The World Needs More Fan-boys

Around the World in 80 Days with Super Junior

credits to st★rdivarius graphic shop & vincentia_alvina for the awesome poster.

“I’m Clancy.” The tall muscular youth stared wide-eyed at Super Junior, clearly in awe. He was wearing a bright blue sapphire blue T-shirt, the material clearly straining over well-defined muscles.

He was buff.

Really buff.

Like, really, really, really buff.

Wash-board abs, chiselled torso, perfectly sculptured arms, the whole she-bang.

Henry absently wondered if Clancy had just walked off the music video set of Call Me Maybe. The Canadian maknae mouthed the lyrics silently to himself.

Your stare was holdin’,

Ripped jeans, skin was showin’

Hot night, wind was blowin’

Where you think you’re going, baby?


Henry flinched violently, amazed.

 Clancy’s image matched the song perfectly.

From the ripped up scruffy jeans, to the tanned skin, to the blond wind-swept hair, and even to the strong gaze that pinned the Super Junior members to the spot, Clancy was the epitome of the hot guy next door.

The really really hot and buff guy next door.


Wait, was Clancy more muscular than Siwon? Henry started, and snuck a quick look at Super Junior’s visual, who was standing amongst the piles of luggage.

Siwon had an absolutely neutral expression on his face. Henry couldn’t quite deduce what he was thinking.

Leeteuk, on the other hand...looked nervous.

A nervous tic was starting to develop under his right eye, as his brain went into overdrive. Leeteuk silently prayed that he was not Clancy’s bias. As much as he would not mind gaining another personal fan, it was going to be rather...odd, having a guy looking at him adoringly.

He didn’t mind having enraptured teenaged girls and noonas fluttering about him, squealing his name; it was quite nice, really.

But a male fan...Leeteuk flinched, as memory of the Bathhouse Incident suddenly flashed into his mind. Unconsciously, he started inching away from Clancy, moving behind Kangin, hoping that the larger member could hide him from Clancy’s piercing blue-eyed gaze.

Please, please, please...

“And I’m a HUGE fan of you guys.” Clancy suddenly turned his head to Leeteuk’s direction, a big grin on his face. The Angelic Leader froze, wide-eyed.

“You know, in case you couldn’t tell with the shirt...”Clancy gestured to his chest, where the words EverLasting Friends was emblazoned in blinding white letters.

“No, no, we could tell right from the start, thank you.” Henry murmured under his breath, eyeing Clancy’s outfit clothes.

Aside from the bright blue sapphire T-shirt, Clancy was also wearing various other merchandise. An SJ endorsed base-ball cap, a stack of I <3 SJ wristbands, and a sapphire blue bandanna was draped about his shoulders, clearly displaying his loyalty to the Super Junior fandom.

 “Well, it’s always great to meet an ELF!” Kangin replied heartily, clapping Clancy on the shoulder, completely oblivious to the nervous twitching of the other members.

“And your sister?” Kangin inquired, turning to the silent black-haired girl beside Clancy.

“I’m Tina.” She replied shortly. Clearly, Tina was not as bothered about meeting Super Junior as much as Clancy was.

From the corner of his eye, scrutinizing her, Leeteuk had to admit that she was kinda cute, despite her intense goth-rocker-punk look, multiple piercings, and spiky head of hair.

“So, are you an ELF too?” Sungmin broke into the conversation, looking at Tina interestedly.

“...No. I think Clancy more than makes up for me.” Tina answered, shooting her blond brother a knowing look. She held a mischievous look in her eyes.

“Ask him who his bias is,” Tina nudged Clancy forward with her shoulder. “He makes endless lists of y’all’s pros and cons.” She shook her head in wonder. “Last week, he gave me a complete analysis of each member’s profiles, from debut till now.” Tina smiled wryly.

“Hey, it’s hard to make up my mind, all right?” Clancy protested. “Sungmin totally ruined my bias list during Break Down era.” He turned to Sungmin’s direction. “Your hair looked really good there, by the way.” He flashed a thumb up to Sungmin, who was slowly turning pink with pleasure.

Sungmin was not as averse to fan-boys, as compared to Leeteuk.

 “Really?” Sungmin reached up and patted his hair self-consciously, obviously delighted by the compliment. “And you said that I looked like a girl!” The Aegyo Prince looked at Kyuhyun accusingly.

“What-” Kyuhyun choked on his own spit. “I never said that! You-”

“But I’m sorry, Sungmin,” Clancy interrupted Kyuhyun. “You’re currently number three on my bias list.” Clancy looked apologetic.

 “Then who’s number one?” Kangin asked, interested. All the members perked up, eager to hear. Leeteuk silently prayed harder, and unconsciously crossed his fingers.

Please, please, please...

“RYEOWOOK!” the small lead vocalist gave a small ‘eep’ of surprise, as Clancy suddenly turned and stepped towards him.

Now that they were almost face-to-face, Clancy towered over Ryeowook.

A six foot three-inch blond Adonis standing over a 173cm tall Korean idol made an...interesting picture.  (Not to mention, the Korean idol was currently quivering looking uncomfortable, under the blonde’s intense scrutiny.)

Ryeowook took a nervous step backwards,

“You. Are. Awesome.’ Clancy stared at Ryeowook, an expression of abject adoration on his face. 

“” the small vocalist squeaked, looking absolutely flummoxed by the sudden attention thrown in his direction. Ryeowook threw a desperate look at the other members, silently pleading for help.

