on a second level had clothes laid out on it so we both figured it was our third roommates bed.  Sunny laid her hints down on the bed next to mine and then sat next to me.  We chatted for a minute until I heard the door opening me and Sunny stood up to great our third roommate with a smile.  A girl with long legs walked in wearing black shorts and I white top I smiled at the cute outfit then looked up to her face and frowned I dropped my purse and crossed my arms.  The roommate that stood before me was the same girl I had encountered yesterday Eunjung of T-ara she smirked at us as she flipped her hair.  This is going to be a long year I thought to myself.

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Chapter 2: Thumbs up \V/
Love this fic even though I'm not girls generation freak.!!
Update soon...Its daebak .. :-)
Chapter 2: This is really good and touching! I'm glad 'my' best friend is sunny!! Kyaa, sunny is like my bias Lol XD Please update! Looking forward to the next chapter (:
Chapter 2: OOOOO~ can't wait for an update C: please update sooon~
Chapter 2: Hey I think its going good so far.
I liked the foreword and the plot.
Can't wait for the story to really start going :)
this is actually has a nice plot and a great foreword thing is..... im not so much of a SNSD fan >.< im more of a MissA fan. Y'know suzy. :>
Hope she will not be a bad girl here