Chapter 1

Sweet Candy

 "Miss. Miss. Please wake up now. Miss?" YuAhn opened her eyes, still half asleep. "Ah, good morning, miss. Please get ready. Your father doesn't want you to be late on your first day of school." said the maid. "Oh, alright. Thank you, Kangmi." replied YuAhn as she got out of bed. "Miss, you are told to never address me by my name." stated the maid. "Well, I hate treating you like you're my slave or something. I don't care what my father says." YuAhn hated people working for her, always calling her, 'miss'. It always got on her nerves. Her 'maids' were people too. "Miss, would you like steak this morning or a regular breakfast?" asked the chef as he came in her room. "A regular breakfast please. I'll eat steak for dinner." said YuAhn. "As you wish." replied the chef. He walked out of YuAhn's room and back into the kitchen. YuAhn quickly went in the restroom to get herself ready. She brushed her teeth, had a nice bath, and grabbed her new, neatly folded uniform. YuAhn observed her clothing. "Are skirts this short even legal to wear to school...?" YuAhn thought to herself. She shrugged the thought off and just got dressed. YuAhn walked downstairs and waited for her breakfast.

"Miss. Your friends are here. Do I let them in?" asked the butler. "Sure. Always let my friends in. They'll come by every morning." said YuAhn. "Very well." replied the butler. YuAhn's friends came in one by one. "YuAhn! Are you excited to see our new school?" asked her friend, Junnie. "No. I hate transfering to new schools. I mean, I've done it like, what? Twelve times already?" said YuAhn, unhappily. "YuAhn. Manners, sweety." YuAhn's mother came in the dining room. "Annyeonghaseo, Mrs. Lee." YuAhn's friends greeted her mother politely. "Hi, girls." replied her mother. "Breakfast is ready! I made some for your friends too, Miss YuAhn." said the chef, holding the plates. He set them down nicely and bowed before walking back in the kitchen. "Thank you, Chef Woo!" said YuAhn, smiling.

After finishing YuAhn's breakfast, she picked up her backpack as her friends got up to get theirs too. "Bye, mother!" said YuAhn. "Bye, sweetheart. Behave yourself! You don't want to transfer schools again, now do you?" replied her mother. "No, mom! Bye!" said YuAhn. "Bye, Mrs. Lee. Tell Chef Woo we said thanks. The breakfast was great!" said Somi. "I'll remember that, Somi. Bye now!" said YuAhn's mother. "Bye!" The girls left and got in the limo one by one. "Good morning, Miss. Ready for school?" greeted the driver. "Haha, yes." YuAhn smiled. The driver turned around, putting his hands on the wheel. "Off to school then!" the driver yelled and drove off.

"Here we are, Miss." said the driver. YuAhn and the girls looked at the school. "Wow. It's huge!" exclaimed Leesa. "I know, right?" agreed Kri. The girls got out of the limo and the attention was immediately on them. YuAhn and her friends got glares from the girls while the boys stared at them with sparkling eyes. Whispers and mummers about YuAhn and the girls was spread everywhere. All of a sudden, another limo pulled up in front of the school as five gorgeous flower boys came out of it one by one. "AH! It's B1A4!" one of the girls from the crowd screamed, pointing at the limo. "Oppa!" screamed another. Girls began bombarding the five boys. "Woah. Who are those boys?" said Junnie as she elbowed YuAhn. "I don't know but they seem like a bunch of stuck up rich people." snapped YuAhn. "You're basically just making fun of ourselves." said Kri. "We're rich. We're not stuck up. Are we?" replied YuAhn. "Well, I think they're cute. Like thay say, never judge of a book by it's cover!" said Somi. "Yeah, yeah." added Leesa, waving her hand back and fourth. "I like the tall one!" said Leesa, pointing at him. Then the bell rang as all the students walked into the building, off to their classes.

