Let's Go Meet Her!

Tonight Is Not Over Yet
I still don’t know love
Again, alone in this miserable night
Tonight – Big Bang

“Come on hyung! I promise you, you won’t regret this!” said Seungri as he made a gesture for Daesung to follow him.

“All right…” Daesung said as he followed behind his dongsaeng. For some reason, Seungri seemed pretty happy and excited about it.

“Yah dongsaeng, why are you so happy about it? Shouldn’t you be upset that she’s not interested in you?” Daesung asked, curiosity evident in his voice.

Seungri turned around and faced his hyung. “Well, since she doesn’t like me and can’t be persuaded to do so, I don’t see the point of being upset about it. Anyway, she likes you so…” Seungri said and shrugged, pretending to be nonchalant about it when his ego was actually pretty bruised over the fact that she didn’t fall for him like every other girl.

When he first met her, Seungri thought she was different from other girls. She wasn’t bimbotic like the pretty ones, arrogant like the confident ones, or fake like the ones who wanted to know him just because he was rich and famous. She was different, someone real. Her random aegyo was cute too, which always made him laugh. To his surprise, he found that he could converse with her like to a normal person, not to a crazy idol-worshipping fan. He began to spend more time with her, relishing the fact that he could hang out with normal people without feeling suppressed like when he sometimes felt with the fans.

Seungri began to tell her about his life as an idol, and his friends as well, like Daesung. He found that she was a fan of Daesung and liked him a lot, so he entertained her by providing interesting stories about Daesung. He didn’t realize that in doing so, he fuelled her desire to know more about Daesung. Until…


“Will you go out with me and be my girlfriend?” Seungri asked, a hopeful expression on his face.

The girl bit her lip. After some moments of consideration, she shook her head. “No,” she replied firmly.

Seungri was dumbfounded. Never had he been rejected before. “Why not? We are close and comfortable with each other. Why won’t you accept my love?”

She said gently, “Seungri, we aren’t compatible with each other. You're someone who loves company, especially if it's female company, while I prefer to be on my own. You're someone who's loud and cheerful but I'm soft-spoken and well, not really good at cheering others up. We're poles apart, Seungri.

"You know that by telling me about Daesung, it makes me feel like I know him personally, and not just as a fan who reads about her bias’ news. I can’t accept you when he feels so real to me, like someone I know, because I’ll be thinking about him when I’m with you. That is not fair to you, Seungri. I’m sorry.”

Seungri nodded slowly. “Well… It seems that I can’t change your mind about us being together. I guess I just have to leave it like it is.” With that, he got ready to leave.

“Wait!” she called. Seungri turned back, a mixture of questioning and hopeful look on his face. “I know this is too much to ask, but… Can we still be friends?”

Seungri didn’t know how to answer. Could he still be friends with the first and only girl who rejected him? But then, somehow he didn’t feel as bad as he thought he’ll feel. Perhaps she was right; maybe their love wasn’t meant to be. “Sure,” he said with a smile. She smiled back.

[End flashback]

Seungri shook his head. It was all over now, all in the past. There was no use dwelling over it. He realised Daesung was still looking at him curiously.

Wanting to distract his hyung, he turned Daesung around and pushed him towards the door, saying, "Let's go hyung, before Jiyong hyung realises we took his Bentley without his permission!"

A/N: Wondering who’s the girl that rejected Seungri? She’ll make her appearance in the next chapter! And where are they going? You’ll find out soon enough. ^^
So how is it? It’s still the first chapter so it might be a little dull for now! Still, please comment and subscribe, and I’ll upload the next chapter asap!

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fareencheolyong #1
Ill give it a try:)
AahFeeKiee #2
Oh, and I came for the Music Wave and MAMA too, since I live in Singapore. I also went to Super Show 3 and SHINee concert. I missed SNSD's concert and 2PM's concert but I guess it was a great year still. <br />
<br />
Oh and here is the fanfic. Do read it, yeah? I'm done with first 2 chapters. I've finished the core themes of up to chapter 17. Now writing chapter 3 :)
AahFeeKiee #3
Love your story! Can't wait for more. I have my own with Jonghyun it in. Daesung and Seungri will come later.
Starlightshine #4
@decembermouse: Aww thanks!! :DD yeah I did... Wish Daesung was there though, it eould've been even more fun...
Nice story!<br />
=)<br />
Omg you went to the concert.. X_X
Starlightshine #6
@leahtaeyang: Replied you on your wall. :) And thanks for the ultra-long comment! I love ultra-long comments :D
*hands up* so happy this isn't the last chapter^^ i really loved this one it was so cute and sweet I can't wait for more!This really made me wish I had a bf like Daesungie<3 I hope you did well on the exams and I'm quite jealous that you went to the Korean Music Wave without me haha but glad you had fun :_) And yes I love the new album , Lonely, Ugly and Hate You are my favorite.<br />
update soon~
Starlightshine #8
@AyumiLikesSHINee: Hello! ^^ I love it when I get new subscribers :D thanks so much! ^^
Hi new reader here.I really like this story.Update soon.:)
yay new update...i enjoyed this chapter but sad to know that the next update will be the last:( i wonder if that bartender is taeyang hahaha, my eyes lit up when i read that part kekeke~<br />
anyway thanks for the update and good luck on your exams:)