Huang Zitao

Ghost Boy Matchmaker

"It's you!!!" Minseok exclaimed with bulging eyes.

Zitao don't know what to do anymore. He just kept silent and practically stood there for a while. A lot of things are now flooding his mind. "Should I approach him now? Does he remember me by any chance? What the heck am i planning?!! Not doing anything??"

The trail of silence was finally broken. "Minseok-hyung.."

Minseok flinched, "He knows me?? I knew it! But I can't seem to remember him though."

"You're Kim Minseok right? Kim Minseok from Seoul International School right?? Do you remember me?"


Minseok can't quite put his finger as to who this person might be. One thing he knows for sure though, this person probably came from the same school he attended before.



It was seven years ago. Tao just entered his first year in middle school. He's a transfer student from china and barely knows any Korean words. He was quite the outcast since the other students are scared to talk to him. He was never the type to join fist fights but often gets involved because people misunderstands him quite often. People tend to take his simple gaze as if he was glaring. The fact that he knows martial arts doesn't help either. Other students started making rumors about him being a delinquent in his old school in china and other schools rejected him that's why he transferred to Korea. All of those rumors spread like wildfire throughout the school. And because of that, more and more people started to avoid him.

He was ranting out his frustrations in the school rooftop one day when he discovered that someone else was in there as well. He thought it was the only place where he can be away from the judging eyes of the student body, the place where he can be peaceful without anyone interfering. But, it turns out someone else found that place waaaayy earlier than he did. That person was sleeping in the rooftop peacefully until he was woken up by a certain someone's monologue of despair. He' even got a mattress there.

"Who the heck dares to disturb my sleep?" Minseok hissed groggily while rubbing his eyes. Tao remained immobile and was unable to talk.

"I'm sorry! I.. uh. mmm.. I'll be going now. Please continue you're resting." Tao stuttered and tried to run away fast. He saw someone from the martial arts club of their school and he's scared that he made him mad for waking him up. He don't know what to do that's why he just wanted to get away from him as fast as possible.

"Ungg.. no it's okay! I was just kidding! AHAHAH!! Never thought you'd take it that seriously!" Minseok waved his hand frantically. "You can stay if you want! I don't own this place anyway." Minseok was about to lay down again until he spotted Tao's lunch. His eyes were bulging and was on the verge of popping out when he saw how delicious it looked. He sprinted to Tao in the speed of lightning.

"uhmm.. this might be sudden from a stranger.. but.. umm.. is it okay if I have some of your lunch?? Pleaaaase~" Minseok pleaded adorably. Tao just stared at him in shock. He never thought that the vice president of the martial arts club would be pleading for food. He can't even believe the fact that this kid he's looking at is in the club much more a graduating student from middle school.

"Sure.. uhmm.. you can have it."

"Really? WOW! You're nice!! Thank you!" He beamed at him and started digging in.

"You know.. I haven't eaten anything since this morning 'cause i was running late and had to come to practice immediately after class.. Anyway, you're quite nice.. unlike the things I've been hearing lately." He said in between his munches.

"So.. you've heard huh?? Not all of are false though.. just a little.. exaggerated." Tao chuckled.

"So you really beat up all of your classmates in your previous school??!!!"

"Of course, NO!" He shouted defensively. That's when he started telling him the truth about him and clearing his name about those rumors. He never did anything bad to hurt anyone anyway. They moved to Korea because of his father's business. Not because he caused some big trouble in his previous school. It's also true he knows martial arts, Wushu in particular, but he never used it to bring others harm.

"You know wushu??!!!!" Minseok put down the already empty luch box.

".. uhm. Yes. Why?" 

"Join our club!! PLEASE!! oh wait!! I haven't properly introduced myself haven't I?" Minseok straightened up and dusted his clothes. "Hello~ I'm Kim Minseok, 16 years old and graduating this school year. It's nice to meet you!" He bowed courteously.

Tao was surprised by the sudden formality and stood up to introduce himself as well. "It's nice to meet you Kim Minseok, I'm Huang Zitao from China, 13 years old. Please look after me from now on."

Minseok chuckled at his new found friend. "So.. Are you in or not?"

"Huh?" Tao raised an eyebrow. "Oh! About the club! I don't know..."

