So Close, Yet So Far

Tonight Is Not Over Yet


A/N: I’m SO sorry for updating so late!!! Here’s the next update, hope you all enjoy! It’s the longest chapter, and it’s NOT the last chapter because I changed my mind!


Wanting to distract Yun Ae from what he just said, and hopefully make her forget it, Daesung asked, “Yun Ae-shi, why do you always call me Daesung-shi? You always called Seungri oppa,” forgetting that he was the one who asked her to call him Daesung-shi.

“Eh?” Yun Ae said, blinking at the sudden question. She too forgot that Daesung asked her to call him Daesung-shi. “Erm... I don’t know too! I mean... I knew Seungri oppa for quite some time so I guess we’re close enough for me to call him oppa?” she rambled.

“Oh...” Daesung said. Yun Ae watched him as he bit his lip, looking as thought he was deciding about something. Aigoo, he looks so cute when he bites his lip! Yun Ae gushed in her thoughts.

“Then...” Daesung’s voice brought Yun Ae back to reality. “Will you... I mean, can you call me oppa too?” Daesung asked with a hopeful expression.


"Op-oppa? You want me to call you oppa?" Yun Ae stuttered.

Daesung nodded, with the same hopeful expression etched on his smooth beautiful face. Awww... Yun Ae thought.

"Op-oppa," Yun Ae said. "Daesung oppa."

Daesung smiled beatifically. "Yay!" he shouted happily.

Yun Ae blushed and smiled. Seungri might act like a child sometimes (okay, most of the time, Yun Ae admitted to herself) but Daesung could certainly beat Daesung in the cute and childlike department. Or maybe she was just being biased.

While Daesung continued to rejoice over making Yun Ae call him oppa, Yun Ae pondered over Daesung's out of the blue request. To call Daesung 'oppa'... Their relationship, however short, seemed much more intimate now. There was a big difference in a fangirl calling her favourite idol 'oppa' and a... Friend? A friend calling an older male friend as 'oppa'... But actually, Yun Ae didn't exactly know their current relationship now. A day ago, she would've laughed at the possibility of her and Daesung meeting. A few hours ago she would have been shocked by anyone who suggests that they might be more than friends. But the scene in her apartment and everything else leading up to this moment left her greatly confused.

Yun Ae wasn't stupid; she certainly could read signs. And Daesung's change in attitude towards her since being in her apartment certainly meant something. But Yun Ae just did not know what exactly it meant.

No matter what relationship Yun Ae and Daesung were currently in, Yun Ae still knew that their meeting occured because of Seungri. She made a mental note to thank him properly.

"Yun-" Daesung's voice brought Yun Ae out of her thoughts, but before he could continue saying whatever it was he wanted to say, a few guys sat down on the stools beside Yun Ae.

"Hey pretty girl, wanna dance?" one of them leered at Yun Ae.

Daesung glared at the guys and pulled Yun Ae gently but firmly towards him, away from the guys' lustful eyes. Putting an arm around Yun Ae's shoulders possessively, he said threateningly to the guys, "She's with me. Look at her once more or say something inappropriate, you'll wish you've never been born."

The guys' eyes widened, not by Daesung's threat but by who he was. They bowed and hurried away without another word. Daesung, aware that they realised who he was, smirked at their cowardice, their no-backbone attitude at meeting a celebrity. Losers.

Yun Ae frowned. "Oppa, what if this gets out? People are going to think you have a girlfriend. This might damage your career!" she exclaimed.

Daesyng merely smiled and shrugged. "I can bet that they will be so drunk that they won't even remember meeting me. Besides," he added, "I don't care what others think anymore."

And it was true. After the whole Chloe incident, Daesung was through with thinking what others might think of him. He sure as heck wasn't going to lose someone else again just because somebody wasn't going to be pleased with it, may it be his agency or his fans.

Yun Ae still looked unsure. Daesung noticed it and patted her head affectionately. "Don't worry so much about it anymore, Yun Ae! Nothing's going to happen."

"If you say so, oppa..." Yun Ae slowly said. If that's what Daesung thought, then she wasn't going to contradict him anymore. There was nothing they could do about it anyway.

