Let's Go Party In The Club and Get High High!

Tonight Is Not Over Yet

 A/N: Yes, the title is a reference to 2NE1's Let's Go Party and In The Club, as well as GD&TOP's High High. :D


Daesung stared at her retreating back. “Goodbye, my dear Chloe,” he whispered as he saw Chloe walk into the arms of her new beau. The man who could make her happy in ways Daesung couldn’t. The young and successful businessman with a handsome face and a stare that could kill. The man who, according to Chloe, loved her deeply. The one and only Choi Seunghyun.


 "Be happy without me, Chloe," Daesung whispered, echoing her words to him.

Don't look back, just leave
Don't think about me and move on
Because I have no regrets from loving you
So leave taking the good memories
Oh girl, I cry, cry
You’re my all, say goodbye

Haru Haru - Big Bang

Daesung jolted out from his trance as his walk down memory lane ended. He knew Seungri was expecting an answer and he didn't know how to answer him. Thankfully, Yun Ae appeared just then. Daesung breathed a sigh of relief.


 Here are your drinks! Sorry to have kept you two waiting!” Yun Ae cheerfully announced as she set down their drinks.


 "Ah, no problem at all! Thanks, Yun Ae-shi!" Seungri said cheerfully. He took a sip of his iced latte. "Mmm, yummy as always!"


 Yun Ae beamed at Seungri's compliment. Turning to Daesung, she asked him, "How about you, Daesung-shi? How do you find your iced espresso?"


 Daesung took a sip of his coffee and savoured the taste in his mouth. Swallowing, he said with his usual dramatic flair, "Yun Ae-shi! That was the best iced latte I've ever drunk!"


 Yun Ae chuckled and blushed at Daesung's antics. "Thank you, Daesung-shi! Perhaps I should get you two to advertise my cafe and help me earn more money!" she exclaimed. They all laughed and the ice was broken among them.


 The trio chatted for what seemed like hours until Daesung finally realised something: the cafe was way too quiet. No other staff and customers were around. Turning to Yun Ae, he asked, "Yun Ae-shi, where are the rest of the customers and staff?"


 "Actually, the cafe isn't open today. It's a rest day for the staff; I just returned to tie up some loose ends," Yun Ae clarified.


 "What? Omo*, so we've been disturbing you? Mianhe*!" Daesung quickly apologized. "Yah dongsaeng! Why did you decide to bring me here and disturb Yun Ae-shi's rest day?" Daesung scolded the poor Seungri, who was obviously startled by Daesung's outburst.


 Seeing Seungri's expression, Yun Ae wanted to laugh but held it back. Patting his back like comforting a child, she said with a smile, "Aniyo, don't worry about it, Daesung-shi! I didn't have any plans for today anyway."


 Hearing this, Seungri's ears perked up. "Really, Yun Ae? Let's go out and have fun then!" he cheered, putting up a fist in the air.


 Daesung eyed Seungri warily. Knowing the boy had the craziest ideas when it came to 'fun', he asked testily, "And what ideas do you have then, Seungri?"


 Seungri pondered for a moment. Then he brightened out. "Hey, I've got a great idea! Let's go clubbing!" he said excitedly.




 "What? It's not a great idea?" Seungri asked with a pout. Aisht, Daesung is SUCH a mood killer when it comes to fun things like this, he thought.


 "Yun Ae-shi, what do you think?" Daesung turned to Yun Ae and asked.


 "Well, I don't usually go clubbing, but since I don't have any plans today and it's not everyday I get to have two celebrities in my cafe," Yun Ae said with a laugh, "I think I'll go with you guys."


 "YEAH!!" Seungri shouted, jumping around in the cafe. Both Daesung and Yun Ae laughed at Seungri's random bout of childishness.


 "Seungri, calm down!" Yun Ae said when Seungri began knocking into the tables and chairs in the cafe. "I think you two should get out of the cafe before something gets damaged here!" she mock-scolded.


 "Yes ma'am!" Seungri saluted Yun Ae before getting pulled out by Daesung.


 The trio headed over to Yun Ae's apartment in Jiyong's Bentley to let her change into 'clubbing clothes', as what Seungri put it. The two sat on the couch in the living room apartment. While waiting for Yun Ae to get ready, Seungri turned to Daesung and said, "Well hyung, you still haven't answered my question. Is Yun Ae better than Chloe?"