Meanwhile, the boys, B1A4 started talking about the girls. "Hey, did you see those group of girls standing there, earlier?" asked Baro. "Yeah. I think they were the new transfer students." said CNU. "They're cute!" exclaimed Sandeul. "Cute my . They're probably one of those stuck up, I'm-so-much-prettier-than-you-and-I'm-rich girls." said Jinyoung in disgust. "Actually, one of those girls looked like Lee Yu Ahn." said CNU. "You mean the one known as 'sweet'?" asked Baro. "Yeah! From what I've heard, she's really nice and caring. She donated 17,000 dollars to 3 different charities." said CNU. "Really? Wow." said Baro. "Pfft. Yeah, right. Her parents probably forced her to do that for plublicity." said Jinyoung, rolling his eyes. Suddenly, the teacher came in, whacking her stick on the front desk. "Everybody, sit down!" she commanded. The boys took their seats quickly. "Today we have five new transfer students. I'd like you to treat them nicely." said the teacher. "Girls, come in and introduce yourselves please." YuAhn and her friends came in the classroom. "Annyeonghaseo, I am Lee Yu Ahn." "Annyeonghaseo, I'm Sang Jun Nie." "Annyeonghaseo, I'm Sul Lee Sa." "Annyeonghaseo, I'm Joo So Mi." "Annyeonghaseo, I'm Kang Kri." "Please treat us well!" the girls bowed and smiled to the class. Girls shot them death glares as the boys drooled over them. YuAhn noticed a particular group of boys who did not seem to be drooling over them though. She looked directly at none other than, B1A4. Instead of staring at the girls, B1A4 was just sitting there, looking bored, waving there phones around trying to find a few bars. "Okay, girls. Uhm, Somi. Sit next to Sandeul, please. Sandeul, raise your hand." said the teacher. Sandeul raised his hand. YuAhn noticed that all the empty seats were next to each of the B1A4 boys. "Oh, great." YuAhn thought sarcastically. The seating was now YuAhn next to Jinyoung, Junnie next to Baro, Somi next to Sandeul, Leesa next to Gongchan, and Kri next to CNU. Once again, the girls shot them death glares. This time, it was more intense. The teacher started teaching until the bell rung. "Finally!" exclaimed YuAhn. She stood up, stretching her arms. "Yah. Don't be so loud, would you?" said Jinyoung, rolling his eyes at YuAhn. "Excuse me?" YuAhn glared at him. All of a sudden, a few girls came up to him and Jinyoung automatically switched to good boy mode. YuAhn watched him. First he was cold and now, he's as sweet as.. candy? YuAhn raised an eyebrow. "YuAhn, lets go to lunch!" YuAhn looked up to see her friends already at the door. "Okay!" she grabbed her stuff and put in in her backpack, swinging it onto her back and ran to her friends, quickly.

"Hey, I saw that Jinyoung guy talking to you. What'd he say?" asked Somi. "I was yelling and he was all like, 'Yah. Don't be so loud, would you?'. Ugh." YuAhn mocked the way Jinyoung said it. "That guy's gonna be a pain in the for you, huh?" said Junnie, giggling. "No, kidding. He's a pain everywhere." YuAhn rolled her eyes and started eating her lunch. All of a sudden, B1A4 got up from there table, which was right next to YuAhn and her friends' table. "Yah. We heard that, you know." said the blonde haired boy, Baro. "Don't be talking smack about my hyung!" snapped Gongchan. "Oh yeah? What are you gonna do about it?" stated Leesa, getting up out of her seat. "You, who do you think you are to call me a pain?" snapped Jinyoung, glaring at YuAhn. "I'm a person with a mouth. It's a free country! I can say whatever I want about you." said YuAhn. "Excuse me? Do you know who I am?!" Jinyoung yelled. "Yeah. You're a stupid, stuck up, rich boy who thinks he is better than everyone else." YuAhn stated, grinning happily. "Bwo?! You can't talk to him like that!" snapped Sandeul. "She has the right to say whatever she wants!" yelled Somi. The students' attention were on both B1A4 and YuAhn and her friends. The cafeteria was filled with 'ooo's and 'ahhh's.

This was the first time any girl has hated B1A4 and this was the first time any boy has ever hated YuAhn and her friends. This was the beginning of a brand new experience...


This first chapter might look pretty short. I'll make my chapters longer when I have time! Sorry in advance for any bad spelling or grammar! Thanks for reading. I hope you like it so far. Feel free to leave me some feedback! Be honest! Subscribe! Thanks. Kamsamnida! ^ - ^


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Chapter 7: please update soon!!!! :) Love this story!
Chapter 7: Yay u updated! Ohhhhh~ I really love those rumors!!!
Chapter 6: Yay u updated, I realised that it's me and me and me that is commenting hehe ^^ anyways OMG does Jinyoung now have feelings towards Yuahn? I really like the end of this chapter and the gifs r so funny!!!
Chapter 5: :( please come back quickly! I really love this story!
Chapter 3: I like this chapter ^^
This story sounds sooooooooooooooooooooo cool!!!!! !!