Daesung suddenly recalled what he said and did during the confrontation just now. "Oh my gosh, Yun Ae! Did I scare you with my actions just now? I swear, it was just to scare them off!" he hurriedly explained. He didn't want Yun Ae to misunderstand or worse, be intimidated by him.

Yun Ae blinked at the sudden outburst. "Oh it's alright, I understand why you did what you did. Thank you, Daesung oppa, for saving me out of that predicament just now," Yun Ae said sincerely with a heartfelt smile. Daesung's heart, which was racing with anxiety just now, worrying that she had a negative impression of him, was now racing because of a simple smile from Yun Ae. He couldn't help but to smile back at her, reassuring her that it was of no problem to him and he didn't mind at all.

Yun Ae, on the other hand, was actually spazzing inside like a fangirl. Kyaaaa, I can't believe he did that! She squealed internally. And putting his arm around me too! Oh my gosh, today is absolutely the best day of my life, and I just know tonight's going to be the best night of my life too!


After that brief incident, Daesung and Yun Ae got even closer. Over a few rounds of drinks, they chatted about anything and everything. Unintentionally, Daesung blurted out his relationship with Chloe to Yun Ae. He didn’t want to say anything, but somehow he couldn’t stop himself from telling her about his ex-girlfriend. Maybe he just wanted a listening ear.
“What did she look like, Daesung oppa?” Yun Ae suddenly asked.

Daesung looked at a corner of the club, trying to remember Chloe’s face through the alcohol-induced haze in his brain. “She had long, dark brown hair that felt like silk to the touch, and big laughing eyes...” Daesung trailed off. He blinked a few times and realised he was staring at someone who met his description. Someone who looked extremely familiar. Someone whom Daesung would recognise no matter how drunk he was (and he was pretty drunk already from the drinks).

He was staring at Chloe.

Daesung blinked a few more times, and even pinched himself to make sure he was not dreaming. Nope, his arm definitely hurt from his pinching. Daesung rubbed his arm while staring at Chloe, who had yet to notice him.

This was the first time Daesung saw Chloe since their... breakup. Pain twisted in his gut as he thought of the word. She still looked beautiful like she always did. Chloe was wearing a simple white cotton dress that brought out her tanned complexion and her brown hair, looking stunning in true Chloe-style. He swallowed reflexively. At that moment Daesung would give anything to be standing by her side, to run his fingers through her silky hair, to cup her cheek and kiss her soft lips. He wanted, no he needed her so badly. Seeing her again yet not able to call her his own; so close, yet so far. Daesung felt as if his heart was breaking all over again, threatening to swallow him into the bottomless dark pit called depression once again. And yet, he could not tear his eyes away from her. Daesung was so enthralled with her that he didn’t even notice Yun Ae calling him.

After a few times of calling Daesung’s name and not getting a response from him, Yun Ae sighed in defeat. What did oppa see that made him go into daze mode? she wondered, letting her gaze follow Daesung’s line of vision. Then, she saw what, or rather who, Daesung was captivated with. A beautiful goddess dressed in white, with long brown hair.

At first Yun Ae thought it was simply because Daesung saw a pretty girl. But when she looked at him carefully, she was startled to see love and pain conflicting with each other in his brown eyes. With a jolt, Yun Ae realised who that girl was: his ex-girlfriend, Chloe.

Yun Ae’s heart sank as she looked at Chloe. How could she ever think of competing with her? Chloe was beautiful, with Caucasian features that were accentuated whenever the disco lights fell on her. Her movements were graceful, and she had a heart-stopping smile. And from what Daesung told her about Chloe’s personality, she was kind-hearted as well. Of course Daesung would fall for someone like her.

How could I ever have thought that Daesung would fall for someone the likes of me? Yun Ae wondered with a bitter smile. How could I ever have thought that he would fall for me? We only met today, and he’s still in love with his ex-girlfriend, who’s the picture of perfection. Me? I’m just a plain Jane, just a nobody. I must have been mad to think that the famous Kang Daesung would like me. No matter what he did, it was to protect me, thought Yun Ae, thinking about how he threatened those jerks just moments ago. Or it was just simply pure lust and nothing more, she thought as images of them in her apartment flicked through her mind. She sighed in defeat once again.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the club, Chloe shifted uneasily. She felt as if someone was staring at her. Looking around surreptitiously, she gasped in surprise when her gaze locked with a pair of familiar brown orbs. Those eyes... Chloe would recognise them anywhere.