 Daesung sighed. He didn't know how to compare the two of them because they had such different personalities, but even if he could he didn't want to compare them. "Seungri-ah, it really isn't possible to compare them. Like I said, they're really two different people."


 The persistent Seungri refused to let go of the subject even though he could hear the just-drop-it-already tone in his hyung's voice. "You might think so, but I think Yun Ae's a thousand times better than Chloe. And before you say anything," he quickly said seeing Daesung opening his mouth to protest, "I know women. I know how they feel and think. And I think, no, I know that Yun Ae's better than Chloe. Just you wait and see, hyung, just you wait and see."


Daesung sighed again. He couldn't dispute the fact that Seungri did know women. But deep down in his heart, Daesung knew that no matter what, he still loved Chloe. Even if she was ugly or had gnarly hands or was dishonest, even if she were to break his heart a thousand, a million times, he still loved her. That was how much Daesung loved Chloe. And he didn't know if any other girl, let alone Yun Ae, will ever be able to take her place in his heart.


Stop thinking about Chloe already, Daesung! his mind scolded. She's already left you. You should treasure what, or rather who's in front of you...


Just then, Yun Ae stepped out of her room and into the boys' line of vision. "How do I look?" she asked shyly, her head bowed.


Seungri's jaw dropped. "Damn Yun Ae, I never knew you looked so hot!"


Yun Ae gave a small embarrassed chuckle, but she secretly was pleased by what Seungri said. For Seungri the womanizer to say that was a big compliment. Daesung, on the other hand, smacked Seungri. The loudness of the skin contact revealed how hard Seungri had gotten hit.


"Ow, hyung! Why did you hit me?!" whined Seungri, clutching his head and lightly massaging the area where Daesung had hit him. Yun Ae bit on the insides of to stop herself from laughing. The scene was just too funny even though she should be comforting Seungri.


Daesung glared at his dongsaeng. "Your language, Seungri! How can you be so vulgar in front of Yun Ae?"


Truthfully, Daesung was more embarrassed than anything with the tactless comment that Seungri let out. And maybe a small part of him wanted to be the first to compliment Yun Ae on her looks...


Yun Ae was dressed in a short red dress that was just slightly below midthigh, so she didn't look ty but instead y. The dress showed off her womanly curves. She wasn't too thin nor too fat, too flat nor too curvy; she just had a thin layer of fat on her body but which just complemented her curves and made her look y. The dress also elongated her beautiful legs, and Daesung marvelled at the creamy paleness of her skin. Her dark brown hair were in waves that accentuated her features. She had on light makeup with a thin layer of mascara, making her eyes look bigger, some blush and red lipstick that made her lips look plump. Daesung had to fight the sudden urge to kiss her, to know what she tasted like. What the heck? thought Daesung. (A/N: Imagine Yun Ae in this dress if you cannot visualise her dress or if you want to see the image: http://www.hotbeautyhealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/12/forever-21-satin-red-dress.jpg


Meanwhile, Yun Ae shifted under Daesung's scrutiny. She was used to guys checking her out once in a while, but this... This was different. She could feel the intensity of Daesung's gaze. When she lifted her head, having memorized the pattern of the flooring while trying to avoid the guys' stares, their eyes met. Yun Ae gasped softly when she saw what was in Daesung's eyes: desire... And lust?


Yun Ae could feel herself getting warmer under his gaze. Her cheeks flushed pink again, and deeper in colour still when Daesung stared at her lips with longing. She suddenly wanted to get closer to Daesung, to reach out and pull his lips to hers. She wanted to kiss him.


Aish! How can you be thinking such thoughts when you two just met each other today?! Yun Ae scolded herself. But it was undeniable that Daesung looked effortlessly  good in his shirt and jeans. Aish... (A/N: Always thought Dae was a casual type of guy, so I chose this outfit: http://www.asianbite.com/photos/dae-sung/dae-sung-images_17102.jpg)


"Whatever... It's not like she cares about what I said anyway..." Seungri muttered, snapping the two out of their thoughts. Yun Ae blushed again at the fantasy of her and Daesung kissing moments ago.


"Anyway, are we ready to go? I don't wanna wait any more~" whined Seungri again.