"We could eat lunch together from now on! Oh!! And we might even win the upcoming competition this year!--"


"What? You don't want to join?"

"It's not that, but---"

"Then, it's settled!! See you after class Tao-tao~" Minseok bade goodbye while running away.

Tao stared at his retreating figure as he sighed. "Martial arts club huh? I guess it'll be a nice place to make friends. I just hope they're not judgmental like my classmates."

Tao became a member of the club and he finally met new friends. Since Minseok was quite famous for being the top student of their school, no one dared to make fun of Tao anymore. They became really close friends. They treated each other as brothers. Minseok took care of Tao.

They entered martial arts competitions representing their school. With the leadership of their president, Lee Sungmin, they were able to win 1st place after a long time.


Tao had a wonderful first year in his new school because of Minseok. What he didn't know was that Minseok had a crush on his older sister. His sister was in the same batch with Minseok. He was supposed to confess his feeling for her on the day of their graduation if only he didn't die that day. He wasn't even able to attend the graduation ceremony.




Tao introduced himself again to Minseok, in hope that he would remember him. Sure enough, Minseok was able to recognize him. He had the sudden feeling of deja vu. They chatted for hours to catch up on each other's lives.. well not exactly. Tao had a lot of questions for Minseok and vice versa.

"Hyung! I'm really curious though. You're dead already right? So why are you still here?" Tao asked. "uhm.. not that I don't want you here.. but.. uhm.. you know! Shouldn't you be in heaven or something?"

"Honestly, I don't know myself! But what I know is that I've been here for seven years, since the day I died. And.. I just treated this hospital as my home now."

"Oh!! I've watched something like this in tv!! Ghosts usually stay on Earth because they still have these 'Unfinished Business' that they need to fulfill in able to pass on."

"Really? So does this mean.. I don't have to stay here forever? Yes! Oh! That means Luhan and all the other ghosts here have unfinished business as well right?"


"The problem is.. I don't know what my unfinished business is.." Luhan said in disapointment.

"Me too."

"Don't worry hyungs!! I'll help you guys!! Plus! It'll be fun to interact with other ghosts!!!"

"That reminds me Tao, how come you could see us unlike normal living people?"

"I'm not sure myself, hyung. But I think it has something to do with our ancestors. Maybe it's heredetary!!!! AHAHAHH!!"




Hi everyone~~

I deeply apologize for updating very late.. TT^TT

I have no excuse other than being a lazy girl..

Please look forward to the other chapters. I LOVE YOU ALL!!

Belated Happy Anniversary to EXO!!!




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Sorry for basically abandoning this story for months TT^TT I'll try to update when I have time.. and that would probably be... when I graduate? huhu.


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Chapter 7: I KNEW ITTTTT!!!! , You were gonna update last night! And Yay xD
Chapter 5: omg this is cute XDXD kkk
please update soon xx
Chapter 4: Ate tin-tin! Flooded na ang Comment box mo ng mga comments ko.. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA XD and this chappie is just as cute as the last one..

I wish you happy days with that beautiful creative mind of yours that made this Cute stoey (AOA)/
Chapter 4: OOOOH, it's so cute. xD Because of Baozi it's aaall cute. :))
Chapter 3: AADIJRDJNKRJNSKUHKURS!! Ate tin-tin!! I Love your Storyyy!! I-it's just so.. i don't know \(0A0)/ and i think Tao is his old friend, brother or relative?! Something!? XD and I also love you cause you have fast update!,
Chapter 2: WAAAAAAAAhh!! UPDATE!!!! NOW!!!! UPDATE!!!!! >.< ANO BAAAA???!!! Hahahahah
I didn't expect luhan to be dead too O-O... and his best bud.
Hnn.. then my next guess would be either Chen, Baekhyun, Suho, or Lay
Chapter 2: oooooo! you have no idea how long i've been searching for this type of fic! hehehe, upadate more! hwaiting! <3 :D
Chapter 1: Asdfghjkl I've searched this kind of plot like 1000 times and I died because disappointment ;__;
I think you should tag 'fantasy' in this fic so anyone who are searching this kind of fantasy will definitely like it xDDD
Chapter 1: o-o this is great! I LIKE ITT!!! :D and I just found it Yesturdayyy!!

ADJSHFH! Luhan was Watching himmm!!!!!!!!! i think.. that was Luhan O-O