Unknowningly, Chloe whispered, “Daesung-ah...”

All sounds in the club were muted as the two ex-lovers stared at each other, as if someone pressed the mute button on a remote control. To them, nothing mattered except each other. Both were hungrily drinking in the sight of each other, as if they knew they might never get a chance to see each other again.

As they continued to stare at each other, Chloe looked deeply into Daesung’s eyes. Even from a distance, she could see the love he still had for her, the pain of their separation that he was still suffering through. And yet, there wasn’t a hint of anger or resentment in his eyes. Even after the pain that Chloe made him suffer through, Daesung never once blamed her or hated her for her actions. Tears gathered in her eyes as Chloe’s heart clenched with the revelation. She really hated herself then for the misery that she put Daesung through. Oh, Daesung-ah, I’m really sorry that I made you suffer. Please believe me, I didn’t mean for you to be in this state, she begged Daesung silently with her eyes.

Daesung gave an almost imperceptible nod back. He understood that gaze, the meaning behind those eyes filled with sadness and self-loathing. He wanted to rush over to her side, to hold her in his arms and tell her that he never blamed her for their breakup. In Daesung’s mind, he was too preoccupied with his career and neglected Chloe, neglected her and her wishes. He didn’t deserve to have her as his girlfriend.

Daesung longed to reassure her, to wipe those tears that were threatening to fall from her eyes. He never wanted to see her cry again, especially not because of him. Chloe-ah, I never blamed you for anything, so please don’t blame yourself! he sent back, communicating his thoughts with his eyes. He wanted to go over to her side, but his legs wouldn’t obey him.

Chloe felt like her heart would break all over again. Seeing his concern-filled eyes, she wished the earth would open up and swallow her, taking away her life if it meant never seeing Daesung suffer again. How could I have ever hurt him? Chloe almost wanted to cry out. In that instant, she felt an emotion she never thought she would feel. Regret.

She regretted her decision to leave Daesung. All Chloe ever wanted at that time was someone who would love and care for her, to pay attention to her. That was all she needed. She thought Daesung wasn’t fulfilling that part because of his busy schedule as a celebrity. She couldn’t go out on dates with him because he couldn’t risk anybody finding out he wasn’t single. She couldn’t have late night talks over the phone with him because he needed his rest, and also because he might still be working in the middle of the night. She couldn’t visit him at his workplace because he was supposed to be single.

But at the moment, she realised how wrong she was. Daesung really did love and care for her. He called her whenever he could spare a moment, sometimes even only sleeping 2 hours because he wanted to hear her voice. He would often text her during mealtimes to make sure she was eating. And whenever he got days off, he would spend most of the time with her, to the extent that his family was grumbling that he didn’t save any time for them. Daesung often proclaimed that he would sacrifice his career for her. He didn’t mind not standing on a stage and singing to rapt audiences, if it meant having Chloe by his side. But Chloe was the one who refused, because she knew he wanted to be a singer ever since he was young. And in the end, she gave up and went away, blaming Daesung for their breakup even though he had done all he could for her. I was so blind... I didn’t see all that he had done for me. I only saw my own selfish desires. I blamed him for things that I thought he didn’t do but he did, and despite everything he never once blamed me. Oh Daesung-ah... I’m so sorry, but I love you. Chloe thought as she wept.

As she thought of those three words Chloe realised how true they were. She did love Daesung. She never stopped loving him. She thought Seunghyun loved her, could treat her better than Daesung did. But in the end, she realised he only saw her as a conquest. Although Seunghyun treated her nicely, giving her expensive gifts and bringing her out to classy restaurants, it never felt the same as Daesung’s handmade gifts and home-cooked food. In Daesung’s handmade presents for her she could feel his love for her, the way everything was precise to a notch. Daesung’s cooking skills were on par with world-famous chefs, and his dishes always tasted the best because of the love and effort he put into them.


“Chloe, I have a surprise for you!” a familiar husky voice exclaimed.

