Pool party part2

a DREAM come true!

Mia's pov

Although I'm lazy I'm fast! I yelled being chased by ricky "slow down I can't breathe" he yelled panting.
'Okay okay I'm not running anymore' I yelled back. "hahah you and jeongmin are so alike all tough, You're lazy bums your are fast and have a lot of energy" donghyun said while laughing while mine and jeongmin's expressions were like hahaha not funny, while letting out a fake laughter and then we look at each other confused and looked the other way. why I'm I feeling weird? I thought to myself "lets go play hide and seek"! chunji said while bouncing everywhere but pick a partner he said while smirking at me, i gave him that kind of pissed of look "umm...never mind?!" he said while slowly looking down fine you guys go hide and me and and niel (chunji said) are going to look for you we all nodded and ran everyone then I found this special place behind the wall of the pool no one would check there i thought to myself ..and jeongmin probably taught that too since he was there too,i got up and said okay then I'll look for a new spot but then jeongmin grabbed my wrist and whispered "he's coming" I nodded as i heard Neil's voice closer jeongmin pulled me closer and pressed his finger against his lips and I nodded my head 
jeongmin's pov
..... Should I tell her......???
.....should I wait.........??
.......What should I do......??
I think to my self while looking for a good hiding spot I found a wall behind a pool I doubt anyone will check there i think as I bent down
And hide then I kept on thinking about when is it the right time to tell her?then suddenly I heard someone coming to me "ohh poop is that niel hyung I taught to my self but then I seen Mia bending down and walking towards me she the  Quickly got up and tried to leave but I took her wrist and thought for a second should I tell her now!? That thought erased from my head immediately and I told her that he's coming  and pulled her a bit closer so that they wouldn't find us but eventually niel found us aissh! I'm so stupid i should of think about him seeing me from the other side i yelled. Mia face palmed her self and said I'm stupid too ...high five dumb and lazy blood type b we are the best she laughs and we walk to look for the other members
Minnie's pov
It wall all so interesting and cool but I didn't want to play in water that is deep because I don't want to drown and die! As we were walking we all noticed the big water slide I tried to ignore it though due to the facts that the water near it was quite deep then changjo yelled lets go here and then minwoo joined and then kwangmin and youngmin joined too I just stood there expressionless and just said okay
and then kwangmin asked "do you not like slides? I shook my head no I like slides but..I reply quickly 
and put my head down what it is?he asksed me then  i whispered to him that i don't know how to swim.....   what!? He replies I just look down again and he said I really didn't hear what you said ,I said that I don't know how to swim I whisper again but a little louder this time then the other members looked at me and started chuckling, well its okay come into the water with us but don't drown your self he says as maybe you should wear a swimming vest so you could swim with us! he said questionably but then youngmin asked can we teach her how to swim? And all of a sudden everything  went quiet again and minwoo and changjo started laughing and then stopped and and asked wait are your serious? The twins looked at each other and nodded I just nodded too  
chunji's pov 
It was actually more fun before they came......... But it's still fun we were playing hide and seek for a little while just probably like 1 round but i noticed that there is something weird going on like if Mia and jeongmin talk they look at each other and go quiet immediately and look the other way  I know that she has a crush on him but does he like her back???? I really just want to scream out something like just date already! But I didn't I don't want Mia to hate me....AGAIN....
That's the only time I'm keeping quiet though so we should maybe go down some slides I suggest and the rest just nod and follow me 
Mia's pov
we were having so much fun while playing hide and seek for a little and then sliding down the water slides I felt like a little kid again lol but after some time something was weird I noticed that jeongmin wasn't with us anymore not that I was looking for him just noticed where can he be? Without saying anything? Oh he probably just went to the bathroom I think to myself but it gets weird after a couple minutes he still wasn't back ??????



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I really like the plot I got from the foreword - I'll keep reading! Good job!