Chapter 2

Sweet Candy

"Welcome back, sweety. How was your first day at school?" YuAhn's mother sat in front of her laptop, filing papers for a few companies. "School was horrible. There are these super annoying guys. Ugh." said YuAhn in disgust.

"Really? Tell me more. This seems interesting." YuAhn's mother stopped everything she was doing, her attention on YuAhn fully.

"Well, apparently, they are B1A4. I'm guessing they're the kingkas of the school. It became quite obvious. Anyways, we got in a fight with them." explained YuAhn.

"You against all of those boys?" questioned her mother.

"No, mother. Somi, Junnie, Leesa, and Kri were in the fight too." said YuAhn.

"Ah. Well, go on."

"Okay, so, it started when Jinyoung, the leader of B1A4, I think, told me to stop being so loud..." YuAhn kept on explaining as her mother stopped and questioned her every now and then.

"...anyways, I'm going to the mall with my friends, mother. Can you lend me some money?" asked YuAhn.

"Sure, sweetheart. Would 2,000 dollars work? It's all I took out of the bank. If you want I could tell driver Kanwoo to drop by the bank and check out another 1,000?" said her mother.

"No, mom. 2,000 dollars is more than enough. Thanks!" YuAhn took the money out of her mother's hand and walked off, waving her mother goodbye.

"Have fun, honey!" called out YuAhn's mother. YuAhn walked downstairs and opened the front door to see her friends waiting there.

"Hey, guys." greeted YuAhn.

"Hi YuAhn! Ready to go?" asked Leesa.

"Yeah. Kaja!" exclaimed YuAhn. The girls smiled and giggled. When they got to the mall, the girls immediately got out of the car and began shopping.

"Oh! I want this one.. and this one too, please! Oh! And the one of there!" Junnie basically cleared out every store. Her mother gave her a credit card with over 20,000 dollars in it!

"Junnie, by the time we're out of this mall, you'd have a million shopping bags!" Kri exaggerated.

"Not my fault that everything in this mall is so tempting!" said Junnie, holding onto about 20 bags. 

"I'm back from Etude House! SHINee is promoting it again!" YuAhn was carrying about 30 bags of clothes, cleansers, foundation, a skateboard, and purses.

"Girl, you got more stuff than me!" yelled Junnie, widening her eyes as she looked at all of YuAhn's bags.

"That's because I bought stuff for you guys too!" said YuAhn pouting cutely.

"Aww! Thanks, unnie!" exclaimed Somi as she went up to hug YuAhn.

"No problem!" YuAhn smiled. All of a sudden, a group of guys bumped into the girls.

"Ouch!" exclaimed YuAhn. Her bags fell everywhere on the ground.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, I wasn't watc-- Oh, it's you! That annoying girl!" YuAhn looked up to see none other than, Jung Jin Young.

"Annoying? Ugh. Watch where you're going!" snapped YuAhn.

"Hey! You made YuAhn drop the stuff she bought for us!" yelled Kri.

"It's not our fault that your friend was standing in the middle of the mall with a billion bags." CNU rolled his eyes.

"Excuse me?" Junnie waved her finger in CNU's face.

"Get that dirty hand of yours away from my hyung's fa--" before Baro could finish his sentence, someone bumped into him making Baro bump into Jinyoung. Jinyoung was pushed onto YuAhn, accidentally.

"Ah!" yelled YuAhn, surprised. Jinyoung's face was inches from YuAhn's.

"G-get off of m-me!" YuAhn quickly pushed Jinyoung off of her. The guys and the girls giggled as Baro stood there with an apologetic face.

"Sorry, hyung..." said Baro, trying to hold in his laughter.

"Oh, an apology isn't going to cut it, Baro!" said Jinyoung, smirking.

"Oh, god. Not that face. That always means Jinyoung's gonna do something bad!" said Sandeul. Jinyoung pushed Baro towards Junnie and Baro's face ended up centimeters from Junnie's chest area. The girls gasped as the B1A4 guys bursted into laughter. Baro's face was as red as a tomato. Junnie seemed to be having mixed emotions. Her face was super red. She mad, embarressed, and felt awkward all at the same time.

"Move..." stated Junnie, quietly, as she gritted her teeth, trying to hold in her anger and embarressment.

"H-huh?" Baro couldn't hear Junnie correctly.

"I.. SAID... MOVE...!" Junnie pushed Baro away from her.

"Serves you right, ert!" said Kri.

"ERT?! Jinyoung pushed me!" snapped Baro.

"You deserved it!" replied Jinyoung, laughing his off. Suddenly, YuAhn's eyes widened as she looked at her watch.

"Guys, lets go home now! I'm late for a family dinner!" said YuAhn.

"Oh, yeah! I have to go to a family dinner too! I'm late, lets go!" Yelled Sandeul. B1A4 and the girls quickly rushed into there directions and dashed off.

YuAhn got home quickly, in a rush. She was panting hard as she ran into her mother's office, leaning herself on the door.

"I.. hope you don't mind, mother.. if my friends join us.. for the family dinner... with my.. new.. cousin..." YuAhn said, trying to catch her breath.

"Oh, sure. No problem. Hurry up and go wash your face, though, sweety. Your look so sweaty!" said her mother.

"Yes, mom." YuAhn ran upsairs and washed her face, then came back down and entered the huge dining room to see her aunt, uncle, and... Sandeul?!

"YuAhn?" Sandeul questioned, wide-eyed.

"Sandeul? YOU'RE my cousin?!" They both stared at each other in surprise. "Ah, I hope you don't mind, but Sandeul was late and ended up bringing his friends along with him." said YuAhn's aunt or should she say, Sandeul's mother.

"Oh, no problem. My daughter was also late so she had to bring her friends along as well, haha." YuAhn's mother giggled.

"So it seems you two already know each other?" questioned YuAhn's father.

"U-uh, yeah. He's in my class." said YuAhn, still processing the fact that YuAhn and her friends' enemy's member was her cousin. Suddenly, four other boys burst through the door, talking and giggling.

"B1A4?!" the girls yelled in surprise.

"They're the annoying group of boys you were talking about?" asked YuAhn's mother.

"YuAhn?! You guys....?!" the B1A4 guys yelled, surprised as well.

Sandeul's father or as YuAhn should say, her uncle cleared his throat and began talking, trying to snap them back to reality. "These are my son's friends, Jinyoung, Baro, Gongchan, and CNU." he introduced.

"Ah. These are my daughter's friends, Somi, Leesa, Kri, and Junnie." said YuAhn's father.

"Sandeul... is my cousin?!" YuAhn could've sworn she would've fainted.


Hehe. I updated twice in a day! MWAHAHAHA. It's surprising to me since I'm usually too lazy to update twice in one day, LOL. Anyways, I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I made Sandeul YuAhn's cousin, EHEHE >:D Just to get YuAhn and the girls more annoyed, cause I'm so evil, LOLOL.

The girls: Author-nim, you meany! /( ; _ ; )/

Author: Sorry, girls XD EHEHEHEH....

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Chapter 7: please update soon!!!! :) Love this story!
Chapter 7: Yay u updated! Ohhhhh~ I really love those rumors!!!
Chapter 6: Yay u updated, I realised that it's me and me and me that is commenting hehe ^^ anyways OMG does Jinyoung now have feelings towards Yuahn? I really like the end of this chapter and the gifs r so funny!!!
Chapter 5: :( please come back quickly! I really love this story!
Chapter 3: I like this chapter ^^
This story sounds sooooooooooooooooooooo cool!!!!! !!