Chloe laughed. She would know that voice anywhere; it was Daesung. Kang Daesung, the famous singer and her boyfriend. Boyfriend. The word had a pleasant ring to it and sent thrills down her body. Despite dating for a month already, she couldn’t believe her luck in securing one of Korea’s most eligible bachelors.

“You do? What is it?” she asked him, feeling excited.

Daesung took her hand and pulled her towards his car. “You’ll find out when we get there!” he grinned like a little boy.

Throughout the car ride, Chloe found herself bouncing up and down in anticipation. She loved surprises and wondered what surprise Daesung had for her. Even though it was only a fifteen minute car ride, it felt as though it was three hours long. That was how excited Chloe was.

“Here we are!” Daesung sang. He couldn’t wait for Chloe to see it. He had specially planned for this surprise, even begging his manager to let him have the day off. He wouldn’t miss this day for the world.

“The beach?” Chloe said. “But I didn’t bring my swimsuit!” she exclaimed.

“Don’t worry, we aren’t going swimming,” Daesung replied. “Though, if you want to go skinny dipping, I definitely won’t stop you,” he said with a mischievous glint in his dark brown orbs.

“Yah, what did you just say Kang Daesung?!” Chloe said as her eyes widened in horror. She hitted her boyfriend’s chest while saying, “Aish, I swear Seungri is a bad influence for you! How can you be thinking such erted thoughts?!”

Daesung laughed and slung an arm over his blushing girlfriend. He loved to rile up Chloe because she was simply too adorable when she was embarrassed. “Relax Chloe, I was only kidding! Did you have to injure me like that?” he mock pouted, clutching his chest in an exaggerated manner as if Chloe had shot him with a gun.

Chloe rolled her eyes at Daesung’s immaturity, but was secretly smiling. She too loved it when he was being all cute and pouty. It made him less of Daesung the singer and more Daesung the boyfriend. “Well, I thought you said you had a surprise for me? I don’t see any surprise anywhere,” she commented as she looked around.

“Follow me,” Daesung said as he took her hand once again and led her to a spot on the beach.

Chloe looked at the surroundings. The waves gently lapped at the sand, creating a soothing melody that instantly made Chloe feel at peace. And with Daesung holding her hand, she felt as though they had momentarily left all the troubles and problems in reality and escaped into a dreamland. She sighed and held his hand more tightly.

In no time at all, they reached the spot Daesung had chosen. “Ta-da,” he said and waved his arm in a sweeping bow.

Chloe gasped. “You made all these?”

“Yep!” Daesung said happily, popping the ‘p’. “Do you like it?” he bit his lip as he asked her anxiously. He really hoped she liked it.

“Yes, oh yes I do!” Chloe exclaimed happily. “How could I not? Oh Daesung-ah, you’re the most wonderful boyfriend in the world!” Chloe hugged Daesung and shyly kissed his cheek, making Daesung blush.

“I’m glad you like it,” he said smiling. “Have a seat and dig it then!” Chloe was more than happy to compile.

The surprise that Daesung had prepared for her was in the form of a romantic dinner on the beach. Instead of the normal sandwiches like picnics on the beach, Daesung had personally cooked all of Chloe’s favourite dishes. As they ate and chatted happily, Chloe wondered how on earth did the dishes still remained warm. It was a mystery she never solved.

When they finished their dinner, they placed the cutlery back into the picnic basket and settled themselves comfortably on the picnic mat, enjoying the beautiful sunset with each other. Chloe snuggled in Daesung’s arms, resting her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat and enjoying the warmth that radiated from his body. He in turn hugged her closer, placing his arms around her slender waist.

“Chloe-ah, I have another surprise for you,” Daesung said softly, not wanting to disturb the peace they shared.

Chloe lifted her head up and looked at Daesung. “Another one?”

“Yes, another one. Here you go,” said Daesung, taking a wrapped present from behind a nearby bush and handing it over to his girlfriend.

Chloe’s curiosity was piqued with the sight of the present. “Can I open it?”

“Of course you can, darling!”

Chloe eagerly pulled at the bow, and hastily began to unwrap the present. Daesung laughed at her eagerness. Sometimes, Chloe really reminded him of a child.