Yun Ae laughed at Seungri's impatience. "Yes, we're ready to go," she said and smiled.


The two guys leapt off the couch. "Then let's go!" Seungri exclaimed and pushed the two out of the apartment.


On the way there, Seungri started singing at the top of his voice. “But you know that I love you girl girl girl~” he sang.


"Seungri, shut up! Or I'll throw you out now!" said an exasperated Daesung. Seungri was annoying him so much he could barely concentrate on driving.


Seungri closed his mouth mid-song and pouted. "You're just jealous you can't sing as well as me. Mehrong*!" he said and stuck out his tongue.


Yun Ae laughed while Daesung scoffed. "Please. I'm a much better singer than you are."


Seungri protested, "No way! I'm better! Right Yun Ae?"


Playing along with their antics, Yun Ae pretended to ponder. "Hmm, I don't know..." she said slowly. "I thought Daesung-shi is a better singer."


"Hey!" Seungri exclaimed. "You were supposed to agree that I'm a better singer than this guy here!"


" 'This guy here?' So I don't have a name anymore?" Daesung raised an eyebrow


"Uh... Sorry Daesung hyung," Seungri said sheepishly. Ah jeez, hyung looks rather serious! I hope I haven't got into much trouble, he thought. Gulp.


Daesung started laughing at Seungri's nervous expression. "Chill, Seungri! I was only kidding!" he exclaimed and continued laughing some more.


"Yah hyung! How can you tease me like that! Now I cannot face Yun Ae without feeling embarrassed! Aish!" Seungri said and turned away from Daesung.


Of course, Daesung and Yun Ae laughed at Seungri’s immaturity. Yun Ae reached over and ruffled Seungri’s hair affectionately. “Don’t worry oppa, you’re still a really good singer!” she said and smiled.


Seungri yelped and smoothed his hair back, then turned and gave Yun Ae a smile. “Thank you, Yun Ae. I really appreciate it!"


Soon after, they reached the club. Daesung parked the car a little down the street, then he and Seungri pulled out big sunglasses that covered half their faces. Before Seungri put on his sunglasses, he caught Daesung’s eye in the rear view mirror, nodded towards Yun Ae’s direction and winked surreptitiously. Daesung gave a barely perceptible nod back.


Jogging around to the other side, Daesung opened Yun Ae’s car door before she could do so. Yun Ae was pleasantly surprised and giggled girlishly. “Ah, Daesung-shi kamsahamida!” Tried as she might, Yun Ae couldn’t help but gush a little at Daesung’s gentlemanly ways.


Daesung smiled widely, giving Yun Ae his trademark killer smile that made Yun Ae’s heartbeats speed up. “The pleasure’s all mine, Yun Ae-shi, to open the car door for such a beautiful lady,” he said which made Yun Ae blush.


Aisht, you two stop flirting already!” Seungri teased. Yun Ae was as red as a tomato then while Daesung smacked Seungri’s head again.


Let’s just go into the club already,” Daesung said and rolled his eyes, secretly embarrassed for being caught while flirting, and by his dongsaeng no less.


The trio walked up to the entrance of the club, titled VIP, ignoring the looks and whispers of the people queuing outside the club for entrance. Daesung stood with Yun Ae, an awkward silence between them while Seungri talked to the bouncers.


Yun Ae-shi, ignore Seungri. He’s just being a pabo,” Daesung said to Yun Ae.


Yun Ae gave a reassuring smile. “Don’t worry about it, Daesung-shi! I’m used to Seungri’s teasing already anyway.”


Just then, Seungri gave them a grin and motioned for them to enter. The looks and grumbles became angry protests as they walked into the club. The last thing Yun Ae heard before the loud club music drowned out everything else was, “Are they celebrities? Why else would they be wearing sunglasses at the time of night and get into the club so easily?”


Yun Ae gulped. It would be troublesome if other people realised who Daesung and Seungri were. She pulled on Daesung’s sleeve to get his attention.


Daesung turned to Yun Ae with a concerned look. “What is it, Yun Ae-shi? Do you feel unwell?” he asked, or rather shouted over the loud music.


Yun Ae shook her head no and said, “I think we are too conspicuous! There were people who suspected you two are celebrities!”