(Yesung merely stared at him, blank-faced, and continued filming with the camcorder. It was clear that the YeWook ship was about to go down in flames soon.)

“I became your fan right after I saw your solo in Super Show 2,” Clancy explained, taking another step towards Ryeowook, oblivious to the fact that the smaller male was slowly inching away.

“You mean Wookie’s solo cover on Insomnia?” Leeteuk asked. The Angelic Leader felt something nagging in his mind.

Super Show 2...

That was a long time ago.

Wookie’s performance was something...different, wasn’t it?

It was Ryeowook’s first...

“Yeah! That was your first y solo!” Clancy half-shrieked, and pounced on Ryeowook.

He took him down.


A/N: Technically speaking, Yesung would be coming back in 310 days, 4 hours, and 10 minutes. So, I should actually be posting up this update next year, April.

But heck. I’m having Yesung feels right now.

But seriously, though.

 Some of you might be wondering why I didn’t update for such a long time, and no, I did not change over to the EXO fandom. Despite my sudden numerous EXO-B.A.P. fics.

A couple reasons why I didn’t update:

  1. I was seriously waiting for Yesung to come back from the army, just so I could troll you guys. (Clearly, I’ve been reading too many Kyuhyun bias fan-fics)
  2. I had big exams, for both school, and music. I was too exhausted to type on weekends. But hey, I have six months of break now!
  3. My writing wasn’t good enough.

I’m serious. If you compare this chapter with the earlier first three chapters, the first 3 chapters just seem so...bad. I felt that I could do so much more with my planned storyline, so I just stopped.  I didn’t want to write out a story with half-baked descriptions and lousy humour.  

So, during my year of disappearance from this fic, I went off to practice my writing skills with EXO-B.A.P.: Ghost-Busters Edition. (I completed it, by the way.)

Now, I suppose you could say that I’m somewhat satisfied with my writing skills. At least, I’m satisfied with this latest chapter. 

Explainations for this chapter:

Leeteuk's Bathhouse Incident  is reference to the time when Teukie went to a bathhouse, and was confronted by a tough tattoed middle-aged fanboy, who insisted that he did the dance for Sorry Sorry, while still clad in a towel. Leeteuk was somewhat traumatized by that incident. I believe he talked about it on Strong Heart?

I guess that’s about it? Oh, and do check out my other fics below , especially EXO: The Video Game, since it's starring Super Junior as the main guests.

I hope you guys will continue to comment, subscribe, and upvote! And vote on the poll below too!

And... SHOUT-OUT THANKS to all my awesome commenters who commented on every chapter I posted up, despite the incredibly slow updates. You guys make my day.  Each time I felt like giving up on the drafts, I’d re-read y’all’s comments to motivate myself. (Special shout-out to Evelyn029, I used your comment for the chapter title.)

Thank you, guys. 

iLuvYesung, signing out. 



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GwagHyeYu #1
Chapter 4: Clancy.
You named the first Super Junior fanboy in AFF who isn't in a slash theme Clancy. You named the first fanboy of Suju in your HISTORY of fanfics.... Clancy.
Sighs. Okay. I guess dass legit.
Though, lol, I can totally visualize him, with him walkin out of the set of Call Me Maybe and slippin into blue Suju merchandise. And yesssss... ryeowook deserves more... fanboys... resulting from his... y... solo.

I fear for his life.
Here i am tellin u smtg u already know.
You're evil. Lol ah luv it u shall make an awesome suju manager. bwahaahahah *allhailtwistedscandals
Great update btw, ajjumma. :))
TaiShanNiangNiang #2
Chapter 4: How do you stop a charging bull?
Take away his credit card! ;)
So glad that you came back 310 days early for an update - I've missed this!
I find both your older and newer styles of writing entertaining/funny, but I can tell you are working hard trying new things and improving. Keep it up!
Had to chuckle, it was a Ryeowook fanboy who told me first about SJ >< (Though he isn't an overly enthusiastic corn-fed Texan)
Did you see Yesung's recent instagram about philtrums? I MISS HIM!!!
Yes thank you omg every one of ur chapters are worth reading again after an update. I'm literally dying while reading these. Good job on improving ur writing skill! :p
Chapter 4: yay, update, I love this fic
Chapter 4: Your writing style is okay as it is. Though it's a pretty good improvement^^

I almost jumped up and squealed when the updated noti popped up beside this fic LOL I even wondered when I started subscribing to this story xD It's been a while...WELCOME BACK!You made it out alive /shot/
jinxkey #6
Chapter 3: update soon... ^^
jibraillajane #7
Chapter 3: u know what ... the world needs more fanboys ...
and I love fanboys ~~~
Chapter 3: Ahaha lol xD I dun wanna miss this

Hibernate for 2 years n 4 months?U'll hit the World Record thingy x)
Chapter 3: *hugs* for Yesung. :) We'll be here waiting with you. I hope he's as visible as Teuk even when enlisted...

Now, this chapter.

I cannot get over Sungmin and the plushie bunny!!! I can see it in my head - IT'S SOOO CUTE!!! aaaaggghhhhh!!!

I would like to offer my condolences to the members w/in reach of Hyuk's feet. Or armpits.


*throws inspiration at u so you'll update again soon*
TaiShanNiangNiang #10
Chapter 3: Aw, don't hibernate for two years! You've got a fun fan fic to write ;) Love the banter in this chapter, the selca king (of course) and the fanboy - hahaha!
Have to admit, I'm going to spend today pouting, sad, mopey, and sighing. WAH!