The wrapping paper fell away to reveal a small and cute teddy bear, whose paws were clutching a heart that said “I love you, Chloe!”. Chloe’s eyes were filled with tears as she saw the words. “Where did you find this?” she asked Daesung.

“I didn’t find it, I made it,” Daesung replied.

Chloe blinked in amazement. “Y-you made it? For me? Seriously?”
“Yes, seriously!” he laughed at her shocked expression. “Why, can’t I do a little something for my girlfriend?”

To say that Chloe was touched was an understatement. Never had Chloe received a handmade present from any of her previous boyfriends. And yet, this busy guy over here loved her enough to take time out from his busy schedule to do this. No wonder he looked so tired recently...

Chloe could feel the waterworks turning on. “Thank you, Daesung-ah!” she gushed as tears gushed out of her eyes simultaneously.

Daesung was alarmed. “Why are you crying, Chloe? Did you not like the present? I can make another one if you want!” he rambled at seeing her tears.

Chloe shook her head, and to Daesung’s amazement, laughed. “No, you pabo! I was just so touched with your present that I shed tears of joy! I love this! It’s so exquisite!” she exclaimed as she hugged the teddy bear close to her.

Daesung exhaled in relief. Knowing Chloe’s love for teddy bears, he decided to make one for her. “You got me scared for a moment...” he grumbled, faking annoyance. “But of course it’s exquisite. Nothing less would do for my beautiful girlfriend who deserves perfection.”

Chloe smiled, and that simple gesture made Daesung’s heartbeat speed up. “Thank you, Daesung-ah...” she repeated before gently pressing her lips to his.

Daesung’s heart leapt with joy. He kissed Chloe back gently yet sweetly, loving the softness and tenderness of her lips. When they finally broke apart, they shared a sweet smile. Touching Chloe’s forehead with his, Daesung whispered, “Happy 1st monthsary, Chloe darling.”

“Happy 1st monthsary, Daesung baby,” Chloe whispered back. Then, she pulled out something from her pocket. Taking Daesung’s hand, she placed it on his palm. “Here’s my present from me to you.”

Daesung’s brow furrowed. “My car keys?” he asked Chloe with a confused expression.

Chloe’s laugh tinkered merrily. “The present’s in your car, pabo!” she started laughing again at Daesung, who was opening his mouth to say something. “And before you ask, I stole your car keys from your pocket when you weren’t paying attention,” she grinned.

Daesung mock-sighed. “Sometimes I really wonder how I can put up with you,” he remarked, earning a hit on the arm from his girlfriend. He chuckled and pulled Chloe into his embrace. “Well, now that I’ve said those three words to you, aren’t you going to say them back to me?”

“Since when did you say those three words?” Chloe asked. Daesung pointed at the bear in her hands. Looking down, she saw the words on the heart. “Well, that doesn’t count! I need to hear it from your mouth,” she said.

Daesung laughed. “I love you, Chloe,” he said seriously, cupping her face with his hands.

“I love you too, Daesung,” Chloe said. Daesung smiled and kissed her once again, and of course she returned it. Locked in each other’s arms as the sun cast its last golden rays on the couple, Chloe smiled contentedly. Because nothing was better than spending time with your beloved.

[End flashback]

Chloe smiled sadly as the memory of their first monthsary ended. She knew there’ll never be a repeat of the day again, for no one could love her more than Daesung. And Daesung wasn’t hers anymore. It’s too late for regrets, anyway... She thought, glancing at Daesung’s date sitting beside him, who too was staring at her. Whoever you are, I hope you love Daesung with all your heart, and never let him suffer the same pain and agony as I made him did.

Looking at Daesung once more, she noticed how thin and gaunt he had become. Her heart ached at seeing him in that state. How she wished she didn’t make him suffer so much...

Chloe knew instantly what she had to do. She had to leave, and never see Daesung again. It was the only way she could end the suffering between the two of them. Meeting Daesung’s eyes for the last time, she sent: I know I shouldn’t be loving you anymore, but I just cannot bring myself to stop. I truly am the worst creature imaginable, hurting the person who loved me the most and yet continue to love him. Daesung-ah, I’m really and truly sorry for causing you the pain. If I could, I would rather it was me who was suffering. I would do anything for you to smile in that carefree way of yours again. Regardless, I’m not sorry for loving you. It’s the best thing that happened to me in my life. I just wish you can find somebody to love, somebody who’s more worthy of your love than me.