What?” Daesung shouted back. He couldn’t hear Yun Ae over the music. He leaned closer to Yun Ae in order to hear her better.


Yun Ae, of course, blushed at their closeness. Daesung’s ear was mere centimetres from her lips. If she just ‘accidentally’ leaned forward, she would be kissing his ear. And she wasn’t even horrified at herself for having such thoughts. Even his ear looks so nice... Yun Ae thought. Thank goodness the club is dark enough to hide my blush and loud enough to hide my thoughts. She raised her voice and repeated what she said just now.


Much to Yun Ae’s surprise, Daesung whipped off his sunglasses and smiled. “Don’t worry Yun Ae-shi! They won’t recognize us, they never do!” he shouted. True enough, the club was so noisy nobody even heard Daesung. Everyone just continued doing whatever it was they were doing.


Yun Ae breathed a sigh of relief. Daesung grinned and shouted, “Don’t worry so much! Let’s just have fun tonight, arasso*?”


Arraso*!” Yun Ae agreed happily.


Daesung took Yun Ae’s hand and weaved through the crowd of gyrating bodies. Yun Ae blushed, but Daesung didn’t notice it. He led her to the bar on the other side of the club, where it was quieter and they didn’t need to shout to hear each other. They took up seats facing the bar and Daesung asked Yun Ae what she wanted.


Yun Ae pondered for a while. “An apple martini, please,” she called to the bartender. Daesung ordered an Angel’s Kiss.


Do you drink a lot, Daesung-shi?” Yun Ae asked curiously.


I don’t like drinking, I just can hold my liquor well. The real drinker is Seungri actually. Trust me, you don’t want to see what he’s like when he’s drunk,” Daesung replied and laughed.


Yun Ae nodded. Seungri was already a handful while sober. She could just imagine the trouble Daesung took in order to get a drunk Seungri home. “Speaking of which, where’s Seungri?” she asked while looking around.


Daesung pointed at the people dancing. In the middle was Seungri with 4 girls dancing around him. “I see Seungri has begun attracting the ladies with his dancing skills,” Yun Ae chuckled.


Well, Seungri the womanizer would never give up such a fine opportunity to impress the female population!” They shook their heads and shared a laugh.


The bartender returned with their drinks. “An apple martini for the lady and an Angel’s Kiss for the gentleman,” said the bartender as he slid their drinks to them. “Pardon me, but you two make a really good-looking couple,” remarked the bartender.


We’re not dating,” Daesung and Yun Ae said simultaneously. They caught each other’s eye and laughed again.


Amused, the bartender said, “That may be true, but you two definitely have chemistry. I’m pretty sure something will happen between you. And trust me, I’m rarely wrong.”


Yun Ae gave the bartender a smile. “Well, it remains to be seen!” she said. “Anyway, I think your hairstyle’s pretty cool,” nodding towards his mohawk-styled hair.


That’s what all the pretty ladies say,” said the bartender. He gave Yun Ae an eye-smile that would probably send any other girl swooning... But Yun Ae happened to be with Daesung, whose smile can certainly rival the bartender’s eye-smile.


Still, a girl would be flattered when she gets a compliment. “Thank you!” Yun Ae said happily.


The bartender gave Yun Ae another smile and walked over to Daesung. Daesung struggled to maintain a nonchalant face, hiding his balled fists under the table. He was irked at seeing the bartender, who, he had to admit, was a pretty good-looking one, flirting with Yun Ae. Still, there was nothing he could do to stop it. The bartender beckoned Daesung closer. Puzzled, Daesung leaned forward. “If you like her, better make a move soon. A girl as pretty as her will definitely get the attention of some guys here. Don’t say I didn’t warn you, Mr Kang,” the bartender said with a wink before going away to serve other customers.


For a moment, Daesung just sat there with his mouth open in shock. Getting dating advice from bartenders, especially those who knew who you were, was definitely something that did NOT happen everyday. Needless to say, Daesung didn’t expect this to happen. Truth be told, the bartender did have a point. Yun Ae really was pretty and her outfit emphasized it too. Daesung leaned closer to Yun Ae while casting surreptitious glances around the club.


Yun Ae turned to Daesung, trying to hide the blush she had at finding their faces being close to each other. “What did the bartender said to you, Daesung-shi?”


