
Ghost Boy Matchmaker



"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!! What the fudge is this?!! I can't take it anymore!!!!"

Minseok can still feel the eerie stares from an unknown person.

"Yo! Calm down dude! You're starting to freak me out again!! Just a little more you'll be able to top off Lee Kwangsoo from my list!"

"But Luhan!!! It's really creeping the life out of me!!"

Luhan knocked his head, "You're dead already, Idiot!!!"

"Awww~ Hey luhan... do you want to play spy?" Giving him a knowing look, he wiggled his brows.

Luhan eyed him suspiciously, "What are you planning right now?"

"Oh nothing~~ I just want to catch my stalker red-handed."

"Oh gosh. I don't think this is a good idea..." Luhan face-palmed.

"Oh come on!! Please~ If you don't, Mr. Lee Sooman would just make you run around for some errands."

"Alright! Alright! I'm sick with that old man anyway!"

"Oh yes!"



Minseok was tiptoeing from one place to another. He held his hand up like a gun and began creeping the corridors of the hospital.

"Would you stop that!" Luhan hissed.

"What? Stop what?" He whispered as if he was in a secret mission.


"Would you lower down your voice?" Still whispering, he continued to tiptoe his way to one of the rooms and peeked inside.

"THAAAT AGAIN!!! No one can see or hear us anyway!! Not those alive at least! Plus!!! I don't even know how that person looked like!!! Heck! Not even if it's a girl or boy!!"

"Ohhhh~ Riiight! Sorry I forgot! Ehehehhe.." Minseok pinked and just rubbed the back of his neck in embarassment.

"Okay.. First off, he's a guy. Second, he's really tall. And you know what makes me all paranoid? Because he has this really scary stare. It makes me feel as if he's going to assassinate me in my dreams--"

"Must I always remind you you're dead already?"

"I get it! I get it! Now can I continue?"

Luhan motined his hand, urging his friend to continue.

"Now, where was I? Oh right! He has scary pointy eyes.." Minseok stretched his eyes into tiny slits.

".. And I think he's got a leg fracture. When I saw him that night, he was holding onto crutches. Oh! and he's quite tall as well!"

Minseok described the stranger thoroughly while Luhan just nods at him like a lost puppy.


(Do you guys know who it is now?? I bet you do~~ ^-^)


"So.. you're telling me to find this scary looking guy?? Are you insane? What if he's a thug!!"

"Don't worry about it! I know Taekwondo!! Plus! We're dead remember? I doubt he'll be able to hurt us.. much more touch us!"

Luhan snorted, "Whatever you say~"

"What I'm actually worried right now is how come he can see us? I'm sure he can see us!! He was staring at me for goodness sake!!"

"I don't know either.. I guess we'll just have to ask him personally when we meet him."





Hwang Zitao was walking around the garden.

He's always enjoyed walking alone. It's as if a healing activity in its own.

It gives him time to clear things in his mind and could admire the landscape around him.

But it seems it's not that effective as of the moment.


"I'm sure it was hyung! I can't be wrong!"

He blurted out all of a sudden.

"But he died seven years ago." He's mind argued.

"But I'm sure that was him!!! He looked the same as before!!"

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!!! I'M GOING CRAZY ALREADY!!!!" He shouted to himself, earning himself wary glances from bystanders.

"Should I tell noona about this?? But I don't think she'll believe me on this one."

"What if I approach him?" He asked himself.

He's got a lot of questions going around his head right now.

"ASAJSJKAJJKSK!!!!" He ruffled his own hair in frustration.

"Whatever! This is seriously killing my brain cells! I'll just rest it out for tonight."




Meanwhile, Luhan and Minseok are still searching the hospital rooms one by one.

"Can we stop here for today? I'm getting bored."

"No! I can't rest my knowing that my stalker is still running in the wild!"

"We'll continue tomorrow!! Please!!! Let's just play go-stop!!"

"Later~~ Right now, I want to find Mr. Panda"

Luhan gawked at him, "Seriously?? Mr. Panda??"

"What? He's got panda looking eyes!! Only a whole lot scarier!!"

"Somehow.. I think those panda eyes are awfully familiar!!" Minseok thought to himself.

"Oh come on!!! If you don't want to come with me.. then I'll just play by myself!" Luhan said, trying to play the guilt trip.

"Alright! alright!!! Sheeesh! But we'll start again first thing in the morning okay?!"

"Sure! Whatever!"


The two was about to leave when suddenly the elevator door opened revealing a limping panda with his crutches.

Minseok's eyes grew big as his lips formed a small 'o' and pointed to the elevator's direction.

Zitao saw Minseok just about the same time the other saw him.

Luhan bumped on his friend and hissed, "What the heck is it now??" He then eventually looked at the direction Minseok was pointing at.

Everyone there was practically frozen on their spot.

And since it's already a bit late, no one else was around.

A deafening silence filled the corridors.

No one dared to move, much more break the silence.

Not until...


"It's you!" Minseok at Zitao said in unison.





Hi everybadeeeh~~

I've updated!! WOOOOH!!!

The great kungfu panda is now out!! eheheh!!

Who do you guys think Zitao is to Minseok's life??

Feel free to guess in the comments sections :)


oh! And I don't think i could update tomorrow TT^TT

I'll be out for the whole day probably... 

So i'll just see you guys in the nest update!




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Sorry for basically abandoning this story for months TT^TT I'll try to update when I have time.. and that would probably be... when I graduate? huhu.


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Chapter 7: I KNEW ITTTTT!!!! , You were gonna update last night! And Yay xD
Chapter 5: omg this is cute XDXD kkk
please update soon xx
Chapter 4: Ate tin-tin! Flooded na ang Comment box mo ng mga comments ko.. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA XD and this chappie is just as cute as the last one..

I wish you happy days with that beautiful creative mind of yours that made this Cute stoey (AOA)/
Chapter 4: OOOOH, it's so cute. xD Because of Baozi it's aaall cute. :))
Chapter 3: AADIJRDJNKRJNSKUHKURS!! Ate tin-tin!! I Love your Storyyy!! I-it's just so.. i don't know \(0A0)/ and i think Tao is his old friend, brother or relative?! Something!? XD and I also love you cause you have fast update!,
Chapter 2: WAAAAAAAAhh!! UPDATE!!!! NOW!!!! UPDATE!!!!! >.< ANO BAAAA???!!! Hahahahah
I didn't expect luhan to be dead too O-O... and his best bud.
Hnn.. then my next guess would be either Chen, Baekhyun, Suho, or Lay
Chapter 2: oooooo! you have no idea how long i've been searching for this type of fic! hehehe, upadate more! hwaiting! <3 :D
Chapter 1: Asdfghjkl I've searched this kind of plot like 1000 times and I died because disappointment ;__;
I think you should tag 'fantasy' in this fic so anyone who are searching this kind of fantasy will definitely like it xDDD
Chapter 1: o-o this is great! I LIKE ITT!!! :D and I just found it Yesturdayyy!!

ADJSHFH! Luhan was Watching himmm!!!!!!!!! i think.. that was Luhan O-O