“Annyeong, Daesung-ah. Saranghaeyo,” Chloe mouthed to Daesung, before turning away and disappeared, melting into the crowd of gyrating bodies.

A/N: dun dun dun DUN~ Bet you all didn’t expect this turn of events right? Neither did I...

I’m so sorry for updating so late!! I really was busy with my national exams and a whole lot of other activities. And I was stuck with writer’s block for about 2 weeks. I didn’t know how to continue with this story until inspiration hit. Then I rewrote this chapter. Yes, rewrote. In the end I got so carried away so this chapter wasn’t what I planned to write in the first place. There’s a lot of Daesung-Chloe moments here, no?

As I reviewed the story I realised I didn’t put in a Daesung-Chloe date, so I decided to add one in for you all. Hope you enjoyed it! To make up for my long absence this chapter is extra-long~ (I finally exceeded 4000 words! This chapter is over 4000 words, not counting the author’s note! :D) And no, I changed my mind. This is NOT the last chapter! There’s still a few more chapters to go~ Hands up if you’re happy I’m not ending this story yet! Although, with this new twist I don’t know how to continue the story again, so there’s no teaser for the next chapter as well.

Oh yes, and I attended the Korean Music Wave concert in Singapore! I was really sad that Daesung wasn’t there, but in return GD&TOP, Taeyang, Seungri and 2NE1 were there and it was a fun-filled night no matter what. YG artistes are really daebak, they got the whole stadium into the ‘High High’ mood! The atmosphere was SUPER as the concert venue got transformed into a YG concert! I so did not regret my decision of buying moshpit ticket (despite being broke afterwards)...

Aside from YG artistes, I also enjoyed FT Island’s stage. Who doesn’t love Hongki and his voice? I certainly love it! (And just so you all know, I’ve always been a bit of a 21VIPrimadonna. ^^) U-Kiss’s stage was awesome too, and so was miss A and TOUCH just to name a few! 15 July is one of the best days of my life :D Check out my fancams here!

And have you all heard 2NE1’s new album songs? I’m planning to buy the album soon! Got so busy I couldn’t even preorder it T.T What are your favourite songs if you have heard? Lonely and Ugly are my two favourites!

Well that’s about it! Hope you all enjoyed this update. Please comment and subscribe!
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fareencheolyong #1
Ill give it a try:)
AahFeeKiee #2
Oh, and I came for the Music Wave and MAMA too, since I live in Singapore. I also went to Super Show 3 and SHINee concert. I missed SNSD's concert and 2PM's concert but I guess it was a great year still. <br />
<br />
Oh and here is the fanfic. Do read it, yeah? I'm done with first 2 chapters. I've finished the core themes of up to chapter 17. Now writing chapter 3 :)
AahFeeKiee #3
Love your story! Can't wait for more. I have my own with Jonghyun it in. Daesung and Seungri will come later.
Starlightshine #4
@decembermouse: Aww thanks!! :DD yeah I did... Wish Daesung was there though, it eould've been even more fun...
Nice story!<br />
=)<br />
Omg you went to the concert.. X_X
Starlightshine #6
@leahtaeyang: Replied you on your wall. :) And thanks for the ultra-long comment! I love ultra-long comments :D
*hands up* so happy this isn't the last chapter^^ i really loved this one it was so cute and sweet I can't wait for more!This really made me wish I had a bf like Daesungie<3 I hope you did well on the exams and I'm quite jealous that you went to the Korean Music Wave without me haha but glad you had fun :_) And yes I love the new album , Lonely, Ugly and Hate You are my favorite.<br />
update soon~
Starlightshine #8
@AyumiLikesSHINee: Hello! ^^ I love it when I get new subscribers :D thanks so much! ^^
Hi new reader here.I really like this story.Update soon.:)
yay new update...i enjoyed this chapter but sad to know that the next update will be the last:( i wonder if that bartender is taeyang hahaha, my eyes lit up when i read that part kekeke~<br />
anyway thanks for the update and good luck on your exams:)