Ah, nothing much. He just wanted to get your phone number from you,” Daesung lied.


Yun Ae’s eyes widened in surprise. “Really? I’m flattered,” she said and smiled.


Sh*t! Daesung thought. What the heck did I just say?? Argh, I’m such a pabo!


Wanting to distract Yun Ae from what he just said, and hopefully make her forget it, Daesung asked, “Yun Ae-shi, why do you always call me Daesung-shi? You always called Seungri oppa,” forgetting that he was the one who asked her to call him Daesung-shi.


Eh?” Yun Ae said, blinking at the sudden question. She too forgot that Daesung asked her to call him Daesung-shi. “Erm... I don’t know too! I mean... I knew Seungri oppa for quite some time so I guess we’re close enough for me to call him oppa?” she rambled.


Oh...” Daesung said. Yun Ae watched him as he bit his lip, looking as thought he was deciding about something. Aigoo, he looks so cute when he bites his lip! Yun Ae gushed in her thoughts.


Then...” Daesung’s voice brought Yun Ae back to reality. “Will you... I mean, can you call me oppa too?” Daesung asked with a hopeful expression.

A/N: I'm pretty sure you all know who that bartender is... laugh


Sorry for being one day late in updating TINOY! (You guys will know what I'm talking about if you all stalk my AFF profile.) I hope I'm not killed for this!


Well... This chapter's pretty different from the previous few chapters right? It marks another point in the story... And it's my longest chapter yet. :D Hope you all enjoyed reading!


I've done so much research for this chapter I feel so proud of myself. XD I don't drink so I had to research on the alcoholic drinks I mentioned... And of course the perfect outfits for our main leads. :)


I don't know when my next update will be. I have 2 national exams and a physical test coming up so I'll be pretty busy again. I'm also going to FINALLY make a banner (I mean getting someone to make one) for this story... So yeah. And just so you know, the next chapter will be the last. :(


There won't be a teaser for the next chapter. I've barely written anything for it. Sorry guys!


And I'm not actually sure if Dae can raise an eyebrow but I think it'll be cool laugh


*Korean vocabulary for those who can't understand the terms I used in this chapter:

- Omo: something like oh my god in Korean.

- Mianhe: sorry. Mehrong: a Korean way of saying you're sticking your tongue out. Think of it as spelling out ':P' and you'll get it.

- Arasso: In Dae’s context, it means “Do you understand?” In Yun Ae’s context, it means “Yes, I understand.” I researched on arasso so if I got it wrong, it’s the website’s fault!

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fareencheolyong #1
Ill give it a try:)
AahFeeKiee #2
Oh, and I came for the Music Wave and MAMA too, since I live in Singapore. I also went to Super Show 3 and SHINee concert. I missed SNSD's concert and 2PM's concert but I guess it was a great year still. <br />
<br />
Oh and here is the fanfic. Do read it, yeah? I'm done with first 2 chapters. I've finished the core themes of up to chapter 17. Now writing chapter 3 :)
AahFeeKiee #3
Love your story! Can't wait for more. I have my own with Jonghyun it in. Daesung and Seungri will come later.
Starlightshine #4
@decembermouse: Aww thanks!! :DD yeah I did... Wish Daesung was there though, it eould've been even more fun...
Nice story!<br />
=)<br />
Omg you went to the concert.. X_X
Starlightshine #6
@leahtaeyang: Replied you on your wall. :) And thanks for the ultra-long comment! I love ultra-long comments :D
*hands up* so happy this isn't the last chapter^^ i really loved this one it was so cute and sweet I can't wait for more!This really made me wish I had a bf like Daesungie<3 I hope you did well on the exams and I'm quite jealous that you went to the Korean Music Wave without me haha but glad you had fun :_) And yes I love the new album , Lonely, Ugly and Hate You are my favorite.<br />
update soon~
Starlightshine #8
@AyumiLikesSHINee: Hello! ^^ I love it when I get new subscribers :D thanks so much! ^^
Hi new reader here.I really like this story.Update soon.:)
yay new update...i enjoyed this chapter but sad to know that the next update will be the last:( i wonder if that bartender is taeyang hahaha, my eyes lit up when i read that part kekeke~<br />
anyway thanks for the update and good luck on your exams:)